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11, 2021




Chronic Kidney Disease and

Cardiovascular Disease:
A Personalized Approach
JACC Review Topic of the Week

Ashton C. Lai, MD, PHD,a,* Solomon W. Bienstock, MD,a,* Raman Sharma, MD,a Karl Skorecki, MD,b
Frans Beerkens, MD,a Rajeev Samtani, MD,a Andrew Coyle, MD,a Tonia Kim, MD,a Usman Baber, MD, MS,a
Anton Camaj, MD, MS,a David Power, MD,a Valentin Fuster, MD, PHD,a,c Martin E. Goldman, MDa


Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The
initiation of dialysis for treatment of ESRD exacerbates chronic electrolyte and hemodynamic perturbations. Rapid
large shifts in effective intravascular volume and electrolyte concentrations ultimately lead to subendocardial
ischemia, increased left ventricular wall mass, and diastolic dysfunction, and can precipitate serious arrhythmias
through a complex pathophysiological process. These factors, unique to advanced kidney disease and its treatment,
increase the overall incidence of acute coronary syndrome and sudden cardiac death. To date, risk prediction
models largely fail to incorporate the observed cardiovascular mortality in the CKD population; however,
multimodality imaging may provide an additional prognostication and risk stratification. This comprehensive review
discusses the cardiovascular risks associated with hemodialysis, and explores the pathophysiology and the novel
utilization of multimodality imaging in CKD to promote a personalized approach for these patients with
implications for future research. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2021;77:1470–9) © 2021 by the American College of
Cardiology Foundation.

C hronic kidney disease (CKD) has a myriad of

direct negative effects on the cardiovascular
system (1–3). The progression to hemodialy-
sis (HD) generates major intravascular shifts in volume
becoming the most common cause of death among
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients (4). In this re-
view, we summarize the evidence linking CKD and car-
diovascular disease (CVD) with a particular emphasis
and electrolytes. This leads to HD-related cardiovas- on the impact of HD on CVD. We review the epidemi-
cular injuries that include intradialytic hypotension ology, pathophysiology, and challenges in care of car-
(IDH) and myocardial stunning, which place patients diac disease in ESRD patients. Furthermore, we
at risk for acute ischemic syndromes, arrhythmias, discuss the role of imaging in risk stratification and
and sudden cardiac death (SCD) (Figure 1). As CKD pro- propose a novel algorithm to minimize CVD risk in pa-
gresses, cardiovascular mortality rises, eventually tients progressing from CKD to ESRD.

Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by
Editor-in-Chief From the aIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, New York, USA; bAzrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan
Dr. Valentin Fuster on University, Safed, Israel; and the cCentro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Spain. *Drs. Lai and Bienstock contributed equally to this work. George Bakris, MD, served as Guest Associate Editor for this paper. Christie Ballantyne,
MD, served as Guest Editor-in-Chief for this paper.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received October 19, 2020; revised manuscript received December 30, 2020, accepted January 4, 2021.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Lai et al. 1471
MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9 CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach

EPIDEMIOLOGY AND SCOPE OF data notes that 40% of ESRD deaths are due ABBREVIATIONS

THE PROBLEM to SCD, followed by acute myocardial infarc- AND ACRONYMS

tion at 18% (4). Paradoxically, HD, the stan-

CACS = coronary artery
The increase in cardiovascular risk that accompanies dard life-sustaining therapeutic intervention calcium scoring
CKD has been demonstrated in many retrospective for patients with ESRD, may accelerate car-
CMR = cardiac magnetic
studies, and it is recognized as an independent risk diovascular complications. All-cause mortal- resonance
factor for CVD (5,6). The prevalence of CVD among ity among patients over age 65 years peaks at CTA = coronary computed
patients older than age 65 years who have CKD in the 615 deaths per 1,000 patient-years within tomography angiography

United States is 64.5%, compared with only 32.4% 2 months of initiating HD, and decreases CVD = cardiovascular disease

among those without CKD (4). Mortality rates also substantially by 12 months to 278 deaths per IDH = intradialytic hypotension
increase with each progressive stage of CKD, and 1,000 patient-years (4) (Figure 2B). Much of RRT = renal replacement
dramatically increase when glomerular filtration rate this CVD risk arises from the direct physio- therapy

(GFR) drops below 45 ml/min. After adjusting for age, logical effects of HD on the cardiac myocar- SCD = sudden cardiac death

sex, and race, death rates for CKD stage I to II were 79 dium, in addition to inadequate control of SPECT = single-photon
per 1,000 patient-years and increased to 170 deaths volume overload and insufficient dialytic emission tomography

per 1,000 patient-years for CKD stage IV to V (4) clearance of uremic molecules (7,8).
(Figure 2A). As the leading cause of death in ESRD, the
prevalence of CVD among ESRD patients age 22 to 44 PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF
years is approximately 50% and increases substan- HEMODIALYSIS ON THE
tially among ESRD patients over age 65 years to above CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
75% (4).
Notably, nonatherosclerotic events, such as SCD or Elevation of cardiovascular risk begins when GFR
arrhythmias, are more common in patients with ESRD drops below 60 ml/min and dramatically increases at
than atherosclerotic events, such as acute myocardial GFR <45 ml/min (9–11). Cardiac risk is especially sig-
infarction or stroke. The 2018 U.S. Renal Data System nificant upon initiating HD. In patients with

F I G U R E 1 Associations Between CKD and CVD

Venous pressure monitor

Air trap and air detector
Saline Clean blood

Fresh dialysate
Progressive Used dialysate



Blood pump
Heparin pump Arterial Removed
(to prevent clotting) pressure blood
monitor for cleaning

Myocardial fibrosis
Volume Overload IDH Arrhythmias
Progressive LVH Subendocardial Ischemia Sudden Cardiac

Increased CVD Mortality

Progressive GFR Decline

With progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD), there is progressive volume overload leading to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). With initiation of dialysis and
progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), there is an increased risk of intradialytic hypotension (IDH) leading to subendocardial ischemia in a predisposing
hypertrophic myocardium. Finally, with thrice weekly dialysis, there is higher risk of sudden cardiac death secondary to arrhythmias likely due to myocardial fibrosis.
Thus, there is increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality with progressive glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline.
1472 Lai et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9

F I G U R E 2 Mortality Trends Stratified by CKD Stage and Treatment Modality

A All-Cause Mortality Rates


Deaths per 1,000 Patient-Years at Risk





No CKD All CKD Stages Stage Stages Stage
1-2 3 4-5 unk/unspc
CKD Status and Stages
Unadjusted Adjusted

B Adjusted Mortality by Treatment Modality

Deaths per 1,000 Patient-Years




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Months after Dialysis Initiation

(A) Unadjusted and adjusted mortality (per 1,000 patient-years at risk) for Medicare patients age 66 years and older by chronic kidney disease
(CKD) status and stage, 2018. (B) Adjusted mortality (deaths/1,000 patient-years) by treatment modality and number of months after
treatment initiation among end-stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD), 2015. Data from
special analyses, U.S. Renal Data System ESRD Data Base (4). unk/unspc ¼ unknown/unspecified.
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Lai et al. 1473
MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9 CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach

progressive CKD, renal replacement therapy (RRT) is been observed (15). Even in patients with normal
often required for clearance of blood and volume angiographic coronary circulation, myocardial stun-
control. As the most common form of RRT in the United ning from episodes of IDH is a proposed mechanism
States, conventional HD takes place over 3 to 4 h, 3 of heart failure resulting from HD (15,29). Repeated
times per week, and results in dramatic fluctuations in episodes of hypoperfusion with reductions in
systolic pressure, intravascular volume status, and myocardial blood flow, rapid volume replacement,
electrolytes homeostasis immediately before, during, and elevated LV diastolic pressure due to thrice
and for hours after each HD session (12–15). These weekly HD are the likely mechanisms by which
dramatic fluctuations in physiology, in turn, produce microvascular ischemia and myocardial remodeling
significant injury to the cardiac myocardium via occur, eventually leading to chronic LV dysfunction
intradialytic hypotension, myocardial stunning, and and arrhythmias (30,31).
electrolyte imbalances. HD-INDUCED ARRHYTHMIAS. In addition to compli-
INTRADIALYTIC HYPOTENSION. IDH, defined as a cations due to IDH, HD may also overcorrect electro-
decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) by $20 mm lyte imbalances. Electrolyte imbalances associated
Hg or a decrease in mean arterial pressure by 10 mm with missed HD, intradialysis electrolyte fluctuations,
Hg, is a frequent complication seen in up to 30% of all and increased ultrafiltration rates may independently
HD treatments (16,17). IDH increases as ultrafiltration contribute to higher mortality and increased ar-
volume and rates increase, leading to dialysis- rhythmias (32–34). Based on U.S. Renal Data System
induced myocardial injury and regional wall motion data, cardiac arrest and fatal arrhythmias account for
abnormalities as demonstrated on transthoracic 37% of all deaths in the ESRD population (4). Studies
echocardiography (TTE) (18). Pressure and volume have shown that the prevalence of SCD is commen-
overload contribute significantly in the pathogenesis surate with decreases in GFR (35–37). Reviewing data
of hypertension among HD patients and ineffective collected from 24-h Holter ambulatory monitors, the
dry-weight reduction has been of concern in the left ventricular (LV) mass index was the strongest
development of myocardial remodeling and left predictor of ventricular arrhythmia, seen in 35% of
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (19,20). Those with patients (38). Another retrospective study that
LVH, which is present in more than 70% of ESRD included HD patients with automated implantable
patients, are nearly 10-fold more likely to develop cardioverter-defibrillators (AICDs) showed that 79%
IDH than those with a normal LV mass (21,22). Inter- of cardiac arrests were a result of ventricular tachy-
estingly, ultrafiltration volumes and episodes of arrhythmia (39). Conversely, 2 recent studies
intradialytic SBP reductions were consistently lower observed that in HD patients with implantable loop
in those receiving home-based HD with sessions recorders (ILR), the most common cause of
longer than the typical 3- to 4-h clinic session, arrhythmic death was a progression from bradycardia
resulting in reductions in dialysis-induced regional to asystole (40). The discrepancy may be due to a
wall motion abnormalities (23,24). When HD patients selection bias: patients who had a history of ventric-
have prolonged interdialysis intervals (due to missed ular arrhythmias necessitated an AICD in the first
sessions or by virtue of the weekend gap on a thrice place; thus, interrogation of the devices will reveal a
weekly schedule), interdialysis weight gain and pul- higher prevalence of arrhythmias. On the other hand,
monary venous congestion are more pronounced (25). those HD patients presenting with syncope or palpi-
Thus, the ensuing HD session after a prolonged hiatus tations, necessitating an ILR, were more likely to
tends to require more ultrafiltration to remove the have a bradyarrhythmia. A pilot study with 30 pa-
accumulated fluid. As a result, patients are at a higher tients, the Cardio Renal Arrhythmia Study in Hemo-
risk of IDH, leading to increased risk of hospitaliza- dialysis Patients Using Implantable Loop Recorders,
tion and mortality (16,21,26). Additionally, the inci- found that, after >300,000 h of continuous ILR data,
dence of SCD is greater on Mondays and Tuesdays 33% of patients had significant arrhythmic events,
following the 2-day HD-free interval with subsequent including 2 SCDs and 3 pacemaker implantations for
longer interdialytic times than other days of the bradyarrhythmia (37). Silva et al. (41) found that
week (25,27,28). lengthening of the PR interval and QTc are the most
The effects of IDH on the myocardium have been reliable predictors of bradyarrhythmia. The etiology
observed in H215O positron emission studies by of bradyarrhythmias in SCD remains unknown;
measuring myocardial blood flow during HD; signifi- perhaps, the cyclic IDH, myocardial stunning, and
cant reductions in blood flow during “peak dialytic chronic inflammatory response may induce progres-
stress” consistent with myocardial ischemia have sive myocardial fibrosis involving the conduction
1474 Lai et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9

system. This diseased conduction system is then diastolic dysfunction detectable by TTE (12,13). LV
further stressed by the large electrolyte shifts. In systolic dysfunction has a prevalence ranging from
support of this hypothesis, IDH has been associated 15% to 28% in HD patients, with a steady increase in
with a 9-fold greater rate of developing intradialytic E/eʹ ratios on TTE as CKD stages progress (55).
arrhythmias; furthermore, even small declines in SBP Furthermore, the standard echocardiographic mea-
(0 to 20 mm Hg from pre-dialysis) were associated sure of diastolic dysfunction has been found to predict
with a 7-fold greater rate of arrhythmia (42,43). all-cause mortality in ESRD patients (56,57). While
ALTERNATIVE RENAL REPLACEMENT STRATEGIES. LVH increases myocardial oxygen demand, the
Given the concerns for wide fluctuations in fluid sta- increased LV end-diastolic pressure reduces the dia-
tus with 3 times weekly HD, nonconventional dial- stolic transmural gradient, potentially leading to
ysis, such as more frequent in-facility HD and nightly microvascular ischemia, especially for those patients
home HD, have been investigated as alternative reg- with pre-existing coronary artery disease (CAD).
imens. A randomized trial of 378 patients assigned to In the assessment of clinically significant
HD either 6 times per week or 3 times per week CAD, there are currently higher rates of testing in
demonstrated that those who received more frequent CKD patients compared with non-CKD patients (58).
HD had improved LV mass and hypertension control For patients with CKD, nonimaging stress electro-
(44). Other trials with either daily or nightly HD have cardiography tends to be limited, as many of these
reinforced these findings (45–49). Additionally, peri- patients have underlying electrocardiography abnor-
toneal dialysis (PD) provides a slow ultrafiltration malities given the prevalence of LVH, while stress
with potential benefits of gentler fluid shifts, echocardiography may be an alternative. Pharmaco-
although studies have seen excessive fluid overload logical single-photon emission tomography (SPECT)
with PD over HD (50). At this time, the survival and functional stress testing appears to be the most
physiological benefits of PD in comparison with HD common form of testing, with modest prognostica-
remains an active area of investigation (51). Despite tion value for overall mortality in patients with CKD
the benefits of more frequent dialysis with daily HD (58,59). In 1 meta-analysis, the diagnostic accuracy of
or nightly HD, patient selection, patient burden, and SPECT in potential renal transplant candidates was
economic costs become important considerations found to be 74% sensitive with a specificity of 70% for
(52). Identifying those who would most likely benefit CAD (60). A hybrid approach with the addition of
from nonconventional hemodialysis with multi- anatomic testing with coronary computed tomogra-
modality imaging may help allocate resources, reduce phy angiography (CTA) or CACS to SPECT testing does
patient burden, and improve patient outcomes. not improve overall diagnostic accuracy; however, a
sequential hybrid approach with coronary CTA per-
MULTIMODALITY IMAGING formed first followed by SPECT does seem to improve
the positive predictive value (61). A caveat to this
Given the significant baseline cardiovascular risk sequential approach is that coronary CTA may be
present in CKD and the heightened risk of initiation prohibitive in CKD given the contrast load. In a
and maintenance of dialysis, proper risk stratification separate study, the diagnostic use of coronary CTA
and prognostication is essential in managing patients and CACS has been established in patients undergo-
with CKD. Multimodality imaging studies including ing evaluation for renal transplant, with a sensitivity
echocardiography, stress testing, coronary artery and specificity for obstructive CAD as follows: coro-
calcium scoring (CACS), and cardiac magnetic reso- nary CTA, 93% and 63%; and CACS, 67% and 77% (61).
nance (CMR) imaging may identify HD patients at risk Studies using CTA have also demonstrated that HD
for complications during routine HD, warranting a increases myocardial blood flow heterogeneity,
more personalized approach to their RRT. manifested by reduced coronary blood flow, although
Through the combined consequences of long- the exact mechanism is unclear. This myocardial
standing hypertension, microvascular ischemia, and blood flow heterogeneity has been associated with
progressive diffuse atherosclerosis, the LV myocar- ventricular arrhythmias in hypertrophic cardiomy-
dium may develop diffuse intramyocardial fibrosis opathy via positron emission tomography (62). There
while coronary arteries may develop significant calci- has been some evidence that dialysate cooling ther-
fication (53,54). The result is a hypertrophied, non- apy may improve myocardial blood flow by vasodi-
compliant LV with significant diastolic dysfunction. At lation of smaller blood vessels (63,64).
the time HD is initiated, approximately 70% of CMR imaging has the potential to detect myocar-
patients will have evidence of clinically significant dial fibrosis, which may predispose to the
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Lai et al. 1475
MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9 CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach

F I G U R E 3 Proposed Algorithm for Early Surveillance in CKD

Early Identification
of CKD

Personalized Interdisciplinary
Social Media Lifestyle Discussions with Consider Early
Outreach Interventions to Nephrology & TTE
Etiology Cardiology

Monitoring and Progression

No No Large LVMI
Surveillance of Disease

Yes Yes

Consideration of
Large LV Cavity Size Small

Preference Consider
Diuretics over CCBs/BBs over
CCBs/BBs Diuretics

Consider Work-up Consider Work-up

for Infiltrative for Restrictive
Disease Pathologies

Early identification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) can help lead to targeted strategies to limit progression of disease. Social media outreach, such as mass
screening and aggressive hypertensive therapies, in at-risk populations may be particularly beneficial. Hypertension screening in supermarkets, barber
shops, and other public venues may detect disease at a much earlier stage and heighten public awareness. Early TTE may guide antihypertensive strategies:
those with large LVMI and small cavities may tolerate calcium-channel blockers (CCBs) and beta-blockers (BBs) better than diuretic agents; those with
larger cavities may benefit from a diuretic-based strategy to reduce left ventricular volumes and remodeling. HD ¼ hemodialysis; ILR ¼ implantable loop
recorder; LVMI ¼ left ventricular mass index; TTE ¼ transthoracic echocardiography.

development of re-entrant and fatal arrhythmias (65). These imaging techniques may provide insight into
However, CMR imaging has the risk of nephrogenic the pathophysiological effects of HD on the cardiac
systemic fibrosis with the administration of myocardium. Echocardiography can quantify LVH
gadolinium-based contrast agents to patients with and diastolic dysfunction associated with CKD. Stress
reduced GFR. Thus, noncontrast-based techniques, echocardiography, SPECT, coronary CTA, and CACS
such as native T 1 spin sequences and T 1 mapping of permit a functional and anatomic evaluation of
extracellular volume, have been employed to assess obstructive CAD and risk prognostication of ischemic
coarse cardiac fibrosis (66,67). Recent studies have disease. Finally, CMR imaging provides additional
found that extracellular volume on CMR T 1 mapping insight into myocardial function and fibrosis, possibly
for myocardial fibrosis has been shown to be an in- surrogate markers for malignant arrhythmias and
dependent risk factor for adverse cardiovascular SCD. Thus, an integrated multimodality imaging
events (65). approach could be implemented to risk-stratify
1476 Lai et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9

F I G U R E 4 Proposed Algorithm for Assessment of Cardiovascular Hemodynamics Prior to Hemodialysis

Consideration for Consider ILR

HD Implantation

Yes Segmental TTE Large LVMI Yes


No No
Diastolic Cardiology for
Dysfunction Yes

Consult No
Cardiology for
Testing Proceed with
Large LV Cavity Size
Intermittent HD

Consider SPECT,
Surveillance and Consider Slow HD,
Monitoring Daily HD or PD
Coronary CTA

For those under consideration for HD, ILR implantation may help identify those who would benefit from either early device or antiarrhythmic therapies. Early
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) may help personalize management of those undergoing HD: those with segmental wall motion abnormalities (WMAs) at risk for
ischemic disease may warrant early stress testing; those with diastolic dysfunction may benefit with slow or frequent dialysis strategies; additionally, those with large
LVMI and small cavities may also benefit with slow dialysis strategies. CACS ¼ coronary artery calcium scoring; CTA ¼ computed tomography angiography;
PD ¼ peritoneal dialysis; SPECT ¼ single-photon emission computed tomography; other abbreviations as in Figure 3.

patients and provide a tailored approach to person- Early TTE imaging may help guide management of
alize care of patients with CKD with respect to the disease. Those with hypertrophied LVs with small
preferred method of RRT. cavities and diastolic dysfunction may not tolerate
aggressive diuretic strategies, as they may be
CLINICAL MANAGEMENT AND dependent on ventricular filling; thus, these patients
FUTURE DIRECTIONS may benefit more from early usage of calcium-
channel blockers (CCBs) or beta-blockers as antihy-
Patients with CKD are at an increased risk of cardiac pertensive agents and for reducing LV wall stress. In
events, with especially increased risk as they progress contrast, those with larger LV cavities may benefit
toward ESRD. However, the increased risk with both more from angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
initiation and with each HD session is potentially and diuretic agents to reduce ventricular volume and
underappreciated by both patients and clinicians. remodeling as a method of blood pressure control
Therefore, better awareness of the challenges and the (Figure 3).
development of population- and patient-specific ap- For those with inexorable progression of CKD to
proaches to early prevention and identification of at- ESRD, silent cardiac disease may approach or
risk populations is needed. exceed 50%. A proposed algorithm for risk assess-
With early social media outreach to increase public ment and management may consist of a resting TTE
awareness and earlier lifestyle interventions to to assess LVH and LV systolic and diastolic func-
address CKD risk factors, it may be possible to mini- tion; echocardiographic stress testing may then be
mize cardiac complications in at-risk populations. used to assess for ischemia prior to HD initiation in
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Lai et al. 1477
MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9 CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Risk Stratification with Multimodality Approach May Personalize Renal
Replacement Strategies

Lai, A.C. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(11):1470–9.

Through a multimodality approach with (A) echocardiography, (B) cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, (C) implantable loop recorder, and (D) stress testing, proper
risk stratification may help personalize the renal replacement method, including peritoneal dialysis, slow dialysis, or even daily home dialysis. CVD ¼ cardiovascular

stable patients to better stratify cardiac risk potential value of CACS and CMR warrants further
(Figure 4). For patients with noncompliant LVs, the investigation in CKD to assess ischemic disease and
preferable modes of RRT may include PD, slow myocardial fibrosis. Despite the interesting early data
continuous HD, daily or home HD, or more frequent on the use of ILR and other continuous ambulatory
and slower in-facility HD with continuous blood cardiac monitoring devices, we lack a risk model for
pressure and rhythm monitoring to avoid significant determining arrhythmic risk in this high-risk popu-
IDH events (68). In collaboration with colleagues in lation. Given the marked increase in risk of SCD
nephrology, improved HD technology incorporating during the period immediately following HD initia-
artificial intelligence could potentially integrate tion, ILR-based studies should focus on the
hemodynamics and noninvasive ventricular filling arrhythmic burden in these patients.
pressures to control dialysis flow rates, minimize A better understanding of the characteristics of
fluid and electrolyte shift, and avoid IDH to offer a the most common fatal arrhythmias may result in
safer RRT. Current technology used during the changes in practice; perhaps, ILR may even become
coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic may allow 1 a standard-of-care for patients initiating HD and
clinician to monitor numerous patients in real time those already with ESRD to identify patients who
simultaneously from a remote site. may best benefit from prophylactic pacemakers,
For patients who are committed to chronic HD, the AICDs, or early initiation of antiarrhythmic drugs. As
risk of SCD should be better assessed; imaging and the efficacy of first-line agents, such as angiotensin-
cardiac monitoring studies may provide crucial in- converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretic agents,
formation to elucidate this risk on a patient-specific tends to decrease with progressive renal dysfunc-
level. In addition to the consideration of TTE and tion, the options of antihypertensive agents in renal
stress testing in patients prior to initiation of HD, the disease tend to be limited; thus, many ESRD patients
1478 Lai et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CKD and CVD: A Personalized Approach MARCH 23, 2021:1470–9

are prescribed CCBs and beta-blockers as first-line remains an urgent unmet and underappreciated need
antihypertensive agents. As the most common ter- to establish a more reliable risk-stratification
minal arrhythmias are bradyarrhythmias in ESRD, strategy incorporating multimodality imaging data
the usage of CCBs and beta-blockers may be more (Central Illustration). From this strategy, a patient-
harmful than beneficial for these high-risk patients. tailored interdisciplinary approach to renal replace-
Thus, an ILR- or CMR-guided approach could help ment therapies and cardiac disease surveillance may
stratify patients to alternate antihypertensive regi- improve long-term outcomes in the growing CKD and
mens, early devices, or an RRT with gentler elec- CVD population.
trolyte shifts.
Finally, the clear interplay between kidney and
cardiac disease should prompt closer collaboration The authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to
between cardiologists and nephrologists. Special the contents of this paper to disclose.
consideration should be given to include a cardio-
logist on the front-line dialysis team caring for ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Martin E.
patients with progressive CKD to ensure appropriate Goldman, Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular
screening, prognostication, and early intervention to Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
minimize cardiovascular mortality. As highlighted in One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1030, New York, New
this review, there exist multiple potential consider- York 10029, USA. E-mail: Martin.Goldman@
ations with patients progressing to ESRD. There


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