5.C - Regulatory Bodies in Different Countries

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Decoding Global Financial


Investment Alternatives
Regulatory Bodies in Different Countries
1 Overview of financial markets
2 Participants in financial markets

3 Financial Institutions

Sections 4

Stock exchanges

Investment alternatives

6 FX & Commodity

7 Factors affecting financial markets

8 Nuances of financial markets

Page 2 16 March 2021 Draft- For discussion purposes only

5 Investment alternatives

A. Different investment products

B. Types of mutual funds

C. Regulatory bodies in different countries

Page 3 16 March 2021 Draft- For discussion purposes only

Regulatory bodies in different countries

India Singapore

Securities and Exchange Monetary Authority of

Board of India Singapore

USA Canada

Canadian Securities
U.S. Securities and Exchange Administrators

United Kingdom

Financial Industry Regulatory Financial Conduct

Authority Authority
Ernst & Young LLP
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