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REPUBLIC OF KENYA TECHNICAL, INDUSTRIAL, VOCATIONAL AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING Qo IL DIPLOMA IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY SYLLABUS AND REGULATIONS KENYA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION P.O BOX 30231- 00100 TEL 020 - 3749900-9 eer NAIROBL Vable of Contents FOREWORD. 1.0 General Introduction... i National Goals of Education ee ii 12 National Aims of Technical Training Programmes..... iv 1.3. Objectives of the Technical Training Programmes iv 2.0 Introduction To The Course... iv 24 Course Description ........... v 2.2 General Objectives Of The Course v 23 General Regulations secesssesses cescenaseasssssssee¥ 24 Attendance and Course Work Requirements eeeeeoee vi 2.5 Examinations and Award of Certificates... vii 26 Course Coding and Time Allocation .... ix MODULE 1.. 1 3.1.0 Communication Skills. 2 4.3.0 Life Skills... - 14 5.1.0 Information Communication Technology (ict). ae 39 6.1.0 Entrepreneurship... . ceecaesseesneee 58 7.1.0 Mathematics I.. . seeseaseeecneseenenete 68 8.1.0 Physical Science 81 9.1.0 Construction Materials .........-- 90 10.1.0 Workshop Technology I (Mechanical). 103 11.1.0 Technical Drawing ~ Oe 12.1.0 Geotechnology | ...--- es D9 13.1.0 Conerete-Technology 1 . 1 14.1.0 Construction Plant And Equipment : 15.1.0 General Building Construction I. Vee 16.1.0 Surveying I... 1B 17.1.0 Structures I...---- 185 MODULE Il ......---- 586 18.2.0 Mathematics II 94 19.2.0 Geotechnology II. "201 20.2.0 Concrete “Technolog ey yl Workshop Technology Ml (Electical General Building Construction an nas 2.0 Structures Toe 24.2.0 Surveying eee : 25.2.0 Measurement © 26.2.0 Estimating and 27.2.0 Building Drawing an\ 28.2.0 Building Construction 29.2.0 Construction Management ] nw 3 wm Costing } .- d CAD 1 Project Design Portfolio 1 30.2.0 Business Plan .... : 31.2.0 Industrial Attachment 1... er MODULE I. 32.3.0 Mathematics sill aa 33.3.0 General Building Construction i 34.3.0 Surveying IID... 35.3.0 Structures II] 36.3.0 Construction Management I] 37.3.0 Estimating and Costing Th. 38.3.0 Building Services : 39.3.0 Building Drawing and CAD I 40.3.0 Building Construction Project Design Portfolio II 4).3.0 Industrial Attachment Il ... LIST OF TOOLS AND EQUIPM NT Kenya Institute of Education P.O. Box 30231-00100 Nairobi Email: info@kie.com Off Murang’a Road First published in 2009 © Kenya Institute of Education All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systemrortranscribed, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN.... TECHNICAL, INDUSTRIAL, VOCATIONAL AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING DIPLOMA IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY SYLLABUS AND REGULATIONS February, 2009 FOREWORD Technical. jndustrial. Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training (SIVET) Division has deen revisiNB the old syllabuses. Jn the revision of the syllabus the new emerging jssues and trends have been incorporated, some units removed from the syllabus, outdated jnformation deleted and new content developed to make the syllabus meet the yndustry needs. ‘This syllabus js designed 10 assist lecturers On the depth of teaching On each unit. The syllabus outlines the objectives, content, learmng, activities and the suggested * valuation methods 10 ‘be adopted in assessing frainee’s progress and achievement is hoped that ths syllabus will greatly assist the Jecturers In delivering, quality education to trainees in the TIVET waining institutions. Jam grateful to the staff of TIVET in Kenya Institute of Education, subject panel members, TIVET course ppanel members, the KIE Academic Board and all those who participated in the evelopment and production of this syllabus. DIRECTOR OF TECHN! CAL EDU CATION MINISTRY OF }IGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY as envi ii) GENERAL INTRODUCTION National Goals of Education The overall education policy goal of the Government of Kenya is to 2chig the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education For All (Ej Goals by 2015 in tandem with the national and international commitmg, The vision of the Ministry of Education, is “to have a globally competi, education, training and research for Kenya's sustainable development” wi, the mission is “to provide, promote, coordinate the provision of qua, education, training and research for the empowerment of individuals to bece, responsible and competent citizens who value education as a lifelong proce zed by Kenya Vision 2029. The national goals of education are gn below Foster nationalism, patriotism and promote national unity Kenya’s people belong to different ethnic groups, races and religions, b these differences need not divide them. They must be able to ive and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help the you acquire this sense of nationhood, by removing conflicts and by promot positive attitudes of mutual respect, which enable them to live together harmony, and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution the life of the Nation i) Promote the socia] economic, technological and industrial needs for national development Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective productive role in the life of the nation. ™ Social Needs Education in Kenya must prepare children for the changes in attitudes and relationships, which are necessary for the smooth process of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change. m = Economic Needs Education in Kenya should produce citizens with skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growité economy. Kenya is building up a modem and independent econon!} which is in need of adequate domestic manpower. m Technological and Industrial Needs Education in Kenya should provide the learners with the necessen’ and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rap ii iii) iv) vi) vii) viii) industrial and technol developed world. We edue: ogical changes taking place. especially in the can only be part of this development if Our . that wae System deliberately focused on knowledge, skills and attitudes Prepare the youth for these changing global trends Promote inaics Eanes) development and self-fulfilment Patucation 3 ul provide opportunities for the fullest developmen” © individual talents and personality. It should help children to develop potential, interests and abshties. A vital aspect of individual developmen! is character building of Pr promote sound moral and religious values cation should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and arutudes that will enhance acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens. Promote social equality and responsibility Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system, which provides equal education opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challengin& opportunities for collective activities and corporate social service, irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society The children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changed requirements that, must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modem society. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should, therefore, Jead the youth of the country to accept membership in this international community with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails. promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection . Education should inculcate in the youth the value for good health in order to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental il] health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation, It should Jead the youth 1 3PPIC, need for a healthy environment 1.2. National Aims of Technical Training Pr mes \ ‘echnica) Training Programm” 1 secondary The aims of the technical training at both post Pr™ma7y and posse levels should be to: = school ly sing number of a) provide training opportunities for the increasing to enable them to be se}f-supporting, ich will Iead to income gene, cal skills attitudes Wh tical skills and atuitu employment ‘j rural areas through Sel b) develop F activities in the urban an c) provide practical education and training skills which are responsive g relevant to Kenya’s agri cultural, industrial, commercial and economic needs 2 al knowledge and vocational skills necessary to provide the technic f this nation’s development enhance the pace o' e) encourage self-employment while at the same time producing skilled artisans, technicians and technologists for both formal and informal sectors at the ratio of one technologist to five technicians to 30 craftsmen/artisans (1:5:30). 13 Objectives of the Technical Training Programmes The general objectives of the technical training programmes are to a) develop skills which will be responsive and relevant to the country’s human resources required at the middle level; b) prepare the trainees so that they can enter the world of work with confidence for either salaried employment or self-employment: c) impart adequate skills which will enable the trainee.to-perform midé supervisory functions. 2.0 INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE piploma ie Building Technology is intended to develop middle level calle bull stiades to aca s to provide the trainee with knowledge: ° enable him or her to work i i y ast supervisor of works on site and also beabieiwe industry competently 27 t i 2 ané of construction works. ‘compute measurements 21 2.2 2.3 Course Description GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE By a) by c) d) e) the end of the course, the trainee should be able to: acquire skills required in problem solving involving design and construction of buildings understand the principles of building design i " quire knowledge required in management of building construction sites demonstrate creativity and innovation in the use of ICT in construction industry acquire firm foundation for further training in construction industry Genera} Regulations 2.3.1 Approval of the Training Institutions Institutions offering this course should be recognized and approved by the Ministry responsible for Training. 2.3.2 Duration of the Course The course is designed to have 2970 hours. The trainee spends 2310 hours in the institution and 660 hours in industrial attachment. The course is structured in THREE Modules as outlined below: ——TGNSTITUTION | INDUSTRIAT. [TOTAL | TIME ATTACHMENT | TIME (HOURS) | TIME (HOURS) | (HOURS) MODULE I 990 _ 990 MODULE DL 660) 330 990 MODULE 660 330 990 TOTAL : 2970 23.3 Entry Requirement be: inimum entry requirements will 3D National Vocational Certificate of Education and Training Option II Graduate OR grade C (Plain) with C Plain in cluster subjects ie. b) KCSE Met trsglish and Physics/Physical Science. Mathematics, | Mode of assess, es Theory “| Geotechnology 1 ~ "| Concrete Technology 1 ~~ | Construction Plant and Equipment__ | Theory _ Theory and Prac Theory and Prac Theory and Prac Practice Theory and Prac Theory and Prac Theory and Prac General Building Construction 1 Surveying] _ tructures | = < _ “MODULE D ~ | Mathematics I Geotechnology II | Concrete Technology II | Workshop Technology I (Electrical) General Building Construction J]__ ~TStructures I “| Theory an Theory and Prac | Theory and Prac ‘Theory and Prac Theory Theory and Prac | Theory and Prac Theory and Prac ~[ Surveying Tl Theory and Prac Measurement of Building Works Estimating and Costing I Building drawing and CADI Theory Theory and Prac Theory and Prac | Construction Management | | Building construction project design portfolio 1 Theory and Prac Theory and Prac! MODULE J Mathematics II] Theory _ eneral Building Construction II] Theory and Prac! urveying III _. _. Theory and Pract __| Structures I - Theory and Pract | Construction Management II Theory and Pract ___| Estimating and Costing II Theory Building Services . Theory and Prat! ~| Building drawing and CAD I Theory and Pra? Building construction project design portfolio Il_| Theory and prac 2.4 Attendance and Course Work Req irements The candidates are ecte ie " re expected to register for training at an institution approved for the course for the theoretical and practical studies. 2.41 2.4.2 2.4.4 2.5 Examinations an 2.5.1 2.5.2 Coursework Marks Continuous a: sment marks for the course work must be ke e . s pt by the psntation and details must be submitted to the Kenya National feaminations Council (KNEC) in respect of each candidate entered for ' is examinations at least two weeks before the external examination is aken Coursework Assessment Continuous a: ment will be given a weighting of 30% and the external examinations by KNEC wilt be given a weighting of 70% in the determination of the final grade. Compulsory Industrial Attachment/Internship for Trainees Before the end of the course, every trainee shall undergo an Industrial Attachment/internship of 660 hours. Industrial Attachment shall be an integral part of training and its assessment shall form part of the final grade and certification. The training institutions in collaboration with the organization where the trainee is attached shall supervise the trainee during the Industrial ‘Attachment. The examining body shall provide the modalities of Industrial Attachment assessment. Project Work A project in this context means a research carried out by an individual trainee. It may be practical, smathematical, evaluative, and descriptive or research based project. The project must have well defined Objectives so that the trainee has something definite to aim at, without inhibiting his/her initiative. The aim of the project 1s to give trainees an opportunity to carry out an independent work. The management and the assessment methods of project work shall be determined by KNEC and the training institutions. 4 Award of Certificates Assessment The assessment of a}] the modules shall be competency based. ternal Examinations _ The training institutions will conduct course work and/or project work ssessments based on the competences acquired during me ain ed i ach mo | examinations at the end o! tutions will offer intema é Meee these records for use at the end of the course to determine the final vii and/or assessments shall al, grade. The course work or project work of credit trang, var used during the re-entry to the course OF for the 2 7.53 External Examinations ; NEC) wil offer exten, 5 Council ( wv guring AE training “The Kenya National Examinavio¥ sin all modules coveres examinations to trainee i x Examinations 2. 25.4 Eligibility for Candidates Entering Into EMT say to te Candidates for external examinations must at examinations, each course modules. _ i it < peework/Contipuons ASsessin it a 2s conser onit eset bere TN narked by 5 o institutions. J The institut will award @ certificate after co) jons will issue statement of results while the examining b= mpletion of the yelevant modules 4 25,6 Examination Results Jn order to qualify for the award of the Diploma, the candidate must}. nil the modules of the course, Results of the examination as 2 whole be issued in five classes and for the individual papers will be in exghl grades, Each candidate will receive all recor ds of performance, givin fesult in terms of class and grade. ‘The relationship between classes and grades 1s _ Pass with distinction Grade 1 and 2 Pass with credit Grade 3 and 4 Pass Grade 5 and 6 Referred Grate? - Pail Grade 8 Candidates who fail any paper (module unit) in a particular module, be REFERRED in he failed paper and will be allowed to re-sit thet pass within a period of five (5) years after the date of the sitting. Thereafter the candidate Sting the papers). will be discontinued from further * 2.5.7 Award of Certificate The KNEC will issue the candid: | i fates with ips for and a final certificate in Diploma in Building Teehocl “odes g logy 28. 5.8 General Examination Regulation se regulations set In the event of any inconsistency a7isin& perce me SE Dy the ail out in this syllabus and the General Regulations PU shee pre examining body, the General Regulations © the KNEC shall P pnits. Nol ad 5 - 6 Course Coding and Time Allocation to the module Diploma ‘The following coding system will be used to refer the first four module unit codes (3.1.0, up #0 6.1.0) © ‘yniform in ye that jevel documents. oe Time _ - i [cou] Module Unit os) MODULE I al —___ | 3.1.0 ‘Communication Skills —_ — oe Life Skulls — __—# Tnformation Communication Technology UCT) — Entrepreneurship __ 8 "| Mathematics I __ ——% — Physical Science —_— a ‘Construction Materials = “Workshop Technology 1 (Mechanical) | Technical Drawing Geotechnology } | Conerete Technology 1 Construction Plant and Equipment General Building Construction 1 Surveying | Stroctures 1 i Total MODULE I 18.2.0 ___ | Mathematics UL 19.2.0 Geotechnology Ul 90.2.0 __| Conerete Technology VW Workshop Technolog TL “T Measurement © Estimating Construction Manat ement I J a ix et — Total, Estimating and Costing | 383.0 ___| Building Services 39.3.0 Building drawing and CAD I _ 40.3.0 Building construction project design portfolio I} 1413.0 Industrial Attachment IT - Total MODULE 1 Introduction de This module is intends mowledge: skills and attitus s ed to equip the trainee with 0 oral jn the building construction which are responsive to the challe ' . nges encounter : termould be able to PrePATe simple industry. On successful c s ompletion the traine pbuilding drawings and supervise their construcon- “The module wil prepare ine tvamee for further training General Objectives By the end of this module, the trainee should be able 1 a) acquire sufficient knowledge, iglis and attitudes that are required in the putiding construction industry, ) apply technical drawing in design in the construction industry ©) apply analytical skills in solving technical proble and decision making 4) appreciate methods of ensuring safe and structurally sound buildings and structures e) identify and utilize business opportunities 10 the construction industry {) develop the necessary writing skills for various documents 1) appreciate official etiquette, protocol and diplomsty at the workplace h) Appreciate the use of appropriate drawing techniques. _ ii _ Code Module Unit Time (Hrs) Communication Skills : 4 66 Life Skills 66 Information ‘Communication Technology (ICT) es Entrepreneurship 66 | ‘Mathematics | 88. Physical Science 66 tructi jerials. 4 ‘Workshop Technology J (Mechanical) Technical Drawin: [Geotecmnology |] Concrete Technology 1 Jy Construction Plant ‘and Equipment____ General Buildin: Construction | Surveying 1 Structures | COMMUNICATION SKILLS Introduction This module unit is intended to equip the trainee with knowledg, — skills and attitudes to enable hinvher, process information ang communicate effectively at the work place. 3.1.2 General Objectives . By the end othe module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) appreciate the Importance of communication in the work plac b) develop necessary skills for effective communication ; ©) appreciate the use of different modes and forms o Communicg 4) appreciate the roie of information and Communication ‘echnology (ICT) in communication e) Fi the neces writing skills for various documents f) appreciate official etiquette, protoco] and diplomacy at the Worl place 8) appreciate emerging issues and trends in communication | 3.1.3 Module Unit Summary and Time Allocation Code | Sub:Module Content Time - Unit Hrs — Theory” “311 [Introduction to Communication * Terms and concept used * Essentials to effective communication 2 2 * Role of ICT in communication Stages of ——}-~ communication Process * Barriers to effective Communication * Ways of, Overcoming arriers 1 1 2 3.1.2 Communication Process Communication ~~] Official Etiquette, Protoco] and | Diplomacy Writing Skills 3.17 communication © Types of communicatioOn * Use of various types of communication ¢ Forms of communication ind __ disadvantages of © Advantage: ¢ Communication channels « Advantages and disadvantages _ © Meaning of etiquette, protocol and diplomacy * Punctuation marks © Courtesy in writing Paragraph development e Essay writing ‘Summary Importance of summary writing * Essential steps in e Functional wnting | summary writing | Report Writing Skills Conducting 31.10 | Meetings and Minute Writing | Definition of a report « Role of reports « Formats of reports « Preparation for report writing Report writing , editing and dissemination « Referencing styles Preparation of power oint slides « Definition of terms « Role of meetings and minutes = 6 ND 10 A “de Types of meetings Planning and conducting meetings Minute writing Challenges in conducting meetings [3a Interviews Meaning of the term interview Purpose of interviews Types of interviews Preparation for an interview Interviewing skills | 3.1.12 Public Relations and Customer Care Definition of term Types of customers Role of public relations and customer care Interpersonal and public relation skills Quality management Customer care skills Challenges faces in public relation and customer care 3.1.13 Emerging Issues m Communication . Emerging trends and issues in communication Challenges posed by emerging issues and trends Ways of coping with emerging issues and trends Total 33 33 3.1.1 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Theory 3.1.1TO Specific objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: a)define terms and concepts used in communication b)explain the purpose of communication c)explain the essential steps to effective communication d)explain the role of Information and Communication Technology ) OCT) in communication Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: i) use the terms and concepts in communication effectively in ii) different situations. Content 3.1.1T1 Terms and concepts used in communication 3.1.1T2 Purpose of communication 3.1.1T3 Essentials to effective communication 3.1.1T4 Role of LCT. in communication tice SAPO Specific Objective By the end of the suby module unit, the tramee should be able to a) user ms and concepts in Communication effectively b) apply essentials of communication in a given situation Content 3.1.1P1 Effective use of terms and concepts in communication 3.1.1P2 Application of essentials of communication 3.1.2 COMMUNICATION PROCESS Theory 3.1.2T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) describe the stages of the communication process b) identify barriers to effective communication c)_ explain ways of overcoming barriers to effective communication a) identify basic concepts of transmission and receipt of a message b) describe feedback mechanism c)_ explain ethical issues in communication 3.1.27] 3.1.2T2 3.1.2T3 3.1.2T4 3.1.2T5 3.1.2T6 . ‘Pmpetence Ne trainee shy sho ve abi uld have the 7 , ) Apply communication Process in a given Situation 11) Overcome ba effective communication Tiers to Content Stages of communication process Barriers to effective communication }) Age difference 31) Social economic factors iii) Language iv) Competition for attention v)Noise vi) Environment vii) Attitude of sender/receiver and others Ways of overcoming barriers to effective communication Basic concepts of transmission and receipt of a message 1) Encoding: of message by the sender ii) Transmission of message through a channel iii) Decoding a message by receiver iv) Decoding of feedback by the sender Feedback mechanism Ethical issues in communication Practice 3.1.2P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub. module unit, the traines 3.3 should be able to: a) apply the communication pro, ina given situation 3 b) encode and decode messages ¢) demonstrate ethical issues in communi, Content 3.1.2P1 Application of the proce ofcommunication 3 3.1.2P2 Encoding and decoding messages 3.1.2P3 Demonstration of ethic: issues in communicatio 3.1.3. CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNICATION Theory 3.1.3T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the traine should be able to: a) explain the variou types of communi b) explain the use of various types of communication Content 3.1.3T1 Types of communicat! i) Formal ii) Informal iii) Internal iv) External v) Inter personal vi) Intra-personal 3.1372 3.1.3P0 3.1.3P] Use of various types of communication Practice Specific Objective By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to apply the various types of communication in given situations Content Application of various types of communication Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: apply the various types of communication in a gyven situation 3.1.4 FORMS OF COMMUNICATION Theory 3.1,AT0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: 2) explain the various forms of communication b) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form of c) communication Competence The trainee should have the ability to: use various forms of communication effectively Content Forms of communication 1) Oral ii) Written iii) Visual iv) Audio-visual 3.1.472 Advantages and disadvantages of each form of communication 3.1.4T1 Practice 3.1.4P0--Specific @bjective By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to use the various forms of communication. Content Using various forms of communication 3.1.4P CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION 3.1.5 Theory 3,1.5T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) outline the various channels of communi¢ation in an organization b) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each channel of c) communication Competence The trainee should have the ability to apply various channels of communication in a given situation 3.1.5T] 3.15T2 3.1.5P0 3.1.SP1 Content Channels of com 1) Vertical n) Upwards m) Downwards W) Lateral/horizontal v)Diagonal Advantages and disadvantages of each channel of communication munication Practice Specific Objective By the end of the sub- module, the trainee should be able to role play the use of different channels of communication Content Role play of use of different channels of communication 3.1.6T0 OFFICIAL ETIQUETTE, 3.1.6T0 PROTOCOL AND DIPLOMACY Theory Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: 4) explain the meaning of etiquette, protocol and diplomacy b) explain the importance of official etiquette ©) explain the accepted Protocol and diplomacy Competence The trainee should haye ability to Interact With g without offending i) Observe protoco) requirements ui) Exercise diploma, daily interactions iii) Adhere to officig etiquette requiren, Content 3.1.6T] Meaning of etiquette protocol and diplomas 3.1.6T2 — Official etiquette 3.1.6T3 Accepted protocol ané vi) diplomacy Practice 3.1.6P0 Specific objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the traine: should be able to Practice the accepted official etiquette Content . 3.1.6P1 Demonstration of acce? official etiquette 3.1.7 WRITING SKILLS Theory 3.1.7T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trai" should be able to: ‘ a) determine how punctuation = written docume® b) explain the imp? of courtesy in ™" ©) develop well constructed paragraphs 8) explain how to write different types of essays ©) determine how to write different functional writing Competence The trainee will have the ability — to: Punctuate correctly Prepare business documents Content 3.1.7T1 Punctuation marks 3.1.72. Courtesy in writing i) Use of polite language ii) Choice of words iii) Right expressions 3.1.7T3 Paragraph development i) Topic sentence ii) Support details 3.1.7T4 Essay wnting i) Descriptive ii) Explanatory iii) Narrative iv) Argumentative 3.1.7T5 Functional writing i) Business letters ii) Memorandum iii) Notices iv) Agenda v)Minutes vi) Advertisements vii) E-mail viii) Facsimile messages ix) Press release Practice ific Objectives 3.1.7P0 Beane end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) use correct punctuation in writing b) apply courtesy c) write different types of essayS d) write different types of, functional writing Content 3.1.7P1 Punctuating correctly 3.1.7P2. Demonstrating courtesy in writing 3.1.7P3. Writing different types of essays 3,1.7P4 Writing different functional writing 3.1.8 SUMMARY Theory 3.1.8T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) explain the importance of summarizing passages/information b) determine the steps in note taking when summarizing passages, c) reports and conversations Competence The trainee should have the ability to summarize passages, reports and conversations Content 3.1.8T1 Importance of summary writing 3.1.8T2 Essential steps in summary writing —<— Practice 3.18P0 Specific Objective By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to take notes and summarize Passages, reports and conversations 3.1.8P] Summarizing passages, reports and conversations 3.1.9 REPORT WRITING SKILLS Theory 3.1.9T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unil. the trainee should be able to: a) define the term report b) explain the role of reports in an organization naine different types of reports explain the formats of reports e) explain the steps to take in preparation for report writing in engineering f) explain how to write, edit and disseminate reports g) explain the referencing styles used in engineering reports h) prepare power point presentations c d Competence The trainee should have the ability to i) Prepare effective reports ii) Adapt reports to various audiences iii) Apply 1.C.T. am rep, writing, editing ang dissemination iv) Present reports usin power point presen, v) Select appropnate referencing Styles in engineering Coment Definition of a report Role of reports.in.an organization 3.1.9T3 Types of reports i) Oral ) Written Management repo; iv) Operations proced v)Production schedule vi) Maintenance, breakdown and ac. reports vii) Entrepreneurship trade reports viii) Interna) mem 3.1.9T4 Formats of reports 3.1.9T5 Preparation for report writing i) Audience analysis ii) - Reading skills iii) Data collection iv) Data analysis 3.1.9T6 Report writing, editing! dissemination 3.1.9T7 Referencing styles 3.1.9T8 Preparation of power P° slides Practice 3.1.9P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the traine?* be able to: (i entertains ance a) prepare different types of reports b) edit and dissemmate reports c) presenta report through power point slides Content 3.1.9P] Preparation of different types of reports 3.1.9P2 Editing and dissemination of reports 3.1.9P3 Presenting a report 3.1.10 CONDUCTING MEETINGS AND MINUTE WRITING Theory 3.1.10T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define the terms meetings and minutes b) explain the role of meetings and minutes in an organization c) identify types of meetings d). discuss how-to-plan-and conduct meetings e) highlight the challenges faced in the conduct of meetings and minute f) writing g) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of meetings Competence The trainee should have the ability toplan and conduct meetings Write minutes effectively 11 Content 3.1.10T1 Definition of the terms __. Meetings and minutes 3.1.10T2 Role of meetings and minutes in an organizat 3.1.10T3 Types of meetings ey 3.1.1074 Planning and conducting Mectings 3.1.10T5 Challenges in conduct of mectings and minute writing 3.1.10T6 Advantages and 7 disadvantages.of meetings Practice 3.1.10P0 Specific Objective By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to write minutes correctly Content 3.1.10P1 Writing minutes 3.1.11 INTERVIEWS Theory 3.1.11T0. Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should ~be-able-to: a) explain the meaning of the term ‘interview b)_ explain the purpose of interviews in an organization ©) discuss the various types of interviews ) explain how to prepare for an interview e) e) explain the skills for f) interviewing Competence © tra; ISTOME! 1) Prepare for an interview men 85 an interviewee Prepare for an interview 4S an interviewey in) 3.1.12T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-my, unit, the trainee should, Content 0 a) define the terms puhy 31.111 Meaning of the term ee eraes ond public interview’ relations 3.1.1172 Purpose of an interviews in b) name different types an organization customers 3.1.11T3 Types of interviews c) explain the role of py 3.1.11T4 Preparation for an interview relations and custom }) Dressing and grooming am an organization in) Role of interviewer 4) explain interpersona) 11) Role of interviewee public relations skills iv) Interview environment e) define quality manag. 3.11175 Interviewing skills f) explain the skills in 3) Briefing skills customer care ii) Conducting the 2) explain the challenge: interview faced in public relatic ni) Debnefing skills and customer care Practice Competence The trainee should have tt 3.1.11P0 Specific Objective ability to By the end of the sub-module unit, the traince.should be-able to role play as an interviewer and as an 1) Demonstrate proper public relations ii) Interact with differe ferve __. types of people mn lewee iti) Care for customers ‘ontent appropriately 3.111PI Role playing the interviewer Content and interviewee 3.1.12T1 Definition of the terms . Public, customer and pl relations 3.1.12T2 Types of customers 3.1.12T3 Role of public relation’: customer care in an organization 3.1.12P0 Interpersonal a telations skills Quality management cstomer care skills Challenges faced in public hons and customer care nd public Practice Specific Objective By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to apply public relation skills in dealing with the various people Content 3.1.12P1 Application of public relation skills 3.1.13 EMERGING ISSUES IN COMMUNICATION Theory 3.1.13T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) state emerging trends and jssues in-communicaion b) outline challenges posed by emerging issues c) explain ways of coping with emergimg trends and jssues in d) communication Competence The Prine should have the ‘Ability to COP emerging re" issues Content 3.1.13T1 Emerging trends and issues in communication 3.1.13T2 Challenges posed by emerging trends and issues 3.1.13T3 Ways of coping with the emerging trends and issues Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities i) Group work/presentations ii) Debating iii) Observations iv) Listening to lecturers/resource persons v)Drama/role playing vi) Excursions Suggested Teaching/Learning Resources “ Boards - Charts ~ Language laboratory Machines and equipment - Power point - Projectors = Audio tapes = Telephone/fax E-mail - Internet - Lecturers and resource persons - Library __ Newspapers/magazines/ journals Suggested Evaluation Methods Oral tests - Timed written tests Assignments 4.1.0 LIFE SKILLS 4.1.01 Introduction vical, . oir physiolog The youth face many challenges due to the voees. This make, Psychological, social and economic circums them a particularly vulnerable group. wledge. skij them with knov s it is intended to equip se realities of life ates valves that empower them te face ‘hy fos then ho d that this will enable them to take respons: oped that this individual actions. ing activities, list of teaching/learn: At the end of the unit is a methods that may be d evaluation /learning resources an: ite aria the implementation of the syllabus nile The ist ane exhaustive and the instructor is encouraged to explor: § methods. 2 seneral Objectives an By tend of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) Develop an awareness and understanding of every day dema and challenges b) Understand and deal with their health problems, fears and anxieties about growing up, sexuality and relationships c) Enhance self-esteem and assertiveness in their relationships with peers and adults d) Develop an appreciation mM society ©) Make optimum: the quality of life f) Develop attitudes, value: Tesponsible and healthy life 8) Develop an understandin Tesponsibility for disadvanta of females and males as equa] parti ruse ‘Of availableresources aYorder to improv S and skills that Styles 8 support and a sense of care and 8d groups in the community Promote positive 4.1.03 Module Unit Summary and Time Allocation __ Life Skills Code | Sub Module | Content. Unit 4.1.1 | Introduction to |» Define the term life skills Life skills * Categories * Benefits * Living values and our lives © Relationship between life skills _ | andtivingvaes 4.12 jowing and © Self description 7 Living With © Self assessment Oneself: Self | » Challenges that hinder the Awareness attainment of life goals * Strategies of overcoming challenges ¢ Values associated with self awareness skill 4.13 Self Esteem + Definition of self esteem Signs of high and low self esteem in an individual Signs of low self esteem « Effects of low self esteem « Factors that enhance high and low esteem « Importance of high self esteem « Values associated with high self esteem « How to boost self esteem 4.14 Stress Definition of emotion Management * Definition of stress Causes of stress + Effects of stress © Coping with stress Forms of positive stress « Values associated to positive stress management TIS T Coping With | © Definition of emotion : Emotion + Good and bad feelings 15 * Causes of good and bad feelines * Meaning of emotiona] intelligence « Feelings which can behaviour * Ways of coping with negative emotions » Values associated with emotional intelligence_____] Jead to nsky Empathy * Definition of empathy Importance * Difference betwee! sympathy « Situations requiring empathy « Values associated with empathy n empathy and [4.18 Assertiveness | Negotiation * Definition of assertiveness © Characteristics of an assernve person « Steps to being assertive Difference between assertiveness and aggression « Difference between peer pressure and influence Values associated with assertiveness * Definition of negotiation « Importance Situations that require negotiating * Negotiating techniques © Values associated with _ negotiations Non-Violent Conflict Resolution _* Values related to conflict * Definition of conflict * Causes of conflict * Consequences © Types of conflict * Ways of dealing with conflict ¢ Skills for conflict management * Institutions that resolve conflict im community 16 ee resojution 4.1.10 | Effective * Situations that require decision Decision making Making « Challenges facing youth in decision making Factors influencing decisions making Steps to effective decision making Consequences Decision making institutions within community Steps to effective decision making Values associated with effective decision making 4.1.1 | Critical, Thinking Meaning of critical thinking Risky situations Evaluating ideas or issues objectively * Consequences of making decisions before critical thinking Values associated with critical thinking . [41.12 | Creative Thinking * Definition © Situations that require creative thinking » Importance * Consequences Associated values 4.1.13 | Problem Solving Problem areas © Causes of problems * Tools « Problem solving process © Values necessary for solving problems 4.114 [Leisure * Definition of leisure « Effects of misuse of leisure * Activities for positive leisure © Life skills for positive use of leisure 17 41.16 ‘17 | Drug and Time Management Gender Education Substance Abuse * Values * Definition « Work schedule * Time management chart © Importance © Time robbers # Values and associated life skills _| ¢ Definition * Agents perpetuating gender + Gender stereotyping « Effects of gender rategies to eliminate gender discrimination sociated values * Commonly abused drugs * Causes « Symptoms ° Effects * Relationship between drug abuse and HIV and AIDS | * Prevention * Management |_® Life skills and values necessary 4.1.18 HIV and Aids hild Labour _| * Definition of terms * Transmission * Signs and symptoms * Catalysts * Prevention ¢ Interventions * Misconceptions re and support * Definition of terms * Difference between child labour and work * Forms of child labour * Factors leading to child labour * Awareness on child labour * Interventions * Appropriate life skills L— |» Definition of terms © Types of human needs * UN Conventions Categories of child rights » Importance of child rights « Responsibilities + Principles in right of child « Life skills and values 4.1.21 | Relationships Types of relationships , * Developing healthy relationships » Factors that influence healthy relationships * Maintaining healthy | | | | 120 | Child Rights relationships « Influence of relationships on behaviour * Values associated with reJationship * Life skills Total Time { f ag JON LIFE g ILLS v0 Theory 41.170 Specific Objectives 'y the end of the sub-module Unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define life skills b) identify the categories of life skills ¢) explain the benefits of life skills education to the society 4) identify living values and how they relate to our lives e) relate values and life skills Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Face the day to day challenges hi) Relate well with oneself iii) Relate well with others iv) Make effective decisions in life v) Solve problems Content 4.1.1T] Meaning of life skills 41.112 Categories of life skills 1) Skills of knowing and living with oneself ii) Skills of knowing and living with others iii) Skills of making effective decisions 4.1.1T3 Benefits of life skills 20 education to the SOcig the following sector, i) Education n) Social iii) Health 4.1.1T4 Living values and our lives 4.1.1T5 Relationship between life skills and living values 4.1.2 KNOWING AND Livy ONE SELF: SELF AWARENESS Theory 4.1.2T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-m unit, the trainee should b. able to: a) describe hinv/herself b) identify his/her stren and weaknesses c) explain what he/she! and does not like abe him/herself d) explain limitations/challenge: that hinder one from attaming one’s goals life e) identify ways of overcoming the challenges Competence The trainee should have t ability to: i) Identify one’s strengths and weaknesses ii) Identify one’s talet ni) Set realistic goals Content 41.271 Who Am 1? 41.272 Physical attributes 4.1233 Personal values, behefs, goals and ambitions 41.274 Strengths and weaknesses 4.1.2T5 Challenges that hinder the attainment of life goals 41.276 Strategies of overcoming challenges 41.277 Values associated with the self awareness skill Practice 4.1.2P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) describe oneself b) demonstrate one’s strengths and weaknesses Content 4.1.2P1 Description of oneself 4.1.2P2 Demonstration of one’s strengths and weaknesses 41.3 SELF ESTEEM ‘Theory 4.1370 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) identify signs of high and jow self esteem inan individual sat thal b) explain factors ; a enhance high end jow m d) state the impor! e) describe the effects of jow self esteem ) identify values associated =? self esteem g) suggest ways of boosting self esteem th high Competence The traimee should have the ability to: i) Have a feeling of self worth ii) Relate well with others iii) Be confident iv) Have positive self v) pride vi) Feel good about oneself Content 4.1371 — Signs of high self esteem i) Self confidence ii) Self discipline iii) Relating well with others iv) Self care 4.1372. Signs of low esteem i) isolation ii) self doubt iii) self neglect iv) vulnerability v) aggressiveness vi) low performance of tasks 4.1.3T3 Factors that enhance high self esteem 1) good health habits ii) goal setting iii) good grooming 41.374 Importance of high self esteem 41.375 Effects of low self esteem i) unhappiness ii) vulnerability to HIV infection iii) drug abuse iv) physical and emotional abuse 41.376 Values associated with high seif esteem humility self respect happiness 41.277 How to boost self-esteem Praise/acknowledging effort Practice 4.1.3P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) express one’s feelings of self hate and self acceptance b) demonstrate self pride and confidence content 4.1.3P]1 Expressing one’s feelings of self hate and - self acceptance 4.1.3P2 Demonstrating self pride and confidence 22 41.4 COPING WITH ST), Theory Specific Objectives By the end of the sub, unit, the trainee shouly 4.14T able to: a) define the term ‘emotion’ b) define stress c) describe situations Jead to stress d) discuss effects of y e) suggest ways of co, with stress Q identify forms of p, stress p) give values associa positive stress management Competence The trainee should have ability to: i) Identify stressors ii) Avoid stressors iii) Manage stress Content 4.1.4T1 Meaning of stress 4:1,4T2~ Causes-of stress i) growth and develor (biological, physi mental) ii) peer pressure iii) communication wi families iv) need to belong v) lack of positive tit management vi) Displacement vii) Conflicts 4.1473 — Effects of ses 1) displicement hh) agpression ii) social maladjustment iv) drug. and substance abuse v) immorality vi) diseases such as HIV and Aids vii) Post traumatic stress disorders 4.1.4T4 Coping with stress i) organize work in order of priority/work within possible working schedules ii) takea break/relax/exercise iii) share feelings with others iv) Forms of positive stress 4.1.4T5 Values associated to positive stress management i) peace ii) tolerance tii) co-operation iv) unity 4.1.4T6 Avoid stressors 41.477 Cope / manage stress 41.418 Apply values to manage stress Practice 4.1.4P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) Identify stressors b) Demonstrate ways of stress management Content identifying stressors demonstrating, ways of stress manag ai 4ry 41 AP? nent 4.1.5 COPING WITH EMOTIONS ‘Theory 41.510 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to a) define the term ‘emouon’ b)identify good and bad feelings c)explain causes of each feeling d)explain the meaning of emotional intelligence €) discuss feelings which can Jead to risky behaviour f) suggest ways of coping with emotions g)state values associated with emotional intelligence Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) becalm ii) be patient iii) take time before acting Content 4.).5T1 Meaning of the term ‘emotion’ 4.1.5T2 Good and bad feelings 4.1.5T3 Causes of good/bad feelings 23 4.1574 4.1.ST5 4.1.57 4.).5T7 4.1.5P0 Feelings which can lead to risky behaviour 1) Bitterness 11) Sadness ini) Excitement iv) Hurt Meaning of emotional intelligence 6 How to contro] negative emotions 3) Talk to somebody ii) Take a break/sleep/res/walk iii) Do exercises Values associated with emotional intelligence 1) Peace n) Humility iii) Tolerance iv) Respect Practice Specific Objectives By the end of the sub: module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) express different Kinds of emotions b) demonstrate emotional intelligence Content 4.1.5P0_ different kinds of emotions 4.1.5P0 emotional intelligence 4.1.6 4.1.6T EMPATHY Theory Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module 4.1.67] 4.1.6T2 4.1.6T3 4.1.6T4 umit, the trainee should}, able to a) define empathy b) explain the jmportance of empathizing | c) explain the differe between empathy, sympathy d) identify situations, require empathy e) identify values “associated with empathy Competence The trainee should havet ability: i) Empathize with peop in need ii) Demonstrate positive values in situations th require empathy Content Definition of empathy Importance of empath Examples of times of empathizing i) Death ii) HIV/aids infected or affected ni) Joblessness iv) Sickness Difference between empathy and sympathy Values associated with empathy 1) Responsibility n) Respect ni) Love 1) Kindness v) Co-operation Vi) Tolerance Practice 1) Specific Objective “ie By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: i) demonstrate pathetic situations ii) differentiate empathy form empathy iii) demonstrate ways to show empathy Content 4.1.6P1 Pathetic situations 4.1.6P2. Empathy form empathy 4.1.6P3 Ways to show empathy 4.1.7 ASSERTIVENESS Theory 4.1710. Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define assertiveness b) identify characteristics of assertive behaviour ©) describe steps to being assertive explain the importance of being assertive ©) differemtiate being asseriveness from being aggressive and Passive 1) explain the difference between peer pressure and peer influence d 25 2) apply values associated with assertiveness Competence The trainee should have the ability to: 1) Be firm without being influenced by others ii) Be positively principled ni) Say no to negative influence or yes to positive behaviour Content 4.1.77] Meaning of assertiveness 4.1.712 Identify characteristics of an assertive person 4.1.7T3 Steps to being assertive 4.1.7T4 Importance of being assertive achieving, ones goals Avoiding getting into trouble 4.1.7TS Differentiate between aggressiveness and passiveness 4.1.7T6 Differentiate peer pressure from peer influence 4.1.7T7 Values associated with » assertiveness i) honesty 1) love iii) cooperation iv) simplicity Practice 4.1.7P0 Specific Objective By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to illustrate assertiveness, passiveness and aggression Content Illustrating assertiveness, Ppassiveness and aggression 4.1.8 NEGOTIATION Theory 41.870 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define the term negotiation b) explain the importance of negotiation c) identify situations that require negotiation a) discuss possible negotiating techniques e) identify values that are associated with negotiation Competence The trainee should have the ability to: 1) Get out of difficult situations ii) Come up with alternatives Content 4.1.8T] Meaning of negotiation 4.1.8T2 Importance of negotiation 4.1.8T3 Situations that require negotiations 4.1.8T4 Negotiating techniques 26 4.1.8T5 Values related to negotiation i) tolerance ii) responsibility bi) co-operation iv) honesty vy) respect Practice 4.1.8P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-me unit, the trainee should by able to: : a) demonstrate situatior that would require negotiation b) apply various negotie techniques Content Demonstrate situationst would require negotiation 4.).8P1 Apply various negotiation techniques 4.1.8P) 41.9 NON-VIOLENT CONFLICT ESOLUTIC Theory 41.910 Specific Objectives By the end of this sub - module unit the trainee should be able to: a) define conflicts b) explain causes of conflicts ©) explain consequences! conflicts 4) state the different tyP* of conflicts 1.972 11.973 11.974 4.3.9TS 4.1.9T6 4.1.97 41.978 e) explain constructive ways of dealing with conflicts 4) state skills for peaceful “conflicts g) identify institutions that resolve conflicts in the community h) apply values in resolving conflicts Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: ability to: i) Make effective decisions ii) Resolve conflicts peacefully Content 1.9T1Meaning of conflicts Causes of conflicts Consequences of conflicts Types of conflicts (siblings, parents, relatives, Communities or clans ) Ways of dealing with conflicts Conflict resolution skills i) empathy ii) seeking assistance iii) respect others iv) assertiveness y) negotiation Institutions that resolve conflicts in the community iii) courts iv) Teligious institutions v) committees vi) council of elders Values related to conflict resolution i) co-operation ii) humility 27 iii) tolerance iv) responsibility 4.1.9T9 Peace as a core value in conflict resolution Practice 4.1.9P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) demonstrate conflict situations b) carry out mock peace deals c) illustrate ways of preventing conflicts Content 4.1.9P0 Demonstrate conflict situations 4.1.9P0. Carry out mock peace deals 4.1.9P0 Illustrate ways of preventing conflicts 4.1.10 EFFECTIVE DECISION MAKING Theory 4.1 10T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) identify situations that require decision making b) state everyday challenges facing the youth that would require effective decision making c) give factors that influence decision making v)religious bodies 4.1.10T1 Steps to effective dec, making 4.1.10T1 Values associated y, effective decision d) discuss the steps to effective decision making e) discuss consequences of not making effective decisions making f) suggest values associated i) honesty with effective decision ij) integrity making iii) peace iv) kindness Competence | The trainee should have the Practice ability to: 4.1.10P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub. module unit, the train, should be able to: a) demonstrate challenges facing youth b) discuss ways in which youth can make effective decisions in life 1) Make effective decisions Weight options before making decisions Content 4.1.10T | Situations that require decision making 4,).10T1 Challenges facing the youth such as! iii) unplanned pregnancies iv) peer pressure/peer influence v) drug abuse vi) HIV and other Sexually Content Transmitted Infections 4.1.10P1 challenges facing the vii) orphaned youth viii) relationships 4.).10P2 effective decision x) career choices making 4.1.107-1 Factors that-influence decision making 4.1.11 CRITICAL i) experiences THINKING i) umiqueness. Theory 4.1.10T1 Consequences of not 4.1.11T0 Specific Objectives making effective decisions By the end of the sub-mo# 4.1.10T1 Decision making unit, the trainee should be institutions within the able to: community a) explain the meaning” i) family critical thinking i) schools /colleges b) describe risky situatio® iii) courts, iv) peer arbitrators 28 c) discuss possible ways of evaluating ideas or Issues objectively give the consequences of making decisions before thinking critically e) suggest values associated with critical thinking a) Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: i) Think fast and analyze situations before acting ii) Anticipate consequences Content ALJIT Meaning of critical thinking 41.1)T1 — Risky situations 4.1.11T1 4.1.TL 4. 11T what constitutes the risk pleasurable activities without risks Evaluating ideas/issues Objectively weighing options making rational choices Consequences of making decisions before thinking critically Possibility of falling victim to: 1) HIV infection ii) drug and substance abuse iii) unplanned pregnancy Wy) early marriage ¥) physical and psychological abuse Values associated with critical thinking 410171 29 Practice 4.1.11PO Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module amit the trainee should be a) analyse of risky situations b) demonstrate effective decision making Content Analysis of risky situations 4.1.11P2. Effective decision making 4.1.11P1 4.1.12 CREATIVE THINKING Theory 4.1.12T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) give the meaning of the term creative thinking b) discuss situations that require creative thinking discuss the importance of being creative give the consequenc' not being creative state values requir’ creative thinking c) d) es of ed in °) Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: make alternative choices Content 4 4.1.12) Meaning of creative thinking 421 Situationy issues that Tequire creative thinking 400211 Importance of being, creative : 4LI2TL Consequences of not being creative 41.1271 sociated values ociation values, Practice 4.1.12P0. Specific Objectives By the end of the module umt, the trainee should be able to: a) think creatively b) explore possible options Content 4.1.12PL Thinking er Yy 4.1.12P2_ Exploring possible options 4.1.13 PROBLEM SOLVING Theory 4.1.13T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- umt, the trainee should be able to: a) identify problem areas that require solutions b) identify causes of Problems identify tools used in Problem solving explain the problem solving process €) state values necessary solving problems ¢ d Competence The tame shouly the ability to eller, solve probleny Content AL ASTL Problem areas 1) Inschool nn) Athome im) With peers iv) Inrelationships 4.1. 13TL Cause of the probler 41.1391 Problem solving pro. 4A 13Tt 4.1.13T1 Problem solving prov i) Identify alternative choices 11) Weighing, options Action 4.1.13T1 Values required in the problem solving prow i) Responsibility i) Honesty iii) Kindn iv) Love S Practice 4.1.13P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-mo unit, the trainee should able to: a) Identify and analyzini problems b) Participate in a probl solving process Content 4.1 13P] Identifying and analya! Problems 4.1.13P2 The Problem solving Process 30 Jt 4.1470 LEISURE, TIME pheory meecific Objectives the end of the sub-module ynit, the trainee should be Je to: ‘ define leisure and related cepts b) ens the effects of wrong use/misuse of leisure time " c) list activities for positive leisure d) identify life skills for positive use of leisure e) identify values associated with leisure a) Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to use leisure time positively and constructively Content 4.1471 Meaning of leisure and related concepts i) Leisure ii) leisure time iii) active Jeisure iv) passive leisure 41.1472. Effects.of- wrong 4.1473 i) _use/misuse of leisure time i) drug and substance abuse ni) HIV and AIDS infection iv) STDs ¥) criminal activities Activities for positive leisure }) ball games h) athletics ii) swimming W) reading 31 vi 41.1475 Values asso, 4.1.14P0 v 4. lara Singing Life Skills SF leisure 1 empathy Problem solyi int) creative thinks IY) critical thinking v) aSSertiveness ) NEQotiation ciated with for posit; ve ime use ii) i) leisure ii) freedom iii) tolerance iv) humility Vv) honesty Practice Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) demonstrate every day’s activities b) identify leisure time c) choose leisure time activities Content 4.1.14P1 Demonstrating every day’s activities 4.1,14P2- Identifying leisure time 4.1.14P3 Leisure time activites TIME MANAGEMENT Theory 4.1.15T0 Specific Objectives ae 1b-m0% By the end of the su mt, the trainee should be able to: a) define the concepts of time management b) give an c) 4) °) 1) 41.1571 41.1972 4.1.15T3 41.1574 analysis of own working schedule draw a time management chart explan the importance of managing ume analyze aspects of time robbers state associated values and Jife skills Competence The traimee should have ability to: 1) Manage time effectively ii) Be organized and focused ini) Achieve set goals iv) Meet others / clientele’s satisfaction Content Meaning of the concepts ‘time management Work schedule Time management chart to include for example i) leisure time ii)- working time iil) exercise and games iv) helping the needy vy) meal times vi) cleaning time vii) rest Importance of managing time i) focus on priorities ii) sense of direction iii) attain goals iv) reduce/avoid stress v) satisfy others/clients 32 4.1.1STS Time robbers } 1) procrastination ni) talking 100 long t in) lack of priontie, iv) day dreaming v) excessive playin vi) Indecisiveness "| vii) disorganization | uncontrolled | media influence | viii) 4,1.15T6 Values associated Effective decision ma. i) honesty simpliciy, ii) responsibility 4.1.19T7 Associated Life Skill | i) assertiveness ii) self awareness iii) self esteem iv) communication ; v) decision making Practice 4.1.15P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-modv’ unit, the trainee should bed to: a) identify time robbers b) strategise of time management Content 4.1.15P1 Identifying time robber 4.1.15P2 Strategies of time Management 4.1.16 DRUG AND UBSTANC ABUSE Theory 4.1.16T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-mo unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define drug and substance abusi drug misuse b) identify drugs and substances of abuse c) state commonly abused drugs d) explain the sof drug and substance abuse identify signs and symptoms of drug and substance abu: f) explain the effects of drugs and substance abuse g) explain the relationship between drug and substance abuse and HIV and aids h) explain ways of preventing drug and substance abuse i) explain ways of managing drug and substance abuse cases j) identify life skills and values necessary in the prevention and management of drug and substance-abuse c Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Live a drug free life ii) Advocate for a drug free society iii) Assist in rehabilitating drug and substance abusers iv) Bea role mode} 33 Content 41.1611 Meaning of drug and substance abuse Drugs and substances of abuse Distinction between drugs and substance abuse and drug misuse Causes of drug and substance abuse Commonly abused drugs and substances i) Alcohol ii) Tobacco iii) Bhang iv) Miraa v) Glue Signs and symptoms of drug and substance abuse Effects of drug and substance abuse Relationship between drug abuse and HIV and AIDS Preventive measures to drug and substance abuse Management of drug and substance abuse i) Treatment ii) Rehabilitation iii) Re-integration Life skills and values necessary in the prevention of drug and substance abuse Life skills i) assertiveness ii) Self awareness iii) self esteem iv) communication v) decision making 4.\.16T13 Values 41.1612 41.1613 4.11674 41.1675 4.1.16T6 4.1.16T7 4..16T8 4.1.16T9 4.1.16T10 4.1.16T1} 4.).16T12 prevention of HIv,} t 1) Integrity Os 1 ii) Love Jain the : x ti) Freedom ») op conceptions aby iv) Responsibility ‘AIDS i) explain ways of tak Practice care and supporting, affected and infect 4.1.16P0 Specific Objectives j) discuss factors that By the end of the sub-module facilitate the spread, unit, the trainee should be HIV and AIDS able to: a) identify commonly Competence abuses drugs and their The Guinke should have values that help in the iti) counseling street names. ability to: | bb) apply preventive and Live a HIV free hie a) | management strategies b) Care for an infected | Comte person | ‘onient Protect him / herseli | 4L16PL ddennfication of °) from snfection ") commonly abuses drugs @) Advocate for HIV al and their street names. ) Advocate fo | 4.1.16P2 application of Preventive Aids free society | and management e) Bea morally uprigh strategies Person 4.1.17 HIV AND AIDS Content | 4.).17T1 Meaning of HIV ant Theory AIDS 4.1.17T2 Ways in which HW! : 4.11770. Specific Objectives transmitted } By the end of the sub-module 4.1.17T3 Signs and symptoms} ( unit, the trainee should be AIDS | able to ; 4.1.17T4 — Factors that facilitatt, ©) give the meaning of HIV spread of HIV and A af and AIDS 4.1.17TS Myths and d) state ways through which misconception abou! HIV is transrnitted HIV and AIDS e) describe signs and 4.1.17T6 Ways of preventing / symptoms of AIDS spread of HIV and A f) explain ways of i) life skills educa" preventing HIV infection ii) vali 2) identify life skills and values | 34 git? Care and support of the infected and affected practice gurro Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) identify HIV transmission mode differentiate facts from myths ©) give care and support to HIV and AIDs infected and affected persons. 4) build resilience d) Content 4,1.17P1 Identification of HIV transmission mode 4.1,17P2 Differentiation facts from myths 41.1723 Care and support for HIV and AIDS infected and affected 41.17P4 Building resilience 4.1.18 CHILD LABOUR Theory 41.1810 Specific objebctives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) define terms relating to child labour b) explain the difference between child labour and child work 35 c) identify forms of child labour 4) analyze factors that lead children to labour e) examine the level of awareness on child Jabour in the community f) suggest interventions possible to eliminate child labour 2) apply appropriate life skills in-saying “NO” to child labour Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Differentiate child work from child labour ii) Put appropriate interventions to worst forms of child labour iii) Work responsibly Content 4,1.18T1 Definition of terms i) Child ii) Child labour iii) Child work 4.).18T2 Difference between child labour and child work 4.1.18T3 Identification of forms of child labour i) Herding ii) Selling/peddling drugs iii) Farm hand iv) Hawking vy) Transport operators 41.1874 Analyzing factors Jeading to child Jabour i) Poverty ii) Negligence of parents iil) Ignorance of child rights iv) Orphaned Examining community’s level of awareness on child Jabour i) Are they many or few? ii) How many are aware? iii) What are their views mm child labour iv) What are their views about children being engaged in work 41.1876 Suggesting possible interventions to eliminate child labour i) Enforcing laws on child rights ii) rents, children, teachers, employers and communities iii) Educating children through curriculum iv) Empowering community leaders and local administration Organizing lobby groups at community levels vi) Setting help/ Teporting desks at community levels 4.1.18T7 Associated life skills include: i) Negotiation ii) Assertive iii) Communication 4.11875 ¥ 36 iw) Decision mak, v) Empathy vi) Practice Specific Objective By the end of the Su module unit, the tr, should be able to: vii) Identify forms q child labour a) Identify factors promoting wor forms of child b) Apply worst fon! of child labour intervention strategies 4.1.18P0 Content 4.1.18P1 Forms of child labour 4.1.18P2 Factors promoting worst forms of child labour 4.1.18P3 Intervention strategies 4.1.19 HUMAN RIGHTS Theory 4.1.19T0 Specific Objectives By-the end-of-the-sub-mi unit, the trainee shouldtt able to: a) define terms b) identify types of needs ©) describe UN conventions on Tights of the chill 4) describe the Categories of hut Tights 41.1971 43.1972 4.11973 4.1.19T4 4.1.19TS 4.1.19T6 e) explain the responsibilities relating to child nights f) principles in the right ofa child 8) appreciate the importance of child protection and rights Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) advocate for human rights and protection ii) intervene in case of child abuse or child neglect defend own self in case of abuse Content Meaning of terms i) Human rigbts ii) Abuse iii) Neglect iv) Labour v) Needs vi) Ratification Types of needs i) Physical ii) Psychological UN conventions on the rights of the child Categories of child rights Importance of child rights and child protection Principles of child rights 1) Best interests of the child ii) Rights apply to every child without discrimination on 37 4.1.19T7 4.1.19P0 4.1.19P] basis of gender race, age, ability, religion Life skills and vaJues associated with child rights Practice Specific Objectives By the end of the sub- module unit, the trainee should be able to identify human rights/child rights Content Identifying human rights/child rights 4.1.20 RELATIONSHIPS Theory 4.1.20T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) identify different types of relationships b) explain ways of developing healthy relationships c) state factors that influence the maintenance of healthy relationships d) explain how to maintain a healthy relationship e) explain how rélationships influence behaviour f) suggest values associated with relationships 2) identify life skills associated with relationships Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Maintain healthy relationship respect each other in relationships. Content 41.2011 Types of relationships 1) Peer/peer i) Boy/girl; man/woman iii) Siblings relationships iv) Parent/child v) Employee/ employer vi) Client/service provider vii) Husband/wife 4.1.20T1 Healthy relationships 4.1.20T1 — Factors that influence healthy relationships i) Personality 1i) Generation gap iii) Experiences in life 4.1.20T] Relationship and behaviour 4.1.20T1 Maintain healthy relationships like waiting unti] marriage i) Upholding associated values and life skills ii) Self sacrifice 4.1.20T1 Life skills associated with relationships i) Assertiveness ii) Awareness iii) Communication iv) Negotiation v) Peer resistance vi) Friendship formation vii) Coping with stress viii) Coping with emotions ix) Decision making 4.1.20T1 Influence of relationship on behaviour i) Negative influence ii) Positive influence 41.20T1 Values associated with relationships i) Love 13) Kindness iit) Understanding iv) Responsibility v)Freedom vi) Tolerance Practice 4,1.20P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub unit, the trainee should able to: a) types of relatic b) strategies to m healthy relatio: Content 4.1.20P1 Types of relationsh 4.1.20P2 Strategies to maint healthy relationship Suggested teaching/Learning Activities i) Discussion ni) DJustration iii) Demonstration ji) Note taking iii) Role play Suggested teaching/Learning Resources - Text books - Charts - Extemal resource perso Suggested Evaluation Methods > Oral tests ~ Timed written tests ~ Assignments = Practical tests 38 5.1.01 5.1.02 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY T) Introduction This module unit is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge; skills and attitudes to enable him/her appreciate and apply Information Communication Technology in the research, design, production and marketing of industrial components. Upon completion of the module unit, trainees will be able to use various computer packages in work places and in their daily life. By-the-end-of the unit is a list of teaching/learning activities, teaching/learning resources and evaluation methods that may be applied in the implementation of the syllabus unit. The list is not exhaustive and the instructor is encouraged to explore other suitable methods. General Objectives By the end of the module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) understand information communication technology operating systems b) understand techniques of data processing ¢) appreciate the role of information communication technology (ICT) in organizations and life in general a) understand the principles of operation of a computer and operating systems ©) adapt to emerging trends in Information Communication Technology (ICT) 39 5.1.03 Module Unit Summary and Time AJlocation Information Communication Technology [Code | Sub 7 Content Time Hrs " Module Units Theory | Pract t 31.1 | Introduction | * Concept of ICT 2 5 tol1CT « Functions of ICT History of computers Classification of computers Components of a computer Input devices 2 4. 7 Output devices i Central Processing ' Unit (CPU) | Peripherals | 5.1.2 | Computer Hardware Storage Media Software concept 2 Types of software Functions of computer — software 3.14 | Operating Operating systems 2 fa System Function of operating systems Operating system commands Managing disks Definition of data 2 $ security and privacy | Security threats and Control measures Computer crimes Detection and Protection against computer crimes ° Laws governing __|__ protection of ICT a al ~ | Computer Software . 3.1.5 | Data Security and Control \ 40 J {5.1.6 Word Processing * Concepts of word 6 processing * Functions of word Processing * Document creation and manipulation ¢ Tables creation and manipulation * Mail merging * Apply word processing utilities w a Shee Spread ts ~s-Meaning of spread~--~ 6 sheet © Uses of spread sheets * Preparing worksheet layout © Building worksheet ¢ Manipulating data on worksheet © Data application to cells Formulae and function + Charts Database ¢ Meaning of database 6 © Database design © Data manipulation Data sorting and indexing « Data storage « Data retrieval Data security Networking and Internet * Meaning of networks 2 « Functions of networks « Networks configuration ¢ Meaning and uses of internet « Electronic Mail (e- mail) 5.1.10 Publ Desktop ishing * Functions of « Tools used — « Manipulations _ 41 Se ® Enhancements of typeset work + Printing of documents mw 5.1.11 _| Presentation Packages * Types of presentation packages © Creating slides + Formatting slides Running slides « Editing objects * Printing slides and handouts: S112 | Emerging ‘Trends and Issues in 1cT + Emerging trends and issues in Information Communication Technology * Challenges posed by the emerging trends and issues in Information and Communication Technology * Coping with challenges posed by emerging trends and issues in Information and Communication Technology N Total time 38 42 61 5.1.1 INTRODUCTION To INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY act) Theory 5.1.1T] Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) describe the concept of icT , b) describe the functions of IcT c) discuss the history of computers d) classify computers €) identify components of a computer Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Identify the various types of computers ii) Identify parts of a computer iii) Connect computer peripherals iv) Maintain the computer system Content 5.1.1T1 Concept of ICT 5.1.1T2 Functions of ICT 5.1.1T3 History of computers 5.1.1T4 Classification of computers i) super computers ii) main frames iii) mini computers iv) micro computers v) desktops vi) laptops — __ 43 vii) palm top 5.1.1TS_ Components of computers i) computer hardware hh) computer software Practice S.1L.IP1 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a)discuss types of computers b) identify components of a computer Content Group discussion on of computers 5.1.1P2_ Identification of computer components and parts S.L.1PI types 5.1.2. COMPUTER HARDWARE Theory 5.1.2T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a). identify-hardware components of a computer b) describe input devices c) describe output devices d) describe central processing unit (CPU) e) identify storage media f) describe peripherals Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: i) Identify computer hardware ji) Classify memory ji) Select computer hardware iv) Test hardware vy) Install hardware vi) Maintain hardware Content 5.1.2T1 Computer hardware components 5.1.2T2 Input devices i) keyboard ii) mouse iii) scanner iv) bar code reader v) magnetic card input vi) voice input devices Output devices i) monitor (visual display unit) ii) printer iii) sound output device Central Processing Unit (CPU) i) electronic components of CPU ii) computer bases Storage media i) primary (main) memory ii) RAM. iii) ROM. iv) secondary storage device v) tapes vi) cassettes vii) diskette viii) flash disks 1x) optic media x) compact disks (CDs) xi) video Compact disks (vc) xii) digital Video Disks (DvD) 5.1.2T6 Computer peripherals 5.1.2T3 5.1.274 5.1.2TS Practice 5.1.2P0 Specific Object, By the end Of the, module unit, the, should be able ty” a) identify input, output devices, computer b) identity storay of a computer c) start and restay computer d) demonstrate Competence jp keyboard skills e) demonstrate Competence in skills Content Identification of: output devices Identification of: media of a compr: Starting and rester computer i) cold booting ii) warm booting Keyboard skills i) functional keys ii) alphanumeric It: iii) special keys iv) cursor moveme™ y) numeric keyp# Mouse skills 3) clicking ii) double clickin8 iii) dragging — iv) right clicking v) scrolling 5.1.2P] 5.1.2P2 5.1.2P3 5.1.2P4 5.1.2P5 5.1.3 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Theory 5.1.3T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) explain the concept of software b) classify computer software c) describe functions of computer software 5.1.3C Competence The trainee should have the ability to: i) Identify type of computer software ii) Select computer software iii) Utilize computer system iv) Maintain software v) Install software vi) Launch software vii) Upgrade software Content 5.1.3T1 Software concept 5.1.3T2 Classification of computer software i) system software ii) application software iii) programming language Functions of computer software 5.1.3T3 Practice 5.1.3P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module ‘unit, the trainee should be able to instal] basic computer software. 45 Content Installation of basic computer software 5.1.3P1 5-1.4 OPERATING SYSTEMS Theory 5.1.4T0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be able to: a) explain how operating systems work b) explain how operating systems commands work c) explain how to manage disks 5.1.4C Competence The trainee should have the ability to: a) Identity an Operating System (OS) b) Describe an operating system c) Compare an operating systems d) Select an operating system e) Utilize OS systems f) Install OS g) Maintain an operating Content Working of an operating system i) Starting in) Shutting iii) Customizing Operating systems commands 51.471 5.1.472 Be , ') Directories/tolders Management ii) Creating iti) Moving and copying Iv) Renaming i) Directories/oig, management a1) Creating a folde, in) Moving and copy folders ) V) Selecting iv) Renaming and sy vi) Opening folder folder } vii) File management ¥) Opening a folder| viii) Creating vi) File managemen| 5 ix) Moving and copying vii) Creatinga file |, x) Renaming and deleting viii) Moving and coy * xi). Opening and closing ix) Renaminganddy xii) Searching x) Opening and clog 5.1413 Managing disks file . i) Assigning a volume label xi) Searching and soy ii) Checking disk storage files | state 5.14P3 Managing disks | iii) Formatting i) Assigning a volm iv) Copying ii) Checking disk sto ¥) Scanning status | iii) Formatting a disk iv) Copying a diskete. copy) } ¥) Scanning of disks. Practice S.14PO Specific Objectives By the end of the sub module unit, the trainee should be 5.1.5 DATA SECURITY 4 able to: CONTROL a) demonstrate Competence in the use of an operating Theory } system b)- apply various operating 5.1.5T0 Specific Objectives | system commands By the end of the ube c) manage disks unit, the trainee should’ able to: Content a) define data secuni) 5.1.4P1 Using an operating sysiem privacy i) starting an operating b) identify security system on ICT and posit! ii) shutting down an control measures | operating system c) identify types of { iii) customizing an operating Computer crimes @) explain how to et systett protect identified 5.1. 4P2 Operating system computer crimes commands 46

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