Long QT Syndrome DX and Management 2002

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Curriculum in Cardiology

Long QT syndrome: Diagnosis and management

Ijaz A. Khan, MD, FACP, FACC Omaha, Neb

Background Long QT syndrome (LQT) is characterized by prolongation of the QT interval, causing torsade de
pointes and sudden cardiac death. The LQT is a disorder of cardiac repolarization caused by alterations in the transmem-
brane potassium and sodium currents. Congenital LQT is a disease of transmembrane ion-channel proteins. Six genetic loci
of the disease have been identified. Sporadic cases of the disease occur as a result of spontaneous mutations. The acquired
causes of LQT include drugs, electrolyte imbalance, marked bradycardia, cocaine, organophosphorus compounds, sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage, myocardial ischemia, protein sparing fasting, autonomic neuropathy, and human immunodeficiency
virus disease.
Methods Data on the diagnosis and management of LQT were thoroughly reviewed.
Results and Conclusions The diagnosis of LQT primarily rests on clinical and electrocardiographic features and
family history. The clinical presentations range from dizziness to syncope and sudden death. Genetic screening is available
primarily as a research tool. Short-term treatment of LQT is aimed at preventing the recurrences of torsades and includes
intravenous magnesium and potassium administration, temporary cardiac pacing, withdrawal of the offending agent, correc-
tion of electrolyte imbalance, and, rarely, intravenous isoproterenol administration. The long-term treatment is aimed at
reducing the QT-interval duration and preventing the torsades and sudden death and includes use of oral β-adrenergic
blockers, implantation of permanent pacemaker/cardioverter-defibrillator, and left thoracic sympathectomy. Sodium channel
blockers are promising agents under investigation. Electrocardiograms are recorded for screening of family members. The
data favor treating asymptomatic patients, if <40 years old at the time of diagnosis, with β-adrenergic blockers. (Am Heart J

Long QT syndrome (LQT) is a disorder caused by persion of repolarization, both of which contribute to
lengthening of the repolarization phase of the ventricu- the final phenotype of the syndrome.2,3 The acquired
lar action potential, although the QT interval on the sur- factors causing LQT include use of drugs, hypokalemia,
face electrocardiogram (ECG) represents the total dura- hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, marked bradycardia,
tion of both the depolarization and the repolarization cocaine abuse, organophosphorus compound poison-
phases. Therefore it is the lengthening of the JT interval ing, subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, myocardial
that determines the vulnerability for development of ischemia, protein-sparing fasting by using liquid protein
torsade de pointes (torsades), and the lengthening of diets, autonomic neuropathy, and human immunodefi-
QT interval, because of the mere lengthening of the ciency virus disease.4-10 Multiple risk factors may inter-
duration of QRS complex, will not constitute LQT and play in an individual patient to prolong QT interval and
will not precipitate torsades. The LQT is caused by con- precipitate torsades.11
genital and acquired factors. Congenital LQT is a herita-
ble ion channel disease caused by a number of muta-
tions in the genes encoding for the transmembrane Diagnosis of LQT syndrome
sodium or potassium ion channel proteins.1 Six subsets The diagnosis of LQT primarily depends on the clini-
of congenital LQT (LQT1 to LQT6) have been identified. cal features, the family history, and the ECG findings of
Electrophysiologically, these mutations slow the inacti- the patient. Unexplained syncope or sudden cardiac
vation of inward depolarizing sodium currents or cause death in a child or young adult should raise a high suspi-
retardation of outward repolarizing potassium currents, cion of the possibility of presence of LQT. Electrophysi-
resulting in an increase in after depolarizations and dis- ologic testing is not helpful in making the diagnosis of
LQT. Genetic testing has not become a routine part of
From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Creighton University the diagnostic workup in patients with LQT, although it
School of Medicine, Omaha, Neb.
Submitted April 6, 2001; accepted September 18, 2001.
could be of assistance in the borderline cases or in cases
Reprint requests: Ijaz A. Khan, MD, FACP, FACC, Creighton University Cardiac where a new mutation is suspected. Schwartz12 and
Center, 3006 Webster St, Omaha, NE 68131-2044. Schwartz et al13 have proposed a set of criteria to assist
E-mail: ikhan@cardiac.creighton.edu
in diagnosing the LQT (Table I). These criteria provide a
Copyright © 2002 by Mosby, Inc.
0002-8703/2002/$35.00 + 0 4/1/120295 quantitative approach to the diagnosis of LQT by allocat-
doi:10.1067/mhj.2002.120295 ing numerical points to the clinical features, family his-
American Heart Journal
8 Khan January 2002

Table I. Criteria for diagnosis of LQT syndrome tole. The longer cycle length usually precedes the last
supraventricular beat before initiation of the torsades.
Characteristics Points
In a typical short-long-short sequence, a sinus beat is
Clinical history followed by an extrasystole (short cycle), this extrasys-
Syncope tole is followed by a sinus beat after a long postex-
With stress 2 trasystolic pause (long cycle), and this sinus beat,
Without stress 1 which has a longer QT interval than the preceding
Congenital deafness 0.5 sinus beats, is then followed by a ventricular beat,
Family history*
Family members with definite LQT 1 which is the first beat of the torsades. In cases with
Unexplained sudden cardiac death at age 0.5 congenital LQT, a sudden intense adrenergic stimula-
<30 y among immediate family members tion can precipitate torsades.18 The sudden intense
Electrocardiographic findings† adrenergic stimulation probably results in an extrasys-
tole, which is followed by a long postextrasystolic
≥480 ms 3
460-470 ms 2 pause that precipitates arrhythmia in the setting of
450 ms (in males) 1 underlying long QT interval.19
Torsade de pointes 2 The congenital LQT usually manifests before the age of
T-wave alternans 1 40 years, chiefly in childhood and adolescence. The age
Notched T wave in 3 leads 1
Low heart rate for age (<2nd percentile) 0.5
at which disease manifests the first time in an individual
patient depends on the genotype of the family. Accord-
Scoring: ≤1 point = low probability, 2-3 points = intermediate probability, ≥4 points ing to the International Long QT Syndrome Registry data,
= high probability. Torsade de pointes and syncope are mutually exclusive.
*The sane family member cannot be counted twice.
the median age at which the first cardiac event occurred
†In absence of medications or disorders known to affect these electrocardiographic was 9, 12, and 16 years in subjects with LQT1 (n = 112
features. subjects), LQT2 (n = 72 subjects), and LQT3 (n = 62 sub-
jects), respectively.20 Men are less prone to the develop-
ment of cardiac events because of shorter QT intervals
tory, and ECG findings and divide the possibility of LQT compared with women, boys, and girls, especially in
into low, intermediate, and high probability ranges. In LQT1 and LQT2 groups.21-23 The shorter QT interval for
the borderline cases, exercise testing may be per- men is most evident for heart rates <60 beats/min. The
formed to assist in the diagnosis. The QT interval may risk of torsades and sudden death is highest at the early
lengthen abnormally during the recovery phase of exer- waking hours, which correlates with the diurnal peak of
cise testing in patients with LQT.14,15 In a controlled the QT interval at that time.
study,15 at heart rates of 110 or 100 beats/min during The prolongation of QT interval is a risk factor for
recovery, 100% of LQT1 patients and 89% of LQT2 sudden cardiac death independent of the patient’s age,
patients had QT intervals longer than any of the control history of myocardial infarction, heart rate, and history
subjects. of drug use; the patients with a QTc interval of >440
milliseconds are at 2 to 3 times higher risk for sudden
Clinical features cardiac death than those with a QTc interval of <440
The clinical features of LQT are a result of the precip- milliseconds.24 The mortality rate in untreated patients
itation of torsades, and range from minor symptoms, with LQT is in the range of 1% to 2% per year. The inci-
such as dizziness, to seizure, syncope, and sudden dence of sudden death varies from family to family as a
death. An individual episode of the torsades is generally function of the genotype.20,25 In the data published
short lived, usually terminates spontaneously, and may from the International Long-QT Syndrome Registry, the
go unrecognized. However, it has a tendency to recur frequency of cardiac events was significantly higher
in rapid succession and therefore may cause syncope among subjects with LQT1 (63%) or LQT2 (46%) than
and death. The characteristic electrocardiographic fea- among subjects with LQT3 (18%).20 The cumulative
tures of torsades include a markedly prolonged QT mortality through the age of 40 years was similar
interval in the last sinus beat preceding the onset of the among subjects of all 3 genotypes, but the likelihood of
arrhythmia, progressive twisting of the QRS complex dying during a cardiac event was significantly higher
polarity around an imaginary baseline, a complete 180- among the subjects with LQT3 (20%) than among those
degree twist of the QRS complexes in 10 to 12 beats, with LQT1 (4%) or LQT2 (4%). The mean QTc interval
changing amplitude of the QRS complexes in each was significantly longer in the LQT3 group (510 ± 48
cycle in a sinusoidal fashion, a heart rate between 150 ms) than that in the LQT1 (490 ± 43 ms) or LQT2 (495
to 300 beats/min, and irregular RR intervals.16,17 The ± 43 ms) groups. Sudden cardiac death in patients with
initiation of torsades is usually dependent on a pause in congenital LQT is often precipitated by a triggering
the electrical activity created by a longer cycle length, event, such as physical exercise, swimming, sleep
which may be the result of bradycardia or an extrasys- deprivation, auditory stimuli, and sudden intense sym-
American Heart Journal
Volume 143, Number 1 Khan 9

pathetic stimuli including grief, fright, pain, anger, fear, tem disease (Lenegre-Lev disease). However, these
or startle.26,27 These events tend to cluster in families as mutations are loss of function type mutations contrary
a function of the genotype.26 Physical exercise is more to the gain in function type mutations in LQT3. The
prone to precipitate cardiac events in patients with LQT4 locus has been identified at chromosome 4 in
LQT1, auditory stimuli in patients with LQT2, and rest one large French kindred but the responsible gene has
and sleep in patients with LQT3.26-28 Although the not been identified yet.37 The mutations in the KCNE1
cause of death during rest and sleep in patients with (minK) gene, located on chromosome 21, cause LQT5.
LQT3 is not well established, it well reflects brady- The KCNE1 gene encodes the β-subunit of the cardiac
arrhythmia-induced torsades because bradycardia and potassium channel IKs.38 The KCNQ1 (LQT1) and
pauses have been reported with LQT3. The high-risk KCNE1 (LQT5) gene products assemble to form a com-
predictors of sudden cardiac death in patients with con- plete IKs channel protein. The LQT5 accounts for only a
genital LQT include recurrent episodes of syncope, fail- small number of the genotyped LQT families. The muta-
ure on conventional medical therapy, survival from car- tions in the KCNE2 (MiRP1) gene, located on chromo-
diac arrest, congenital deafness, female sex, QTc >600 some 21 cause LQT6.39 The KCNE2 (MiRP1) gene
milliseconds, relative bradycardia, kinship with a symp- encodes a small membrane protein, which is consid-
tomatic patient, and sudden cardiac death in a family ered a part of the IKr channel.39 The HERG (LQT2) and
member at an early age.29 KCNE2 (LQT6) gene products assemble to form a com-
plete IKr channel protein. Although currently >300
Family history and genetics mutations have been discovered in the 5 known LQT
A family history of unexplained syncope or sudden genes, not all the genes responsible for LQT have been
death, especially in the young family members of a pa- identified. In addition, the sporadic cases of LQT occur
tient with unexplained syncope or sudden death, should as a result of spontaneous mutations. Therefore a lack
raise a strong suspicion of congenital LQT. Initially, the 2 of family history does not entirely preclude the diagno-
well-described forms of the congenital LQT were the sis of congenital LQT.
Jervell Lange-Nielsen syndrome and the Romano Ward
syndrome. The Jervell Lange-Nielsen syndrome is a rare ECG findings
cardioauditory syndrome where the deafness is inherited In the majority of patients with congenital LQT, the
in an autosomal recessive pattern, and the marked QTc QTc interval is >440 milliseconds, but in 6% to 12% of
prolongation reflects the double-dominant inheritance of patients the QTc interval is within normal limits, and
2 mutant alleles.30 The more common Romano Ward syn- about one third of the patients have a QTc interval
drome, associated with normal hearing, is inherited in an ≤460 milliseconds.20,40 The other ECG features, espe-
autosomal dominant pattern.31,32 cially accompanying T-wave and U-wave abnormalities,
During last decade, significant advancements have may assist in diagnosis, especially in cases where the
been made in determining the genetic basis of the con- QTc interval is within normal limits or is borderline
genital LQT, and on the basis of ion channel and the high.40 Sinus bradycardia with sinus pauses has been
gene involved, 6 subtypes of congenital LQT have been reported in up to one third of the patients with congen-
characterized. Mutations in the KCNQ1 (KVLQT1) ital LQT, especially so in patients with LQT3.41 Another
gene, located on chromosome 11, cause LQT1. The ECG feature of the LQT is increased QT interval disper-
KCNQ1 gene encodes the α-subunit of a cardiac potas- sion, which is due to labile repolarization in LQT.42
sium channel IKs—the slowly activating potassium- The T wave could be larger, prolonged, and bizarre
delayed rectifier.33 The LQT1 is the principal gene looking and may display a notched, bifid, biphasic, or
responsible for both Jervell Lange-Nielsen and Romano alternans appearance.40,43 T-wave alternans is a diag-
Ward syndromes, and it accounts for approximately nostic feature of the LQT and reflects an enhanced elec-
50% of the genotyped LQT families.34 The mutations in trical instability during repolarization.43 The different
the HERG gene, located on chromosome 7, cause genotypes of LQT may display specific ECG pheno-
LQT2. The HERG gene encodes for another cardiac types. Zhang et al40 identified 10 ST-T wave repolariza-
potassium channel IKr—the rapidly activating potas- tion patterns in LQT (4 in LQT1 genotype, 4 in LQT2
sium-delayed rectifier.35 The LQT2 accounts for genotype, 2 in LQT3 genotype). The repolarization pat-
approximately 45% of the genotyped LQT families. The terns identified in LQT1 were of infantile ST-T wave,
mutations in the SCN5A gene, located on chromosome broad-based T wave, normal-appearing T wave, and
3, cause LQT3. The SCN5A gene encodes a cardiac late-onset normal-appearing T wave; those identified in
sodium channel INa—the cardiac voltage-dependent LQT2 were of obvious bifid T wave, subtle bifid T wave
sodium channel.36 The LQT3 accounts for approxi- with second component on top of T wave in limb and
mately 5% of the genotyped LQT families. Interestingly, left precordial leads, subtle bifid T wave with second
mutations in the same gene but at different loci result component on down slope of T wave in inferior and
in Brugada syndrome and progressive conduction sys- mid precordial leads, and low-amplitude bifid T wave
American Heart Journal
10 Khan January 2002

with second component merged with U wave; and pentamidine, amantidine, chloroquine, and trimetho-
those identified with LQT3 were of late-onset peaked/ prim-sulphamethoxazole), antifungal agents (ketocona-
biphasic T wave and asymmetric peaked T wave. These zole and itraconazole), and antihistamines (terfenadine
repolarization patterns had sensitivity of 61% to 100%, and astemizole).44 A full list of cardiac and noncardiac
62% to 100%, and 33% to 100%; and specificity of 71% drugs that have been reported to prolong the QT inter-
to 100%, 87% to 100%, and 98% to 100% for identifying val is available at www.qtdrugs.org.
LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3, respectively. However, overlap The QT-interval prolongation resulting from the use
existed among the repolarization patterns of 3 geno- of drugs is a patient-specific phenomenon, which indi-
types, and one third of LQT3 gene carriers had repolar- cates that the patients who have a drug-induced long
ization patterns similar to those of LQT1 gene carriers. QT interval may be genetically predisposed because of
The sensitivities and specificities were higher with fam- the presence of an underlying mild or attenuated form
ily-grouped analysis. The U-wave abnormalities re- of congenital LQT.44,45 The principal ion channel
ported in LQT include prominent bizarre looking U affected by the QT-interval prolonging drugs is IKr
waves and U-wave alternans. The T- and U-wave abnor- (HERG), which, interestingly, is the same ion channel
malities in LQT have been reported to exaggerate with that causes congenital LQT2.45 Therefore, a physiologic
excessive sympathetic stimulation.43 relationship may exist between drug-induced LQT and
congenital LQT2, which further strengthens the possi-
bility of a genetic basis for predisposition to the drug-
Management of LQT syndrome induced LQT. Hence, drug-induced LQT may raise a
Short-term treatment possibility of the presence of an LQT locus in the family
Immediate cardioversion should be done in situations and thus may logically lend an extra caution in using
where torsades does not terminate spontaneously and the QT-prolonging drugs in the other family members,
results in hemodynamic compromise. The short-term although this has not been examined prospectively.
treatment, which is aimed at prevention of the recur- Certain acquired factors including left ventricular
rences of torsades, includes withdrawal of the offend- hypertrophy, myocardial ischemia, and myocardial
ing agents, correction of the underlying electrolyte fibrosis have been reported to facilitate the drug-
abnormalities, and administration of magnesium, potas- induced prolongation of the QT interval.44,46 Therefore
sium, temporary transvenous cardiac pacing, and rarely the QT prolonging drugs should be used with caution
intravenous isoproterenol. The magnesium, potassium, in patients with these conditions.
and temporary transvenous cardiac pacing are useful Magnesium. Magnesium is very effective for suppres-
for both congenital and acquired forms of the LQT, but sion of the short-term recurrences of torsades and is the
use of intravenous isoproterenol is limited to acquired agent of choice for the immediate treatment of the tor-
LQT only. sades associated with both congenital and acquired
Withdrawal of the offending agent. Withdrawal of forms of LQT, irrespective of serum magnesium lev-
the offending agent is a crucial first step in the preven- els.47 A single bolus of 2 g of magnesium sulfate is
tion of the recurrence of the torsades. Drugs are the administered over a period of 2 to 3 minutes, followed
most common offending agents. The important cardiac by an intravenous infusion of magnesium at a rate of 2
drugs that have been reported to prolong the QT inter- to 4 mg/min, and a second bolus of 2 g of magnesium
val are bepridil; phenylamine; class IA antiarrhythmic sulfate may be given if the torsades recurs while the
agents including, quinidine, procainamide, and disopyr- patient is receiving the intravenous infusion of magne-
amide; and class III antiarrhythmic agents including, sium. The exact mode of action of magnesium in pre-
sotalol, ibutilide, azimilide, dofetilide, and amiodarone, venting the recurrences of torsades is not clear, but its
although amiodarone is rarely associated with torsades. effect may be mediated by blockade of sodium cur-
Class IC antiarrhythmic drugs have been implicated in rents.48 Magnesium does not shorten the QTc interval
torsades, but such reports are discredited because the significantly and has no significant role in the long-term
QT-interval prolongation, if any, with the use of class IC management of LQT. The treatment with intravenous
antiarrhythmic drugs will be due to the prolongation of magnesium is very safe and can be initiated as soon as
the QRS-complex duration (depolarization), not the the diagnosis is made. The only side effect reported
prolongation of the JT interval (repolarization), and it is with the use of intravenous magnesium therapy is a
the prolongation of the repolarization that precipitate flushing sensation during the bolus injection.
torsades, not that of the depolarization. A number of Potassium. Administration of potassium is considered
noncardiac drugs have been reported to prolong QT an important adjunct to the intravenous magnesium
interval, including cisapride, probucol, ketanserin, therapy for the short-term prevention of the torsades,
papaverine, tacrolimus, arsenic trioxide, phenothi- especially in the cases where the serum potassium level
azines, haloperidol, tricyclic antidepressants, antimicro- is in the lower limits. Data suggest that in patients with
bial agents (erythromycin, grepafloxacin, moxifloxacin, LQT2 high normal (4.5-5 mEq/L) levels of serum potas-
American Heart Journal
Volume 143, Number 1 Khan 11

sium are preferable to low normal (4-4.5 mEq/L) levels. the QT interval often becomes normal by treating the
In a controlled study, Compton et al49 examined the underlying cause. The torsades in these situations, how-
effect of potassium administration on QT interval in 7 ever, often require acute emergency treatment along
subjects with mutant HERG gene (LQT2). The serum with the withdrawal of the offending agents and cor-
potassium level was raised by ≥1.5 mEq/L by giving oral rection of the electrolyte imbalance. The long-term
potassium chloride (60 mEq every 2 hours), intra- treatment of acquired LQT is limited to permanent
venous infusion of potassium chloride (20 mEq/h), and pacemaker implantation in patients with sick sinus syn-
oral spironolactone (200 mg, followed by 100 mg every drome or atrioventricular block in whom a pause or the
2 hours). The increase in the serum potassium levels bradycardia is a precipitating event for torsades. On the
resulted in a significant shortening (24%) in the QTc other hand, long-term treatment of congenital LQT is
interval in subjects with mutant HERG gene (from 617 mandatory and is aimed to prevent the recurrence of
± 92 ms to 469 ± 23 ms) but not in control subjects. In torsades by shortening the QTc interval. The standard
addition, by increasing the serum potassium level, the treatment options available for long-term management
QTc dispersion decreased significantly in subjects with of the patients with congenital LQT are the use of oral
mutant HERG gene (133 ± 62 ms to 42 ± 28 ms) but did β-adrenergic blockers, permanent pacemaker place-
not change in control subjects. However, caution ment, and implantation of cardioverter-defibrillator.
should be used against the development of hyper- Therapies targeting the mutated ion channels are under
kalemia while intending to maintain the serum potas- investigation. Education of the patient is crucial to
sium level in the high normal range. avoid risk-associated behaviors.
Temporary transvenous cardiac pacing. Temporary β-Adrenergic blockers. Long-term treatment with β-
transvenous cardiac pacing at rates around 100 beats/ adrenergic blockers has shown to result in a significant
min is another highly effective measure to prevent the reduction in the incidence of cardiac events in patients
short-term recurrence of the torsades associated with with congenital LQT.52,53 According to a recently pub-
both acquired and congenital forms of LQT.50 A tempo- lished report,53 long-term β-adrenergic blocker therapy
rary transvenous pacemaker should be placed if intra- has been shown to result in a significant reduction in
venous magnesium therapy fails to prevent the recur- the rates of cardiac events in probands (0.97 ± 1.42
rence of the torsades. The cardiac pacing prevents events/year before vs 0.31 ± 0.86 events/year after initi-
pauses and shortens the QTc interval by enhancing the ation of β-blockers) and in affected family members
repolarizing potassium currents as a result of increased (0.26 ± 0.84 events/year before vs 0.15 ± 0.69
heart rates.51 Although cardiac pacing is effective in events/year after initiation of β-blockers) during a 5-
preventing the recurrence of the torsades irrespective year matched period. Among β-adrenergic blocking
of the baseline heart rate, it is of particular value in the agents, propranolol has been widely used at a daily
patients who display bradycardia or pauses. dose of 2 to 3 mg/kg, but all β-blockers should be effec-
Isoproterenol. Isoproterenol used to be the drug of tive, as protection against the precipitation of torsades
choice to prevent the short-term recurrence of torsades provided by the use of β-blocker class effect. The dose
before the use of magnesium and cardiac pacing. Iso- of β-adrenergic blocking agent should be maximized,
proterenol controls the short-term recurrence of tor- aiming a maximal heart rate of 130 beats/min or less on
sades by increasing the heart rate, especially where treadmill exercise testing. Therapy with β-adrenergic
recurrence is dependent on the bradycardia or blockers should be continued for life and should be
pauses.52 Isoproterenol may be used when specially supplemented with implantation of a permanent pace-
trained medical personnel are not available to insert a maker in cases where bradycardia is a prominent fea-
temporary transvenous pacemaker. When used, it is ture of the syndrome.54 β-Adrenergic blocking agents
administered as a continuous intravenous infusion at are most efficacious in LQT1, where exercise and phys-
doses sufficient to maintain the heart rate at around 100 ical exertion are the most common triggers for an
beats/min. Because of its adrenergic effects, isopro- arrhythmic event.28
terenol should not be used in patients with congenital Left thoracic sympathectomy. High left thoracic
LQT. For similar reasons, it should be used cautiously in sympathectomy has been used, chiefly in Europe, as
patients with structural heart disease. Another limiting second-line therapy in patients who were nonrespon-
factor in the use of isoproterenol is the scarcity of the ders to β-adrenergic blockers. It is a highly effective
drug. The common side effects reported with the use method of surgical antiadrenergic therapy but now has
of isoproterenol infusion are palpitations and feeling of been largely replaced with permanent pacemaker and
flushing sensations. cardioverter-defibrillator implantation.55
Permanent pacemaker and cardioverter-defibrilla-
Long-term treatment tor. Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is a stan-
Long-term treatment is generally not required in cases dard adjunct to β-adrenergic blocker therapy in patients
with acquired prolongation of the QT interval because who are symptomatic despite being on the full doses of
American Heart Journal
12 Khan January 2002

β-adrenergic blockers and in cases where bradycardia is termination or prevention of short-term recurrences of
a prominent feature of the syndrome.56,57 β-Adrenergic the torsades, but the effectiveness of these agents has
blocker therapy should be continued along with im- not been consistent.66 Similarly, many other experi-
plantation of the permanent pacemaker.58 Pacing rates mental agents tested, including potassium channel acti-
should be adjusted to normalize QT interval, and the vators (nicorandil, pinacidil) and calcium channel
pacemaker features that allow heart rate slowing be- blockers, have shown inconsistent results and await fur-
yond the lower rate limit or that may trigger pauses ther investigation.67,68 Currently, these agents may be
should be turned off because such pauses could be considered only as adjuncts to the standard therapy.
highly proarrhythmic in this patient population.59 The Screening of family members. Each child of a par-
patients with LQT3 have been reported to more likely ent affected with Romano Ward syndrome has a 50%
benefit from permanent cardiac pacing because they chance of inheriting the LQT gene. The ECGs of all the
are more prone to have sudden cardiac death at slower family members of a patient with LQT are recorded for
heart rates.54 screening. The identification of QTc interval prolonga-
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators are used when tion and T-wave abnormalities in the family members of
the combination of the β-adrenergic blocker therapy a patients with sudden cardiac death is suggestive of
and the pacing fails to prevent presyncopal or syncopal presence of the LQT gene in the family and will likely
episodes or when the initial presenting event is a resus- establish LQT as the cause of death in the deceased
citated cardiac arrest.60 Because of the availability of family member. The genetic screening is available but
the cardioverter-defibrillator with dual-chamber pacing primarily as a research tool. Routine genetic screening
capabilities and because of the potential lethality of the is not feasible currently because only about 60% of fam-
failure of β-blocker therapy, many electrophysiologists ilies that have been clinically diagnosed with LQT can
today prefer to use this device as first-line therapy to be genotyped.69 Furthermore, numerous different
prevent sudden cardiac death in all symptomatic genetic mutations have been discovered involving each
patients with congenital LQT. The implantable car- of the known LQT genes, making screening labori-
dioverter-defibrillator will not prevent the precipitation ous.70,71 Nonetheless, genetic testing is available on a
of torsades but will prevent sudden cardiac death when limited basis for those who want to know whether they
torsades is prolonged or degenerates to ventricular fi- are genetic carriers, but with the caution that negative
brillation. Therefore, to prevent the precipitation of tor- results would not entirely rule out the possibility of har-
sades, the use of a β-adrenergic blocking agent should boring the LQT gene. Family-grouped ECG analysis
be continued along with the implantation of the car- improves the accuracy of genotype identification and
dioverter-defibrillator. The unnecessary shocks from can simplify genetic screening by targeting the gene for
the cardioverter-defibrillator device and the emotional initial study.40
distress associated with these shocks may cause adren- Treatment of asymptomatic patients The treatment
ergic stimulation sufficient to result in the precipitation option offered for asymptomatic patients with LQT is
of torsades, which gives an even stronger position for the long-term use of a β-adrenergic blocker agent, the
continuation of the β-adrenergic blocker therapy after dose of which should be maximized aiming at a maxi-
implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator.52 mal heart rate of ≤130 beats/min on treadmill exercise
Mutation-specific therapies. Knowledge about the testing. It is generally recommended to treat all asymp-
mutations causing congenital LQT has initiated research tomatic patients <40 years old at the time of diagnosis
on the therapies targeted at the mutant ion channels.61 because it is not possible to predict which asympto-
The sodium channel blockers flecainide and mexiletine matic patient will become symptomatic and 30% to
have been reported beneficial in the LQT3, which is 40% of sudden deaths occur at the first event.72,73 Fur-
caused by a gain in function-type mutations in SCN5A— thermore, although most cases of inherited LQT usually
a gene that encodes for a cardiac sodium channel.62-64 manifest clinically in early childhood, the possibility of
Benhorin et al62 tested the effect of flecainide (75 to a late manifestation of the disease cannot be ruled out,
150 mg twice daily orally) on QTc interval in 8 asymp- which makes the case stronger for treating asympto-
tomatic carriers of the SCN5A mutation (LQT3). Fle- matic patients.74 However, on the other hand, some
cainide therapy significantly shortened the QT interval investigators have recommended treating asymptomatic
(from 523 ± 94 ms to 435 ± 40 ms) and QTc interval patients only if they have high-risk characteristics,
(from 517 ± 45 ms to 468 ± 36 ms). In an animal including the presence of congenital deafness, QTc
model, mexiletine was also reported to markedly interval >600 milliseconds, T-wave alternans, neonates
shorten the erythromycin-induced prolongation of the and infants, or affected siblings of children who have
action potential duration and abolish the erythromycin- died suddenly or if the family desires treatment.75
induced early afterdepolarizations.65 Other sodium Patient education. Patients with congenital LQT
channel blockers including lidocaine, phenytoin, and should be well informed about the risk-associated
pentisomide have been reported to be beneficial for behaviors to prevent sudden death, about compliance
American Heart Journal
Volume 143, Number 1 Khan 13

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to provide information on the progress being made in ence on the rate-corrected QT interval and the QT-heart rate rela-
the management of LQT. They should be aware of the tion in families with genotypically characterized long QT syndrome.
drugs and substances with known risk of precipitating J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:93-9.
22. Makkar RR, Fromm BS, Steinman RT, et al. Female gender as a risk
torsades. Educational information for patients is pro-
factor for torsade de pointes associated with cardiovascular drugs.
vided at several Web sites, including www.sads.org and
JAMA 1993;270:2590-7.
www.qtsyndrome.ch. 23. Kawasaki R, Machado C, Reinoehl J, et al. Increased propensity of
women to develop torsade de pointes during complete heart block.
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