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Dogs, scientifically known as Canis lupus familiaris, have been faithful companions
to humans for thousands of years. This report aims to provide a comprehensive
overview of these remarkable creatures, covering their biology, behavior, and the
significant roles they play in our society.

I. Anatomy and Physiology

Physical Characteristics: Dogs exhibit a wide range of physical attributes,

including various coat types, sizes, and shapes. Their remarkable diversity is a
result of selective breeding for different purposes.

Sensory Abilities: Dogs possess acute senses, with an exceptional sense of smell,
sharp hearing, and a wide field of vision. These senses are crucial for their roles
in hunting, tracking, and companionship.

Digestive System: Understanding a dog's digestive system is essential for proper

nutrition and care. Dogs are primarily carnivores, but they have adapted to an
omnivorous diet over time.

II. Behavior and Communication

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