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CClient means customer, in SAP Landscape client is an independent information and data.

Client means a
location in an environment where configuration maintained, master data created and transaction data
posts. An environment can have multiple clients for specific purposes like a golden client only for
configurations in development environment.

SAP introduced client concept to avoid separate physical system for each customer. Client concept also
helps for individual customers to create different clients in one environment. We have different
environments, in each environment we can have multiple clients for various activities. There is no
obligation to have multiple clients in an environment.

SAP standard provides 3 different clients:

1. Client 000 is a master client, it comes by default through SAP ERP software installation.

2. Client 001 is a copy of client 000 with Test Company. This client considered as a reference (copy) to
create new client.

3. Client 066 is called early watch client, it is a diagnosis service for solution monitlient means customer,
in SAP Landscape client is an independent information and data. Client means a location in an
environment where configuration maintained, master data created and transaction data posts. An
environment can have multiple clients for specific purposes like a golden client only for configurations in
development environment.

SAP introduced client concept to avoid separate physical system for each customer. Client concept also
helps for individual customers to create different clients in one environment. We have different
environments, in each environment we can have multiple clients for various activities. There is no
obligation to have multiple clients in an environment.

SAP standard provides 3 different clients:

1. Client 000 is a master client, it comes by default through SAP ERP software installation.

2. Client 001 is a copy of client 000 with Test Company. This client considered as a reference (copy) to
create new client.
3. Client 066 is called early watch client, it is a diagnosis service for solution monit

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