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Ran for 参选: To participate as a candidate in an election.

Sentence: She ran for mayor to make positive changes in the city.

Congress 国会议员: A legislative body that makes laws and decisions in a country.
Sentence: He was elected to serve in the United States Congress.

Run against 竞争: To compete as a candidate in an election against another person.

Sentence: She decided to run against her friend in the upcoming election.

Disrupt 扰乱,使混乱: to disturb or interrupt the normal flow or functioning of something.

Sentence: The unexpected power outage disrupted the company's operations for several hours,
causing confusion among employees.

Status quo 现状: The existing state of affairs or current situation.

Sentence: The activists wanted to challenge the status quo and bring about change.

Pollsters 民意调查者: People who conduct surveys and gather public opinion data.
Sentence: The pollsters asked people about their preferences in the upcoming election.

Endorsement 赞同,支持,认可: A public declaration of support or approval.

Sentence: The celebrity's endorsement of the product boosted its popularity.

Snapped 啪的一声: To take a picture with a camera quickly.

Sentence: She snapped a photo of the beautiful sunset.

Humiliating 使丢脸,使蒙羞: Causing embarrassment or a loss of self-respect.

Sentence: The prank played on him was embarrassing and humiliating.

Gravitate 受吸引: To be naturally drawn or attracted to something.

Sentence: Many people gravitate towards music as a way to relax.

It's no wonder why 不足为奇: This is used to express that something is not surprising.
Sentence: She's an excellent musician; it's no wonder why she won the competition.

Swing 冲击: To change or shift from one state to another.

Sentence: The election results could swing in either direction.

Jump off: To start or begin something.

Sentence: Let's jump off the project with a brainstorming session.

Habituated 使习惯于: Accustomed to or used to a particular habit or behavior.

Sentence: She became habituated to waking up early for her morning jog.

Federal deficit 联邦赤字: The amount by which a government's spending exceeds its revenue.
Sentence: The country is facing a significant federal deficit, leading to economic concerns.

Underrepresented 代表性不足,未被充分代表: Not adequately represented or having less

presence than deserved.
Sentence: Women are often underrepresented in leadership positions.

Outperform 跑赢大盘: To do better than expected or compared to others.

Sentence: The new employee managed to outperform her colleagues in sales.

Invoked 调用: To call upon or mention something for support or justification.

Sentence: The lawyer invoked a relevant law to make his case.

aspire 追逐

Leaning in 向前一步: to accept the challenge of doing something and try hard to do it
Sentence: Writing a novel can be a daunting process but you just need to get up each morning
and lean into it.

Semicolon 分号: A punctuation mark (;) used to separate two related independent clauses.
Sentence: I used a semicolon to connect two related ideas in my essay.

Undo 撤销(先前的计算机指令): To reverse or cancel a previous action.

Sentence: He realized his mistake and tried to undo the changes he made.

Bust 什么也没有:

Sisterhood 女性支持系统: A close bond or relationship among women.

Sentence: The members of the club formed a strong sisterhood.

Menstruation 月经: The natural process of shedding the uterine lining, typically occurring
monthly in females.
Sentence: Some women experience discomfort during menstruation.

Taboo 标记:

Sexism 女性的歧视: Discrimination or prejudice based on gender.

Sentence: The company was criticized for its systemic sexism in the workplace.

Algorithm 运算系统: A step-by-step procedure or set of rules used in calculations or problem-

Sentence: Search engines use complex algorithms to deliver relevant results.

Benign 良性的: Not harmful or dangerous; gentle or kind.

Sentence: The doctor confirmed that the tumor was benign and not cancerous.

Malignant 恶性的: Harmful, dangerous, and likely to cause harm or illness.

Sentence: The test results revealed that the growth was malignant and needed immediate

Defer 延期,推迟: To delay or postpone something to a later time.

Sentence: She decided to defer her vacation plans until the project was completed.

Leverage: 平衡

 Girls tend to strive for perfection, while boys are encouraged to be brave and
take risks.

 🧠 Socialization of perfection leads to reluctance among girls to embrace

challenges and take on new opportunities.

 🚀 Overcoming the "bravery deficit" is crucial for promoting gender diversity in

various fields, including STEM, business, and politics.

 👩‍💻 Teaching girls to code helps instill a sense of perseverance and courage, as
coding requires trial and error and imperfection.

 🌟 The importance of building a supportive network to encourage girls to pursue

their ambitions and dreams.

 🌍 Embracing imperfection in girls and empowering them will lead to a more

innovative and inclusive society.

 🙌 Reshma Saujani's initiative, Girls Who Code, has made significant strides in
teaching girls to code and fostering bravery.

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