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Aim: To verify the Ferranti Effect in Transmission Line

Apparatus Required:
● Transmission Line Model
● Voltmeter - (0-300)V, MI
● Variac ( INPUT(0-240 V), OUTPUT(0-270 V), 15 A)

A long transmission line draws a considerable quantity of charging current
due to capacitance formation between line and ground. If such a line is
open circuited or very lightly loaded at the receiving end then the receiving
end voltage becomes greater than the sending end voltage. This
phenomenon is known as ferranti effect.When the inductive loads at
receiving and are switched off, the reactive power generated by the
capacitors add on to the transmission lines. As a result, consumer and
voltage increases and becomes more than the voltage at the supply end.

Ferranti effect takes place when the total current drawn by the distributed
capacitance of the transmission line is greater than the current drawn by
the notes at the receiving end of the line. Therefore, the ferranti effect is the
problem of lightly loaded lines and especially in underground cables where
shunt capacitances have greater value than the overhead line.

Ferranti effect does not occur in lines which are loaded because line
capacitive effect is constant independent of load,while inductive effect will
vary with load.As we increase the inductive load, the VAR generated by the
line capacitance consumed by the load and not adds up to the line.
Circuit Diagram:

Observation and graph:

Sending end voltage, Vs=100V

Result: Ferranti effect has been plotted and observed in the graph between
receiving end voltage and distance.

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