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Jesus, Center
Of the Prophecies
(Ask the questions in a way that the majority of the people present,
can respond) Has it happen to you before, that someone didn’t
recognize you? What elements would you use to prove that you are
who you say you are? Mention all the options that come to mind.

There has always been that curiosity in regard to prophecies, and not
only biblical ones. Some “scholars” have spoken about the Mayan
prophecy that indicated that the world would end in December 2012
and nothing happened. One of the main characteristics of biblical
prophecy is that it contains a main protagonist, which in all cases is
the same person: our Lord Christ Jesus.

For this reason, we will dedicate a whole quarter to this Christocentric

approach of the prophecies.

We, who are part of this small group, will be able to have a more
understandable idea of how important Jesus, in this whole prophetic
framework in the scriptures, really is. Welcome to this experience. It
all starts with Jesus addressing an incredulous audience who was
doubting who He was.


Discuss with the group:

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
(after asking the question, give way to participation of all Small
Group members when possible, that is the purpose!)

1. What was the reason, that Jesus’ listeners, read the scriptures?

Answers to think about: It’s interesting to know that the starting

verb in the text can be translated in two ways:

- “You, search” as an imperative o a command, or

- “you search” as an action of time, doing.

Both possibilities show us that Jesus’ listeners were diligently

studying the scriptures. Reason for this is that they considered
knowing the scriptures important to be able to have assurance of
eternal salvation. Hillel, a rabbi in the 1st century, declared:
“Whoever has acquired the words of the Law has acquired the life
of the world to come.” (Hillel’s Sayings Avot 2:7)

2. What irrefutable argument does Jesus use so his listeners

would understand who He was?

Answers to think about: “… these are they which testify of Me”

Jesus is the center, the main character in the Bible. The Bible was
written so we can get to know who He is.


Discuss with the group:
1. Why do you think that Jesus’s listeners, “so called scholars” of
the scriptures, did not see the Messiah in Jesus?

Answers to share and think about: they believed that reading

the scriptures was enough and even when they believed in the
coming of the Messiah, they didn’t feel the necessity of a personal

2. Why did Jesus have to appeal to the Scriptures so that his

listeners recognized Him as the center of biblical prophecies?

Answers to share and think about: Having biblical information

without having the intent of personally getting to know the main
Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
character in those prophecies, is pointless. Information does not
save you. The one that saves you is the person who the prophecy
is pointing at.


Discuss with the group:
1. In what way can we run the same risk that affected those
listening to Jesus?

Answers to share and think about: it is possible that our

scripture reading habits have only an informational character.
Evidently, the purpose of the prophecies goes much further.

2. In what way, do we have to read the Bible differently?

Answers to think about: Jesus said, “these are they which testify
of Me” The bible has to be read with the purpose of finding the
Author of our salvation, the Author and Finisher of our faith. This is
what was left clear in the minds of the apostles. John wrote:
“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples,
which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may
believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you
may have life in His name” (John 20:30-31)

Can we make a habit to read the Bible more, not only to have
information but to have a saving relationship with Jesus? How many
of us desire for this to happen? Let us pray so God can help us make
this a reality in our life.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Jesus, the seed
Of the woman
When was the last time that you felt bad for something that you did or
happened to you? How did you fix that situation? Share your

All the prophecies have sparked curiosity and inquiry about them.
Many who are curious, pretend to find alarming information in them to
generate concern in people.

The very first prophecy we find in the Bible is truly extraordinary. Its
filled with love, passion and hope. A superficial reading of this
prophecy would drive us to ignore it for not digging deeper into its real

Our challenge today is to truly understand the deep significance of

the very first prophecy in the Bible.


Discuss with the group
(after asking the question, give way to participation of all Small
Group members when possible, that is the purpose!)

1. Who produces the very first prophecy?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Answers to think about: God is the only one that can prophesize.
Why? He is God, He is sovereign, knows the future, He carries out
His will, can participate in history according to His own plans.

How many reasons can there be to establish clearly the fact that
the only one that can produce prophecies is God?

2. Who are the main characters in this prophecy?

Answers to share and think about: there are 5 main characters:

God (who speaks), the serpent (or who possessed her in that
moment: Satan), the woman (Eve, mother of all living), the seed of
the serpent (the devil and all who are used by him) and the seed of
the woman (Jesus).


Discuss with the group
1. How can we understand “I will put enmity”?

Answers to share and think about: in the statement, “I will put

enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and
her Seed”, God pledged Himself to introduce into the hearts of the
human beings a new principle – a hatred of sin, of deception, of
pretense, of everything that bears the marks of Satan’s guile.
Manuscript 72, 1904.

2. What do the expressions “He shall bruise your head” and “you
will bruise His heal”?

Answers to share and think about: crush the head has mortal
connotations, a bruise in the heel produces pain but it’s definitely
not mortal. This happened at the cross in Calvary. Jesus was
bruised in the heal as he died, but Satan was defeated for ever in
the same act.


Discuss with the group:
1. Why is it that only God can produce enmity and rejection
towards sin and its originator?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Answers to share and think about: Enmity against Satan is not
natural to the human heart; it is implanted by the grace of God.
Desire of Ages pg. 407. It is about a supernatural miracle that
guides sinners to the pain of repentance and contempt because of
their true condition before God.

2. How is this prophecy fulfilled in our lives?

Answers to share and think about: This sentence, spoken in the

hearing of our first parents, was to them a promise. Before they
heard of the thorn and the thistle, of the toil and sorrow that must
be their portion, or of the dust to which they must return, they
listened to words that could not fail of giving them hope. All that
had been lost by yielding to Satan could be regained through
Christ. Education pg. 27

The only alternative of salvation for any human from Adam and Eve
to our days, is Christ Jesus, center of all the prophecies.

Being that, like the apostle Paul said: “Nor is there salvation in any
other, for there is no other name under heaven among men by which
we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). What will be the decision of each of
us this day?

Who will you allow to guide your life? Jesus, or Satan? I invite you to
receive Jesus with all your heart in your life today and accept Him as
your Lord and Savior.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Jesus, a Son
To us is given
In your opinion, what is the best way to communicate and identify
yourself with people with disabilities?

The wonders of the love of God are generally amazing and
incomprehensible for us. The incarnation of the second person of the
Godhead is such a great mystery for us that our finite mind cannot
begin to grasp it. Thus, why the biblical authors, when they speak
about it, they say: “And without controversy great is the mystery of
godliness: God was manifested in flesh…” (1Timothy 3:16)

Even when we do not pretend to understand everything, our

challenge today is to come before an extraordinary prophecy that
allows us to start understanding what heaven did for us.




Discuss with the group:

(after asking the question, give way to participation of all Small
Group members when possible, that is the purpose!)

1. Why does the prophet Isaiah make reference to the Messiah

identifying him as a child, or a son?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Answers to think about: Last week we saw that the promise of
the Seed of the woman would crush the head of the seed of the
serpent. The plan of redemption, given by God “before the
foundation of the world” (1 Peter 1:19-20) had to make Jesus
“coming in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7) even in his birth
as a child.

2. How do these verses highlight the reality of a Messiah like a

Prince or King?

Answers to share and think about: Aside from being from and to
eternity King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus by becoming man,
came from the royal linage of David, of the land of Judah. All the
characteristics of who would “save all His people from their sins”
(Matthew 1:21) would meet perfectly in Jesus. This would be the
most important reason for the King to regain his lost kingdom.


Discuss with the group:
1. What do the names attributed to the Messiah mean in this
passage? (allow the members of the small group to give their
thoughts in regard to each of the following names.

To share and think about:

a. Wonderful
b. Counselor
c. Mighty God
d. Everlasting Father
e. Prince of Peace

2. How can we see the plan of salvation in this text?

Answers to share and think about: The coming of Jesus to this

world was, is and will be the greatest expression of love from God.
“for God so loved” to make salvation a reality through his Son.


Discuss with the group:

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
1. How can these verses bring peace and assurance to our

To share and think about: Jesus came to this world degraded by

sin to live as just any other human being. He was born in the
humblest condition to teach us that the greatness of an individual
does not consist in the quantity of material possessions. For this
reason, whatever the circumstances of life, contemplating this
Jesus made man allows us to better understand, including to know
what the purpose of our life really is.

2. How can these names, applied to Jesus, help us in special

moments in life?

Something to think about: “We need to be converted from our

faulty lives to the faith of the Gospel. Christ's followers have no
need to try to shine. If they will behold constantly the life of Christ
they will be changed in mind and heart into the same image. Then
they will shine without any superficial attempt. The Lord asks for
no display of goodness. In the gift of His Son He has made
provision that our inward lives may be imbued with the principles
of heaven. It is the appropriation of this provision that will lead to a
manifestation of Christ to the world. When the people of God
experience the new birth, their honesty, their uprightness, their
fidelity, their steadfast principles, will unfailingly reveal it.”
Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students, pg. 251.

Thanking God for sending His only Son, would we like match his love
by giving him our heart today?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Jesus, the lamb
That was slain
Has it ever happened to you that in order to solve a difficulty, you had
to make a decision that would cause you pain? When was the last
time you went to the dentist? Did the needle hurt as they
administered anesthesia? Was the pain worth it? Even when the pain
sometimes is unbearable, if that pain solved the problem, how do we
feel today? That means that, sometimes, in order to solve a great
problem, pain is necessary.

It is important to understand how, from the very day that man sinned,
God put into action every resource available to make him understand
the pain that sin had and will cause him in the future. Adam and Eve,
by disobeying God understood they were “naked”, something they
had not experienced before. They tried to hide it with fig leaves. Truly,
every attempt of man to change his condition is very limited and

After offering His Son as a substitute to die in their place, God made
them tunics from animal skin to dress them. The death of innocent
animals became the way to show and acknowledge the Plan of
Redemption. In today’s verses we can see how the prophecies in
Isaiah focus on Jesus has the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of
the world.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Isaiah 53:4-7



Discuss with the group:
(after asking the question, give way to participation of all Small
Group members when possible, that is the purpose!)

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
1. In what way does the prophet Isaiah expresses the concept of
substitution on behalf of the Messiah?

Something to think about: Analize with the group how many

times the words “our”, “us”, or “we” appear in the passage.
Depending on the different versions, there could be more or less.
The important thing is to see in these verses the number of times
these words are mentioned hinting at the way Jesus took our
place. We can find, at least, 10 times the word “us” or “we”.


Discuss with the group:
1. How do these verses show the impossibility of man to save

Something to share and think about: This prophecy, like few

others in its clarity, fully reflect what it meant for the Father and the
Son to come and suffer everything in absolute silence. There was
no other way for man to have hope.

2. How can we specially understand the expression in verse 6:

“and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all”?

Answers to share and think about: There is no sin nor sinner

that was not considered in the sacrifice that Christ made. In reality
all the sins of humanity were laid upon Jesus. This is the glory of
the gospel: Forgiveness is available to all men and women!


Discuss with the group:
1. Why do you think that so much pain was necessary? Didn’t He
have any other alternative?

Something to share and think about: Considering that the wage

of sin is death, there is no other alternative for sinners: they either
die or accept Jesus’ death on our behalf.

2. Can we grasp all that God did for us through the sacrifice of
Christ? How do every one of us react to this?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Something to think about: “The value of a soul, who can
estimate? Would you know its worth, go to Gethsemane, and
there watch with Christ through those hours of anguish, when He
sweat as it were great drops of blood. Look upon the Saviour
uplifted on the cross. Hear that despairing cry, “My God, My God,
why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Mark 15:34. Look upon the
wounded head, the pierced side, the marred feet. Remember that
Christ risked all. For our redemption, heaven itself was imperiled.
At the foot of the cross, remembering that for one sinner Christ
would have laid down His life, you may estimate the value of a
soul.” Christ’s Object Lessons pg. 196

Considering the magnitude of the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, we
are confronted again with the necessity of making a decision. He was
led as a lamb to the slaughter and, are we ready to humbly accept
the great sacrifice made on our behalf? Who values, like never
before, the sacrifice that Jesus made and answer affirmatively to
accept him as their personal Savior?

(Bow your head and make a quick personal prayer of gratitude to

God for Jesus and put your life, and those in the small group, in
God’s hands.)

Jesus, our the
Messiah prince

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
What news, recently has cause a great surprise in your life and why?
How does this news influence your life? There is a fulfilled prophecy
that will amaze you today.

Considering the biblical prophecies that are related to the coming of
the Messiah, we can grasp with absolute clarity the reason why God
anticipated the things that would occur when the promise of a Savior
would stop being just that, a promise, and become a great reality.
The most amazing thing regarding all that was written in reference to
Jesus is that God revealed the exact moment in history of when the
Messiah would come. It was not for nothing that during the days of
Jesus there was a great expectation from some Jews (the shepherds,
old Simeon and Anna the prophetess in the temple) but also the non-
Jews (the wise men from the orient). When these wise men went to
king Herod’s palace looking for the newborn king, he summoned the
connoisseurs of the prophecies to know where the Messiah would be
born. The answer, according to scripture, was clear: the child would
be born in Bethlehem. Today, we know this because it is no longer a
prophecy but history.

Today we will see a prophecy in which the Messiah appears in a

prophetic time. Again, this allows us to be amazed how wonderful is
God, in making prophecy’s main purpose to reveal Jesus to us.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Daniel 9:24-27.

Discuss with the group:
(keep in mind that the participation of the small group in the
reading and interpreting of the text is vitally important in a
relational bible study.)

1. Inside what prophetic time can you find the clear and
undeniable mention of the Messiah Prince? How important is

Something to think about: The prophecy mentions a period of

70 weeks. In a prophecy, a day equals one year (1 day = 1 year).
Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
What we mean is that this period of time is the same as 490 years
and they were destined for Daniel’s people (Jews).

2. What event are predicted, and which one is the most important

Something to share and think about: even though the events

related to the restauration of Jerusalem were important to the
Jewish nation, the most important and relevant event was the
appearance of the Messiah Prince. In verse 24, it emphasizes
completely the whole ministry of the Messiah over any building or
restauration to the walls and courtyards.


Discuss with the group:
1. In light of the biblical text we are able to determine the time
when the Messiah would appear, how do we interpret the words
“the Messiah should be cut off” and “would bring an end to
sacrifice and offering”? what is the connection between one and
the other?

Something to share and think about: All the sacrifices that were
made in the sanctuary announced what the Messiah would do
when he died for our sins. By Jesus dying, these sacrifices where
no longer necessary.

This is the timeline:

 The command to restore and build Jerusalem: 457 BC

 Seven weeks (49 years) to rebuild the street and walls: 408
 Sixty-two weeks (434 years) to the appearance of the
Messiah Prince: year 27 AC. Jesus’s Baptism and the start
of his ministry
 One week (7 years), at the middle of the week the Messiah
would be cut off: 31 AC
 End of the 70 weeks (490 years): 34 AC, the timeline for the
Jewish nation ends and the preaching of the gospel to the
rest of the world starts.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Discuss with the group:
1. Considering the importance of this prophecy that refers to
Jesus as the Messiah Prince whose life will be taken away,
what doubt can we have today regarding the veracity of the
Scriptures? Why are the words of Jesus relevant when He said
in John 5:39: “they which testify about me”?

Something to share and think about: Paul wrote: “But when the
fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son…”
(Galatians 4:4) On top of the veracity of the Scriptures, what
stands out is the assurance that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised
Messiah in the prophecies.

Once again, we conclude this study amazed and grateful for so much
light and knowledge expressed in human language through the
prophets of God. There is no doubt that the Bible is the Word of God.
There is no doubt that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Would you like
to accept the Bible as the word of God? Do you wish to learn more
about it to be able to learn more about the Author of your salvation?
Do you accept Jesus as your personal Savior too?

(make a prayer of gratitude to God for the prophecies that pointed to

the Messiah Prince that would give His life to save us. Put in God’s
hands the members of the small group that accepted Jesus and
mention them by name.)

Jesus, the desire
of all nations

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
When you were a child or little, who did you wish to be, become or be
like and why?

There are millions of people today that are fans of artist, musicians,
singers, actors, athletes, etc. What they long for is to listen to their
music, see them perform live, watch their movies and go to their
games. They want to be like them, they identify with them, and spend
what they can to follow them. Psychologist say that this is a human
emotional necessity.

The biblical prophecies also speak about Jesus as the “Desire of all
Nations”. So that Jesus can become in the most important thing for
people, He has to be known. He will not organize recitals or movies
for people to know Him. All he needs is that those who know Him,
share Him with others so that “all nations”, or people in them, yearn
for Him or want to be like Him.

Today’s study we will speak about a prophecy that has been fulfilled
already. We will see in what special circumstances it became a reality
and what importance does it have for us today.


Discuss with the group:
(It is important that we all participate in this relational study so that
the Holy Spirit can help us to understand His will.)

1. Considering the context in which God, through his prophet

Haggai, invites his people to rebuild his House, what does it say
about the future glory of that temple?

Something to think about: The glory of the Lord filled the

Temple in Jerusalem so much when it had been built by Salomon
that the priest that placed the ark in the Most Holy place couldn’t
stay inside to continue ministering (1 Kings 8:6-11).

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
2. How would that prophecy be fulfilled, that the House would be
filled with the glory of God like never before? As a group what
come to your mind?

Something to share and think about: The presence of Jesus in

the temple marked a great difference between the formal worship
that was offered to God, simply by fulfilling or enriching some
unscrupulous religious leaders. Let us think about and share, what
really motivates us to go to the House of God at this time?


Discuss with the group:
1. What natural manifestations would accompany the presence of
the “Desire of the Nations” in the temple? Can you think about a
time when this occurred?

Something to share and think about: “For centuries the Jews

had vainly endeavored to show wherein the promise of God given
by Haggai had been fulfilled; yet pride and unbelief blinded their
minds to the true meaning of the prophet's words. The second
temple was not honored with the cloud of Jehovah's glory, but with
the living presence of One in whom dwelt the fullness of the
Godhead bodily—who was God Himself manifest in the flesh. The
“Desire of all nations” had indeed come to His temple when the
Man of Nazareth taught and healed in the sacred courts. In the
presence of Christ, and in this only, did the second temple exceed
the first in glory. But Israel had put from her the proffered Gift of
heaven. With the humble Teacher who had that day passed out
from its golden gate, the glory had forever departed from the
temple. Already were the Savior's words fulfilled: “Your house is
left unto you desolate.” (Matthew 23:38). The Great Controversy
pg. 24


Discuss with the group:
1. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 20 that our
bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, what does that mean to
us in light of what we are studying at this moment? Everyone
can express what they believe and feel at this moment.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Something to share: This is a great time to share personal
testimonies of what it meant for each one of us, when Jesus came
to our lives.

(this will be particularly important to our friends that in this moment

are participating of our meeting)

Our Lord Jesus comes to our life and knocks at the door in our heart
(Revelation 3:20) He does this because He desires to become part of
our deepest desires, wishes and hopes. This is the best moment to
open the door in our heart and allow Jesus to be part of our life. I
want to be the first one because I need Him one more time; but I want
to invite each one of you, that are here today, to do it voluntarily too.
Those who wish to open the door today, for Jesus, please pray with
me this small prayer.

Dear Jesus, you are what my heart desires the most this moment. I
open the door to my heart so that You, the Desire of the Nations, can
come into my life and fill it with your light, peace and hope. Thank
you, Lord, for hearing us. We ask this humbly by the virtue of Your
precious blood. Amen.

Jesus, Guardian of
his people
Being a witness or victims of insecurity, how did that affect you?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
On today’s topic we will see how Jesus, the protagonist of all
prophecies in the bible, appears in the book of Revelation to bring us
peace and assurance. We will see this specially in the prophetic
messages addressed to the seven churches in Asia that were chosen
for their peculiar characteristics to represent the periods of the history
of the christian church and the spiritual conditions that would highlight
them. The way in which Jesus introduces himself to each one of
them, invites us to fully commit ourselves to Him.

Today, like never before, one of the characteristics of our society is

the insecurity. Private security companies are hired to guard people
and belongings. Despite all the efforts carried out to help alleviate this
situation, the crime grows each day. People are revolting against
insecurity, asking authorities to take charge but all efforts seem

On the other hand, Jesus introduces himself to the church is Ephesus

as its Guardian. He alone can bring security and hope to His people.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 2:1



Discuss with the group:
(keep in mind that the participation of the small group in the
reading and interpreting of the text is vitally important in a
relational bible study)

1. Even when the text is clear in itself, it has to be very clear in

our mind the pictures that Jesus uses to present Himself.
How does Jesus introduce Himself to the church in

Something to think about: In Revelation chapter 1, John has

a personal encounter with Jesus. He reveals Himself in
surprising ways. God uses different ways to reveal Himself to
each one of us. In all of them, He wants to bring peace,
comfort, hope and salvation.
Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Discuss with the group:
1. What is the meaning of the seven stars at the right hand of
Jesus? To answer this, following the important principle that
the Bible interprets itself, let us read Revelation 1:20.

Something to share and think about: It is revealing to see

that the word translated “holds” that is used in 2:20, has more
emphasis that in 1:16. The idea is that he “holds” firmly. This is
how Jesus “holds” the seven stars that represent the seven
angels of the seven churches.

2. Who do the angels represent? The word “angels” come from

the Greek angelos (Aγγελος) which means messengers,
either celestial or human. In this case, can it be a
representation of the church spiritual leadership? Why?

Something to think about: Even when the majority of the time

where the angels appear in the book of Revelation (around 75
times) it refers to celestial beings, in this case, it can represent
God’s elected leaders for each church.

3. What is the significance for us that Jesus walks among the

lampstands that represent the seven churches?

Something to think about: The church enjoys the care,

attention and ministry of Jesus. In this way, Jesus fulfills the
promise made to the disciples to be with them “always, even to
the end of the age. Amen.”


Discuss with the group:
1. According with this understanding, how aware must the
church leaders be of their role and why?

Something to share: Spiritual leadership must be what

characterizes each church leader. If they are spiritual men and
women, the promise of the Lord is to hold them firmly with His

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
right hand. We have to consider this and pray for our leaders (1
Thessalonians 5:12-13).

2. Why does the fact that Jesus, been the Guardian of the
church, can bring you assurance and trust that He can take
his people the final victory?

Something to think about: “Enfeebled and defective as it may

appear, the church is the one object upon which God bestows
in a special sense His supreme regard. It is the theater of His
grace, in which He delights to reveal His power to transform
hearts.” Acts of the Apostles pg. 12

Considering how important is the church for Jesus, if you are already
a member of it, would you like to renew your commitment? If you are
still not a member, would you like to make that decision soon?

(Make a small prayer thanking God for the church and the way He
cares and loves her)

Jesus, the First and
the Last

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
When was the last time that you felt it was for better not to be the first
one? Are we always ok with other people having the last word, come
in first place, be recognized more than you? What kind of feeling
does that give you and why?

One of the most profound feelings we have from our childhood have
to do with the permanent presence of our parents by our side. Not all
of us, maybe, had the privilege of always having our parents with us.
Nonetheless, there was always people in our life that brought us trust
and assurance. On the other side, their absence would bring us
uncertainty and instability. But, what a moment when they got home!
It was like if from then on, everything was going to be good.

Another strong human feeling is fear of loss, especially when its

associated with a death or the disappearance of our loved ones. They
are emotions and feelings that definitively mark our life.

That is why our Lord Jesus Christ brings us the sweet assurance of
His permanent presence, His integrity, power and fullness. Including
the act of Him having experienced death, gives us the assurance that
he understands us when we are faced with our own loss.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 2:8



Discuss with the group:
(When everyone participates of the study of the bible, everyone
grows spiritually.)

1. Even when the introduction of Jesus to the church in Smyrna

seems rather simple, how does Jesus present Himself?

Something to think about: the expressions used by Jesus

when referring to Himself as the first and the last, resembles
those that also appear in chapter one, such as “the alpha and
the omega”, “the beginning and the end”. To these expressions,

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
a personal experience is added which is key to our relationship
with Him for our salvation: “who was dead and came to life”.


Discuss with the group:
1. What comes to your mind when someone refers himself as
the first and the last? Is it a matter of time, space or both?

Something to share and think about: In Revelation 22:13 we

see a series of expressions that seem to be an unnecessary
repetition. But nevertheless, each one of them, apparently
similar, have something that distinguishes them from the others.
Just so we can reflect, “alpha and omega” are the first and last
letter of the Greek alphabet, similar to “A and Z” in English or
“from A to Z”. These expressions, for us, generally mean full
knowledge of everything. The Lord knows everything.
“Beginning and the end” sounds more functional and
temporary, Jesus is the origin and the end of all things. The
“first and the last” seems to refer to space, like to occupy the
first and last space. Definitely, these are expressions that show
that Jesus is “everything”. Everything was created by Him and
for Him. He is always everywhere, in time and space to hold
and care for all things.

2. How do we interpret the expression “who was dead and

came to life”.? Why was this presentation that Jesus makes
of Himself relevant to the church today?

Something to think about: By what we can read from the

message to Smyrna, it was not going to be a good day. They
will suffer, they would be jailed, tried, troubled and killed. Even
when all this is not pleasant, it is real. In the middle of this
reality we can cling to Jesus as our last hope.


Discuss with the group:
1. How can we apply these expressions of Jesus to our time or
our circumstances help us to cope with difficulties and even
the death of our loved ones?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Something to share: This is a good moment in the meeting so
we can share some of the difficult experiences in our life and
express how Jesus sustained us or is sustaining us.

Something to think about: The death and resurrection of

Christ are the main points of the gospel message. Without
death, there is no redemption. Without resurrection, there is no
hope. This is why Paul wrote: “Christ died for our sins
according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that
He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures…” 1
Corinthians 15:3-4

Knowing that the Lord is always ready to help us and sustain us in
whatever circumstance we are in, will we be ready to completely trust
Him and choose to be his disciples in these difficult times?

(make a brief prayer thanking God for always being at our side and
for making the decision to always be on His side because He is our
only hope.)

Jesus, the power of
his Word

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
What phrases do you remember, that were very important in the life
of each one of you? Or a nation or a group of people? Could some of
those expressions change the story of someone or a nation? For
example, how did the words of Martin Luther King Jr. change the
course of U.S. history and which one is the one that you remember
the most?

Oratory is the art of speaking eloquently. For example, the public
speaker has a goal, to convince the multitudes that his proposals are
the correct ones and the most successful; his posture, his
mannerisms, his gestures, the knowledge of the subject to expose,
his tone of voice are important to convince the masses. His objectives
can be: (1) to convince others that his proposal is the best. (2)
Demonstrate that he is the leader that they need at that time. (3)
create followers of his cause through his word. And finally (4)
generate the debate of various issues or points of view of society.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 2:12



Discuss with the group:
(Participation of everyone in the bible study is very important so
that the Holy Spirit can help us with the correct interpretation.)

1. The introduction of Jesus to the church in Pergamum is very

striking, it almost seems warlike. In what particularly strange
way does Jesus introduce Himself?

Something to think about: Something important caused Jesus to

introduce Himself to the church of Pergamum in these terms. This
is an ancient Hebrew expression which is used by the old
testament translation to Greek that refers to the sword placed by
God at the entrance of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24), to
Goliath’s sword (1 Samuel 17:21). In Proverbs 5:4 it refers to the
words of the strange woman. The sword and the word are related
in the Scriptures. It becomes very clear in Hebrews 4:12 where it
speaks about the power of the Word of God.
Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Discuss with the group:
1. What connotation did this introduction of Jesus have for the
church in Pergamum, considering that it is repeated again in
verse 16?

Something to think about: Evidently, the situation of the

Pergamum church is delicate. The clear teachings of Jesus were
being distorted or directly changed. It alludes to the doctrine of
Balaam that brought tragic consequences to the people of Israel.
The doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which the Lord hates, is also

2. How powerful is the Word of God and in what sense? (as a

group participate briefly remembering moments in life when the
Word of God was powerful. For example: creation, Jesus’
miracles, etc.)

Something to share: We cannot pass by the fact that in Jesus’

expressions, His word is a symbol of authority and judgment.
Authority because is the only truth proceeding from God and
judgment because not obeying it will bring dire consequences.


Discuss with the group:
1. What importance are we giving, at this time of our life, to the
Word of God? Many today relativize it and the only thing they
do, besides discrediting it, it is to fight against it. What has to be
our attitude then and why?

Something to think about: “The work of the Holy Spirit is to

enlighten the darkened understanding, to melt the selfish, stony
heart, to subdue the rebellious transgressor, and save him from
the corrupting influences of the world. The prayer of Christ for His
disciples was: “Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth.”
The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, pierces the
heart of the sinner and cuts it in pieces.” Testimonies for the
Church, Volume 4, pg. 441.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
2. In what way does the Word of God transform our life?

Something to think about: (this is an excellent moment for the

church members to share personal testimonies about what the
Word of God did in our life. If there are friends that are present,
these testimonies will be powerful so they can see that the faithful
Word of God does, indeed, bring the blessings promised by Him.)

The Word of God is our only source of true knowledge of God. We
need to read it daily with the purpose of obeying it. Can we, today,
allow God through his powerful Word to guide our life? Are we willing
to give up doctrines that have no foundation in the Bible and follow
only Jesus faithfully?

(make a brief prayer thanking God for the power of His Word that
transforms our life.)

Jesus, the Glorious
Son of God

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
What memory from childhood makes us happy for the parents and
family members that God gave us? (at this time, we all share our

The biblical prophecies indicate to us that Jesus is the Glorious Son
of God. The importance of this recognition is the cornerstone or
fundamental rock of the christian church. It was in Caesarea Philippi
that Jesus asked his disciples in regard of who He was. He first
asked them regarding the opinion of the people that recognized Him
as a prophet. But later he asked them directly and Peter’s answer,
revealed by the Father, did not wait: “You are the Christ, the Son of
the living God” (Matthew 16:16). This declaration is the confession of
faith necessary for salvation. It was the answer from the Ethiopian to
Philip’s question: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” (Acts
8:37) that took him to the most enjoyable experience of his life:
getting baptized and following Jesus. “and he went on his way
rejoicing” (Acts 8:39).

The study of today’s text will take us to understand how important is

for Jesus that we recognize him as the Son of God. It’s the base of
our faith, the firm anchor of our great hope.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 2:18



Discuss with the group:
(Participation of everyone in the bible study is very important so
that the Holy Spirit can help us with the correct interpretation.)

1. How does Jesus introduce Himself to the church of Thyatira?

Something to think about: The very fact that Jesus introduces to

the church Thyatira as the Son of God, directly suggest various
 The second person of the Godhead identifies Himself as the
author of the message.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
 When John sees him in chapter 1, he calls Him Son of Man
(Revelation 1:13)
 This shows us that the One who gives the message is the
Glorified and Triumphant Jesus.
 Besides identifying Himself personally, what other way does
Jesus use to introduce Himself?

Something to think about: The characteristics of the glorious

physical appearance in the presentation of the message and
chapter 1, when John sees Him personally, keep a close
relationship with who comes before Daniel (Daniel 10:5-6). This
strengthens the concept that the main character or center of all
prophecies is our Lord Jesus Christ.


Discuss with the group:
1. What interpretation can we give to the description of the eyes of
Jesus: “eyes like a flame of fire”? what does this figure mean to

Something to think about: The eyes like a flame of fire in Jesus

bring out the brilliance and radiance of his face, but also, the
intensity and depth of his gaze. This was the gaze which rested
upon those that condemned Him that night. “For a moment the
divinity of Christ flashed through His guise of humanity. The high
priest quailed before the penetrating eyes of the Savior. That look
seemed to read his hidden thoughts and burn into his heart. Never
in afterlife did he forget that searching glance of the persecuted
Son of God.” Desire of Ages pg. 707

2. How do we interpret the splendor in His feet? Why does this

aspect stand out?

Something to think about: The glorious radiance of a living

Christ that was presented to John, so different from the suffering
Jesus who was involved with men through the mystery of
incarnation, brings out the glorious nature of the Son of God. One
more detail, those feet got dirty by traveling the dusty roads with
the goal of bringing hope to those in need; those feet that were

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
nailed at the cross to redeem us. Now to us, they are the feet of
our Glorious King.


Discuss with the group:
1. What special manifestations do we need today to recognize
Jesus as the Son of God and be saved?

Something to think about: Today, faith allows us to contemplate

Jesus and become sons of God. The Holy Spirit transforms us to
the likeness of His glory (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Jesus is the Son of God. His penetrating gaze of love rests upon
each one of us with only one purpose: to save us. He invites us today
to recognize Him as our Lord and Savior. Are we willing to do that
today? What are we waiting to give Him our life completely? I would
like to invite you in this moment to confess with our lips what we
believe in our hearts, together, through this small prayer: Dear Jesus,
I recognize you as the only Glorious Son of God who came to this
dark world to light it up with your splendor of love. Thank you for
saving me. I give my life to you to love you and serve you all the days
of my life. I do this humbly because I love you and recognize your
sacrifice for me, Amen!

Jesus, the one who
gives us the Holy
What was the best gift that you have ever received that brings you
the best memories? Share your stories.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Besides giving His life to save us, Jesus left us His representative on
earth in order to continue the work started by Him. Without the work
of the Holy Spirit, none of us would be able to recognize Jesus as our
Lord and Savior today, none of us would be able to be transformed
into the likeness of Jesus. For this reason, Jesus introduces Himself
to the church of Sardis as the one that gives the grace of the
wonderful person of the Godhead: The Holy Spirit.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 3:1

Discuss with the group:
How great is to allow the Holy Spirit to work in every mind and that
each one participates presenting their opinions in regard to the
bible study!

1. The introduction of Jesus to the church of Sardis is as important

as the other ones, first of all, how does Jesus introduce Himself
in this occasion?

Something to think about: The Holy Spirit is the most difficult to

understand from the Godhead. Generally, the easiest thing for us
to do is to imagine the Godhead embodied. Imagining the Father is
not so difficult because of the biblical figures that we have read
before. Imagining the Son is the simplest one, even a child when
they see the image of someone with a beard and long hair, they
will shout: “Jesus!”. But, what about the Holy Spirit? Even when we
read descriptions and biblical figures, we know that He is not a
dove, He is not a flame of fire, He is not a current of water, and
neither is He some drop of oil or a mere gust of wind. This study
will help us to know Him.

2. Why are the seven stars mentioned again? Have you noticed
that in Revelation 2:1 and 3:1 the number seven is repeated
twice? What do you think about the significance of this number?

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Something to think about: The “seven spirits” are also described
as the “seven lamps of fire” (Revelation 4:5) and as the “seven
eyes of the Lamb” (Revelation 5:6). The relation between the
“seven spirits”, the Father and the Son are clear. The number
seven is, in the first instance, the symbolic expression of
perfection. It also implicates the various forms in which the Holy
Spirit manifests Himself and the diversity of gifts that He concedes
to the believer so they can do His will. For this, Paul attributes
sovereignty to the Holy Spirit when he says, “distributing to each
one individually as He wills.” (1 Corinthians 12:11)


Discuss with the group:
1. Considering that we have mentioned the meaning of the seven
stars in a previous study, what does it mean that Jesus has the
seven spirits of God? How is it expressed in the bible, the fact
that Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit?

Something to think about: The Holy Spirit is given by Jesus to

those who believe in Him. This does not mean that it’s only an
active power. It means that Jesus, just like with His death, opened
a door and a way for us to access the presence of God directly, He
also enables the action of the Holy Spirit in the life of those that

2. We suggest a quick reading of the following verses, highlighting

the section of the verse mentioned here:
 John 14:16 “And I (Jesus) will pray the Father, and He will
give you another Helper, that he may abide with you
forever.” (and association of the three)
 John 14:17 “and will be with you”
 John 14:26 “The Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in My
name (Jesus – associating the three) … He will teach you
all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I
said to you.
 John 16:7-11 “It is to your advantage… I will send Him to
you… He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness
and judgment”

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
 John 16:13 “He will guide you into all truth… He will tell you
things to come (prophetic gift)”.
 John 16:14 “He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is
Mine and declare it to you”


Discuss with the group:
1. According to the verses that we have read, how do we
understand Jesus’ great sacrifice if He had not given us the
Holy Spirit? Share what stands out more from the texts above.

Something to think about: “The Holy Spirit was the highest of all
gifts that He could solicit from His Father for the exaltation of His
people. The Spirit was to be given as a regenerating agent, and
without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail.
The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the
submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could
be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the
Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified
energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that
makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world's
Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through
the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature.
Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all
hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress His
own character upon His church.” Desire of Ages pg. 671.
Been grateful for the beautiful gift of the fullness of the Holy Spirit
given by Jesus to transform our life and make us sons and daughters
of God, would you like, at this moment, to ask the Holy Spirit to
perform His work in our life? Let us pray together.

(Dear Jesus, thank you for the Holy Spirit promised to us who
believe. We desire for Him to come into our life so you can be
glorified in us. Come Holy Spirit to each one of our hearts in this
meeting. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Jesus, who opens
the door of

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Have you ever lost they keys to your house, your work or car? How
did you feel at that moment? What was the solution? Let us share our

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were expelled from the
garden of Eden and thus being denied access to the tree of life. They
now had to live their life without the privileges of paradise but trusting
the promise that from the “seed of the woman”, Redemption would
come. The centuries passed, but when the time established by God
came Jesus appeared to make the plan of Salvation, elaborated from
the foundation of the world, a reality.

With the victory of Christ over Satan and sin at the cross, the hope of
the ancient (those in the old testament) came to be a reality. Now
there is salvation and eternal life for all those who believe in Jesus
and receive Him as their Personal Savior.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 3:7



Discuss with the group:
(Enjoy the study of the Word of God by having everyone
participate, it’s a blessing.)

1. How does Jesus introduce Himself to the church of

Philadelphia? What is the most striking thing about this
introduction and why?

Something to think about: This is another one of those passages

where the adjectives become nouns. It happens when Jesus
attributes to Himself the divine characteristics and attributes. After
the two names that He utilizes, again He presents Himself like in
other occasions, as someone that owns something and performs
an action.

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
2. Compare this text (Revelation 3:7) with Isaiah 22:20-22, what
are the similarities and differences that we find? Why does
Jesus apply this to Himself?

Something to think about: Jesus frequently used historic aspects

that had messianic applications. For example, the case of Jonah
who was 3 days in the belly of the wale until he was returned to
the beach, alluding to his death, tomb and resurrection. He auto-
declared Himself the “the sheep gate” and also said “I am the
door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved.” (John 10:7, 9)


Discuss with the group:
1. How do we interpret the fact that Jesus auto-declares Himself
as “He who is holy, He who is true”? what do these terms say
about Him?

Something to think about: The One who is holy is a title from the
Old Testament attributed only to God: “to whom then will you liken
Me, or to whom shall I be equal? Says the Holy One.” (Isaiah
40:25. Thus, when our Lord reveals Himself to His people, He
introduces Himself as God. A, “genuine”, “real”; the only True God
in contrast with all the other false gods.

2. How do we understand the figure of Jesus having the key of

David? What does this have to do with salvation and why?
Something to think about: The fact that Jesus has the key
represent his authority over the church and over the divine
purpose of giving salvation to all those who believe in Him. After
His resurrection, Jesus was very specific about the fact that,
thanks to His sacrifice, all authority was give unto Him “in heaven
and in earth” (Matthew 28:18) and with that authority He sent out
His disciples to expand His kingdom by making more disciples.


Discuss with the group:
1. What feelings arouses in us knowing the fact that Jesus is Holy
and True? If it is our desire to be like Him, how to we get
access to salvation? (Everyone, share your thoughts and
Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
Something to think about: Verse 8 says “See, I have set before
you an open door, and no one can shut it…” This means that,
thanks to Jesus and His authority, the access to salvation is
possible for all those that believe.

2. What can be more important in our life this moment that doesn’t
allow us to walk through the door of salvation? If you answer is
nothing then, why is it so hard for us to go through it? (share
some of the answers)

Our words only express gratitude to the Lord for who He is. He
already opened the door to salvation so that we can all go through it. He
promises to not close it until we make a decision. While we still have the
opportunity to decide, He will keep that door open. This is the moment to
decide, because we have this moment guaranteed. Tomorrow? There is no
guarantee for tomorrow. Are we willing to walk through that door this
moment? If you dare go through that door repeat after me this small prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank you because you are the only Holy and True God.
Thank you for opening the door of salvation for me. I want to come in,
through that door at this moment to receive your forgiveness and your love.
I want to live the rest of my life with you in my heart. Thank you for loving
like you do, Amen!

Jesus, the Amen
Have you ever discovered that you have been lied to? How did you
feel? What did you do? (Let’s share our experiences)

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
We are coming to the end of our small group studies on Jesus,
Center of the Prophecies. We have seen how the Holy Scriptures
place Christ as the main character, the center of all prophecies.
Reason for this is that outside of Him there is no opportunity of
salvation. Without Him, all knowledge is worthless and irrelevant.

The introduction of Jesus to the seventh church, the Laodicean

church, is very important to us because, prophetically, is that last
church before the second coming of Jesus. The Laodicean church
has the characteristics of christians today. Maybe many of us see
ourselves spiritually reflected when we read its description. Maybe
our indifference, the search for material satisfaction, our security in a
very formal religion, is the embarrassing spiritual reality in which we
find ourselves today. The way Jesus introduces Himself to this church
is, in reality, the way He introduces Himself to each one of us.

SCRIPTURE STUDY: Revelation 3:14


Discuss with the group:
(Enjoy the study of the Word of God by having everyone
participate, it’s a blessing.)

1. What differences and similarities do we find in this introduction

of Jesus to the church of Laodicean comparing it to the
introductions to the other churches?

Something to think about: In His message to the Laodicean,

Jesus introduces Himself in three ways, two are similar and can
relate to each other: “the Amen” and “the Faithful and True
Witness”. The third one is “the Beginning of the creation of God”.

2. Considering the text, how do we relate Jesus with creation?

Something to think about: the relation between Jesus and

creation is that he is called “the beginning of the creation of God”.
The language can and has in fact lent to some confusion. The

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
truth is that it is highly relevant that Jesus appears in the message
to the last relating Himself to creation.


Discuss with the group:
1. How do we unite the concepts of the “Amen” and “the Faithful
and True Witness”? let’s analyze this possibility.

Something to think about: The idea of uniting both concepts is

something completely possible. If to this, we add the concepts of
fidelity and truthfulness it becomes the sum of the truth. Jesus
already presented Himself to the disciples as the truth when He
said: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) We can almost see the
same language, even when He told them: “He who was seen Me
has seen the Father” (John 14:9). This is why He is the Faithful
and True Witness.

2. What do we understand by Jesus being the beginning of the

creation of God? Does this mean He is a created being?

Something to think about: In chapter 1:5, Jesus introduces

Himself as “the firstborn from the dead”. An expression that should
be understood in its dimension correctly. Jesus was not the first
being resurrected in the history of this sinful world. In the Old
Testament, there were some resurrections we hear about (for
example the son of the widow of Zarephath and the son of the
Shunammite woman). Paul also calls Jesus with similar terms:
“the firstborn of all creation”, “who is the beginning”, “the firstborn
from the dead” (Colossians 1:15-18).

It is evident that the terms indicate primacy and beginning of a

transcendent event. The resurrection of Christ is the guarantee of
everyone’s resurrection, thus being transcendent. Jesus is the
Creator, the motor and generator of everything created. “All things
were created through Him and for Him”. (Colossians 1:16).


Discuss with the group:

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies
1. How important is it for us today, the way in which Jesus
addresses Himself particularly to christians of this time?

Something to think about: Only someone that is the sum of all

truth can offer us eternal life. His message has to be accepted
without hesitation or postponements.

2. Why is it important that Jesus introduces Himself as the Creator

of everything?

Something to think about: As things are coming to an end in this

world, it is clear in the book of Revelation that worshiping the
Creator is vital. The final decision of each member of the human
family will rest on the act of accepting creation just like the bible
states it along with its day of rest: the Sabbath.

Do you wish to unite your life with Him who is the fullness of
everything and your Creator? The Lord invites us today, to give Him
our life completely. Those of us who want to take this step, let us pray

Dear Jesus, thank you for creating me and rescuing me from sin. I
want to serve you faithfully and abandon all indifference. I want to
depend on your perfect justice. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and I
want to serve you with love. Thank you Jesus, Amen!

Jesus, Center of the Prophecies

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