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Unit 4 Assessment

Unit 4 Assessment for Feedback and Grading

Student name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________
This is an Assessment for feedback and grading, which is used to evaluate your work
based on established criteria and to assign a mark. Your teacher will provide you with
feedback and a mark which is worth 10% of your final grade.

Unit Level / Mark Percentage of final grade

4 _______ / 20 _______ / 10%

1. Read each question carefully.
2. Answer each question, showing all your work for any calculations.
3. Answer questions using full sentences unless instructed otherwise

Please answer the following questions in the space provided. Part marks will be awarded for
partial answers. Show all of your work for each calculation.

Curriculum Expectation F3. demonstrate an understanding of the principles of oxidation-

reduction reactions and the many practical applications of electrochemistry..

1. What is the difference between an oxidation number and a valence number?

(1 mark)

Oxidation number focuses on the distribution of electrons in a

molecule, while valence number refers to the number of electrons
an atom can gain, lose, or share in chemical bonding. Furthermore
the valenceof an element is a fixed quantity whereas oxidation
number varies from compound to compound. Valence number is a
pure number whereas the oxidation number has a positive or
negative value.

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Unit 4 Assessment

2. In order for a reaction to happen spontaneously, which reaction (oxidation or

reduction) needs to be higher on the redox table? Why? (2 marks)

3. How is an oxidizing agent different than an oxidation reaction? (1 mark)

An oxidation reaction i the process of losing electrons by a

substance, leading to an increase in its oxidation state. An
oxidizing agent, is a substance that accepts electrons from
another substance, causing it to undergo oxidation.

4. Explain the role of a salt bridge in a voltaic cell. (1 marks)

A salt bridge enables the migration of ions to maintain charge

balance and complete the circuit, allowing the redox reaction to
occure and produce electrical energy.

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Unit 4 Assessment

Curriculum Expectation F2. investigate oxidation-reduction reactions using a galvanic

cell, and analyse electrochemical reactions in qualitative and quantitative terms;

1. Assign oxidation numbers to the following compounds: (1 mark each)

a. KClO3 b. NO3 c. CH3CHO

b. +6 c. -2
a. +5

2. Balance the following half-reaction in an acidic solution: (4 marks)

Cr2O72- → Cr3+

3. Balance the following reaction in a basic solution: (5 marks)

I- + MnO42- → MnO2 + I2

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Unit 4 Assessment

4. Build a voltaic cell with one beaker containing a solution of nickel (II) nitrate -
Ni(NO3)2 - with a nickel electrode, and a second beaker containing a solution
of zinc chloride - ZnCl2 - with a zinc electrode. (5 marks)

a. The half reactions (2 marks)

b. Flow of electrons (1 mark)
c. Short-form notation (1 mark)
d. Electric potential (voltage) (1 mark)


Salt bridge

Nickel Electrode
Zinc electrode

(-) (+)
Anode Cathode Nickel Nitrate
Zinc Chloride
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