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Employee Turnover Cost and Impacts in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: An

Exploratory Study

Article · December 2017


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3 authors:

Md. Mahiuddin Sabbir Imran Khan

University of Barisal Hamdard University Bangladesh


Md. Abdul Kaium

University of Barishal


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Md. Mahiuddin Sabbir*

Imran Khan**
Md. Abdul K4ium***


Employee turnover has been o *ojo, issue espcialty for Human resource mcmager.
Previoasly, several researchers identified the factors influencing employee tamover.
However, meanuring turuaver cost ean help a monger befrer to respond to this
challenging ixue. The wrpose of this pper is to calculate the tumover cost of
Probationary Oficer (Po)rfuIanagement Trainee Officer Wq and imrycts in
banking sector of Bangladesh. Pimary data were collected through a questionnaire
survsy to reveal the result. It wasfoand that exceptfew banks tarnover costs ofother
banlrs are more than 1095 of their total recruitment, selection md training cost, which
is upsetfing. For identifying turnover imp.cts, hypotheses were constructed and tested
using t+est. The findings of this pper will help the human resource marwger get better
insights abo* the magnitude of tarnover cost qrd develop employee retention
strategies in accordance with.

Kettwords: Emplolee Turnover, Twnover Cost, Banking Industry, Human Resource.


Human resource management is a critical issue to every small or large organization. It is

very crucial to utilize this intangible asset to achieve organizdional goals. However, today
human resource professionals are progressively challenged to gnp a more strategic aspect
regarding their responsibility to the organization. It is seen that to respond this challenge
htrman resource professionals measure their performance and their contribution to the

*Lectarer, Deryrtment ofMarketing, University of Borisal

**Lecturer, Deprtment of Busiruss A&finistration,
Z. il. Sikder University af Science & Teclatologt
* * *Assi stant P
raJes so r, Department of Mar*eting Unive rsity of Barisat

Barisal Uaiversity Journal (Part trI) Volume 4 Issue 2 (December 2017)

company's profitability and overall grourth consist€ntly. Moreover this is no longer termed
as $rprise in present extreme competitive business world. In the last decades the value of
intangible assets has been highlighted by an ever-increasing appreciation and the associated
trend toward stategic performance measurement systems such as Robert KAlan and David
Norton's Balanced Scorecard. New opportunities for hunan resource professionals, new
demands for their accountability, and new perspectives on measuring organizational
perliormancehave all converged (Becker, Huselid &Ulrictt" 2001).

The attitude of employees is an invisible segment which is a signifrcant part of that

architecture. The cost of employee tumover, having its placg in this area of expense is the
central point in our study. The objective of this study is to calculate the Probationary officer
(Po)nvlanagernent trainee officer (MTO) turnover cost in pnvate commercial banking
sector of Bangladesh but not to eliminate the tumover cost entirely. This research has also
focused on the impacts of employee turnover on organizational image, customer satisfaction

and produetivity loss.

Not knowing the cause of the sickness, means not knowing the method to avert it or heal it.
The calculation of the turnover cost is dealing with the magnitude of the sickness and
making a guideline how to minimize it.

Banking sector is a prime driver in the economy of Bangladesh where private commercial
banks are the key players who lead the economic growth. Therefore it was rational to focus
on the private commercial banking sector in Bangladestr, due to its high demand for skilled

bankers, more nrmber of private banks in respect to economic status, as well as the high
tumoYer of employees.

Literature reyicm

As an extensive reserched rea of human resource manage,ment and organizational

behavior, employee tumover has been a great interest of the researcher for a long time.
Many researchers defined this te,r:n, identified its causes and remedies from various
perspective. But there re still a lot of conclusions and specifications yet to come.
Employee Turrover Cost and Impacts in Banking Indusry of Bangladesh: An Eryloratory Study

An employee may leave the job voluntarily or involuntarily and this situation is termed as

employee turnov€r. Replacerrent is needed to be hired if an employee leaves an

organization. This whole process is known as tumover (Arnold & Feldman 1982).

Price (1977) explained turnover as the number e,mployees leaving the organization during a
particular time period divided by the number of employees in that organization for that
particular period. Normally presented in terms of tumover rate, turnover refers to the

amount of movement of e,mployees in and out of an organization (Ctruden & Sherman


Mobley (1982) referred flrnover as a circumstance where an employee discontinuous

hiVtrer membership in the organization from which monetdy comp€msation is eamed

Employee tumover is like switching from current organization to a new organization with
the hope of finding a better position or a better working environment than the existing one.

Wood (1995) described employee turnover as an exchange cycle. Because when an

employee leaves the organization voluntarily or non-voluntarily there is a vacar$ position
needs to be filled in by a new employee. And the new ernployee has to go through a process

which includes recruitrren! selection and training.

It may be quite tough for the muragers to r.urderstand and accept the employee tumover
within the organization. Organization's long term plan got shattered because of ernployee
tumover. Mobley (1982) revealed managers wanting to contribute to the organization can be
benefited by identifing the reasons, quanti$ing the tumover and generating possible
solutions for reducing higlr tumover rates.

Employee tlrnover can't be always bad for the orgnnizafisrL because through tufirover
process a less skilled and deficient performer may be replaced by a more skilled and

efficient performer. There is still a particular amount of cost associated with the employee
who just left. And these costs may be made-up by the benefrts that will be generated from
those skilled performers in the long run

Barisal University Joumal Cart trI) Volume 4 Issue 2 (December 20lT)

Employees are like pillars of an organization. Losrng an employee is like losing a pillar that
shakes the remaining pillars. Left employees and shaking pillan engender costs for the
organization. Measuring these tumover costs is one of the main concerns of this paper. To
do so, tumover of Manageme,nt Trainee Officer (MTo)/Probationary Officer (PO) in the
banking industry has been studied.

According to Bangladesh Brneau of Statistics (2016), the unemploynent rate in Bangladesh

is 4.5Yo in 2010 &.4.3% in 2013. Among the employed persons 34o/o are eng4ged in service
sector. As a service sstor, banking sector contributes a lot in emplolmnent generation

Now-a-days Banking sector has derived as one of the lucrative job sectors for job seekers
because of its salary structure and social status. But still the employee turnover rate in this
sector is quite high. Habib (2015) reported that private banks used to pick mid and senior-
level bankers from nationalized banks. But in recent time the scenario is changing due to
more congenial working environments and new technological implementation in the private
banking sector. Private-to-private sector banks shifting is a cornmon tend now-a-days.
According to him, in last few years, private commercial banks recruited a big cut up of
newly graduates. Nine recent establistred private commercial banks during 2012 and,21l3
started their operation with the employees hired from other commercial banks of this
country. The greater competition urd higher tendency of turnovs are the resultant factor of
orpanded financial sector. ,

Acceleratins factors of emnlovee turnover

A lot of studies have been conducted nationally and intemationally to identi$ the causes of
e,rnployee tumover. According to Powell (2012) there are five major reasons for employee
turnover. These are lack of opportunities for professional development, inadequate
compensatiorL boredom/lack of challenge, poor workflife balancg job stress and unfair

Several researchers (Chaulagain, Khadka & Kumar, 2012; Hom & Griffeth, l99l;
Delfgaatrw, 2007) identified employee trrnover is the eventual consequence of job
Employee Turnover Cost and Impacts in Bamkiog Industy of Bmgladesh: An Exploratory Study

dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction is also gauged by several other factors. According to

Branham (1997), study revealed quality of employee's relationship with the manager a.ffects
50 percent of job satisfaction. Politics-&ee working environment has also impact on
mployee job s*isfaction. Within a job setting there may be an expectation gap exists, as
e,mployer urd e,mployee hold different expectations from a particular job appointnent.
Schultz & Schultz (2005) outlined improbable job expmtations cause the employees to

leave their existing job.

In Bangladestu with the changes inmarket structtrre, competition and growth, the trends and
patters of employee turnover has changed- A study conducted by Bangladesh lnstitute of
Bank Managernent revealed the most influential factor for the first and second time changes
of barik by ernployee is 'finding a better compensation package'. A third time change is
followed by other r,easons like comfortable work environment and relationship with the
mtrragement (Habib, 20 I 5).

Cost senerate from emolovee turnover

Obviously, the organization has to inctr cost for each employee who leaves before
complefing the tenure. Bennisonn & Casson (1984) urumerafed, recruiting and appointing

an employee is an investue,nt; if an employee leave before the full terrr the organization get
no rettfir on the invesffient.

Phillips & Connell (2003) included recruiting costs, selection and emplo5nnent costs,
orientation costs, training costs, lost w4geVsalaries, administrative costs, lost productivity,
loss of human capital and customer satisfaction issues as employee turnover cost. Turnover
costs include direct and indirect cost. The direct costs are like- recruitmenl selection and
training of new employees; processing of these activities generates expenses" lrdirect costs
include such things as inqeased workloads and overtime e4penses for coworkers as well as
reduced productivity associated with low employee morale (Newas, Ali & Alfiter 2007).

Though it is not an easy task but employee turnover costs can be measwed m.nnerically. At
the top manageinent level ernployee turnov€r geirerates more cost Greenberg & Baron
Baisal University Joumal (Part nl) Volume 4 Issue 2 (December 2017)

(2003) studied the cost of replacing an exccutive by 64000 American dollars and the cost of
t"tscheduled absence averaging as high as 757 American dollars per employees.

Employee tumov€r not only cause monetary loss but also non-monetary loss. When the
tumover rate is high in a particular organizatiorq it negatively a{fects its market image as
well as custorner satisfaction. Habib (2015) reported that loss of m experienced employee
causes decreased productivity and effective,ness of other staff. Along with this, customer

loyalty, brard image and good will of the organization in the industry get depreciated.
Addressing these turnover conse,quences is another concem of this paper.

Cascio (1991) first attempted to calculate the employee tumover costs through finding the
formulas. Hinkin & Tracey (2005) developed software for calculating the cost of
employees. Their concemed area was hospitality industry. They considered both the work
done by Cascio (1991) and William & Stanely (1993) and included five eategories of costs
in the software: costs of employee's deparhre, recruitnent, selectiorq fraining and
development and loss of productivi$ costs.

Later, Mitrovska & Eftimov (2016) calculated the employee turnover cost in the IT industry
in Macedonia They adopted and upgraded the software developed by Cornell University for
the hospitality industry. The calculator they used for tfreir research divided the tumover cost

into five different categories and one additional category called costs for the salaries ofthe

In this study, their cost categories have been used but not all the prarneters/items they
included in each cost category as the conceirtated area of this reserch is different from

0biectivec of the studv

The main objective of this study is to calculate the turnover cost of Probationary offrcer
(POfl\danagement trainee officer (MTO) and identify the turnover impacts on
organizational image, customer satisfaction and productivity loss in private commercial
banking sector of Bangladesh. The specific objectives are as follows:
Employee Tunover Cost and Impacts in Banking Industry of Bmgladesh: An Exploratory Study

1. To find out the POA{TO recruitnent and selection cost for a particulr financial year.

2. To find out the POA{TO training and development cost for a particular financial year.
3. To frnd out the POA{TO departure md productivity loss cost for a particular financial

4. To find out the POA{TO turnover rate for a particulr financial year in different
commercial bank.
Research Methodolow

The research is based on primary data collected from a sample of 15 banks out of 39 private

commercial banks (Bangladesh Bank, 2016) of Bangladesh. Samples have been chosen
based on purposive sarrpling method. A questionnaire was prepared to collect the data. The
questionnaire had two parts. For the turnover cost paft questionnaire was placed to the

human resource personnel of sample banks. Moreover for a clear understanding the
respondents were interviewed personally. The research considered the financial year 2015-

16 as turnover c,ost calculation period.

For identifuing impacts of employee tumov€r hypotheses were developed. By asking preset
questions, the hypotheses were tested. Questionnaire for this part was ctculated among the

personnel who are serving the sarrple barks for more than 7 years. For this purpose a

sarnple of 100 respondents were chosen from those l5'respective banks. A Likert-type five-
point scale was used to rate the judgments on each question. If a respondent chose '1', it
meant they strongly disagreed with the statement while '5' meant they sfiongly agreed. If
the respondents did not feel too sfiongly about the stakment they chose a nrmrber in the
middle. Results were processed through SPSS version 20 softrrre. T-test is used for
hypothesis testing since the population standard deviation is unknown (Lin{ Marchal &
Wathen 2008) in this study.

Hwothesis l:
H.rEmFloyee tunrover does not affect negatively on organizatioruT image.

}I1: Employee tumover affects negatively on organizational image.

Barisal University Joumal (Part III) Volume 4 Issue 2 (December 2017)

Hwothesis 2:

H*:Employee turnover does not affect negatively on customer satisfactim.

H1: Employee turnover affects negatively on customer satisfaction.

Hwothesis 3:

fl.,fimployee turnover does not cause productivity loss.

I{r: Employe€ tumover causes productivity loss.

Results and findings

Demographics of the respondenls: As the questionnaire was designed to collect human

resource inforrnation, the respondents were the human resource personnel. For the turnover

cost part, the respondents were aged betwee,n 45-50 years. For the hypotheses part, all the
respondeirts were aged between 35-40 years as well as were serving that particular banks for
more than 7 years. Among the respondents TOYo were male and 30% were female. As the
survey questionnaire was in English language so it was made sure that all of them have
proficie,ncy on English literacy.

Ttrrnover cost was calculated by ge,nerating information about cost of following categories.

Recruitment cost: lt includes the total cost related with recruitnent of applicant and fill-up a
vacant position. The zubgroups of this cost are cost of ag€ncy, advertisement cost and cost
of writing a job description or arranging a job fair. The total recruitment cost of the studied
15 banks ranges from 315,000-5000,000. (See Appendix ii.a)

Selection cost: It includes the subgroups like selection procedure cost, arranging interview
for candidates who passed the MCQ and written test, cost of assessing previous experiences.
The total selection cost of the studied 15 banks mnges from 300,000-2000,000. (See
Appendix ii.a)

Training and development cost: For employee training and development banks have to
incur costs. In Bangladesh perspective most of the banks provide at least one frrndament
Employee Tnrnover C,ost md Impacts in Banking Industry of Bmgladesh: An Exploratory Study

trainmg to its newly recruited employees within one year of their recruituent. Trainings can
be formal or informal. The total training and development cost of the studied 15 banks
ranges from 400,000-10,000,000. (See Appendix ii.a)

Depaturc cosf: When an employee departs before fuififling his/her tenure banks incur
costs. As there is no available fonnula to calculate departr:re cost, in this paper it was
calculated by usrng this formula - (Loss of working hour of the employee who carries out
the departure process * Per hour salry of the ernployee who carries out the deparhre
process * Total number of PO/IvfT0 left). It was revealed by most of the respondents that on

average they require l0 working hours for canylng out a PO/IVfTO departure process. (See
Appendix ii.c)

Productivity /oss cas/.' Due to lack of previous research and extensive calculation on this
area most of the respondents failed to provide a numerical value for this cost. But majority
ofrespondents believe they have to incur this type ofcost. Few respondents provided the
value approximately based on their experience.

Tqble 0I: Tumover cost of 15 bariks"

POIMTO Recruimen! Deparfire Productivity

left last Selection, ' cost(2) Ioss cost (3) cost (l+2+3)
yefr Training cost
per employee
who left(l)
Eastem Bank ltd 4 434782.6W 12000 446783
MeghnaBank Id 3 203000 8700 211700
Mutual Trust Bank ltd 880000 4500 884500
NCC Bmk ltd 19642.857r 2500 22143
Social Islami Bank ltd 2A 583333.333 54000 637333
Mercmtile Ba* td 7 237391.304 19250 256641
Dutch BanglaBank ltd 30 833333.333 84000 9t7333
Islami Bank BmgJadesh ltd 30 600000 87000 687000
Prime Bmk ltd 40 4722222.22 11,1400 4836622
NRB CommercialBerkld l8 46E0000 57600 4737600
UCB Bank ltd t8 t967441.86 63000 600000 2634442
Modhumoti Bilk ltd. 20 1s55555.56 58000 400000 2013556
National Bmk ltd 40 627777.778 I 18000 300000 1045778

Barisal University Journal (Ptrt trI) Volume 4Issue 2 @ecember 2017)

AB Bank ltd 3 2520001930011261300

PremierBmk ltd 5 687500 I 15000 702500
Source: Primary data collected ttnough surv€y.

The tumover cost varied among banks based on their cost related to it and the number of
PO/IVITO left during the period. The hrmover cost of some banks fotmd 74Yo (National
Bank ltd), 58% (Modhmoti Bank ltd), 37Yo (Dutch-Bargla Barrk lt$, 36% (NRB
commercial Bank ltd) of their total recndtnen! selection and faining cost which is
alarnring (Table 0l).

There is another important findings regarding PO/\{TO tumover association with their per
hour salary.

Table 02: Percentage ofPO[vfTO turnover.

Perhour PO/IvfTO %
Salary of joined last year left last POAdTO
PO/I{TO year left
Eastern Barlk 113 23 4 17.39
MeshnaBankltd 146 15 3 20.00
Mutual TrustBank ltd 250 10 I 10.00
NCC Bank ltd 150 56 I 1.79
Social Islami Bark ltd 167 J20 20 t6.67
Mercantile Bark ltd t67 il5 7 6.09
Drfrch Bangla Bankltd 188 90 30 JJ.JJ
Islami Bank Baneladesh ltd 151 350 30 8.57
Prime Bank ltd 155 r44 40 27.78
NRB Commercial Bankltd 162 50 l8 36.00
UCB Bank ltd 262 86 l8 20.93
Modhurroti Bank ltd. 145 45 20 44.M
National Bank ltd 142 90 40 44.M
AB Bankltd 188 50 3 6.00
Premier Bank ltd 150 40 5 12.50
Source: Primary data collected ttnough survey.

Though compensation package is an influencing factor for employee retention, it was seen

Eorplope Turnover goul 6{ Impacts in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study

(Table 02) thaf. bsrks with better compe,nsation package is still experiencing high
p€rc€ntage of PO/Iv{TO turnover. The reasons behind this was revealed by the respondents

an newly recruited PO/MTOs are usually fresh graduates who have a lot of career
opporhmities in both private and public sectors. Most of them prefer a more secured
govemm€Nrt job to a private job with high salary and seek to build career in government

As for hypothesis part the study developed the statemerrt for null hl,pothesis (tU) and it will
reject the null hypothesis and accept the altemative hypothesis (h1) if the calculated value is

greater than table value or critical value and vice-versa. Here, the table value is 1.66 with
5% level of significance.

Table 0i: One Sample T-test. (See Appendix iii)

N Mean Std. Dwiation t df

Negatively affects 100 3.77 .96248 39.170 99
organizational image
Negatively affects 100 3.87 .84871 45.599 99
custo,mer satisfaction
Cause productivity loss 100 3.57 t.01757 35.083 99
Source: Primary data collected through survey.

The mean values of three hypothesis statemerts are more than 3 and close to 4 which means

the respondents are agreeing with these statements. Results (Table 03) also show among the

three consequences of employee fi]rnover, the major consequence is its negative impacts on
customer satisfaction.

According to t-test rezult null hypothesis (h") is rejected and the test is significant for above

three statements. The results support the statements reported by Habib (2015) regarding the
consequences of employee tumover.

Barisal University Joumal (Part trI) Volume 4 Issue 2 @ecember 2017)


At presen! recruiting efficient worker is not so difficult but keeping them as employee

within the mganization for a longer period is difficult. Employees are the key element to run
the wheel of an organization. It is very important to make the employees as human resource

and retain thern to get morimum productivity to ensure continuous $uccass. But the study

identified that no bank has policy to calculate employee tumover cos! thoryh they think it
is a significant issue for the organization. So the banks should develop policy to calculate
the errployee turnover cosL as it is not a negligible issue any more.

Though it is revealed that the private commercial banks offer compotitive and handsome
financial compensatiorq the tumover cost is still alarming. Most of the PO/lvITOs are newly
graduates ard lots of opporumities are available to them. So to keep the,m as ernployee,

banks should provide benefits and career opportunities preferable to other banks. Some
other issues should also be considered seriously in this regard. Firstly, fair job environment,
which deals with so many non-finsrcial issues to make the employees feel comfortable.
Secondly, career growth should be cared with utnost importance as employees always
pursue a bettsr position that they deserve. Another is regular perforrnance evaluation with

scientific yardsticks strould be implemented to eliminate any biasness in promotion.

Future regearch

This research calctrlates the POlt\dTO tumovsr cost and turnover impacts on organizational
image, customer satisfaction and productivity loss. Future research can be condtrcted on to
identif the cost-benefit analysis of employee retention strategies. Comparative research of
e,mployee hrnover cost on private and pubtic banking sector can also be conducted.


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6. Branham, F.L., 1997, six Truttts about Emproyee Turnover, viewed 02 hily 2016,
from httlr: l/www. nichebenefits. com/librar.v/sixtruths.pdf
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8. chaulagain, N., Khadk4 & Kumar. D., 2012,'Factors Influencing Job satisfaction
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15. Lind D.A., Marchal W.G. & lV*tren S.A., 2m8, Statistical Techniques in Business
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17. Mobley, W.H., 1982, Emploltee Turnover: Cantses, Consequences, and Control,

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Employee Tumover CU d IryS in Buking Industry of Br4gladesh: An Exploratory Study

Anoendir i: IirtcfBlrls
t. Eastern Bank ltd
2. Meghna Bsnk ltd
3. Mutual TrustBank ltd
4. NCCBankltd
5. Social Islami Bank ltd
6. Mercantile Bank ltd
7. Dutch Banela Ba* ltd
8. Islami Bank Bangladeh ltd
9. PrimeBank M
10. NRB Commercial Bank ltd
11. UCB Bank ltd
12. Modhumoti Bank ltd.
13. National Bank ltd
14. AB Bank ltd
15. Premier Bank ltd

Anoendix ii (a): Total recruitment selection and training cost

Recruitment Selection Training Total

cost (l) cost (2) cost (3) (4=l+2+3)

Eastsrn Bank ltd 500000 sm000 1500000 2500000

MeehnaBank ltd 3r5000 300000 400000 1015000
Mutual Trust Bank ltd 800000 1000000 7000000 8800000
NCC Bank ltd 400000 300000 400000 I 100000
Social Islami Bank ltd 800000 700000 2000000 3500000
MercantileBank ltd 800000 900000 2200000 3900000
Dutch Bansla Bank ltd 1000000 1000000 500000 2500000
Islami Bank Bansladesh ltd 2000000 1000000 4000000 7000000
Prime Bank ltd 5000000 2000000 10000000 17000000
NRB Commercial Bank ltd 3000000 2000000 8000000 13000000
UCBBankltd 1300000 lt00000 7000000 9400000
Modhumoti Bank ltd. 1000000 800000 1700000 3500000
National Bank ltd 320000 400000 692500 1412500
AB Bank ltd 1600000 1600000 1000000 4200000
Premier Bank ltd 1500000 2000000 2000000 5s00000


Barisal University Joumal (Pet III) Volume 4 Issue 2 @ecemb er Z0l7)

Anpendix ii (b): Reruitment, selec{ion and training cost per employee who left.

Total Cost per

Total Cost per Employee
Recruitment, employee
employee employee left last
Selectiorq joined (2) who left
Training cost (I) Q:tn) year (4)

Eastern Bant ltd 2500000 23 108695-7 4 434782.6

Meehna Bank ltd 1015000 l5 67666.67 3 203000
Mutual Trust Bmk ltd 8800000 10 880000 880000
NCCBa*ltd 1100000 56 19642.86 I 19642.86
Social Islami Bank ltd 3500000 120 29166.67 20 583333.3
Mercantile Bank ltd 3900000 115 33913.04 1 23739t.3
Dutch BauslaBmk ltd 2500000 90 27777.78 30 833333.3
Islami Bank Bmsladesh ltd 7000000 350 20000 30 600000
Prime Bank ltd 17000000 144 I18055.6 40 4722222
NRB CommercialBmkltd 13000000 50 260000 l8 4680000
UCB Btrkltd 9400000 86 109302 3 l8 L967442
Modhumoti Bilk ltd. 3500000 45 77777"78 20 1555556
National Bmk ltd 1412500 90 15694 M 40 627777.8
AB Bankltd 4200000 50 84000 3 252000
Premier Bank ltd 5500000 40 137500 5 687500

Aonendix ii (c):Ileparture cost of employee who left.

Salary Ioss of Employeo Departure

per hour working left last cost
(r) hour (2) year (3) (1*2*3)
Eastern Bank ltd 300 l0 4 12000
MeghnaBank ltd 2v) 10 3 8700
Mutual TrustBank ltd 450 l0 I 4500
NCCBankltd 254 10 I 2500
Social Islami Bank ltd 270 10 20 54000
Mercantile Bank ltd ?75 l0 7 19250
Dutch Bangla Bank ltd 280 l0 30 84000
Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd 290 l0 30 87000
Prime Bank ltd 286 10 40 I 14400
NRB Commercial Bank ltd 320 10 l8 57600
UCB Bank ltd 350 l0 18 63000

Emptoyee Tm fu d lryaca in Bmking Iodustry of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study

lfrfuotiBankld. 2W t0 20 58000
llinln"nkltd 295 l0 40 I 18000
ABBonkltd 310 l0 3 9300
PrcmierBank ltd 300 l0 5 15000

OneSamnle Statistics
N Mean Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
Neqativelv affects orsanizafional imase 100 3.770A .96718 .09625
Neeativelv affecs customer satisfastion 100 3"8700 .84871 .08487
Cause productiviry loss 100 3.5700 1.01757 .tot76

One-Samole Test
Test Value:0
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidenoe Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
39.t70 99 .000 3.77000 3.5794 3.9610
nizrfional imeoe
4s.599 99 .000 3.87000 3.7016 4.0384
mer satisfaction
Cause productivity loss 35.083 99 .m 3.s7000 3.3681 3.7719

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