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How well do you intend to perform academically as an APU scholarship

“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination

and usually the best way to get there.”

H. Stanley Judd

As great people say that, planning ahead your works will bring you many successful and adequate issues, I
also always plan my works; because I want that they would be useful for me. Meantime, I am having my biggest
and I hope the greatest decisions and plans which I believe that will change my life to the perfect direction. This
decision is to enter to APU and plans are about what to do there. And I am sure to one thing: after getting your
scholarship, I will study harder than ever by my plans.

To begin with, if I consider about my attainments, I have had many academic achievements which
encourage me a lot, and by them I maintain my successful career. Administrations of each of my schools and
School awarded me very many certificates according to my leadership skills, organizing diversity of activities and
clubs. Besides my obligatory classes I always have strong attempt to gain more and more acquire of knowledge by
me and by my friends. In this way we created perfect atmosphere in our school and in Edelweiss Progress Center
where I learn languages. In this world there are so many sophisticated feelings such as supporting others with
issues that you have, including contribution of knowledge. Respectively, I endeavor a lot to assist my friends and
develop my experiences as well. In my point of view, being academically successful is the main aspect of studying.

I do have strong desire that I will remain my well education in APU by studying hard and respecting my
future teachers. I intend to perform academically as the best student of APU and to strive a lot in order to achieve
my further aims. I plan to spend most of my time in classes and students’ union, because I have to use my time
wisely in APU. I believe in my school, school and in EPC I have built my strong foundation, and in APU I will begin
to build my “Castle” which has to be perfect structured. This requires me lots of efforts, struggles and difficulties.
But because of my self confidence, strong educational and psychological foundation, I will certainly overcome
every burden. And I am sure that my Castle will be one of the best ones in the world by APU.

Secondly, I’m fond of learning languages since my childhood. For this reason, I want to learn as many
languages as possible. I wish to act according to Uzbeks’ proverb - “If you know a language then you know a
nation”. I can state that my interest to English is leading me to apply to APU, and being aware of other languages
will influence me much in my next project. The reason is that I may work in different countries as manager in the
future. Therefore, If know current country’s language it will be easy to connect with them and to be professional
leader. Also people will respect and follow me, due to; I also will show them my deepest esteem by knowing their
language. Generally speaking, obtaining diversity of languages is really interesting activity for me and I hope in
APU I will continue it with my curiosity.

Furthermore, as I know there are many clubs and activities in APU in order to strengthen students’
studying and at the same time: their abilities of learning languages. I also have plans to take part in clubs which I
can improve my education and acquire extra knowledge about issues which I am interested. In my point of view,
no broads should take place in people’s lifestyle if that matter has no disadvantages to others. That’s why; I really
wish to gain information of various spheres of life which will bring useful outcomes to me and to others by me.
At the same time, if I will have a chance, I am going contribute to APU by organizing clubs. As I wrote
before, I have good skills of debating. So that, I will try to manage English and Japanese debate clubs in APU. It will
certainly help to all students in the ways of improving their language and critical thinking abilities. Moreover,
debates were created for sharpening person’s mind and outlook. Owing to that, it would be great idea to held
debates at least once in a week in APU.

(741 words)

What kind of student life do you plan to lead as a scholarship student at APU?
Besides my academic performances, I also have plans about how to spend my student life in APU. By and
large, I am very vibrant boy by my character. I am interested in every single issue which takes my attention. After
getting scholarship I will definitely manage myself with beautiful discipline and self confidence.

One of the reasons to this is that, I will be face of APU if I receive scholarship. Because, everybody will be
interested in person which got scholarship and, it’s obvious that APU gives it to only best students. So that every
body will look at me to know how much intelligent I am. For this I will try hardly in order to prove APU‘s belief to

Secondly, it is difficult time for Japan now. Because of recent earthquakes Japanese people suffered a lot.
I believe that Japan WILL overcome it with its generous, hard working, and smart people. I remember from the
history that Japan overcame this type of tragedy in 15 years and became one of the strongest countries of the
world. My aim is to help Japan, Japanese people to overcome it. I believe that there will be voluntary works in
Japan after these earthquakes. I cannot wait to give my hand to those who need it; whether it will be
reconstruction works, or serving food for homeless, or collecting charity for sufferers. I believe that it will be
wonderful opportunity for international student to spend time.

If I consider about my previous achievements: none of competitions and social activities is held without
me in my school and Edelweiss Progress Center, for instance: debate, essay writing, and even dancing
tournaments. I believe that people shouldn’t restrict themselves with only few occupations. Instead we have to
make our life that is given us only one time, as much exquisite as possible. As I mentioned above I participated in
many contests and they helped me a lot, because they gave me talents such as decision making and improved my
outlook to the globe. In short words, my curiosity opens precious and enthusiastic style to my academic career
and student life. Likewise, I usually don’t go with the flow, I create my own ways to deal with situations that I

Moreover, I am fond of sports, especially swimming and wrestling. In my city there is one big sports
college which I go and attend to different types of sports. Unfortunately, my education was subject to give up
taking part in sports for some time. But after entering to the APU I will certainly continue to discipline myself
physically. When I was attending to wrestling I used to watch professional sportsmen’s games, but once I
suddenly saw new style of my sport from TV. I was interested in it and found that it is the Japanese wrestling -
Judo. After going APU, I have desire to learn about Japanese sports and choose the most appropriate one for me.
In my point of view, being physically fit leads to be morally strong in the ways of having confidence to myself and
to my actions. In addition, I have a plan to organize football team which contains Uzbeks and show our power to
everybody. Because I also play football well!

I especially like the tradition of APU that it gives chance to its students to show their culture and customs.
I have many familiar people in Japan: my brothers, and teachers. They sent me photos in which they wore our
traditional clothes. I was so happy for this, and I also want to lead our Uzbek traditions and culture in APU. We
have very many historical games and events in Uzbekistan. And I am sure that if other students will see them they
will be surprised and interested. Especially Uzbek traditional meals will be favorite foods of all students by me.
One thing which may be funny is that I don’t know how to cook them but I will learn before going to Japan.

Likewise, I really want to enjoy in Japan when I have spare times. In Uzbekistan I went to many
sightseeing places because of my interest to travelling. As I heard from students of APU and watched from
internet there are also very many places which I can, want, and will go. By having trips to different places, I will
have a chance to rest, learn Japanese culture and get closely acquainted with my future friends. Also, I really
enjoy playing computer games in my free times. We used to play these games with current students of APU that
are from my city. It would be very funny, if I suggest them to play games again when I go to APU. Moreover, there
are organized different types of festivals in APU in order to celebrate holidays. I tremendously love holidays and it
means that I will for sure participate in every festival of APU.

Lastly, I also have a plan to work in a part- time job in Beppu city in order to cover my expenses and at the
same time to get ready to future life!

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What are your plans after graduating from APU? How do you plan to
contribute to the international society?
Basil S. Walsh said that “An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The man who plans knows where
he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive.” After planning to
apply to APU, I also saw my destination in future. Now I have precious idea about my forthcoming studies and
career. According to them I want to begin my new life in APU and after graduating I hope and believe that I will
contribute to the international society as much as I can.

Firstly, if I concern about my own country it is vital point to state that- we don’t have enough professional
managers. As long as Uzbekistan is developing country, it is also paying attention to it’s every part. And I hope
that in recent years in Uzbekistan there will be appeared perfect Managerial system. During my studies in APU I
want to create new Asian style of management which is supposed to be most appropriate to my country, because
as everybody knows, each country has its own ways of managing, and mentality. For this reason I think that
sparking new ways of management will influence much to Asia, especially to Uzbekistan in order to prosper and
be one of the most developed countries.

From my childhood, I always want to be the first in classes and in other off lesson activities. It has been
being necessarily useful for me in each aspect of my life. I can say that, because of my intention I always
succeeded among my peers. Time by time, I wish to gradually increase my aim of being first. After graduating APU
I have a plan to work in Japan several years and gain experience. It also will be lesson for me while creating Asian
management. Then, I do want to come back to my own country and assist to it. I hope and believe that I will be
the first and the best manager in my country. I am going to associate my new style with Uzbekistan’s
management, and by this I can confidently state that my country’s management system will be dramatically
improved and will be one of the best styles in the world. Furthermore, society’s interest to the management will
also be enlarged, so it means that there will be competition among Uzbekistan’s managers which is the second
source of prospering. Step by step, I have intentions to strengthen Uzbekistan’s connections with other countries
in order to develop it.

Moreover, it is obvious that I will never forget APU! I will try to help it as much as possible for returning its
good deeds to me! Because I believe that from APU I will get everything which makes me perfect manager in my
bright future. I am going to try to assist to APU by both financial and educational aspects. I have plans to attempt
in order to support students with more and more facilities for studying and get enjoyment. Also I will strive to
organize big meetings in APU which I and many other famous people could come and make lectures for students.

Lastly, I have intention to open APU’s branches in many other countries, especially in Uzbekistan. It would
be grand idea, in the ways of providing students with perfect education system of APU even if they live in their
own countries.

Napoleon Hill said that “Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you
ready or not, to put this plan into action.” I also created all my plans effectively which led me to be ready, and the
work which was left is to overcome with my last difficulty that is financial problem of my family. I only can solve
this by getting high SCHOLARSHIP of APU! And I promise that after getting this appreciable award I will certainly
contribute to the world and especially to APU as greatest leader and as thankful simple person as well!

(666 words)

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