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Plastics are one of the largest threats our ocean face today.

important to know that Ocean pollution is a reality that affects us
directly an indirecly.Most of the garbage ends up in the oceans
since harms the quality of the water and the marine ecosystem.
THE OCEAN CLEANUP PROJECT whose technology is based on
extracting plastic waste and avoding new contamination.
Trash accumulates in five ocean garbage patches, the largest one
being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and
How it work
*two large ships through the ocean catching floating ocean plastic
along the way.
*the long u-shaped barrier extends about 3 meters below the
surface and is completely open in the center allowing for the fish to
scape by simply swimming down below.
*The plastic gets pùshed to the center which acts a collection area.
(Retention zone) retention zone is a place where the garbage goes.
* In the end they are taken to the mainland to be recycled and sold
to be reused and it is incredible because it captures plastic of a
great diversity of sizes

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