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Biology 227 Name:______________________________

Digestive System: The Large Intestine

1. The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine each exhibit segmentation, but for different
reasons. Compare the functions of segmentation in each organ:

a. stomach:

b. small intestine:

c. large intestine:

2. What types of substances can the large intestine absorb?

3. Unlike the small intestine, the wall of the large intestine lacks the structural features
necessary for absorption of nutrients. Describe these structural differences between the small
and large intestines.

4. Explain why it is OK that the large intestine cannot absorb nutrients.

5. Explain why it is NOT true that wastes and toxins can accumulate in a normal colon.

6. Describe the stimuli for mass movements of the large intestine.

7. Regarding the defecation reflex, state what each of the following structures do and the
specific neural change that causes its response.

a. rectal wall: neural stimulus:

b. internal anal sphincter: neural stimulus:

c. external anal sphincter: neural stimulus:

8. Describe how the defecation reflex can be consciously controlled. Be specific regarding the
structure (muscle) and part(s) of the nervous system involved.

Clinical Connections


Constipation has many causes, including low colonic motility. Propose an explanation for how
low motility can lead to constipation. (hint: consider the functions of motility and what happens
to water in the chime that enters the large intestine)


Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, often resulting from infection due to blockage of
the opening of the appendix to the colon. Rupture of the appendix may result from untreated

1. Propose an explanation for how rupture of the appendix wall is possible in appendicitis (hint:
consider side effects of inflammation).

2. Rupture of the appendix can present a life threatening scenario. Explain how.

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