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Towards a Formalization of Real Time Design Patterns:

From UML-MARTE Profile To Maude Specification

∗ †
Kamel Boukhelfa Faiza Belala
LIRE Laboratory LIRE Laboratory
University of Constantine 2 University of Constantine 2
Constantine 25000, Algeria Constantine 25000, Algeria

Design patterns (DPs) and real-time design patterns (RT- A design pattern expresses solution of a known and recur-
DPs) are described in informal way (UML and natural lan- rent problem in a particular context [7]. Design patterns
guage) to facilitate their understanding by software devel- are applied in object programming software to improve the
opers. However, these descriptions lead to ambiguities and quality of the resulting system.
limiting their correct usage. Moreover, this conventional The reuse concept is also important in the development of
representation has reached its limits and in particular for real-time and embedded systems. Thus, design patterns can
the representation of temporal proprieties and constraints. be used to capture the experience and allow the reuse of the
The representation of RTDPs in UML-MARTE profile per- ”good” solutions to resolve the problems encountered during
mits to well express their temporal proprieties and con- the design process of such systems [5, 15].
straints and thus, their algebraic specification become more
natural and more efficient. In the literature, several design patterns qualified as being
”real-time” are proposed in different domains [5]. Intuitively,
In this paper, we propose a formalization approach of real- the term ”real-time” refers to design patterns those dealing
time design patterns (RTDPs). We present an architecture with the temporal aspects of systems, whereas this is not
support for the formalization process and we show how to always the case. Indeed, real-time design patterns (RTDPs)
formalize the different concepts of a given RTDP represented deal with the general problems encountered in the design of
in UML-MARTE profile. Then, we illustrate our approach real-time systems (that may be or not related to the time)
by a realistic case study that represents a real-time design such as synchronization or memory allocation. The RTDPs
resulting from the use of RTDPs by the means of the instan- vary according to their areas of application and according
tiation and composition mechanisms. This design is speci- to the design approaches. Generally, design patterns and
fied as a set of some generated Maude (based on rewriting also RTDPs were described, until now, by using a com-
logic) Oriented Object modules. The execution of the latter bination of textual descriptions, object oriented graphical
allows to verify the feasibility of the proposed formalization notations such as UML diagrams and sample fragments of
approach. code[7, 5, 15]. This informal description of design patterns is
adopted to facilitate their understanding by software devel-
opers. However, informal descriptions give rise to ambigu-
Keywords ity, and limit tool support and correct usage. Tool support
Real-time Design Pattern, MARTE profile, Rewriting Logic, can aid pattern mining, detection of pattern within a de-
Maude sign model, and code generation from pattern specification.
∗Mr. Kamel Boukhelfa: Lecturer (preparing a Phd thesis) Hence, there is a need for a formal specification of the design
patterns to ensure their successful application.
in the department of Software Technologies and Informa-
tion Systems - Faculty of New Information Technologies and
Communication - University of Constantine 2, Algeria. Formal specifications provide a precise and rigorous descrip-
†Pr. Belala: Professor in the department of Software Tech- tion for better understanding patterns and their instantia-
nologies and Information Systems - Faculty of New Informa- tion and composition. The formal specifications of the de-
tion Technologies and Communication - University of Con- sign patterns are not intended to replace informal ones, but
stantine 2, Algeria. to complement them. The object-based design process can
be more productive by adopting a design patterns based
modelling and some steps of analysis and verification to
make sure that the application result is in accordance with
the input design.

In this work, we are interested in the formal specification of

the RTDPs based designs. Thus, we propose a formaliza-
tion approach that define for all used UML-MARTE nota-
tions the equivalent specification in Maude language [3, 11].
Initially, we have presented the global architecture to sup- RBML inherits the lacks of UML owed in its semi-formal
port the formalization and in second step, we have applied notation.
the proposed approach for specifying a RT patterns-based
design for verifying its feasibility. In the context of the purely formal specification, several at-
tempts to formalize design patterns have been proposed. We
Maude is a high-level language and a high-performance sys- present two significant works namely, the BPSL (Balanced
tem supporting executable specification and declarative pro- Pattern Specification Language) [16] and LePUS (LanguagE
gramming in rewriting logic [2, 4] that we have used as a for Patterns Uniform Specification) [8], that aim to formal-
formal foundation for the specification of the Pattern-Based ize the structural and behavior aspects of design patterns.
designs. This logic permits to specify both parts of the de- BPSL uses a subset of first-order logic (FOL) to formalize
sign models, namely the structural and dynamic part in a structural aspect of patterns, while the behavioral aspect is
same formalism. formalized in TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions). The first-
order logic is justified by its simplicity to express relations
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We cite some between pattern participants as predicates.
relevant work on design patterns, especially those that deal LePUS is a fragment of the monadic high-level order logic
with representation (formal or not) of design patterns. Af- using a limited vocabulary of entities and relations. A Le-
ter recalling the used basic concepts of RTDPs, MARTE PUS instruction is formed by a list of participants (classes,
profile and rewriting logic via its practical language Maude functions or hierarchies) and a list of relations between these
in Section 2, we describe in Section 3 the formalization ap- participants. A program is represented by a model M which
proach and we show how it is possible to give a formal base is a pair < P, R > where P is the universe of the basic
to real-time systems designs thanks to a judicious coupling entities (classes and functions) and R = R1, ..., Rn is the
of UML-MARTE profile and rewriting theories. The Section set of the relations between these entities. These relations
4 is dedicated to a case study, where we apply the proposed are deduced by generalization of all the existing basic re-
approach to a realistic example. Finally, we conclude the lations between participating entities in the GOF patterns
paper with constructive remarks and future work. [7]. Hence, a design pattern is described by HOL formulae
which are accompanied by a graphic representation in order
2. RELATED WORK to facilitate its understanding.
Among the most existing research work around design pat-
In a previous work [6], we have proposed a rewriting logic
terns dealing with issues related to their representation and
based meta-model approach to formalize design pattern so-
specification, we distinguish two points of view adopted for
lutions and their instantiations. Our proposed meta-model
this purpose. The first one concerns all works that adopt the
includes all the common elements of design patterns, so any
meta-modeling approaches and consequently the definition
design pattern can be expressed in terms of this meta-model.
of patterns modeling languages based on UML. These works
It provides a high level of abstraction that will cover all the
aim in general to provide solutions for integrate design pat-
features of design patterns and it allows a generic represen-
terns in CASE tools. The second kind of research work is
tation that can be used to produce automatically any design
characterized by the use of the formal methods to specify
pattern specification.
the design patterns and then provide suitable models to the
analysis and verification stages. Thus, we can cite DPML
In the same thought, we give in this paper an alternative
(Design Pattern Modeling Language)[10], which defines a
approach to deal with the formalization of the RTDPs.
meta-model and a notation for specifying design pattern so-
The main originality of this contribution is the passage from
lutions and solution instances within object models.
an UML-MARTE representation of the RTDPs and the RT-
The meta-model defines a logical structure of DPML objects
DPs based designs to a Maude specification with consid-
which can be used in design patterns and design patterns in-
eration of the temporal proprieties and constraints of the
stances modelling, while the language notation describes the
RTDPs defined in [5]. This purpose is achieved by the asso-
diagrammatic notations used to represent visually the mod-
ciation of rewriting logic semantics in terms of Maude Object
els. DPML allows only the specification of the structural
Oriented Modules to the mentioned models.
aspect of design patterns and no indications are mentioned
about the composition and the verification of design pat-
terns. 3. KEY CONCEPTS
3.1 Real-Time Design Patterns
In the same context, Dae-Kyoo Kim et al. [9] present an In object oriented programming (OOP), design patterns are
UML-based pattern specification language called the role- considered as a mean to encapsulate the knowledge of expe-
based meta-modeling language (RBML), which defines the rienced software designers and represented it in an under-
solution domain of a design pattern in terms of roles at the standable form in order to permit its reuse.
meta-model level. The goal of the RBML is to support
the development of precise pattern specifications that can A design pattern expresses a solution of a known and re-
be used for the development of pattern tools. The authors current problem in a particular context (real-time or not).
propose a meta-model for the design pattern solution that They are considered as reusable components that can be ap-
will be specialized according to the type of pattern (Static plied in the design phase in order to reduce the complexity
pattern, interaction pattern, state-machine pattern). Then, of the software design. For each design pattern, are defined
RBML specifies the pattern solutions as a specialization of the roles of classes, relationships between classes and ob-
the UML meta-model. Being completely based on UML and jects, and how this pattern can be applied to resolve a given
its mechanism of instantiation and specialization made that problem in a specific context. The structure describing a
design pattern mainly includes the name, problem, solution time unit concept (RtUnit) defined in HLAM package. An
and consequence. Generally, for each design pattern, the RtUnit may be seen as an autonomous execution resource,
structural part is represented with an UML class diagram, able to handle different messages at the same time. It can
while the dynamic one is often represented by a collabora- manage concurrency and real-time constraints attached to
tion/sequence diagram. incoming messages [13].
RT design patterns are a kind of patterns that have evolved RtUnit encapsulates in a single entity both the object and
specifically for real-time systems, and they provide various the process paradigms. Any real-time unit can invoke ser-
concepts to address the fundamental real-time scheduling, vices of other real-time units, send signals or data without
communications, and synchronization problems [5, 15]. As worrying about concurrency issues. An RtUnit owns a con-
a GOF design patterns, RTDPs are represented also in UML currency and behavior controller for managing message con-
and the most temporal constraints (especially in the inter- straints according to its current state and the concurrent ex-
actions) are expressed in the natural language. ecution constraints attached to the messages. It also owns
a single message queue for saving the messages it receives
3.2 The UML profile for MARTE once its execution has started. This message queue is equiv-
alent to the event pool of a UML active object, except that
The UML profile for MARTE (in short MARTE for Mod-
the semantic variation point is resolved via the possibility
eling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) is
of specifying a scheduling policy for the queue. Messages
an OMG standard which provides support for specification,
contained in the queue can represent operation calls, signal
design, and verification/validation stages. This new profile
occurrences or data receptions. Each message can be used to
is intended to replace the existing UML Profile for Schedu-
trigger the execution of a behavior owned by the unit (i.e.,
lability, Performance and Time [13, 14].
as described by its main service).
Another important point to consider when modelling con-
Model-based design of RTE systems with MARTE proceeds
currency system is to be able to represent shared informa-
mostly in a declarative way. The user can annotate its mod-
tion. For that purpose, MARTE have introduced the con-
els with real-time or embedded concerns using the extensions
cept of protected passive unit (PpUnit) that units specify
defined within the HLAM (High-Level Application Model-
its concurrency policy either globally for all of its provided
ing) sub-profile.
services (concPolicy attribute), or locally through the con-
The HLAM package is depending of both GRM (Generic
cPolicy attribute of an RtService.
Resource Modeling) and CoreElements packages. The con-
RtUnit and Ppunit may provide real-time services. In the
cern of the HLAM package is to provide high-level modeling
case of the protected passive units, as they use the schedu-
concepts to deal with real-time and embedded features mod-
lable resource of invoking real-time units, it has to be spec-
eling. Thus, it provides possibilities of modeling on one hand
ified the concurrency policy of the service (concPolicy at-
quantitative features such as deadline and period and, in the
tribute). The execution of a real-time service may be de-
other hand, qualitative features that are related to behav-
clared as atomic and it is also possible to specify how the
ior, communication and concurrency. MARTE provide the
execution is handled by the unit through the exeKind at-
NFP package for Non-functional Properties Modeling. This
sub package of the MARTE specification provides a general
framework for annotating UML models with NFPs. It is es-
pecially focused on formalizing a set of modeling constructs 3.3 Rewriting logic and Maude
in order to specify this kind of property in a detailed way Rewriting logic is known as being logic of concurrent change
[13]. taking into account the state and the concurrent systems
calculus. It is shown as a unifying semantic framework of
When modelling the flow of information, UML distinct be- several concurrent systems and models [12]. In rewriting
tween ”active objects” that can initiate this flow and ”pas- logic, a dynamic system is represented by a rewriting theory
sive objects” that cannot. Active objects exist in their own R = (Σ, E, R, L), describing the complex structure of its
thread and have their own address space. At run-time, ac- states and the various possible transitions between them.
tive objects can start or control these information flows. Ac- The theoretical concepts of the rewriting logic are imple-
tive objects are sequential and they have a task to achieve, mented through the Maude language [12, 3, 11]. Maude
change variables, change the behavior of the program and integrates object oriented programming which are used in
so on. our formalization to encode the DPs and their meta-models
Contrary to the active objects, passive objects do not have specifications and its logical basis gives a clear definition of
the ability to change or start the flow of execution because the object oriented semantics and makes it a good choice for
they have to wait another object to call them. Instead, the the formal specification of object oriented systems.
passive objects are generally used to store information, and
in many cases, this information can be shared among several The module is the key concept of Maude, it defines a col-
other objects. This can allow passive objects to be viewed lection of operations and how they interact (algebra). In
simultaneously, not sequentially. To ensure that the data Maude, a module will provide a collection of sorts and a
contained within have high integrity, UML allows passive collection of operations on these sorts, as well as the infor-
objects to insist that they are accessible sequentially. If two mation necessary to reduce and rewrite expressions that the
threads attempt to call the same passive object simultane- user inputs into the Maude environment. There are three
ously, this object may delay the second thread until the first types of modules in Maude: the functional module (fmod )
has finished. However, this approach to express the con- that allow defining data types and their functions through
currency failed to capture real-time proprieties required to equations theory, the system module (mod ) for defining the
perform pertinent analysis. Hence, MARTE provides Real- dynamic behavior of a system, and the object-oriented mod-
ule (omod ) that can be reduced to system modules [3, 11].

The following code illustrates a Maude object-oriented mod-

ule BANK-ACCOUNT [3] that specify a bank account and the
operations credit and debit able to affect its content and
the rewriting rules those manage and control the two oper-
ations. The execution of the unconditional rule [credit]
generates the consumption of the message credit(A,M) and
the content of the account is increased. While the execution
of the conditional rule [debit] requires that the condition
(N>=M) is true. The execution of such rule generates the
consumption of the message debit(A,M) and the reduction
of the content of the account:

protecting INT .
op Account : -> Cid. Figure 1: The global architecture support of RDTPs
op bal :_ : Int -> Attribute . formalization.
ops credit debit : Oid Nat -> Msg .
var A : Oid . vars M N :Int
rl [credit]: < A : Account | bal : N >
The second step consists to pass from UML-MARTE to
credit(A, M) => < A : Account | bal:N + M >
Maude specifications. Here, we use Full-Maude, an exten-
crl [debit] : < A : Account | bal : N >
sion of Maude that, allows us to manipulate the object-
debit(A, M) =>
oriented concepts such as objects, classes, attributes, etc.
< A : Account | bal : N - M > If N >= M .
endom .)
4.2 Formalization of the structural part
We can note the existence of a correspondence between a
4. FORMALIZATION APPROACH some concepts of Maude language and UML-MARTE con-
4.1 Our contribution cepts. Unfortunately, this correspondence is not fully es-
We present in Figure 1, the proposed global architecture tablished, there are various concepts in UML-MARTE with
supporting our approach of RTDPs formalization based on no direct equivalent in Maude such as, associations, method
rewriting logic. The left side of the architecture presents calls in sequence diagram and the temporal properties and
the needed concepts for generating a RTDPs based design. constraints.
Thus, we use one or more of the cataloged RTDPs repre- The structural part of a design pattern is represented as an
sented in UML, then we enriched them by the MARTE no- UML class diagram with the different classes and relation-
tations. The resulting models are instantiated and composed ships between them. This part will serve as a model to gener-
for providing a design for a given system. ate, by means of the instantiation mechanism any structural
In the other side, the generation approach of the Maude design based on this pattern. A class is a set of attributes
specifications, associated to RDTPs and their underlined de- and methods, and it can be related to an another class
signs in all their forms (UML, MARTE), is depicted. Here, through inheritance mechanism to emphasize parental rela-
we need to define as Maude modules all RTDPs and the in- tionships. Other relationships are possible between classes,
stantiation and composition mechanisms. So, from the RT- each relationship is represented by a specific arc in the class
DPs Maude module and the instantiation mechanism defi- diagram.
nition, some modules defining the instances are generated. The table 1 contains the MARTE concepts and their corre-
The composition module uses these instances to generate spondences in Maude. For some MARTE concepts without
the Maude specification of the RT design. We will note here direct correspondence, we have also proposed their defini-
that the formalization process is performed in parallel with tions in Maude. Particular attention is given to the MARTE
the design process. concepts, such as stereotyping and the definition of methods.
The definition of the RTDPs meta-model (in UML and Maude) Thus, we propose the following: For the stereotyping, we de-
serves to automate the generation of the specifications at the fine a new class for each stereotype and so, the stereotyped
different levels. For the sake of the paper space, we will limit class (in MARTE) is represented by a subclass in Maude.
our work in this paper to study the passage from the result- While, for the specification of the methods definition within
ing RT design represented in MARTE to the Maude specifi- classes, we define a new sort called method and we add the
cations. Besides, we will verify the feasibility of the formal- declaration of a Maude operation that permits to link each
ization approach by applying it on a realistic case study. method to its appropriate class (op Methods : class ->
For this purpose, we use firstly a given design pattern to SetMethod). In addition, we use the predefined concepts
generate an UML design (structural and dynamic parts). in several modules of Maude such as the SET module, for
The result design will be enriched by the MARTE notations, defining empty and non-empty set (Set, NeSet), and others
namely the concepts defined in HLAM sub-profile such as modules such as BOOL, FLOAT, NAT and STRING to express re-
RtUnit, PpUnit and Rtfeature, and those defined in the spectively the types Boolean, Float, Natural and string of
NFP sub-profile such as NFP_DateTime, NFP_Duration and characters. The figure 2 shows how to use the above cor-
• the trigger object,
Table 1: Correspondence between MARTE and
Maude concepts • the target object,
MARTE Concept Maude Concept
• the Occurrence Kind (occkind),
Class/objet Class/Oid
Attribute Attribute • the triggering time (Tref: reference time) and
Directed Association Operation
• the deadline (reldl) (time to response).
Non-Directed Association Two operation
(one for each direction)
Association 1..1 operation op For the occurrence kind of a signal (occkind), we define a
Association 1..* op − > Set Maude operation called periodic that permits to identify
Association 1..n op − > NeSet the nature of this signal appearance (periodically or not).
(not empty Set) In the case of a periodic signal the periodVal operation is
Composition Operation defined to get the value of the period (for the simplicity, we
inheritance Subclass consider the default unit of time (ms)). The others elements
stereotyping Defining a new class that characterize a signal are represented in Maude language
and subclass as operations upon this signal. The following fragment of
Method sort method + op Methods Maude code illustrates the specification of the signal ins
with a t0 as triggering time:

Sorts signal Value .

Var ins : signal .
Var t0 : Value .
op Time_ref : signal -> Value .
eq tref(ins) = t0 .

Object creation: creating objects that compose the system

is achieved in a natural way in Maude through a rewriting
rule that creates a new objet form a configuration.

rl [ins] <O1 : C1 | > Insert(O2, C2)

=> < O1 : C1 | > <O2 : C2 | > .

We need also to define a new operation Instance : op

Instance : class -> Oid . This operation represents
the objet creation signal. Thus, we can specify all concerned
Figure 2: An example of an UML design model and objects in the execution of a given activity (represented as
its specification in the Maude language, based on sequence diagram). These objects can be declared at the
the MARTE-Maude correspondences. start of this activity or created during the execution. Tem-
poral constraints: they represent the conditions on the
actions that need to be satisfied, such as the necessary time
respondence table for passing from the UML representation to perform a given activity. In MARTE, these constraints
to a Maude specifications. are expressed in the OCL language (Object Constraints Lan-
guage). In Maude, we define two sorts, Time and Value to
specify the temporal variables (eg. triggering instants of
4.3 Formalization of the dynamic part signals) and their values. In consequence, it is necessary to
The dynamic part of a design pattern represents the interac- have an operation to get the value of an instant t (Rvalue)
tion between different objects instantiated from classes that and a conditional equation to check whether the imposed
form a pattern-based design. This part is often represented constraints is verified or not (Satisfy).
by a sequence diagram with all the interactions between ob-
jects shown as signals. 5. CASE STUDY: MODELLING AND
In MARTE, we can add the rtf stereotype at the methods
dealing with real-time features. So, the <<rtf>> insert() SPECIFYING A "CRUISE CONTROL
method for example, means that the insert() method has SYSTEM"
temporal properties such as (deadline, reference time, etc.). This system control and regulate the speed of a car accord-
The temporal constraints are expressed in OCL (Object ing to the situations encountered (obstacle, car ahead too
Constrained Language) such as a maximum time to per- closely, etc.). To achieve these purposes, the controller re-
form an activity. In the following, we present the proposed quires the services of three types of sensors, a Speed Sensor
process to specify in Maude the dynamic aspects. Method and a Laser device to calculate the distance between the
call: We declare a new sort called Signal that expresses the car and obstacles and a radar to detect possible obstacles.
interaction between two objects. A signal is characterized We will consider in this study for simplicity, only the Speed
by: Sensor from the car and the Laser device.
Figure 3: The structure of the Real-Time Design Figure 4: The structure of the Real-Time Design
pattern ”Observer” represented as an UML class di- pattern ”Sensor” represented as an UML class dia-
agram. gram.

Passive Sensor, Fixed Sensor and Mobile Sensor).

5.1 System Modelling in MARTE profile We use Active Sensor pattern that is able to send signals
For modelling the system, we have used the instantiation Setvalue to one or more objects for modifying the measured
and composition process of patterns. Thus, we have used value. The class measure is a required class in the RT pat-
Observer and Sensor patterns and we have composed their tern Sensor, it stores the data taken by the sensor, while the
instances to generate the structural design of the system. attributes (timestamp, validity duration) are used to rep-
The composition is achieved in a simple way, namely through resent the characteristics of real-time data supported. The
the overlapping of common elements in the two instances. class Observed element is used for the physical device de-
scription, which is supervised by one or more sensors, it can
In our design, we use the RtUnit concepts for stereotyping be a wheel, a car or a natural phenomenon.
the classes which encapsulate operations on information de-
tained in classes stereotyped by PpUnit. These latter permit
to protect information through the concPolicy attribute, 5.1.1 Modelling of the structural design
and so if the value of this attribute is garded only one ob- Firstly, we use two instances of the pattern Observer to
ject can modify the information. The others objects are model the structure of the sub-systems (Speed Controller
delayed. and Distance Controller). For each sub-system we need to
instantiate Observer and Sensor patterns and so, compose
Real-Time Design pattern ”Observer”: The problem this instances. We use the MARTE notation to represent
addressed by the Observer Pattern (Figure 3) is how to the different models.
notify some number of clients in a timely fashion according
to some abstract policy, such as ”when it changes,” ”every so Instantiation of Observer pattern: we use an instance of
often,” ”at most every so often,” and ”at least every so often” Observer pattern (Figure 5) to model the Speed Controller
[5]. sub-system. The resulting model is represented in MARTE
and enriched with temporal and NFP proprieties. In the
A first approach is to notify every client to query the data same way we proceed for modelling Distance Controller sub-
value but, this can be computationally wasteful, especially system. The table 2 presents the result of instantiation of
when a client wants to be notified only when the data value Observer RT pattern to model the two sub-systems and the
changes. Another solution is to design the server so that role of the different elements in the structural design.
it has initially knowledge about its clients (contradictory to
the client/server philosophy). The basic solution offered by Instantiation of Sensor pattern: In second time, we use
the Observer Pattern is to have the clients ”subscribe” to the two instances of the Sensor RT pattern (Figure 6) to model
server to be notified about the value in question according the capturing of the speed rotation of a car wheel and the
the defined policy. detection of the possible obstacles in front of a car and mea-
sure the distance that separate them from the car (Laser
Real-time Design Pattern ”Sensor”: A sensor is de- device).
fined as a device that measures or detects a physical phe-
nomenon (temperature, pressure, speed, etc.) and trans- The table 3 presents the result of instantiation of Sensor
mits the values at real-time to the command ends. In the RT pattern and the role of the different elements in the
structure of the Sensor RT pattern (Figure 4) [1], the ab- structural design.
stract class sensor can be specialized in four subclasses rep-
resenting the four possible types of sensors (Active Sensor, The composition of the instances of Observer and Sensor
Table 2: Instantiation of ”Observer” Design Pattern Table 3: instantiation of ”Sensor” Design Pattern
related to the two sub-systems. related to the two sensors.
Observer pattern Speed Distance Sensor pattern Speed Sensor Distance Sensor
Controller SS Controller SS Active Sensor Rotation Sensor Laser
Concrete client Cruise Cruise Measure Speed Distance
Controller Controller Observed Element Wheel Obstacle
Abstract client Speed Distance
client Client
Concrete Subject Speed Distance model the temporal behavior of these interactions (occur-
Controller Controller rence mode, deadline, etc.). MARTE profile also allows us
Notification Handle Speed Distance to set time restrictions upon interactions with ”time con-
Notify Notify straint” (eg. t2-t1 < (5 ms)).
Data Speed Distance
The design is based on the Observer and Sensor patterns.
Each object which requests a service (Concrete client)
must subscribe in the list of the notified-objects of the corre-
sponding service controller object (Concrete Subject). The
service controller will insert the objects (clients) in its sched-
ule list and then, it notifies them periodically by sending the
value of measuring of a given propriety (speed and distance
in this case).

Figure 8 shows the sequence diagram for the Cruise Control

System to perform the task of capturing the car speed and
the distance in the case of a nearly car. The cruise control
object needs two services (internal speed and distance), so
it must subscribe into both lists of notification.

At the time t1[i] (each action i starts at t1[i] to get a speed

Figure 5: An instance of the Real-Time Design pat- value), a message is sent by the speed controller object. This
tern ”Observer” represented in MARTE profile. message represents a call to getvalue method. The message
is stereotyped by RtFeature to represent temporal proper-
ties such as the period of the occurrence of this message (20
ms). It will be followed by other interactions for notifying
the clients. These interactions must be completed at time
t2 with a maximum delay of 5 ms.

At the time t3[i] (an action i starts at t3[i] to get a distance

value), the distance controller object will call the getvalue
method of distance object that is stereotyped by RtFeature
too. It will be followed by other interactions for notifying
the clients. These interactions must end at time t4 with a
maximum delay of 5 ms.

The occurrence of each message (getvalue) is every 20 ms,

and the sequence of actions for the notification takes is less
than 5 ms. Thus, an aperiodic signal can be processed in
Figure 6: An instance of the Real-Time Design pat- the rest of the period (i.e. in 15 ms), and each aperiodic
tern ”Sensor” represented in MARTE profile. signal arrived between t1 and t2 or between t3 and t4 will
be delayed.

patterns respectively regarding the common elements (the

Speed class in first case, and Distance class in the second 5.2 Maude specifications of the
one) produces the design model of the complete system (Fig- designed system
ure 7). The major advantage of the rewriting logic and its language
Maude is the ability to specify in the same formalism both,
5.1.2 Dynamic design Modelling the structural and the dynamic aspects of a given the system.
Here we describe the dynamic aspect of the system by using
a sequence diagram. This diagram shows a scenario of data
acquisition and how the system will react to synchronous or 5.2.1 Structural Design specification
asynchronous events. The interactions that have temporal We start the specification of this part by declaring the sev-
properties are stereotyped as RtFeature. This allows us to eral sorts:
Figure 7: Representation of the structural part of the ”Cruise control system” in MARTE profile, resulting
from the composition of an instance of ”Observer” with an instance of ”Sensor”.

Figure 8: Representation of the dynamic part of the ”Cruise control system” as a sequence diagram that
models the capturing activity of a speed and distance.
--- sorts one in each direction) is done in the following Maude code.
Sort Method . Each association is specified as a Maude operation taking as
Sort NFP_duration . parameter the first class and result the second one.

The multiplicity is also specified by Set and NeSetfor denot-

The second step is to define all classes within the design as
ing respectively (1..*) and (0..*) multiplicities.
Real-time units or passive protected units regarding for each
class its role in the design. Stereotyping, inheritance are also
defined. --- Associations definition
--- as Maude operation
--- Classes definition
class Speed . op Speed_Sensor : Speed ->
class Rotation_Sensor | Rotation_Sensor .
sensor_description : op Speed_Measure :
String , periodicity : Rotation_Sensor -> Speed .
NFP_duration . op Speed_C :
class Wheel | statue : String , Speed_Controller -> Speed .
description : String . op Notified :
class Speed_Controller . Speed_Controller ->
class Speed_Notify . Set{Speed_Notify} .
class Speed_Client . op Use_Speed :
class Cruise_Controller . Speed_Controller ->
class Distance_Client . NeSet{Speed_Client} .
class Distance .
class Distance_Controller . --- ...
class Distance_Notify .
class Laser | eq Methods(Speed) = getValue .
sensor_description : String , eq Methods(Speed_Controller) =
periodicity : NFP_duration . Subscribe Unsubscibe .
class Obstacle | statue : String , eq Methods(NotifieV) = getnext .
description : String .
5.2.2 Dynamic Design specification
As we have mentioned, a dynamic design is represented as
RtUnit and PpUnit stereotypes are considered as inheritance a sequence diagram and it shows the execution scenario of
in Maude : an activity. This diagram models the capturing activity (in
this case speed and distance).
class RtUnit | isDymamic : Bool ,
ismain : Bool , The specification of this model is divided in two parts. In
poolsize : Float , the first one, we define all sorts, operations and equations
main : String . requested for each activity. However, the second is specific
Subclass Rotation_Sensor Speed_Controller for each activity (capturing activity).
Distance_Controller Laser < RtUnit .
class PpUnit | concpolicy : String . The important element in this model is the signal. Thus, we
subclass Speed Distance < PpUnit . define a sort Signal and all temporal features were defined
as Maude operations upon it.
The different methods in classes are specified as a Maude Part 1 : General Specification
operations. Furthermore, we have defined a Methods oper-
ation for permitting for each method to know the class to
which it belongs. --- classes instantiation definition
op Instance : class -> Oid .
--- temporal Features of signal
--- ...
sort Signal .
sort Time .
op Methods : -> Set{Method} .
op getValue : -> Method .
op Speed_Subscribe : -> Method .
O : Oid C : class .
op Speed_Unsubscribe : -> Method .
op Distance_Subscribe : -> Method .
op operation : Signal -> Method .
op Distance_Unsubscribe : -> Method .
op Trigger : Signal -> Oid .
op getnext : -> Method .
op Target : Signal -> Oid .

The specification of the different associations between classes --- add ceq to ensure that invoked method
(undirected association is considered as a two associations, --- belongs to the class of this object
var t1 : Time .
ceq Target(S : Signal) = < O : C | > op GETVALUE_S : -> Signal .
if operation(S) in Methods(C) . eq operation (GETVALUE_S) = getValue .
op periodic : Signal -> Bool . eq Trigger (GETVALUE_S) = Speed_C .
op periodVal : Signal -> Float . eq Target (GETVALUE_S) = Sp .
eq Time_ref (GETVALUE_S) = t1 .
--- if the signal occurrence is eq periodic (GETVALUE_S) = TRUE .
--- periodic then, the period eq periodVal(GETVALUE_S) = 20 .
--- value must be identified. eq relDl (GETVALUE_S) = 3.3 .

ceq periodVal(S : Signal) = Specification of temporal constraints as rewriting Rules.

v : Float if periodic(S).
op Time_ref : Signal -> Value .
op relDl : Signal -> Float . msg Speed_Subscrib_Call :
op Rvalue : Time -> Float . Oid Oid -> Msg [ctor] .

msg Distance_Subscrib_Call :
Part 2 : Specification related to a capturing (Speed and Oid Oid -> Msg [ctor] .
Distance) activity
vars C S Not_C : Oid .

--- Object as variables op Speed_Subscrib_Signal : ->

Signal .
Cruise_C Speed_C Distance_C Notify_Sp eq operation(Speed_Subscrib_Signal)
Notify_D Sp Dis Rot_Sens Las : Oid . = Speed_Subscibe .

--- System objects creation eq Trigger (Speed_Subscrib_Signal)

= Cruise_C .
eq Instance(Cruise_Controller) =
< Cruise_C | isDymamic : false eq Target (Speed_Subscrib_Signal)
ismain : false poolsize : 10 > . = Speed_C .

eq Instance(Speed_Client) = Speed_Subscrib_Call
< Speed_C | isDymamic : false (Cruise_C , Speed_C) .
ismain : true poolsize : 10
main : Speed_Subscribe > . rl[Speed_Sub]
< C : Cuise_Controller >
eq Instance(Distance_Client) = < S : Speed_Controller >
< Speed_C | isDymamic : false Speed_Subscrib_Call =>
ismain : true poolsize : 10 < C : Cuise_Controller >
main : Distance_Subscribe >. < S : Speed_Controller >
< N : Speed_Notify > .
eq Instance(Speed_Notify) :
Notify_Sp .
Definition of a conditional rewriting rule to ensure that a
eq Instance(Distance_Notify) :
time constraint is verified.
Notify_D .

eq Instance(Speed) = msg satisfy : Signal Signal

< Sp | concpolicy : garded > . Float -> Bool .

eq Instance(Distance) = crl [ satisfy ]

< Dis | concpolicy : garded > . satisfy ( S1 : Signal ,
S2 : Signal , T : Flaot)
eq Instance(Rotation_Sensor) = if Rvalue( (Time_ref(S2)
< Rot_Sens | isDymamic : + reldl(S2))
false poolsize : 10 > . - Time_ref(S1)) < T .

eq Instance(Laser) = Satisfy(GETVALUE_S , GETNET_S , 5) .

< Las | isDymamic : --- ...
false poolsize : 10 > .
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