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I have thoroughly explored the 3 themes given by the exam board
I have 3 detailed mind maps
My mind maps show that I understand the context(s)
I have made contact with a stakeholder
I have made contact with a potential user
I have conducted an interview to further understand potential problems
I have investigated my area of interest beyond the mind map
I have secondary research and sources
I have primary research and sources
There is photographic evidence of my investigations
I have utilised a focus group to aid my investigation
I have highlighted several potential stakeholders

It is clear in my mind that my chosen focus in 100% relevant & linked to the context
I have clearly highlighted several design problems to explore
The problems are described in detail
Potential difficulties and areas of particular attention are discussed eg safety, function, usability
I have identified a range of stakholders a detailed my chosen stakholder
I have identified primary users and detailed 1 chosen user
A statement explaining the problem to be solved
I have evidence of stakeholder influence
Evidence of a stakholder contact in form of photos, emails, audio, video etc exists

I have a copy of my interview in my portfolio
I have evidence of the undertaking of my questionnarie
A write up of survey reponses starts to highly user needs
There is evidence of both users and stakeholders
I have both primary and secondary sources
Requirements are detailed and not just simple statements
I have a table of results with colum headings, requirements, identified by, slide, exp/ justification

I have found at least 3 existing products or components of products to aid my project
I have shown measurements of size, weight or any measurable item from the product
I have detailed materials of my existing products with justification
I have direct contact and not just an internet search of these products
I have dismantled where possible, detailed each component and I have a thorough investigation
Evidence of how my designs have been influenced
My work on materials appears in my portfolio when relevant and not a standalone generic slide
I have also looked at finishes of potential materials
I have studied relevant anthropometric data to gain an idea of sizes required
I have tested a range of materials and finishes in their relevant context
Commercial, social ethical and sustainabilty issues are discussed









Student Teacher
Rating Rating

/20 /20

/20 /20

/20 /20

/20 /20
/20 /20

/24 /24

/16 /16

/24 /24

/13 /13

/16 /16
/20 /20

/16 /16

/20 /20

/20 /20

/20 /20

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