Summative Exam ELS SET A

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Isabela City Schools Division
School ID: 314603


INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the BEST answer and fully shade the
circle of the letter corresponding to it on the given answer sheet. Good Luck!

FOR ITEMS 1 and 2, refer to the choices below.

I. A sunflower with different parts such as the capitulum (head), the corolla disk (disk florets) and corolla rays of the flower.
II. A butterfly obtaining fuel in the form of nectar from flowers.
III. A damselfly landing on a Venus flytrap, with the flytrap rapidly closing its trap.
IV. A jackrabbit’s ears opening wide, vividly showing its blood vessel.

1. Which is an example of response to stimuli?

A. I and II B. III and IV C. III only D. IV only
2. Which is an example of regulation and homeostasis?
A. I and II B. III and IV C. III only D. IV only
3. Which of the following situations is an example of reproduction?
A. A butterfly obtaining fuel in the form of nectar from flowers. C. A sprouting seed growing below a tall mango tree.
B. A yeast forms buds which later on become new individuals. D. A seahorse camouflaging itself with its environment.
4. Which of the following statements is FALSE about the properties of life?
A. Organisms consist of highly organized and coordinated structures made up of one or more cells.
B. The ability of living things to produce offspring of its own kind is called reproduction.
C. Regulation is the ability of an organisms to maintain constant internal conditions.
D. In all living things, growth involves the increase in one’s size or height.
5. Which of the following BEST explains the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
A. Sexual reproduction is the ability to adapt to change while asexual reproduction is the ability to respond.
B. Sexual reproduction uses the cells of only one parent while asexual reproduction involves the union of sex cells or gametes.
C. Sexual reproduction is the ability to respond while asexual reproduction is the ability to adapt to change.
D. Sexual reproduction involves the union of sex cells or gametes while asexual reproduction uses the cells of only one parent.
6. Which of the following statements explains the theory of biogenesis?
A. It states that living things come only from living things.
B. It states that God created the universe and everything in it.
C. It states that living things were created from nonliving things.
D. It states that living creations encountered a catastrophe.
7. Why the theory of catastrophism is considered a modification of the creation story of the Bible?
A. Because it states that living organisms, whether unicellular or multicellular, come only from living organisms.
B. Because it states that God created the universe and everything in it for six days without resting.
C. Because it states living organisms created by God encountered a catastrophe, which destroyed them.
D. Because it states that living things were naturally created from nonliving things such as simple organic compounds.
8. Why is the theory of abiogenesis challenged by experts?
A. It is very convincing and holds enough evidences to support it.
B. The experiments showed that living things could not arise from nonliving things.
C. It is because it is believed by famous philosophers at that time.
D. It states that living things come only from living things.

FOR ITEMS 9 and 10, refer to the choices below.

I. The mud caused by the rain produces frogs.
II. A decaying meat gives rise to maggots.
III. A mother gives birth to a baby boy.
IV. Animal feces produce flies.
V. A bacterial cell splits into two new bacteria.
VI. The seeds of a corn give rise to another corn plant.

9. Which situations are example of theory of abiogenesis?

A. I, II, and III B. I, II, and IV C. III, IV, and V D. IV, V, and VI
10. Which situations are example of theory of biogenesis?
A. I, II, and III B. I, II, and IV C. III, IV, and V D. III, V, and VI
11. Why are fossils considered a direct evidence of life and evolution?
A. Because they provide information about the early form of other planets.
B. Because they show that change within organisms has occurred over time.
C. Because they reveal the characteristics of first life-forms such as animals and plants.
D. Because they take place only in places where conditions are favorable.
12. Which of the following statements is FALSE in relation to fossils?
A. Microfossils can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.
B. Fossil records show that the first life-forms are the humans.
C. Stromatolites are considered the oldest fossils on Earth.
D. A fossil is a remnant or trace of an organism.
13. Which of the following are examples of fossils?
I. Microfossils
II. Impressions
III. Soft tissues
IV. Compressions
V. Sediments
VI. Stromatolites
A. I, II, III, and IV B. I, II, IV, and VI C. II, IV, V, and VI D. III, IV, V, and VI

14. Why are fossils important in studying the early forms of life on Earth?
A. They are used as artifacts in museum which serve as attraction for visitors of different locations.
B. They reveal relationship between the diversity of organisms from the earlier life-forms to the present.
C. They show the ability of living things to produce offspring of its own kind through the process of reproduction.
D. They are used for fuels only that’s why efforts are exerted to get these fossils from the ground.
15. Which of the following are the reasons why Information obtained from fossil is relatively incomplete?
I. Soft tissues are rarely preserved by sedimentation.
II. Most fossils have been destroyed by erosion.
III. Very large number of fossils are found.
IV. Fossilization takes place only in places where conditions are favorable.
A. I, II, and III B. I, II, and IV C. I, III, and IV D. II, III, and IV

FOR ITEMS 16 and 17, consider the following choices inside the box.
I. Tissue: Group of Cells
II. Organisms: Group of Tissues
III. Molecules: Group of Atoms
IV. Cells: Group of Organs

16. Which of the following pairs about the levels of biological organizations are INCORRECT?
A. I and II B. II and III C. II and IV D. III and IV
17. Which of the following pairs about the levels of biological organizations are CORRECT?
A. I and II B. I and III C. II and IV D. III and IV
18. Which of the following BEST explains the characteristics of an ecosystem?
A. It is the interaction of living and nonliving things in an environment.
B. It is consisted of the rocks, the soil, the water, the minerals, and the air.
C. It is the Interaction of living things only such as a monkey eating a ripe banana.
D. It is composed of the plants, the animals, protists, the fungi, and microbes
19. Which of the following statements regarding the levels of biological organization is FALSE?
A. Tissues exist within organs which exist within organ systems.
B. Communities exist within populations which exist within ecosystems.
C. Organelles exist within cells which exist within tissues.
D. Communities exist within ecosystems which exist in the biosphere.
20. Which of the following sequences represents the levels of biological organization from the smallest to largest?
A. organelle, tissue, biosphere, ecosystem, population C. organism, community, biosphere, molecule, tissue,
B. organism, organ, tissue, organelle, molecule D. organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere

FOR ITEMS 21 to 23, refer to the choices inside the box.

I. The wings of birds, bats, and insects
II. The skeletal limbs of some snakes
III. The tailbone and the wisdom teeth and found in humans
IV. The forelimbs of humans, cats, whales, and bats
V. The legs of insects and mammals
VI. The front limbs of man, cat, horse, bat, and whales

21. Which of the following choices above are examples of vestigial structures?
A. I and II B. I and V C. II and III D. IV and VI
22. Which of the following choices above can be considered as homologous structures?
A. I and II B. I and V C. II and III D. IV and VI
23. Which of the following choices above belong to analogous structures?
A. I and II B. I and V C. II and III D. IV and VI
24. Which of the following BEST explains the vestigial structures?
A. They are anatomically similar in terms of internal framework, and embryonic development.
B. They perform different functions in the species living in the different environment.
C. They generally perform the same function, though possibly in very different ways.
D. They are usually small and apparently useless structures found in many organisms.
25. Which of the following expounds the difference between homologous structures and analogous structures?
A. Homologous structures come from the same ancestor but perform different functions while analogous structures come from
different ancestors but perform similar functions.
B. Homologous structures are large enough and difficult to destroy while analogous structures are small that they cannot be seen
with the naked eyes.
C. Homologous structures come from different ancestors but perform similar functions while analogous structures come from the
same ancestor but perform different functions.
D. Homologous structures are small that they cannot be seen with the naked eyes while analogous structures are large enough
and difficult to destroy.

FOR ITEMS 26 to 28, refer to the choices inside the box.

I. Closely-related organisms go through similar stages of their embryonic development.
II. Organisms that are genetically closed have DNA sequence that has high degree of similarities.
III. Species of organisms have similar biochemical pathways and share almost the same biochemistry.
IV. Anatomical structures reveal evolutionary relationships among organisms.

26. Which gives the connection of organisms based on their comparative embryology?
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I only D. II only
27. Which explains the connection of organisms based on their comparative biochemistry?
A. I and II B. III and IV C. III only D. IV only
28. Which clarifies the connection of organisms based on their molecular biology?
A. I and II B. III and IV C. I only D. II only
29. Which of the following BEST explains the idea of evolution?
A. It refers to the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors in the environment.
B. It is concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes of substances within organisms.
C. It deals with the gradual change of a species that lead to a more advanced form.
D. It plays an important role in studying heredity and variation of the organisms.
30. Which of the following expounds the relationship of organisms based on their comparative anatomy?
A. Organisms that are genetically closed have a high degree of similarities in their DNA sequence.
B. Species of organisms have similar biochemical pathways and share almost the same biochemistry.
C. Closely-related organisms go through similar stages of their embryonic development as seen in their features.
D. The more body structures two species have in common, the more closely the organisms are related.

FOR ITEMS 31 to 32, refer to the choices inside the box.

I. The biotic factors in an ecosystem include soil, water, temperature, and sunlight.
II. An ecosystem is composed of organisms interacting with the environment in which they live.
III. An ecosystem is merely a collection of organisms from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.
IV. Non-living things can affect the type and number of organisms living in an ecosystem.

31. Which of the statements above are TRUE about an ecosystem?

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and IV D. III and IV
32. Which of the statements above are FALSE about an ecosystem?
A. I and II B. I and III C. II and IV D. III and IV
33. Which of the following examples are considered as man-made ecosystems?
I. Rainforest II. Aquarium III. Fishpond IV. Deep Sea V. Reservoir VI. Terrarium
A. I, II. III, and IV B. I, IV, V, and VI C. II, III, V, and VI D. III, IV, V, and VI
34. Which of the following expounds the difference between natural and man-made ecosystems?
A. Natural ecosystems are those altered by humans for their own purposes while man-made ecosystems are those where human
influence is minimal.
B. Natural ecosystems are those located in water while man-made ecosystems are those located in land.
C. Natural ecosystems are those where human influence is minimal while man-made ecosystems are those altered by humans
for their own purposes.
D. Natural ecosystems are those located in land while man-made ecosystems are those located in water.
35. Why is it wrong to say that an ecosystem is merely a collection of organisms?
A. Because it is concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes of substances within organisms.
B. Because it includes interactions with nonliving things and processes, such as energy flow and nutrient cycle.
C. Because it deals with the gradual change of a species or group of organisms that lead to a more advanced form.
D. Because it plays an important role in studying heredity and variation of the organisms living in the same environment.


Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II

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