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General Issue

Guidance Document

A3 07/04/2009 Issued for Internal Review M. Clark C. Komar - -

A2 27/03/2009 Issued for Internal Review M. Clark C. Komar - -
A1 02/03/2009 Issued for Internal Review M. Clark C. Komar - -

Document Title:

Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial

Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX File Ref: PHINS Guideline_Rev A3.doc
General Issue
Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX


Revision Date Description of Amendment

A1 02/03/2009 Issued for Internal Review

A2 27/03/2009 Incorporated feedback from Seven Sisters

A3 07/04/2009 Removed use of Generic Drivers for outputting to PHINS and replaced with details
on QINSy Halliburton SAS driver.

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Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX


AMENDMENTS .........................................................................................................................................................2

CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................................................3


ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................5

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................6
1.1 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................6
1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................6
1.4 MECHANICAL MOUNTING ..................................................................................................................8
1.5 PHINS REFERENCE FRAME DEFINITION .........................................................................................9
1.6 PHINS ELECTRICAL INTERFACES ..................................................................................................11
2. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................13

3. PHINS+DVL INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION...............................................................................15

3.1 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ..........................................................................................................15
3.2 TESTING .............................................................................................................................................16
4. QINSY CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................26
4.1 SETUP OF VEHICLES IN QINSY.......................................................................................................26
4.2 QINSY IXSEA PHINS+DVL HALLIBURTON SAS DRIVER ...............................................................31
4.3 COMPUTATION SETUP .....................................................................................................................40
4.4 QINSY PRE-DIVE/PRE-SURVEY CHECKS.......................................................................................50
5. PRE-OPERATION CALIBRATIONS.............................................................................................................51
5.1 HEADING, MRU AND DVL CALIBRATION ........................................................................................51
5.2 COARSE ALIGNMENT .......................................................................................................................51
5.3 FINE ALIGNMENT ..............................................................................................................................51
6. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES......................................................................................................................53
6.1 LAUNCH PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................53
6.2 QINSY OPERATION AND LOGGING.................................................................................................53
6.3 PHINS OPERATION AND LOGGING.................................................................................................55
6.4 SUBSEA RE-START PROCEDURE...................................................................................................56
6.5 LOG BOOK RECORDING...................................................................................................................56

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1PPS 1 Pulse Per Second MRU Motion Reference Unit

3D Three Dimensional NMEA National Marine Electronics Association

BMS Business Management System PC Personal Computer

C-O Computed minus Observed QA Quality Assurance

CRP Common Reference Point QC Quality Control

CTD Conductivity Temperature and Density QINSy Quality Integrated Navigation System

DC Direct Current ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle

DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime

DVL Doppler Velocity Log SCU Surface Control Unit

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System SD Standard Deviation

GPS Global Positioning System SSS Side Scan Sonar

HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision TPE Total Propagated Error

HiPAP High Precision Acoustic Positioning TTL Transistor to Transistor Logic

HSAS Halliburton SAS USBL Ultra Short Baseline

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated

INS Inertial Navigation System WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984

LBL Long Baseline WHN Workhorse Navigator

MBE Multibeam Echosounder

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Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX


This document is intended to provide guidance on the installation, configuration and

operation of an ROV mounted Ixsea PHINS 6000 + DVL inertial navigation system (INS)
with QINSy.

This document should be read in conjunction with the manufacturer’s user manuals and
procedures and appropriate QINSy documentation as required.


The following documentation should be read in conjunction with this guideline.

Document Doc No
PHINS User Guide General Introduction MU-PHINS-001
PHINS User Guide Part 1 Introduction MU-PHINS-002
PHINS User Guide Part 2 Definitions, Conventions and MU-PHINS-003
PHINS User Guide Part 3 Installation MU-PHINS-004
PHINS User Guide Part 4 Setting to Work MU-PHINS-005
PHINS User Guide Part 5 Operating Handbook MU-PHINS-006
PHINS User Guide Part 6 Library Interface MU-PHINS-007
PHINS User Guide Part 7 Advanced Configuration MU-PHINS-008
Addendum for PHINS 6000 with DVL option MU-PHINS-012
Setup, Verification/Calibration & Operation of Underwater PM-GL-SUR-024
Doppler Velocity Log Installation, Calibration & Operation PM-GL-SUR-026
Heading Sensor Calibration/Verification PM-GL-SUR-027

The PHINS documentation should be supplied with the system and should be checked to
ensure that it is the latest revision. This can be done via the Survey Helpdesk.

All Subsea 7 documentation can be found on the company Business Management System


The PHINS+DVL INS comprises of two distinct sensors; an Ixsea PHINS 6000 Inertial
Measurement Unit (IMU) and a Doppler velocity log (DVL). The DVL will typically be an RDI
Workhorse Navigator (either 600Khz or 1200Khz).

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Figure 1-1 PHINS + DVL

The PHINS+DVL will be used in conjunction with an absolute position reference (e.g.
USBL, LBL etc) to provide a precise and accurate subsea position at update rates of 1Hz,
or better as required, irrespective of water depth.

The PHINS and DVL are mechanically mated together and precisely aligned with respect to
each other. The units are subjected to a calibration process by the manufacturer to resolve
any residual angular misalignment and scale error. Each combined unit is issued with a
valid calibration report which will detail the physical offsets between the PHINS and DVL as
well as the alignment and scale error.

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Weight In air <55Kg for combined PHINS+DVL
Dimensions 255 mm (bottom plate) x 595 mm with DVL
ready option and cable
Power Requirements PHINS – 24V DC (18V to 32V DC range)
DVL – 24V DC

Power consumption y12W

Communications Requires X discrete RS232 channels and 1

Requirements 5V TTL for a 1PPS pulse

For detailed description of the unit refer to manufacturer’s document MU-PHINS-012

Addendum for PHINS 6000 with DVL Ready Option.


The PHINS+DVL is mounted using a circular bolt pattern around the interface plate
between PHINS and the DVL.

Figure 1-2 PHINS Mechanical Interface Plate

Drawings showing the PHINS+DVL, and an associated ROV frame, are included in
Appendix I. If there is no suitable existing mounting location or frame for the ROV a request
should be submitted to the Survey Equipment Manager for the design and fabrication of a
suitable frame.

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The PHINS+DVL should be mounted with the forward alignment notch located on side of
the PHINS near the bottom pointing in the direction of forward travel for the ROV.


The horizontal plane is defined as the bottom interface plane of the PHINS.

The 3 orthogonal PHINS axes are defined as follows (see Figure 1-3):

 Axis X1 is in the horizontal plane. An alignment notch located near the bottom side
points towards the positive side of X1 axis

 Axis X3 is vertical and perpendicular to the PHINS 6000 horizontal plane, going from
the PHINS 6000 bottom panel and pointing upward

 Axis X2 in the horizontal plane; 90° to both the X3 and X1 axes to form a left-handed
3D Cartesian co-ordinate system

Sign convention for each axis is positive in the direction as indicated by the relevant arrow
in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 PHINS Reference System

1.5.1 PHINS Reference Point Definition

The PHINS centre of measurement P is the intersection of the 3 PHINS reference axis X 1,
X2 and X3 as defined in Figure 1-3. It lies inside PHINS, and its exact position is shown on
Figure 1-4. P is the reference point for the determination of PHINS and external sensor

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lever arms (refer to PHINS User guide MU-PHINS-004 Part 3). Figure 1-4 defines the
physical relationship between PHINS centre of measurement (P) and the centre of the
adapter plate (S) between PHINS and the DVL.

Figure 1-4 PHINS Measurement Centre (P) and Centre of adapter plate (S)

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X1 X2 X3
Distance from P to S +10.6mm +6.0mm -108.5mm


The PHINS has 5 separate connectors available on the top of the housing. These
connectors are referenced and identified by markings on the unit. Figure 4 shows the
details of the PHINS top panel, with its connectors. For Subsea 7’s purposes only Port E
(permanently connected to the DVL), Port A and the central connector are used to transfer
data to and from the PHINS (refer to section 2 for further details).

Figure 1-5 PHINS Connectors

The connector types are as follows:

 Central connector BURTON 5506-2021-T004 (21 pins) for powering, up link and

 Auxilliary ports BURTON 5506-2008-T004 (8 pins) for external sensors/inputs (one

of these connectors being used for permanent connection with the DVL).

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Full details of the electrical interfaces to the PHINS is provided in Ixsea document MU-
PHINS-012 Addendum for PHINS 6000.

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The following schematic details the typical configuration for ROV based operations.

Position Source GNSS QC GNSS Receiver

(e.g. USBL/LBL) (e.g. Verify)
2 (e.g. LD2)


Navigation PC
Ixsea Repeater PC Ixsea Logging PC
(e.g. QINSy)

11 4

Tritech SCU 10




SK704 Bathy DVL

Figure 2-1 PHINS Operation Schematic

The table overleaf gives a brief description of each numbered link in Figure 2-1.

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Link on Interface Information Output Protocol Input Protocol PHINS

the Port
1 Position Source USBL/LBL or other Various Various N/A
to QINSy subsea positioning
source into QINSy
2 GNSS Receiver Standard Veripos N/A N/A N/A
to GNSS QC PC Configuration
3 GNSS QC to Standard Navigation Standard Veripos Standard N/A
QINSy Telegram ($GGA, Veripos
$ZDA etc)
4 1PPS Output 1PPS Rising / Falling Pulse on
from GNSS Edge Port A
Receiver to
5 QINSy to PHINS GNSS positions and $GPGGA + Halliburton Port A
USBL positions
6 PHINS to QINSy PHINS position, Halliburton SAS Port A
heading, pitch, roll &
(PD6 Standard)
(ROV Depth)
7 PHINS to DVL speeds RDI PD6 RDI PD6 Port C
8 DVL to PHINS DVL speeds RDI PD6 RDI PD6 Port E
9 SK704 bathy to Raw bathy and CTD N/A N/A N/A
SCU data
10 Tritech to PHINS Depth and sound Tritech Winson Tritech II Port B
velocity RAW
11 Tritech to QINSy Depth and CTD data Tritech Winson Tritech Winson N/A
12 PHINS to Ixsea raw IMU data Post Processing Post Port B
Logging PC Processing
13 PHINS to PHINS Repeater N/A N/A Repeater

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The PHINS+DVL should be mounted on the ROV with respect to the following

 DVL to have a clear and unobstructed view of the seabed.

 Unit to be mounted sufficiently high up on the vehicle so that the distance between
DVL and seabed will not be lower than the specified minimum altitude for the
specific frequency of DVL (0.7m for a 600Khz, 0.5m1 for a 1200Khz).

 PHINS+DVL forward mark should be aligned as close as possible with the ROV
forward direction.

 PHINS+DVL should be mounted such that it will not cause an obstruction for either
cameras or sonar equipment (e.g. MBE).

 PHINS+DVL should be mounted sufficiently far away from any ROV mounted
pipetracker system so as not to unduly influence the operation of the pipetracker.

An example of a PHINS+DVL mounted on the aft of ROV H206 is shown below:

Figure 3-1 Example PHINS+DVL Installation

with appropriate firmware a 1200Khz can track as close as 0.25m from the seabed in bottom track
mode BM7.

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Prior to fitting the unit to the ROV the system should be checked over to ensure that it is
complete, in a suitable working condition and is configured appropriately for use.

 Check that valid calibration certificate/report is in place

 Check that Ixsea software is supplied

 Check that deck test cable is supplied

 Check that DVL and PHINS are connected by cable into PHINS Port E

 Check that DVL and PHINS are firmly connected

 Check that DVL transducer faces are clean and undamaged

The unit should be deck tested prior to installing on the ROV to ensure that it is working,
that the various ports are configured appropriately and that the DVL alignment, scale and
lever arms as detailed in the calibration certification are entered correctly (these should
normally have been entered immediately after the DVL alignment calibration and therefore
already be present within the system configuration).

3.2.1 PHINS Configuration

Configuration of the PHINS is conducted using the Ixsea IxRepeater software (refer to
Ixsea manual MU-PHINS-005 Setting to Work). The software should be supplied with the
PHINS unit and should be run on a separate laptop or available PC. This software is
required in order to set the appropriate lever arms and port assignments for the PHINS, to
monitor the status and performance of the PHINS and associated inputs and to set the
rejection filter as required for the external sensors (most likely to be used to reject GPS
when USBL is valid).

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Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX Lever Arms, DVL Misalignment and Scale

This section allows for entry of C-

Os and offsets between the
PHINS centre of reference (P) and
the vehicle CRP. It also allows for
a re-orientation of the PHINS axes
with respect to the vehicles
reference frame in case the unit is
not aligned with the forward
In general it is not required to alter
this section as all C-Os and
offsets will be entered directly
within QINSy and the PHINS
should always be aligned correctly
with the vehicle forward direction.

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GPS Lever Arms

Not required as GPS position will be
output from QINSy compensated for
the offsets for the appropriate node

DVL Lever Arm, Misalignment &

These values are determined as
part of the factory calibration and
should be available on the
calibration certification. They should
be preset and will only require
changing in the event of a further

Depth Lever Arms

It will be required to enter the offsets
between the Tritech bathy and
PHINS in order to get correct depth
back from PHINS.
The XV3 will be required to include
any port up/down value for the

USBL Lever Arms

Not required as USBL position will
be output from QINSy compensated
for the offsets for the appropriate

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Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX Port Settings

Subsea 7 approved interfacing between survey and PHINS uses PHINS ports A (on
separate 8 pin Burton connector), B, C (through 21 pin Burton central connector) and E
(permanently fitted 8 pin Burton connector between PHINS and DVL).

Port A is used for input of appropriate position information (GPS, USBL, LBL etc), 1 PPS
and output of PHINS position, heading and attitude data. Port B is used to input bathy data
into the PHINS and receive raw PHINS data for possible post-processing purposes. Port C
is used to re-broadcast the DVL data to QINSy. Port E is used to interface the PHINS to the

The following show the typical port settings for a PHINS+DVL solution as required by S7.

Figure 3-2 PORT A Configuration Figure 3-3 Port B Configuration

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Figure 3-4 Port C Configuration Figure 3-5 Port E Configuration

Figure 3-6 Pulse A Configuration

PHINS configuration and port settings can be checked and completed with the PHINS on
the vehicle if required. External Sensor Settings

After configuring the PHINS ports it will be required to set the appropriate port and rejection
filter mode for each external sensor. As the control of input of GPS or USBL position will be
done via QINSy all sensors can be left set at “Automatic Acquisition”.

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Figure 3-7 GPS Settings Figure 3-8 USBL Settings

Figure 3-9 Bathy Settings Figure 3-10 DVL Settings

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Figure 3-11 UTC Time Settings

When the PHINS is to be accurately time synchronised and is interfaced to a 1PPS signal it
is vital that the comm. port selection is set to “Serial/Pulse A”. If this is set to Serial only the
PHINS will not take the 1PPS into consideration.

3.2.2 PHINS pre-dive Checks

Prior to starting operations the interfaces as set up in accordance with sections 3 and 4
between QINSy and the PHINS should be confirmed as operational. All inputs to the
PHINS can be tested and shown as valid using the IxRepeater software.

The following should be confirmed as operational and accepted by PHINS

 Bathy
The Status Area in the main window can be used to check that data is being received for
each input (where it is operational the display will be green).

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Figure 3-12 IxRepeater Main Window

The data can also be viewed in the Expert View accessed via the button giving access to
all navigation data as shown in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-13 Expert View

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The data from each sensor or input can also be viewed in the configuration page for each
sensor, which is accessed from the Configure External Sensor button on the main window.

Figure 3-14 External Sensor Settings Confirming UTC (ZDA) Time Synchronisation

In order to confirm that the PHINS is receiving and using the 1PPS signal the surveyor
should first confirm that the comm. port selection for the UTC time settings is selected as
“Serial/Pulse A” as shown in Figure 3-11. If there is a valid 1PPS signal the time value will
be seen to be increasing and the main screen will show UTC Synchronised in green
(Figure 3-15). If there is no 1PPS the time will not update and it will not show that the
PHINS is synchronised to UTC.

However it should be noted that if the port setting is left inadvertently at “Serial A” the time
will update and it will show as UTC synchronised even if the 1PPS is not present.

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Figure 3-15 UTC Synchronised in Main View

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It is intended to provide the surveyor as much control over the inputs into the PHINS from
within the QINSy environment as possible. This will essentially mean that after the PHINS
is initially configured via the Repeater software, this should not be required except to
monitor the coarse and fine alignment process.

QINSy is required to output the absolute position of the PHINS based on the required
positioning reference for the task at hand. This will typically mean that when the PHINS is
on deck or being readied for launching the position will be determined using GPS. When
the PHINS is subsea the position will be determined by USBL, LBL or other positioning
reference system.

In addition to absolute position QINSy is required to broadcast a NMEA compliant ZDA

telegram based on the time stamp received by QINSy from the GPS receiver. This will be
used by the PHINS to time stamp data at source in conjunction with the 1PPS from the
GPS receiver.


4.1.1 Configuring QINSy Nodes

In order to use the PHINS successfully it is required that relevant nodes are assigned to
both the vessel and ROV in order that GPS, USBL and PHINS data can be related to the
appropriate location. PHINS On-Deck Node

A node should be set within the vessel configuration for the general location of the PHINS
when the ROV is on deck. This is required so that the GPS position output from QINSy is
relative to this location for the purpose of Coarse Alignment (refer to section 5.2). It is
recommended that the accuracy of this node be within 0.5m therefore it may be required
that an initial node close to the ROV launch system is established and that for each
measurements are taken from this location to the PHINS and the node amended as

It may be required to have a second node configured for the position of the PHINS during
launch. In the event that the ROV is readied for deployment but remains in the launch
position for an extended period of time then it may be beneficial to continue outputting GPS

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position to constrain the drift of the PHINS in inertial only mode. In this case offsets should
be entered as accurately as possible but are not expected to be within the 0.5m accuracy. PHINS ROV Node

As with any sensor on the ROV it is required to enter an appropriate node for the location of
the PHINS within the ROV reference frame relative to the vehicles common reference point
(CRP). This should be established as accurately as possible and measurements should be
relative to the PHINS centre of measurement, P (refer to section 1.5.1). However it should
be noted that as QINSy will be outputting a USBL position corrected for offsets between
transponder/responder and PHINS, the relative position of the USBL beacons on the ROV
also have to be established to as high a degree of accuracy as possible.

QINSy will use this node to derive the required USBL position for input into the PHINS and
also as the reference for the data output from the PHINS. Note all measurements must be
made relative to the PHINS centre of measurement (P) as detailed in section 1.5.1.

4.1.2 Vessel

The vessel will generally be configured as normal with all relevant survey sensors included
within the database. The main addition will be the inclusion of the nodes for the PHINS on-
deck and launch positions as described in section 4.1.1.

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Figure 4-1 Inclusion of PHINS nodes within vessel database

4.1.3 ROV

In order to satisfy the QA requirement to monitor the PHINS positioning solution against
both raw and DVL aided USBL it will be necessary to have 3 separate computations within
the QINSy setup to allow all three positions to be displayed on the online navigation screen
at the same time.

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Figure 4-2 ROV Vehicles

Figure 4-3 shows the general configuration of the required ROV setup within the QINSy

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Figure 4-3 General Configuration of the PHINS Vehicle

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There is a specific QINSy driver for controlling the interface between QINSy and PHINS.
This is designed to allow for bi-directional communications on one serial port between
QINSy and PHINS and to provide the surveyor with the necessary tools to set the various
I/O requirements for time ($GPZDA), GPS position ($GPGGA) and USBL ($PUSBA).

Users should check that the following item in Figure 4-4 is located in the same folder as the
QINSy executable (normally C:\Program Files\QPS\QINSy 8.0). The user should also
ensure that the version of QINSy is 8.00.2009.04.01.1 or later.

Figure 4-4 QINSy Halliburton SAS Driver

If installing a new version of QINSy over an existing setup the user must also check the
QINSy file for the following entries as the file will may not be overwritten
during the installation. If these entries are not present the existing version of QINSy should
be uninstalled prior to installing the new version.


 iXSea PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS ($PIXSE¸HSPOS)
 iXSea PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS (PD6 Standard)
 iXSea PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS (ROV Depth)

The functionality of the driver is well documented within the QINSy Drivers & Interfacing
manual which can be launched from the QINSy console and users should refer to that for
specific, and most recent, information.

There are 6 main parts to the driver:

1. Output of GPS time stamp to PHINS ($GPZDA)

2. Output of GPS position to PHINS ($GPGGA)
3. Output of USBL position to PHINS ($PUSBA)
4. Input of PHINS position ($PIXSE, HSPOS)
5. Input of PHINS heading & attitude ($PIXSE, HSATIT)
6. Input of PHINS status telegram ($PIXSE, HSSTAT)
7. Input of DVL data in RDI PD6 protocol via PHINS ($PDVL)
8. Input of PHINS computed depth ($PBAT)

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At present items 1 to 5 are fully implemented and required for operations. The remaining
items are either not implemented completely or are not required for basic operations.

4.2.1 Configuring Inputs from PHINS

The PHINS will output the following data for use within QINSy computations:

 Position (WGS84 latitude and longitude)

 ROV heading
 ROV attitude
 DVL speeds (RDI PD6 format)
The position, heading and attitude data will arrive at the QINSy PC on the same comm. port
with the DVL data currently re-broadcast from the PHINS on a separate comm. port. Position Input

The driver for position input from the PHINS is part of the standard QINSy library (iXSea
PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS ($PIXSE¸HSPOS)) and is selectable from the drop down
menu’s when configuring the driver.

Figure 4-5 PHINS Position Input to QINSy

Comm port settings should match the outputs from the PHINS and it is recommended that
the baud rate be set suitably high (57600). Note if using a MOXA then the port settings will
have to match those of the MOXA output and not necessarily the PHINS.

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The PHINS output should be attached to the ROV object and assigned to the relevant node
in the ROV reference frame as detailed in section and it should be noted that all
outputs are in WGS84 datum.

The absolute accuracy of the PHINS solution is dependant on the quality of the USBL
installation on the vessel. In general this should be computed as 0.15% of water depth with
a minimum accuracy of 0.2m. Heading Input

The driver for heading input from the PHINS is part of the standard QINSy library (iXSea
PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS ($PIXSE¸HSATIT)) and is selectable from the drop down
menu’s when configuring the driver.

Figure 4-6 PHINS Heading Input into QINSy

Comm port settings should match the outputs from the PHINS and it is recommended that
the baud rate be set suitably high (57600). Note if using a MOXA then the port settings will
have to match those of the MOXA output and not necessarily the PHINS.

The PHINS heading output should be attached to the same ROV object and node used in
conjunction with the position output.

A variable C-O will be required to be derived in order to correct the heading for any
misalignment between the PHINS and ROV using the standard methods for calibrating an
ROV gyrocompass. The accuracy of the PHINS heading solution should be entered as 0.1°

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The driver for input of attitude data from the PHINS is part of the standard QINSy library
(iXSea PHINS+DVL Halliburton SAS ($PIXSE¸HSATIT)) and is selectable from the drop
down menu’s when configuring the driver.

Figure 4-7 PHINS Attitude Input into QINSy

Comm port settings should match the outputs from the PHINS and it is recommended that
the baud rate be set suitably high (57600). Note if using a MOXA then the port settings will
have to match those of the MOXA output and not necessarily the PHINS.

The PHINS attitude output should be attached to the same ROV object and node used in
conjunction with the position and heading outputs.

Roll convention is as standard for most sensors (positive heeling to starboard) however it
should be noted that the pitch convention for this particular output telegram is “positive bow
down” which is opposite to most attitude sensors. Therefore particular attention must be
paid to setting this correctly as highlighted in Figure 4-7.

C-O’s will be required for pitch and roll in order to correct for any misalignment between the
PHINS and ROV using the standard methods for calibrating an ROV MRU. DVL Data

Currently the decoding of raw DVL data from the Halliburton SAS protocol is not fully
implemented therefore this data is being re-broadcast by the PHINS and sent to QINSy on
a separate comm. port as an individual sensor. A DVL driver is added to the database and

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configured as per normal procedure for using an RDI DVL and the relevant comm. port with
the re-broadcast DVL data should be selected. Bathy Data

Currently there is no benefit in using the ROV depth computed by the PHINS as there is no
inertial aiding of the bathy being conducted (this will be a future implementation to improve
bathy data). Therefore the bathy data will be taken from the Tritech (or equivalent) bathy
system as normal. PHINS Dummy Position Input

In order to satisfy the requirement to utilise post-processed inertial data within the offline
processing it is required to include a dummy position input within the systems added to the
to the PHINS vehicle.

This is achieved by simply adding the NMEA Position (GPGGA) driver from the position
navigation category as shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 Dummy Position Input

The purpose of adding this driver is to force QINSy to create the relevant blank fields within
the database such that these could be populated with the post-processed data if required.

Substituting post-processed PHINS data for the real-time data will only be required when
specified within a project procedure but the driver should be included for all operations
using a PHINS.

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4.2.2 Configuring Outputs to PHINS

Once the inputs from the PHINS have been added to the database the driver controls the
selected output options from within the online environment. Once the user goes online with
the selected template database the following window will become available.

Figure 4-9 PHINS Driver Control Window Setup

On the setup page the surveyor can select the required objects (vessel & ROV)
computations, nodes and also enter additional variables that provide qualitative information
to the PHINS on the accuracy of the position aiding source (e.g. GPS or USBL).

Vessel Position System – this allows the user to select the GPS receiver from which
relevant components such as number of satellites and GPS quality can be extracted
automatically by QINSy for use within the output telegram to the PHINS. This is overridden
if the user selects “manual”.

Launch Point Computation – this allows the user to set the correct computation for use
when providing the PHINS with a GPS based position to aid the PHINS whilst it is on deck
or over the side and about to be deployed.

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Launch Point Node – this allows the user to set the relevant node from the database that
best describes the location of the PHINS relative to the vessel CRP. This node should be
measured accurately to within 0.5m and will require to be changed if the ROV is moved or
is recovered to deck in a different orientation to normal (e.g. 180° rotated).

Launch Point Qualities – this allows the user to select whether QINSy extracts the
relevant qualitative components of the $GPGGA telegram for output to the PHINS from the
selected Vessel Position System or whether it will use the manual entries.

Manual – this allows the user to manually enter values for GPS quality, number of satellites
and HDOP. Only the NMEA GPS quality figure is used by the PHINS as described in
below, values for satellites can be set to 5 and HDOP set to 1.0 as a standard.

0: Fix not valid

1: GPS fix
2: Differential GPS fix
3: PPP GPS fix
4: Real Time Kinematic, fixed integers
5: Real Time Kinematic, float integers

The GPS quality indicator should generally be set to 2 even when we have a precise point
position as we will have to account for the additional inaccuracy caused by application of
heading, pitch, roll and offsets within the QPS computation.

ROV Computation - this allows the user to set the correct computation for use when
providing the PHINS with a USBL based position to aid the PHINS whilst it is subsea. This
computation should be triggered on the USBL system and should be configured only with
the beacon that is going to be used on the ROV as described in section 4.3.1.

ROV Node – the USBL position output to the PHINS will generally be the position of the
PHINS as computed by QINSy therefore the PHINS node should be selected.

ROV Qualities – this allows the user to select whether QINSy estimates the qualitative
components of the $PUSBA telegram for output to the PHINS based on total propagated
error (TPE) or whether it uses manual entries. Currently it is recommended to use manual
entries for variance which should be calculated as described in section 6.2.1.

Manual – allows the user to set manual entries for accuracy of USBL position and also age
of USBL data.

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Figure 4-10 PHINS Driver - Options

Lock settings – Locks the driver settings to prevent accidental changes

Show Tooltips – allows display of relevant information to the user about the functionality of
a certain part of the driver when placing the cursor over the item

Decode PHINS Position – for normal operations the PHINS will be set to output at a
minimum of 10Hz. The PHINS will output position, heading and attitude data at the same
rate. Having a position input of 10Hz causes QINSy to compute every node every 0.1
seconds and will essentially cause the program to slow and possibly lock up. Therefore it is
recommended that position data is reduced on arrival at QINSy to a maximum of 2Hz using
this function.

Halliburton SAS Output – this allows the user to select the component parts of the
Halliburton SAS telegram to be sent to the PHINS; ZDA, USBL, GGA, ZDA+GGA,
ZDA+USBL or no output. For on deck operations (i.e. coarse alignment) this will be
required to be set to ZDA+GGA and for subsea operations this should be set to
ZDA+USBL. Selecting these within QINSy will negate any requirement to set the GPS or
USBL to “always false” within the Ixsea Repeater.

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ZDA Output – this sets the frequency of output for the ZDA message and this should
always be set to 1 second.

USBL Output – this allows the user to set the output rate of the $PUSBA telegram and this
will normally be set to “On USBL Trigger” so that every valid USBL position is output to the
PHINS. On occasion it may be required to reduce the USBL updates being sent to the
PHINS whilst retaining the normal high update rate of the raw USBL for use in QINSy. In
this case the user can currently select to output at intervals of 2 or 5 seconds.

Deskew launch Node Output – this will skew the time and position of the $GPGGA
telegram to the time of output of the telegram from QINSy. This will normally be set to “no”.

Deskew ROV Node Output - this will skew the time and position of the $PUSBA telegram
to the time of output of the telegram from QINSy. This will normally be set to “no”. Results

Figure 4-11 PHINS Driver - Results

This page shows the last decoded data or computed position for the various components
and is useful for reviewing the data being received or output by QINSy.

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Figure 4-12 PHINS Driver - Raw Data

This page shows the raw formatted output telegrams being sent by QINSy and the raw data
being received by QINSy from the PHINS.


For operations with a PHINS+DVL system 3 separate QINSy computations will be required
in order to compute the ROV position based on the following positioning solutions:

 One solution based on USBL as the positioning source within the computation. This
computation should be triggered on USBL.

 One solution based on DVL aided USBL as the positioning source within the
computation (note DVL data to be taken via the PHINS). This computation to be
triggered on GPS.

 One solution based on the PHINS as the positioning source within the computation.
This computation should be triggered on the PHINS position update.

For all 3 computations the PHINS should be used as the primary source of heading and
attitude data and the standard Tritech bathy output from the SCU will be required to provide

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4.3.1 Unaided USBL Computation

The unaided USBL computation is used solely to compute the position for the ROV beacon
that will be used to aid the PHINS and will be required in addition to any standard USBL
only computation that would normally be configured for survey operations. The USBL
output to PHINS computation must be configured to trigger on the USBL system and
should only have the appropriate USBL beacon selected that will be used to provide the
ROV position for use in the PHINS. In the event that the beacon being used to position the
ROV is changed during operations (e.g. change from responder to transponder) this
change must be reflected in the database setup. In the event that a change is made to this
computation it is important that to check that the trigger is still on the USBL system.

Figure 4-13 USBL Output to PHINS - Computation Parameters

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Figure 4-14 USBL Output to PHINS - Filter Settings

Figure 4-15 Output to PHINS – Position Results

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Figure 4-16 Output to PHINS - Attitude Settings

Figure 4-17 Output to PHINS - Height Settings

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4.3.2 DVL Aided USBL Computation

The DVL aided USBL computation is a standard computation for using the DVL data that is
being re-broadcast from the PHINS to smooth the raw USBL track. This will give a filtered
USBL track against which the PHINS computed position can be compared.

Figure 4-18 Doppler Computation - Computation Parameters

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Figure 4-19 Doppler Computation – Filter Settings

Figure 4-20 Doppler Computation – Position Results

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Figure 4-21 Doppler Computation – Attitude Settings

Figure 4-22 Doppler Computation - Height Settings

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4.3.3 PHINS Computation

The PHINS computation will be the primary computation for ROV positioning. This will be
triggered on the PHINS system.

Figure 4-23 PHINS Computation – Computation Parameters

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Figure 4-24 PHINS Computation – Filter Settings

Figure 4-25 PHINS Computation – Position Results

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Figure 4-26 PHINS Computation –Attitude Settings

Figure 4-27 PHINS Computation – Height Settings

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Below is an example online display with all 3 computations selected these should be in
view online at all times through the survey.

Red = DVL aided USBL

Blue = Raw USBL

Yellow = PHINS Position


QINSy should be checked to ensure that the correct nodes are configured and available in
the database and that the required generic drivers are in place, operational and outputting
to the PHINS. The computation providing the position that will be sent to the PHINS must
be checked to ensure that the correct beacon is selected and that the computation is
triggering on the USBL system. The inputs from the PHINS should be checked as
operational and valid (heading, attitude, position and DVL data) and correctly assigned to
the appropriate vehicle and used within the appropriate computation.

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The PHINS and DVL will be supplied fitted together, aligned and calibrated. However as
the PHINS will be supplying heading and attitude data for the vehicle it will be required to
conduct a standard ROV gyrocompass and MRU calibration to determine the required C-
Os for heading, pitch and roll. The DVL data re-broadcast via the PHINS may be required
for use within a separate QINSy computation. If this is the case a DVL alignment calibration
should be conducted within QINSy.

Heading, MRU and DVL calibrations should be carried out in accordance with Subsea 7
standard process maps and procedures s defined in PM-GL-OPS-002.


On power up the PHINS requires a period of typically 5-10 minutes stationary on deck in
order to carry out what is termed a “Coarse Alignment”. This is essentially the period of
time required for the sensor to initialise, settle and find north. During this period it is
required that a GPS position is output from QINSy to the PHINS. The position required is
the WGS84 absolute position of the PHINS on deck (not antenna). The offsets between
antenna and PHINS should be measured as accurately as possible (<0.5m recommended).

After 5-10 minutes the coarse alignment should be complete and this will be indicated in
the IxRepeater main window. The vehicle will now be clear to launch.


After completion of the Coarse Alignment the PHINS continues to refine its computations
and algorithms using the inputs from all available sensors (DVL, USBL, GPS etc). This
process is termed Fine Alignment and is deemed to be complete when the standard
deviation of the PHINS heading is <0.1°. Once complete the PHINS is deemed to be in
Navigation Mode.

The time required to complete Fine Alignment can vary but can be as little as 25-30
minutes. In order to minimise the time to complete the Fine Alignment the ROV should
undertake a series of regular heading changes of 180°. This exercise may be performed
whilst undertaking the descent in deep water however in shallow water it may be required
to manoeuvre the ROV around the seabed until Fine Alignment is completed.

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It should be noted that it may not be necessary to complete the Fine Alignment prior to
commencing ROV operations in all cases. This procedure is vital when there is to be a
heavy reliance on the PHINS+DVL to navigate precisely with minimal aiding from external
position references (e.g. USBL or LBL) such as may be encountered on an AUV. In most of
Subsea 7’s survey operations it is expected that there will be a significant amount of
position aiding being provided to the PHINS (e.g. USBL) and because of this there is less
bias induced into the final position solution as a result of not completing the Fine Alignment.
However it is recommended that at present where survey data is to be acquired the Fine
Alignment process should be completed prior to survey.

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Step Task
1 Confirm QINSy configured with correct PHINS on-deck node
2 Confirm QINSy configured and outputting GPS, ZDA (USBL deselected)
3 Confirm PHINS receiving GPS, ZDA and 1PPS from survey
4 Confirm PHINS receiving bathy, SV and DVL
5 Confirm QINSy receiving PHINS heading, attitude, position and DVL data from
6 Perform Coarse Alignment (ROV on deck for 5-10 minutes receiving GPS updates
from QINSy)
7 Launch ROV
8 Set GPS output from QINSy off and select USBL output on
9 Commence Fine Alignment on ROV descent
10 Complete Fine Alignment (heading SD<0.1°)


The setup in QINSy is unlikely to change during the course of a survey however it should
be recognised that it may be required to change the USBL beacon being used to position
the ROV and it may be required to alter the expectation of accuracy of the USBL
positioning should the depth start to vary significantly over the course of the survey or
USBL performance be degraded for any reason.

PHINS performance will be monitored within QINSy by comparing the PHINS solution
against the raw USBL and DVL aided USBL solutions within QINSy. Any abnormal
behaviour or significant deviation between the ROV track as computed from each
computation should be investigated and this may require further use of the IxRepeater to
view the raw sensor data. Particular attention should be paid to the performance during
rapid changes in vehicle heading or speed as these are most likely to show if any biases
are present within the PHINS solution.

QINSy databases should be logged at all times during operations with the PHINS as a
matter of course.

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6.2.1 Computing USBL Accuracy

At present the PHINS Kalman filter appears to be very sensitive to USBL updates and as
such the expected accuracy that is entered as a variance within the PUSBA telegram has
to account for that in order to ensure that the PHINS responds appropriately to USBL
updates and does not cause the PHINS to jump unnecessarily to each new USBL update.
Figure 6-1 shows the PHINS position (red) reacting too sensitively towards USBL updates
due to too low a variance setting (i.e. <1).

Figure 6-1 Example of PHINS jumps caused by too low a variance figure

The variance value describing the USBL accuracy to be entered into the PHINS on the
PUSBA telegram should be estimated based on the working water depth and is calculated
as the square of the standard deviation (SD) of the position fix. Typically the SD of the
USBL position should be computed based on working water depth and geometry and the
PHINS has been shown to work well with an SD of approximately 1.5% of USBL slant
range. This may be varied in order to provide the optimal balance between USBL and the
inertial sensors to provide a smooth track through the raw USBL however it is not
recommended to use a variance of less than 1. Figure 6-2 shows a PHINS track (red)
demonstrating the smooth, continual track that can be achieved with an appropriate
weighting of the USBL input into the PHINS Kalman filter.

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Figure 6-2 Example of PHINS Position with correctly weighted USBL


During survey operations it should not be required to make any changes to the PHINS
configuration via the IxRepeater. In the event that the performance of the PHINS is seen to
become erratic or otherwise unstable or incorrect the IxRepeater can be used to monitor
the system performance and diagnose possible faults. In the event that an issue is
suspected data should be logged directly within the IxRepeater software for onpass to
Ixsea for analysis and diagnosis.

During all survey operations raw sensor data must be recorded separately out with the
IxRepeater software. Currently this is performed using a suitable terminal utility (e.g. BB
Talk). It is recommended that the logging of raw data is performed on a standalone PC due
to the high data rates and possibility of data corruption arising should the PC be used for
running additional programs simultaneously.

It is recommended that data is also continually logged within the IxRepeater software to
provide additional QC options on the PHINS data.

A PHINS configuration file should be logged at the start of each survey and whenever a
change is made to the PHINS configuration.

A new post-processing file should be started at the start of each survey line and named

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All PHINS post-processing data (raw data), IxRepeater data and PHINS configuration files
must be backed up to disc and sent ashore with the project data.


In the event that a loss of power to the PHINS occurs during the mission the system will
have to undergo a subsea re-start. This process basically comprises of a repeat of the
Coarse and Fine Alignment process but subsea.

Should an interruption of the power supply to the PHINS occur during a survey the vehicle
will come to a stop (note it a loss of power to the PHIN will more and likely affect the ROV
and entire sensor payload). The power shall be reinstated to the PHINS and the vehicle will
sit stationary on the seabed with USBL updates being input at as high an update rate as
possible. The PHINS will be restarted from the IxRepeater and the Coarse Alignment
process shall be undertaken as per section 5.2 except using the USBL position updates
instead of GPS.

Once the Coarse Alignment is completed the vehicle will undertake the Fine Alignment
process as detailed in section 5.3. Again not all activities will require a full Fine Alignment
however this should be considered for all tasks which include survey data acquisition.

The quality of the USBL positioning will have a possible effect on the time taken to
complete either Coarse or Fine Alignment. Therefore in the event that Coarse Alignment is
taking considerably longer than 10-15 minutes consideration should be given to returning
the vehicle to deck and performing a complete dive procedure.


It is important that a clear and concise record of the operations with the PHINS is
maintained within the survey log book. The following should be recorded as a minimum:

 Start/end times of coarse alignment

 ROV off deck time
 Start/end times of fine alignment
 File names of PHINS post-processing and Repeater files being recorded
 PHINS heading standard deviation at start of survey
 Variance used for USBL accuracy (and any changes during survey)
 Changes made to USBL system or QINSy (e.g. swapping from transponder to

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 Any issues with navigation witnessed online (e.g. jumps, gaps, deviation from
USBL/LBL position etc)

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General Issue
Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX

In order for the QINSy driver to correctly calculate the required USBL variance for the
$PUSBA telegram the relevant parts of the QINSy computation must be setup accordingly.

Computation Setup

The HSAS driver will take the information from the relevant computation being used to
generate the position output to the PHINS. It will take the entered a-priori standard
deviations for GPS and USBL and compute the overall variance for the subsea position
from these figures as follows: Variance = (GPS SD)2+(USBL SD)2

For GPS it is suggested that a value of 0.1m is used for a high accuracy system and 1m for
standard DGPS.

Rev No: A3 Page 62

Date: 07/04/2009 PHINS Guideline_Rev A3.doc
General Issue
Document Title: Installation and Operation of a PHINS 6000 + DVL Inertial Navigation System
Document No: GD-GL-SUR-XXX

With low SD’s on the GPS positions, the setting of a-priori SD for USBL will be the biggest
influence on the computed variance. It is recommended that the SD is set to approximately
1.5% of the USBL slant range.

In the event that too much or too little weighting to USBL position is evident in the online
PHINS solution the SD value can be amended accordingly.

Rev No: A3 Page 63

Date: 07/04/2009 PHINS Guideline_Rev A3.doc

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