Requirements Elicitation Assignment 1

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Assignment 1:

Documenting Business Requirements

Name Garima Chanana

Student # 8905677
Course INFO8885 – Requirements Elicitation
Section 6
Professor Dami Osiyale
Due Date 1st October
I am employed by a company called "TechSolutions Inc." as a business analyst for this imaginary project. Located in
significant American cities, TechSolutions is a mid-sized IT consulting company. Healthcare, finance, and e-commerce are
just a few industries in which the company specializes in offering IT solutions.

The large and reputable healthcare facility "HealthLink Hospital," which is situated in a major city, is the project's client.
The cutting-edge medical services and technology offered by HealthLink Hospital are renowned. However, they have
identified several needs and pain points in their organization, including:

Outdated Patient Records System-HealthLink Hospital currently uses a paper-based patient records system, which is
time-consuming, prone to mistakes, and frequently causes delays in accessing vital patient data. The hospital's
escalating needs can no longer be satisfied by this system.

Inefficient Appointment Scheduling- The hospital uses a manual appointment scheduling system that does not consider
patient preferences or doctor availability. Doctors struggle to efficiently manage their calendars, and patients frequently
experience lengthy wait times.

Limited Patient Engagement- The hospital at HealthLink understands the value of involving people in their healthcare.
However, a digital information platform is used to interact with patients, provide health information, and gather

Data Security Concern-The hospital is concerned about the security of patient data in paper records and digital systems
due to the increased attention on data security and privacy laws. To guarantee data confidentiality and legal compliance,
they want a strong solution.

Operational Inefficiencies- Several hospital departments, including billing, pharmacy, and laboratory, work in isolation
with little coordination and communication. This causes wasteful processes, repeated work, and delays in patient care.

Competitive Pressure-Increased competition from nearby healthcare facilities that have adopted modern technologies
to improve patient care and organizational effectiveness puts pressure on HealthLink Hospital.

My responsibility as the business analyst at HealthLink Hospital is to collaborate closely with stakeholders to
comprehend these needs and pain points, elicit specific requirements, and facilitate the creation of a comprehensive
software solution that resolves these issues and enhances the patient experience as a whole. To alter how the hospital
maintains patient data and interactions, this project intends to deploy a cutting-edge Electronic Health Records (EHR)
system and an integrated appointment booking platform.

The project's long-term goal is to completely transform how HealthLink Hospital handles patient data and
communications, ultimately raising patient care standards, boosting productivity, and maintaining data security. The
ideal result is an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system that is coupled with a platform for booking appointments that is
patient-focused. This system will enable personalized patient involvement, expedite appointment scheduling to save
wait times, give healthcare personnel immediate access to correct patient data, and respect the highest standards of
data privacy and security. By utilizing contemporary technology to deliver patient-centered care effectively and safely,
HealthLink Hospital strives to set the standard for excellence in healthcare.

The project's objective includes creating and launching a full Electronic Health Records (EHR) platform for HealthLink
Hospital that is coupled with a platform for scheduling appointments. This entails the digitization and organization of
patient records, the development of an intuitive user interface for healthcare professionals to access and update patient
data, the incorporation of appointment scheduling capabilities, fundamental patient engagement features, and strong
data security measures to ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. While laying the groundwork for upcoming
phases of system extension and enhancement, the project will concentrate on fundamental features to improve patient
care and operational effectiveness.

Business Requirements

Business Objectives (BO)

ID Statement
Enhanced By installing a cutting-edge Electronic Health Records (EHR) system and integrated appointment
Patient Care scheduling platform, the main business goal is to raise the standard of patient care at HealthLink
Hospital. This entails cutting down on wait times, minimizing record-keeping mistakes, and permitting
quicker access to vital patient data.
Operational Increasing hospital operational effectiveness is one of the main goals. This entails streamlining the
Efficiency administrative procedures for billing, data management, and scheduling appointments. The goal is to
reduce operational expenses and optimize resource allocation.
Data A crucial goal is to guarantee the highest levels of data security and compliance with healthcare
Security and regulations. In accordance with regulations like HIPAA, the system should safeguard patient data
Compliance against leaks and unauthorized access. To keep patients' trust and stay out of trouble legally and
financially, it's imperative to achieve this goal.

Success Metrics (SM)

ID Statement
Reduced The average time from appointment request to confirmation can be tracked as one success metric,
Wait Times which indicates a considerable decrease in patient wait times for appointments. A 20% decrease in the
initial six months would be seen as a success.
Error A reduction in data entry errors and inconsistencies in patient records will serve as a benchmark for
Reduction success. Within the first year, errors must drop by 15% to be considered a success.
Data Maintaining complete compliance with healthcare data security laws (such as HIPAA) is the key success
Security indicator here. Regular audits and evaluations will guarantee complete compliance with no
Compliance acknowledged lapses or infractions.

Business Risks (BR)

ID Statement
Implementation The possibility of implementation delays brought on by technical difficulties, unanticipated
Delays complications, or budget limitations could affect the project's schedule and interfere with hospital
Resistance to Staff members who may be used to current manual processes run the risk of objecting. This
Change opposition might limit adoption and the realization of benefits.
Data Security A considerable risk exists if effective data security procedures are not implemented. A data breach
Breach could lead to lost trust, compromised patient data, legal repercussions, and financial penalties.

Assumptions (AS) and Dependencies (DE)

ID Statement
Resource This project's effective completion depends on the availability of qualified IT specialists, including
Availability developers, system administrators, and cybersecurity specialists.
Stakeholder Project success depends on effective communication and active participation from key stakeholders at
Engagement HealthLink Hospital, including medical professionals, office employees, and IT staff.
Compliance The project expects that during the development and implementation stages, every team member will
with abide by healthcare data security laws and standards. It is mandatory to comply with HIPAA and other
Regulations pertinent legislation.

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