Unidad 23 TH

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UNIDAD 23 wil暮/shal看(」)

B皿works every day from 8.30 unti1 4.30.

It’s = o’clock. Bill is at work.

Son /as =. Bi// estきen e/ frabajo.

At n o’clock yesterday, he was at work.

Ayer a /as H estaba en e/ frabajo.

At H o’clock tomorrow he will be at work.

Ma庁ana a /as H estar舌en e/ trabajo.

臆will + /研nitivo sin `to’(w皿be / w皿win / w址come etc.):

afirmaci6n y negaci6n /nterrogaci6n

I/we/露語〉 Wiu(’u) be win

wiⅡ 〈認諾y be? win? come? eat?
Willnot(won’t) COme eat

Will se contrae en ’n: I’ll (=I wi11) / you’ll / she’ll etc,

Win not se contrae en won’t: I won’t (二I will not) / you won,t / it won’t etc.

喜Se usa will para hab/ar de川/turO (tomorrow / next week etc.):
- She travels a lot. Tbday she is in London. Tbmorrow she,ll be in Rome. Next week she,皿be in

Tbkyo‥. eStar乞… eSfar舌…

-耽lephone me this evening. I’ll be at home…・ eSta庵...
- Heも24 years old. Next year he’ll be 25.

77ene 24 a庁os, E/ aho pr6ximo fendr舌/cL/mp/ir舌25.

- Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds will eat it‥. Se /o comer5n.

- We’ll probably go out this evermg‥. Sa/dremos …

- Will you be at home血is evermg? JEsfarきs ・・・?

- I won’t be here tomorrow No estare …

- Don’t drink coifee before you go to bed. Ybu won’t sleep‥・ No dormir5s・

Con存ecuencia se dice I think... will..∴

- I think Diana will pass血e exan. Creo que Diana aprobar舌e/ examen.
- Do you think血e examination will be di範cult? JCrees que … Ser舌…?

ObseWa /a siguiente diferencia entre e/ /ng/es y e/ espaho/:

- I don’t think it will r種in this aftemoon. (I蛙ごまit w出riC韓airi …)

No creo que //ueva estaねrde. o Creo que no //overきesta farde.

No se usa will para hab/ar de cosas ya acordadas o decididas (トUnidades 21 y22):

- W㍗re going to the血eatre on Sundry. (鞘t帯出gc …)
葛Are you working tomorrow? (草r出ナ鍵軒C± …?)

Se puede L/Sar shall con I (I shall = I will) y con we (we shall = we will):
- I sha皿be late tomorrow o I will町田) be late tomorrow
- I think we §hall win. o I think we win (we’ll) win.

Pero r)O uSeS shall con you/he/she/it. (Hc克all bc島c.)

トUnidad 24 w=i/sha=作)


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