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Brecht Horn

Prof. Charles Kim

UCLA Professional Program
Homework - Week 2
Primary Cast List:
* Note: All are listed as Roles and Temp names*

Sheriff - (male late 50s) - Chief of Security Winthrope

Deputy Sheriff (female late 30s) - Scottie
Town Drunk - (male 40s) - David Dux
Miner - (male 40s -) Archie / Archibald
First Martian Astronaut - (male late 50s) - Oakland Wells
First Son of Mars - 21 - Oggy (Oakland Jr) Wells …“Why Oggy?” “It was better than OJ”
Oggy’s Secret Girlfriend - 25 - Val (Short for Valeriya, Valora)
Security Officer - (male 45) - Dyson
MarsX Founder / Genius Mogul - (male 45) - Elon musk archetype
First Wife of Mars - 55 - Artia Wells
Drunk’s Wife - 40s -Sora
Russian Husband - 55 - Niko (Nikolas)
Russian Wife - 55 - Svetlana
Mining Foreman - 40s - Rixon
Chinese Husband - 55 - Chip
Chinese Wife - 55 - Zia

Job Application For Main Character: **Please see attached**

A Full Page on the Main Character:

Scottie was born and raised in Florida, and at a young age saw the live launch of
the first manned missions to mars. A couple months later she was glued to her screen
and watched along with the rest of the world as young astronaut Oakland Wells was
the first to put footprints on martian soil.
Thus it informed her childhood and led to her interest in mars and the martian
colonization from a young age. When she got older she turned more to biology and
science, but all with the hopes of one day becoming an astronaut and contributing to
the martian effort. When she got through college she decided to cement her place in
the program by specializing and getting a double masters in terraforming and terraform
That’s when she met John. He was also at M.I.T. and he changed everything for
her. Love can do that. Once they were together, suddenly Mars didn’t seem to matter
anymore. She was happy staying on earth for the rest of her life, if it meant they stayed
to create a life together.
But then, just when everything seemed perfect, disaster struck. After a
miscarriage, they discovered that Scottie was incapable of having children, and thus
their idyllic future seemed shattered. In the face of this, Scottie lost all hope. She
became a shadow of her former self.
That’s when John found a way to bring her back to life: Reigniting her interest in
the martian mission. He convinced her that if they couldn’t create a legacy in the form
of a child, they could by bettering all mankind, by furthering the objectives of the
martian mission — and in the process, getting back to who she was before he came
along, to her indomitable pioneering spirit, to that innate human trait that makes us
seek answers to questions, and prods us on to explore new frontiers and the unknown.
And it worked. With renewed vigor, she tackled the challenge and in a few short
years, they were one of the next couples on their way to Mars.
Once they arrived, things were great for a few years, until John changed. Within
a couple months he went from his normal jovial self, to sad and quiet. Before she even
really knew what had happened to him, he committed suicide. This sent her off the
deep end emotionally, and destroyed any sense of motivation or drive she had.
Before long she was deemed inadequate at performing her job and they
replaced her vital position with a new recruit. She was forced to re-assign, and apply
for one of the more menial or physical labor-oriented jobs on Mars. She had a
friendship with the chief of security and he got her in as a security officer. She was
grateful to him and did her job dutifully because of that at first (and perhaps her own
sense of morality and justice), but there was little else driving her. She had settled in for
the rest of her life as one of the cast off and left to die on Mars. She embodied the
metaphor in the mysterious graffiti around the base — Red ‘Til You’re Dead.
That is, until the death of the systems engineer sets off a chain of events and
she ends up as the new head of security. Now in the face of all this mysterious death
and destruction, she seeks to find her own reason to live, all while making sure she
does everything she can to keep the people on that base alive and well.

Third-to-Half Page on the Rest of Main Cast:

Chief of Security Winthrope - One of the elder statesmen around there and among one
of the first groups of colonizers. He is now basically retired, and the security job is
basically a softball gig for his service. He has become a father figure to Scottie over the
course of their time on mars, and he loves her like a daughter. He is troubled seeing her
so down and without any direction, and he wants desperately to help her out of this rut
before he’s gone, and she’s on her own.

David Dux - The town drunk essentially, and spends many nights in the drunk tank. He
too is in a rut. He’s married but the love in his relationship is gone. He’s nice and funny,
a bit of a pragmatist, and the opposite of the more morally-motivated Scottie. But the
two of them become unlikely allies and friends as the mysteries and disasters begin
occurring. He will find himself renewed by the challenges and adventures they take,
and perhaps a bit love lorn for her over time.

Oakland Wells - The First Martian Astronaut, he has become the leader of the martian
colonizers and hugely famous back on earth. He is known as a great all american hero,
but the truth is he has a big ego and is very self-centered. He is two faced and has
multiple secrets of his own that will come out before all is said and done. When Scottie
takes control of the base and enacts a form of martial law to do so, he will do
everything he can to subvert her power at every turn and sabotage her efforts at

Oggy (Oakland Jr) Wells - The first son of Mars, he is the first child conceived and born
on mars, to Oakland and Artia Wells. He too has become famous back on earth, rising
almost to Beiber-esque status. While on the surface he may seem just like his father
(cocksure and strong), he is nothing like the real man, and actually is the heroic, kind-
hearted, selfless guy his father pretends to be. He will grow into a man and learn to
stand up to his father before the end of this all. In addition, he has just discovered his
very first love in Val, and he will do anything to save and protect it (and her).

Val - She recently came to Mars a few years ago as one of the youngest ever brought
on. She is a true genius, and while humble and sweet, she is also very sure of herself,
clashing and conflicting with some people on the base over how to handle certain
situation. She is already at odds with Artia, Oggy’s mother, when it is revealed that the
two of them are together.

Artia - The first Lady of Mars, so to speak, and Oakland Sr’s wife. She was the second
to step on martian soil, and also has grown quite an ego over time. Kind of like the
wicked stepmom of the base. She will be very caught up in the idea that her son is with
Val (someone she deems to be inappropriate for her son), and will go to great lengths
to sabotage their relationship, including allowing Val to be hurt or killed.
Five Bullet Points for the “A” Story of the Pilot:

1. Systems engineer goes missing during an update and the sheriff and deputy go
look for him. They find him dead, just as the update fails, communications are lost,
and power goes out.
2. Upon closer inspection the death appears to be murder. They inform everyone
of the murder and calm people about the emergency power situation. Evidence
results come back and point to the chief of security. He is put in jail and the deputy
is forced to take over. Just then the systems threaten to fail again.
3. The people must decide between how to best resolve two competing crises.
The deputy takes control and essentially enacts martial law to forces her choice to
be selected. She goes to handle it, and ends up getting the power back on (despite
the best efforts of certain other martians) and resolves the situation. For now.
4. But when she returns to the security hab, she finds the chief dead in his cell of
an apparent suicide. She refuses to believe it because he had just given her a
rousing speech about the value and sanctity of life. She decides it must be murder.
5. As communications come back online they realize they still have no long range
connections, and then they discover why: Nuclear explosions have gone off in Los
Angeles and Washington DC. They are now completely on their own and left to
fend for themselves.

Five Defining Moments in History for Your Main Character:

1. The loss of her child and reproductive capabilities

2. The death of her husband on mars
3. The decision to move to mars
4. Marrying her husband
5. Getting into Harvard and MIT

What’s the Main Character’s Big Flaw?

She will do these harrowing things because it’s her job, and she wants to save
everyone else, but not to save herself. She may have lost the will to live, and to try to
save herself, if it came down to it.

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