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Regenerative Endodontics

Orthodontic Movement after Regenerative

Endodontic Procedure: Case Report and
Long-term Observations
Antonis Chaniotis, DDS, MD

Introduction: Although regenerative treatment ap- Key Words
proaches in teeth with incomplete root formation and Apical fracture, Biodentine, negative pressure irrigation, orthodontic movement, regen-
pulp necrosis have become part of the suggested therapeu- erative procedures
tic endodontic spectrum, little is known about the effect of
orthodontic movement in the tissue that has been regener-
ated. Furthermore, as the number of adults undergoing
orthodontic treatment increases, there is an increasing
S urprisingly, detailed in-
formation on the overall
relationships between end-
The effect of orthodontic tooth movement after
need to investigate the changes that these tissues may un- regenerative endodontic repair procedures is
odontics and orthodontics
dergo during orthodontic movement. Here we describe the largely unknown. Under certain circumstances, or-
during treatment planning
alterations observed after the application of orthodontic thodontic tooth movement might improve the peri-
decisions is sparse and
forces in a case of an apically root-fractured necrotic apical repair of necrotic immature teeth that had
insufficient (1). There is a
immature root that had been managed with regenerative been subjected to regenerative endodontic pro-
general belief that ortho-
endodontic procedures in the past. Methods: A 9-year- cedures.
dontic tooth movement
old male patient was referred after suffering the third inci- can cause degenerative
dence of trauma in the anterior maxilla. Radiographic and/or inflammatory responses in the dental pulp of teeth with completed apical forma-
evaluation revealed a periapical rarefaction associated tion. Although teeth with incomplete apical foramen are not immune to adverse sequelae
with an apically root-fractured immature central incisor. during tooth movement, a reduced risk for these responses is expected (1). The impact of
Clinical evaluation revealed a buccal abscess and grade the tooth movement on the pulp is focused primarily on the neurovascular system, in
3 tooth mobility. Periodontal probing was within normal which the release of specific neurotransmitters (neuropeptides) could influence both
limits. The tooth was accessed and disinfected by using blood flow and cellular metabolism. The responses induced in these pulps are suggested
apical negative pressure irrigation of 6% NaOCl. Intraca- to impact on the initiation and perpetuation of apical root remodeling or resorption dur-
nal dentin conditioning was achieved by using 17% EDTA ing tooth movement (2). The incidence and severity of these changes might be influenced
for 5 minutes. A blood clot was induced from the periapical by the width of the apical opening and the previous or ongoing insults to the dental pulp
area, and calcium silicate–based cement was placed in such as trauma or caries. Moreover, for teeth with previous root canal treatments, fewer
direct contact with the blood clot at the same visit. The propensities for apical root resorption during orthodontic tooth movement are expected
composite resin restoration was accomplished in the (1). Minimal resorptive/remodeling changes can occur apically in well-cleaned, shaped,
same appointment. Results and Conclusions: Recall and three-dimensionally obturated teeth that are being moved orthodontically, and the
radiographic examination after 24 months revealed outcome would depend on the absence of coronal leakage or other avenues for bacterial
healing of the periapical lesion and signs of continuous ingress.
root development despite the apical root fracture. Clinical It is believed that traumatized teeth can also be moved orthodontically with min-
evaluation revealed normal tooth development, normal imal risk of resorption, provided the pulp has not been severely compromised (infected
mobility, and a resolving buccal infection. The tooth was or necrotic). If there is evidence of pulpal disease, appropriate endodontic manage-
subjected to orthodontic treatment because of Class II ment is necessary before orthodontic treatment. If a previously traumatized tooth ex-
division 1 malocclusion with an overjet of 11 mm. After hibits resorption, there is a greater chance that orthodontic tooth movement will
completion of the orthodontic treatment, 5.5 years after enhance the resorptive process. If a tooth has been severely traumatized (intrusive luxa-
the initial intervention, the radiographic image revealed tion/avulsion), there may be a greater incidence of resorption with tooth movement.
marked remodeling of the periapical tissues and repair of Recently, regenerative endodontic procedures were introduced for the induction
the apical fractures, and the buccal infection had resolved of continued root development and dentin wall thickening in necrotic immature trau-
completely. (J Endod 2018;44:432–437) matized teeth. Although early case reports suggested regeneration, histologic studies in

From the Endodontics, Warwick Dentistry/Athens Dental School, Kalithea, Atiki, Greece.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Antonis Chaniotis, Warwick Dentistry/Athens Dental School, Endodontics, 17676 Kalithea, Atiki, Greece. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2017 American Association of Endodontists.

432 Chaniotis JOE — Volume 44, Number 3, March 2018

Regenerative Endodontics
animals and extracted teeth from patients, which had received regener- The radiographic evaluation of the right maxillary central incisor
ative endodontic procedures, suggest that what takes place in some revealed an immature root with an associated periapical lesion around
cases may not be regeneration. It might be healing or repair, which the wide-open apex (Fig. 2A). Detailed examination of the periapical
is defined as tissue formation with a (partial) loss of function of the orig- radiograph revealed 2 apically located fracture lines, suggesting that
inal tissue (3). When it comes to such teeth, very little is known about the weak root had been fractured in the vertical and horizontal planes
our ability to move them. Likewise, little is known about the potential during the intrusion injury. A pulpal diagnosis of pulp necrosis was
risks or sequelae involved in moving immature teeth that have had made. The periapical diagnosis was acute apical abscess associated
repair tissue ingrowth after previous regenerative intervention. Espe- with an apically fractured immature tooth. Tooth retention at that
cially absent is the long-term prognosis of this type of treatment in time seemed extremely challenging because spontaneous repositioning
such teeth. and normal tooth development were halted. A decision was made to try
The aim of this article was to describe the long-term alterations and save this tooth by applying regenerative endodontic therapy.
observed after the application of orthodontic forces in a case of an
apically root-fractured necrotic immature root that had been managed Regenerative Endodontic Therapy
with regenerative endodontic procedures in the past. The regenerative
After delivering non–vasoconstrictor-containing infiltration anes-
endodontic procedure followed is also discussed in detail.
thesia (Mepivastesin; 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany), the rubber dam was
placed and secured with wedges and liquid dam material (Dam Cool;
Case Report Danville Materials Inc, San Ramon, CA). Initial access to the wide canal
A 9-year-old male patient was referred for the evaluation and was achieved by using the Endoguide burs (S S White Burs Inc, Lake-
possible treatment of his right maxillary central incisor after suffering wood, NJ) and by using a 25-mm-long Endo Z bur (Dentsply Maillefer,
the third incidence of trauma. His medical history was non- Ballaigues, Switzerland). On entering the wide canal, purulent exudate
contributory. In his dental history, he reported 2 previous impact was noticed. After the purulent drainage ceased, the wide canal was
injuries during soccer training. The first injury was described as a rinsed with sterile water.
concussion injury 8 months before attending our office. The second By using an electronic root canal length measurement device
injury (3 months later) was described as enamel dentin fracture that (Root ZX; J Morita Mfg Corp, Kyoto, Japan) and an ISO 100 Hedstrom
had been managed by composite resin restoration. The third injury file, the level of the apical fractures was assessed and verified with a
was suffered 1 month before the initial visit and was described as an radiograph (Fig. 2B). Disinfection was achieved by using negative pres-
intrusion injury with minimal displacement. sure irrigation. An Endo Vac macro cannula (Endo Vac; Axis/Sybron
Clinical evaluation at the time of the initial visit revealed grade 3 Endo, Coppell, TX) was inserted into the wide canal, and 6% NaOCl so-
mobility of the tooth combined with a buccal abscess (Fig. 1A). The lution (CanalPro plus; Coltene/Whaledent, Langenau, Germany) was
tooth was percussion painful. Periodontal probing was less than delivered in the coronal part of the root. Approximately 45 mL freshly
3 mm all around the tooth. Thermal and electrical vitality tests were introduced 6% NaOCl was delivered, followed by 10 mL 17% EDTA so-
negative only for the right maxillary central incisor. The incisal edge lution (Canal Pro; Coltene/Whaledent). The macro cannula was with-
of the right maxillary central incisor seemed 0.5 mm lower than its drawn from the canal in the presence of sufficient EDTA solution in
contralateral central incisor, suggesting an intrusion luxation injury the pulp chamber to ensure that the canal remained totally filled with
with minimal displacement (Fig. 1A). EDTA, and no air was drawn into the canal space.

Figure 1. (A) Preoperative labial view of maxillary anterior teeth after intrusion injury; (B) 2-year follow-up labial view showing persistence of buccal abscess; (C)
42-month follow-up labial clinical view showing reduced size of persistent buccal abscess; (D) 5.5-year follow-up clinical view showing healthy tissues.

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Regenerative Endodontics

Figure 2. (A) Preoperative periapical radiograph of tooth 8 (apical fracture of the thin dentinal walls); (B) working length radiograph; (C) postoperative radio-
graph; (D) baseline periapical radiograph; (E) 5-month follow-up periapical radiograph showing initial healing of periapical lesion and hard tissue bridging; (F) 8-
month follow-up periapical radiograph showing progressive healing and signs of continuous root development and thicker hard tissue bridging; (G) 2-year follow-
up radiograph showing signs of healing of apical fractures and signs of continuous root development; (H) 30-month follow-up periapical radiograph showing stable
situation; (I) 42-month periapical radiograph after initiation of orthodontic treatment; (J) 5.5-year follow-up radiographic evaluation showing marked remodeling
of apical fractured walls and complete healing.

The wide canal was left flooded with EDTA 17% solution for 5 mi- ment of the vertically fractured immature root (Fig. 2E and F). However,
nutes. Final irrigation was achieved with apical negative pressure irriga- the fracture lines were still detectable. A hard tissue bridge was also
tion of sterile water. The wide canal was dried with the Endo Vac macro evident under the Biodentine material in both the 5-month and 8-
cannula adjusted 1 mm short of the predetermined length. month periapical radiographs (Fig. 2E and F).
An ISO 35 Hedstrom file mounted on a file holder was used for The 24-month clinical evaluation revealed normal tooth develop-
bleeding induction. The Hedstrom file was introduced through the wide ca- ment. The tooth was asymptomatic, periodontal probing was less than
nal under microscopic visualization and used for the laceration of the peri- 3 mm all around the tooth, and mobility had returned within normal
apical tissues. Bleeding from the periapical area was easily induced and limits. The buccal abscess was reduced in size but not completely
visualized under the microscope. The excess blood was evacuated from resolved. The labial clinical view of the maxillary incisors at the 2-
the pulp chamber with the Endo Vac macro cannula, leaving the rest of year follow up can be seen in Figure 1B. The radiographic evaluation
the blood to clot at a level 3 mm below the cementoenamel junction. at the 2-year follow-up revealed signs of continuous root development
Biodentine putty material (Septodont, Saint Maur-des-Fosses, and healing of the apical fractures (Fig. 2G).
France) was prepared in an amalgamator for 30 seconds according A 30-month follow-up radiograph was taken for the evaluation of
to the manufacturer’s instructions. A small amalgam carrier was used the healing process. The radiographic evaluation revealed a stable sit-
to deliver the Biodentine over the blood clot, and a temporary restora- uation with detectable calcified tissue bridging under the Biodentine
tion was placed (Cavit G; 3M ESPE). A postoperative radiograph was material and signs of periapical healing (Fig. 2H).
taken (Fig. 2C). One week later, the tooth was asymptomatic, mobility After 42 months the tooth was asymptomatic, and the buccal abscess
was within normal limits, and the buccal abscess had subsided. The per- seemed smaller but not completely resolved. At that time the patient at-
manent composite resin restoration was placed, and the patient was tended an orthodontist for the correction of his facial profile. After dis-
scheduled for re-evaluation. No splinting was performed. A periapical cussing with the orthodontist all the alternatives, a common decision
radiograph was taken as baseline for further evaluations (Fig. 2D). was made to use this tooth during the orthodontic treatment despite
the existence of the persistent but decreasing buccal abscess. Informed
Follow-ups consent was obtained, and the orthodontic treatment was initiated. The
The 5-month and 8-month recall radiographs revealed almost clinical and radiographic images immediately after the initiation of the
complete healing of the periapical lesion and continuous root develop- orthodontic treatment can be seen in Figures 1C and 2I, respectively.

434 Chaniotis JOE — Volume 44, Number 3, March 2018

Regenerative Endodontics
Orthodontic Treatment Although most regenerative endodontic procedures used either
The orthodontic diagnosis was skeletal Class II division 1 maloc- triple antibiotic paste or calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament
clusion with an overjet of 11 mm. The patient did not want surgical for disinfection (8), in the present case we decided to follow a
approach to treatment, and even though the underlying sagittal jaw single-step disinfection procedure by using negative pressure irrigation.
discrepancy was severe, the selective extraction of 2 permanent maxil- Antibiotic pastes containing minocycline can cause visible crown
lary first premolar teeth was considered acceptable. The treatment plan discoloration (9). Recently, antibiotic alternatives to minocycline
followed aimed at the nonsurgical correction of the malocclusion with have been proposed for use in combination with minocycline and
dental camouflage to mask the skeletal discrepancy. With this treatment metronidazole, including amoxicillin, cefaclor, and doxycycline. In a
plan, marked improvement in patient’s smile, facial profile, and lip spectrophotometric analysis of crown discoloration induced by various
competence is targeted. The orthodontic treatment lasted 2 years. antibiotic pastes used in revascularization, Akcay et al (10) concluded
At the 5.5-year follow-up immediately after the completion of or- that only calcium hydroxide and double antibiotic paste showed no co-
thodontic treatment, the clinical and the radiographic views of the right lor changes exceeding the perceptibility threshold. Furthermore, there
maxillary central incisor can be seen in Figures 1D and 2J, respectively. are concerns other than tooth discoloration that are associated with in-
The tooth was asymptomatic, and the buccal abscess had resolved. The tracanal use of an antibiotic or antibiotic combination. Such concerns
radiographic image suggested that the orthodontic movement resulted include the fear of promoting antibiotic resistance in some root canal
in remodeling of the apical tissues and repair of the apical fractured tis- bacteria and the risk of precipitating an allergic reaction in a sensitive
sues. patient or inducing sensitivity in a patient who has never been sensitive
(11). Moreover, Ruparel et al (12) demonstrated that high concentra-
tions of antibiotics have a detrimental effect on survival of apical papilla
Discussion stem cells. Very recently, Yassen et al (13) raised another concern for
In the present case, the minor intrusion suffered in the last injury the effects of the medicaments used in endodontic regeneration proced-
was complicated, with radiographically detectable vertical and horizon- ures. The superficial collagen degradation or the demineralization ef-
tal fractures of the thin dentinal walls combined with an acute periapical fect of radicular dentin caused by calcium hydroxide or antibiotic
abscess. The prognosis of such immature vertically and horizontally pastes, respectively, may negatively affect the fracture resistance of
fractured teeth is usually considered very poor, and extraction seems the radicular dentin.
the only alternative. However, very recently, a case of hard tissue healing Recently, da Silva et al (14) evaluated in vivo the revascularization
of multiple horizontal root fractures by following a regenerative end- potential for apical and periapical repair of 2 disinfection techniques in
odontic procedure was reported (4). Likewise, in the present case, a immature dogs’ teeth with apical periodontitis. The techniques tested
decision was made to try and induce hard tissue healing of the fractured included 1-step revascularization procedures by using apical negative
developing structures, continuous root development, and dentin wall pressure irrigation versus multiple-visit positive pressure irrigation
thickening by following a similar regenerative endodontic procedure. plus triple antibiotic intracanal dressing. Although statistically significant
Some years ago when Andreasen et al (5) were investigating the difference was found only for the inflammatory infiltrate, the single-step
effect of damaging the Hertwig epithelial root sheath (HERS) on root apical negative pressure group presented more exuberant mineralized
growth after autotransplantation of teeth in monkeys, they showed formations, more structured apical and periapical connective tissue,
that the HERS could function normally subsequent to trauma elicited and a more advanced repair process than triple antibiotic group. The
by surgical separation of the follicle and the post-transplantation distur- results of this study demonstrated that from histologic observations,
bances in nutrition. In their article, they suggested that a highly regen- single-step regenerative procedures with the use of apical negative pres-
erative potential appeared to exist in this structure, even if just a small sure irrigation might represent an important technical advancement for
fraction of it was left intact. They also noticed that pulp necrosis usually the treatment of immature teeth with apical periodontitis, suggesting that
leads to complete or almost complete arrest of root formation in all the use of intracanal antibiotics might not be necessary.
experimental groups. Keeping in mind these suggestions, in the present case we used the
In the present case, it was hypothesized that the HERS suffered se- macro cannula of the Endo Vac device (Axis/Sybron Endo) to perform
vere post-trauma nutritional and mechanical disturbances. The apical apical negative pressure irrigation of 6% NaOCl solution for the disin-
fractures of the thin dentinal walls confirmed the magnitude of the fection of the apical third of the necrotic fractured immature root.
impact injury. Pulp necrosis and periapical lesion growing around Because the plastic macro cannula of the Endo Vac is not sterile, we dis-
the developing fractured structures suggested complete arrest of root infected it by leaving it for 5 minutes in a sterile dish filled with 6%
formation. However, if a small fragment of HERS had been left intact, NaOCl. Negative pressure irrigation of 6% NaOCl was followed by
it could have maintained a highly regenerative potential as suggested EDTA 17% solution irrigation that was left for 5 minutes inside the
by Andreasen et al (5). wide canal. The importance of dentin conditioning with EDTA 17%
In this case, it was hypothesized that appropriate disinfection of the before the evoked bleeding phase in regenerative endodontic proced-
apical third might result in maintaining some fragments of the HERS still ures has been reported many times in the literature (15, 16).
vital. Lin et al (6) reported vital tissues present even in pulp chambers of Biodentine material (Septodont) was directly applied over the
mature permanent teeth associated with periapical radiolucencies. In blood clot. The tricalcium silicate–based cement called Biodentine
the case of immature teeth, this situation could be more common. An has been developed recently. The powder is mainly composed of trical-
open apex usually provides good communication from the pulp space cium silicate, calcium carbonate, and zirconium oxide (17). The liquid
to the periapical tissues; therefore, it might be possible for periapical contains water, calcium chloride (used as a setting accelerator), and a
disease to occur while the pulp is only partially necrotic and infected. modified polycarboxylate (a superplasticizing agent). A single dose of
Along the same line of reasoning, stem cells in pulp tissue and apical liquid is dropped in a disposable cap containing the powder and
papilla might also have survived the bacterial invasion (7). HERS frag- then mixed with an amalgamator for 30 seconds. Its physical properties
ments combined with the regenerative potential of the apical papilla and reduced setting time to 12 minutes (17) as compared with Portland
could result in the continuous root development of compromised cements might render the new biomaterial acceptable for use as a cor-
necrotic fractured cases such as the one reported here. onal barrier in regenerative endodontic procedures.

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Regenerative Endodontics
Moreover, it has been demonstrated that when Biodentine was spheres, Kvinnsland et al (22) showed a substantial increase in blood
applied directly onto pulp tissue, it induced an early form of reparative flow in the dental pulp of mesially tipped rat molars. Increases in
dentin synthesis, probably because of a modulation of pulp cell trans- force application resulted in an increase in blood flow. By using
forming growth factor (TGF)-b1 secretion (17). An increase in TGF-b1 the rat model, Nixon et al (23) also found that there was a significant
concentration locally during pulp-capping may contribute to vascular change with an increased number of functional pulpal ves-
odontoblast-like cell differentiation and mineralization. sels as related to the specific forces applied. Initially a hyperemic
In revascularization procedures, Lovelace et al (18) demonstrated response was visible after the force applications. In a later study,
that the evoked bleeding step triggers the significant accumulation of Derringer et al (24) moved human teeth orthodontically, extracted
undifferentiated stem cells into the canal space where these cells might the teeth, and harvested the pulps. The pulps were embedded in
contribute to the regeneration of pulpal tissues seen in necrotic imma- collagen and cultured in growth media for up to 4 weeks. New micro-
ture teeth undergoing apexogenesis. vessels were observed within 5 days, and their identification was
In the present case, we hypothesized that Biodentine placed in confirmed with both light microscopy and electron microscopy.
direct contact with the blood clot may have stimulated the There were significantly larger numbers of microvessels at day 5
odontoblast-like differentiation of the apical papilla stem cells that and day 10 of culture in pulp explants from orthodontically moved
were introduced in the wide canal space of the immature root. teeth than in the control teeth. These findings would suggest not
Biodentine-induced upregulation of TGF-b1 secretion may explain only the presence of significant angiogenesis in the pulp during ortho-
the dentinal bridge that was radiographically detectable at the follow- dontic treatment but also the presence of the necessary angiogenic
up periapical radiographs. growth factors needed such as platelet-derived growth factor,
Although the fracture lines were still detectable in the 24-month epidermal growth factor, and TGF-b. These growth factors have
recall radiograph, the periapical lesion healed almost completely, been identified also in periodontal ligament wound healing (25),
and continued root development and apex formation were evident. in pulp after endodontic injury (26), during tooth development
However, the developing apical third seemed to be partly detached and eruption (27), and during orthodontic tooth movement in cats
from the main wide canal. (28). Alterations in the pulpal vasculature with subsequent alter-
Jung et al (19) reported 2 cases of infected immature teeth that ations in the metabolism of the pulpal cells will usually result in
resulted in the formation of a separate root tip after apexification and increased deposition of reparative dentin in both the coronal and
revascularization procedures, respectively. These cases revealed that radicular portions of the pulp, along with a concurrent increase in
HERS and stem cells from the apical papilla can in rare situations be dystrophic mineralization (20).
detached by an external force or iatrogenic factors and thereafter pro- During regenerative endodontic procedures, the formation of a vi-
duce a separated tip. They speculated that in their first case the apexi- tal tissue into an empty but infected root canal space is targeted. The
fication procedure was responsible for the separation, whereas in the lack of dentin pulp regeneration in animal (29, 30) and human (31)
second case increased mobility acted as the separation force. studies after current regenerative protocols shows that the regeneration
In the case reported here, it is possible that HERS and the apical of the pulp-dentin does not occur, but rather connective tissue with
papilla were partly detached after the third intrusive impact injury. How- cementum-like mineralization appears to occur. The findings included
ever, the radiographically detectable vertical root fracture that rendered ingrowth of periodontal connective tissues (14) into the root canal
regeneration procedures even more challenging complicated the pre- space that contained bone-like tissues (30) and the formation of
sent case. The 24-month follow-up examination revealed normal tooth cementum or cementum-like tissues (30) on the dentinal walls.
mobility, no periodontal probing, no crown discoloration, continuous Similar to vital pulp tissues, during orthodontic tooth movement of
root development, and formation of the apex. revascularized teeth, injury and alteration in the blood vessels of the api-
Orthodontic treatment was initiated 42 months after the initial cal periodontium and those entering the regenerated tissues might
intervention. According to the orthodontist, the preservation of this occur. Increase in the blood flow to these tissues during tooth move-
tooth was crucial for the planning of the orthodontic treatment. Prema- ment might impact the availability of stem cells, which are capable under
ture extraction of this tooth would have been detrimental for the facial local stimulatory factors to differentiate into osteoclasts and influence
development of the patient, and it would have greatly complicated the the resorptive remodeling process of the affected tooth. In the present
orthodontic treatment. Although the persistence of the buccal abscess case after the orthodontic treatment, the clinical evaluation revealed
raised some concerns, a decision was made to use this tooth in the or- healthy soft tissues and unimpaired tooth development. The radio-
thodontic treatment planning. The decreasing size of the buccal abscess graphic evaluation revealed marked remodeling of the periapical tis-
and the radiographically detectable healing of the periapical lesion sues, resulting in resorption of the fractured apical third and
despite the apical fracture were considered as positive predictors for reorganization of the apical repair tissues to a new spatial architecture
the application of orthodontic forces in this case. Possible remodeling consistent with complete healing. The apical remodeling noticed in the
of the apical tissues triggered by the orthodontic movement was hoped two-dimensional radiograph after the orthodontic treatment seems
to facilitate further healing by taking advantage of the young patient’s optimal. Moreover, the hard tissue bridging under the Biodentine
healing potential. Unfortunately, little is known about our ability to seemed to thicken over time, and the apical opening seems to be
move such teeth. Most of our relevant knowledge concerns teeth with closing.
vital pulp tissues.
For teeth with vital pulp tissues, it is believed that during rapid Conclusions
tooth movement, pulpal injury may occur because of an alteration Under certain circumstances, orthodontic tooth movement might
in the blood vessels in the apical periodontium and those entering improve the periapical repair of necrotic immature teeth that had been
the pulp (20). Historically, the specific angiogenic changes in the hu- subjected to regenerative endodontic procedures.
man dental pulp associated with orthodontic movement have received
limited study. Angiogenesis is the formation of new capillary struc-
tures that ultimately lead to the organization of larger structures by Acknowledgments
a process of neovascularization (21). By using fluorescent micro- The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.

436 Chaniotis JOE — Volume 44, Number 3, March 2018

Regenerative Endodontics
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