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Medical Terminology Chapter 2 Study

Anatomical Reference Systems (ARS) - correct answer A diagram used to show a body part's function and

Cytology - correct answer Study of cells

Histology - correct answer Study of tissues

Glands - correct answer An organ that secretes a particular chemical substance

Body Systems - correct answer Systems that help the body function

Pathology - correct answer Study of the causes and effects of diseases

Anatomy - correct answer The study of the structure and function of a living organism.

Physiology - correct answer The study of the way that a living organism functions

Anterior - correct answer Front

Posterior - correct answer Back

Transverse - correct answer Extending across something

Proximal - correct answer Near the point of origin

Distal - correct answer Away from the point of origin

Superior - correct answer Higher in position

Inferior - correct answer Lower in position

Medial - correct answer Closer to the middle

Lateral - correct answer On the sides of the body

Cephalic - correct answer Towards the head

Caudal - correct answer A tail

Body Cavity - correct answer A fluid filled space in the human body

Spinal Cavity - correct answer Space in the vertebrae in which the spinal cord passes through

Cranial Cavity - correct answer The space formed inside the skull

Thoracic Cavity - correct answer A chamber in the human body which is protected by the Thoracic wall

Abdominal Cavity - correct answer Hold the bulk of the Viscera

Pelvic Cavity - correct answer A body cavity bound by the bones of the pelvis

Peritoneum - correct answer A layer of protection lining the inside of the abdomen

Etiology - correct answer Cause(s) of a disease or disorder

Epidemic - correct answer A widespread disease in a short time

Pandemic - correct answer A global disease

Endemic - correct answer A disease that is always present

Huntington's Disease - correct answer An inherited condition in which nerve cells break down over time.

Trisomy 21 - correct answer Down Syndrome

Adip/o - correct answer Fat

Caud/o - correct answer Lower part of body

Coron/o - correct answer Crown

Hist/o - correct answer Tissue

Lapar/o - correct answer Abdomen

Plasm - correct answer Formation

Chondr/o - correct answer Cartilage

Hyster/o - correct answer Uterus

Phleb/o - correct answer Vein

Aden/o - correct answer Gland

Cephal/o - correct answer Relating to the head

Epi - correct answer Above

Home/o - correct answer Constant

Retr/o - correct answer Behind

Stasis - correct answer Control

Derm/o - correct answer Skin

Orchid/o - correct answer Testicles

-Plasia - correct answer Development

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