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Medical Terminology Chapter 2 with

complete solutions
The structure of the human body falls into four categories: - correct answer cells, tissue, organs, and

Define Cell - correct answer Basic unit of all living things.

Define Tissue - correct answer group of similar cells that perform a specific function

Example: Muscle tissue

Define Organ - correct answer Two or more kinds of tissues that together perform special body functions

Example: Skin

Define System - correct answer Group of organs that work together to perform complex body functions

Example: the cardiovascular system

What is the purpose of the integumentary system? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed
of Skin, nails, and glands

Purpose is to protect the body and regulate body temperature

What is the purpose of the Respiratory System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of
nose, Pharynx, larynx, trachea, and lungs.

Purpose is to perform respiration (O2-->CO2 exchange)

What is the purpose of the Urinary System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of the
Kidneys and bladder

Purpose is to remove waste from the body

What is the purpose of the Reproductive System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of
ovaries, uternus, vagina, mammary glands, penis, testes, and prostate gland

Purpose is to procreate

What is the purpose of the CV System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of the heart
and blood vessels

Purpose is to pump and transport blood across the body

What is the purpose of the Lymphatic System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of a
network of vessels, ducts, nodes, and organs.

Purpose is to defend against infections

What is the purpose of the Digestive System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of GI
tract, mouth, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines

Purpose is to prepare food for the body and eliminate waste

What is the purpose of the musculoskeletal system? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed
of muscles, bones, and joints.

Purpose is movement and framework for the body

What is the purpose of the nervous system? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of
brain, spinal cord, and nerves

Purpose is to regulate bodily activities by sending and receiving messages

What is the purpose of the Endocrine System? What is it composed of? - correct answer Composed of
glands that secrete hormones

Purpose is hormones regulate body activities

aden/o - correct answer gland

cyt/o - correct answer cell

epitheli/o - correct answer epithelium

fibr/o - correct answer fiber

hist/o - correct answer tissue

kary/o - correct answer nucleus

lip/o - correct answer fat

my/o - correct answer muscle

neur/o - correct answer nerve

organ/o - correct answer organ

sarc/o - correct answer flesh

system/o - correct answer system

viscer/o - correct answer internal organs

cancer/o, carcin/o - correct answer cancer

eti/o - correct answer cause

gno/o - correct answer knowledge

iatr/o - correct answer treatment

lei/o - correct answer smooth

onc/o - correct answer tumor

path/o - correct answer disease

rhabd/o - correct answer rod-shaped, striated

somat/o - correct answer body

chlor/o - correct answer green

chrom/o - correct answer color

cyan/o - correct answer blue

erythr/o - correct answer red

leuk/o - correct answer white

melan/o - correct answer black

xanth/o - correct answer yellow

dia- - correct answer through

dys- - correct answer painful, abnormal

hyper- - correct answer above

hypo- - correct answer under

meta- - correct answer after

neu- - correct answer new

pro- - correct answer before

-al, -ic, -ous - correct answer pertaining to

-cyte - correct answer cell

-gen - correct answer producing

-genic - correct answer pertaining to producing

-logist - correct answer specialist

-logy - correct answer study of

-megaly - correct answer enlargement

-oid - correct answer resembling

-oma - correct answer tumor

-osis - correct answer abnormal condition

-pathy - correct answer disease

-plasia - correct answer growth, development

-plasm - correct answer growth

-sarcoma - correct answer malignant tumor

-sis - correct answer state of

-stasis - correct answer stopping

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