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Medical Terminology Chapter 2 Med

Term Analysis
Cytology - correct answer study of cells

Cytoplasm - correct answer A jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended

cardiac - correct answer pertaining to the heart

adipose - correct answer pertaining to fat

Abdominopelvic - correct answer pertaining to the abdomen and pelvis

pericardial - correct answer pertaining to around the heart

hypochondriac - correct answer a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses

epigastric - correct answer above the stomach

dermatology - correct answer study of the skin and its diseases

otorhinolaryngology - correct answer the study of the ears, nose, and throat

hematology - correct answer study of blood

gastroenterology - correct answer study of the stomach and intestines

nephrology - correct answer study of the kidney

gynecology - correct answer study of the female reproductive system and its diseases

urology - correct answer study of the urinary tract

neurology - correct answer study of the nervous system

ophthalmology - correct answer study of the eye and eye diseases

pulmonology - correct answer study of the lungs

Immunology - correct answer study of the immune system

cardiololgy - correct answer study of the heart

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