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TAC Attack June 1972 Delay en route.. page 16

fer efficint t1ctical 1ir ,ewer CURRENT INTEREST



Pg 7

Pg 8

JUNE 1972
VOL. 12, NO.6

Tactical Air Command PMOS HAS ARRIVED Pg 24



Ll GEN JAY T. ROBBINS Angle of Attack Pg 3

Chock Talk Pg 10
Published by the Chief of Safety
T AC Men of the Month Pg 15
TAC Tips Pg 20

SPOs Corner Pg 22

Weapons Words Pg 26

Aircrewman of Distinction Pg 27

Letters Pg30

TAC Tally Pg 31

TACRP 1 27-1

editor Articles, accident briefs, and associated material in this magazine are
Maj Tim Brady non-directive in nature. All suggestions and recommendations are intended
to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to
brief accidents and incidents does not identify the persons, places, or un its
assistant editor
involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of
Capt Jim Young the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Names, dates, and places used in
conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are
art editor encouraged to republish the material contained herein; however, contents
are not for public release. Wrjtten permission must be obtained from HQ
Ston Hardison TAC before material may be republished by other than Department of
Defense organizations.
lllyout and production Contributions of articles, photos, and items of interest from personnel
SSgt Lindsey Cobb in the field are encouraged , as are comments and criticism. We reserve the
right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct
commun ication is authorized with : The Editor, TAC ATTACK, HQ TAC
managing editor (SEPP), Langley AFB, Va. 23365. Autovon 432-2937
Mariella W. Andrews Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
Hngle of HTTHCK

April was tough and May was no better. Far too many
aircraft and lives have been lost in preventable accidents.
Four years ago a valued friend, Colonel H. B. Smith,
wrote on this page:

"Now all of a sudden we've had a rash of

avoidable accidents. A large percentage of these
are shaping up as pilot and instructor pilot error.
This indicates that either we're beginning to get
careless or we're training students with
unqualified IPs. ... The TAC pilot today has
considerably more responsibility than his World
War I or II counterparts. Every aircrewmember
must recognize this and react accordingly.

"Our training must be realistic and tough. But

when we continue · to have accidents because
someone can't seem to stay ahead of the aircraft,
then something has to be done. This can only
lead to a diluting of our combat readiness
training with a resulting loss in quality to the
combat aircrew."

Those words still apply today. When we run off dry

runways, collide in a square gunnery pattern, land gear up,
lose control on takeoff, attempt unauthorized maneuvers,
fly into mountains, or delay getting out of a stricken
airplane, the answer is not complex. We can stop those
losses without TCTOs or new regulations. Operational
commanders, supervisors, instructor pilots, line pilots and
training aircrews each have their part of the answer. Let's
put it all together - now!

~~L~D~~~~~~~ USAF
Chief of
"Washington Center, Foot 34, "United 721, you're cleared to land,
flight level two-zero-zero." runway 21 right."
"Unite ... (garbled)" (Pause) .
"Roger Fool 34, ident."
"Uh ... tower; understand Unite
"Foot 34 identing, and 21 cleared to land 21 right; turning a
Washington, that's Foot ... Foot short base."
34." "Neg ... (garbled)."
" U h ... tower, what are the
"Radar contact Fool 34 ... do intentions of the airliner on about a
you have a request?" three mile final?"
"Negative on the request, "Unite 21, you are not cleared to
land; break out of traffic and reenter.
Washington; my call sign is Foot 34,
United 721, cleared to land."
copy? FOOT 34." "United 721, understand, breaking
"Roger, FOOL 34, contact out of traffic."
Washington Center on 253.1." "Tower . . . who is ... ah ...
Unite 21 breaking out of traffic; be
"NEGATIVE ON THE FOOL advised tower, I'm submitting a near
MY CALL SIGN IS FOOT ... I miss report."
SPELL . . . FOSCAR-OXTROT- "Roger, United 721, call
OXTROT-TANGO ... uh I mean ... reentering."
uh ... (Pause) ... Understand Center "Tower, that was Unite 21."
on 253.1." "Uh ... "
Call signs JUNE 1972
fo the man in the cockpit there
WH ERE DO AIRCRAFT only a seven digit cal l sign. (Example :
are many irritants that sit on the Horse 52.)
periphery and occasionally inject CA LL SIGNS ORIGINATE? There appears to be a falla cy here.
themselves into the situation, A voi ce call sign is defined as any How do the airlines get away with it?
sometimes effectively muddling combi nation of characters assembled In other words, how can United 701
decisions and ripping away at the into pronounceable words used to use a call sign composed of nine
logic chain . These barbs of annoyance est abli sh and maintain voice characters? The limitation is on the
we'll call "Fuzz Factor," for lack of a com munications. Aircraft call signs ARTC computer data and not on the
better name, simply because they cannot exceed five cha racters and spoken word. United 701 files as
tend to fuzz up the situation. You've normally precede a two-digit number. U-701 on his flight plan. The
all experienced some form of fuzz The five character limitation is controllers are aware that "U" is an
factor such as the drop of sweat inside necessary due to FAA's computeri zed accepted abbreviation for United, just
the oxygen mask that's tickling the fligh t f ollowing system which allows as they know when we file A-45678
whiskers and driving you stra ight up a
wall, or the incessant buzzing of a
poorly tuned UHF radio that makes
clear thinking difficult, or a bulge in
the seat cushion that's giving you a
nagging pain in the posterior. There
must be a mi II ion of the fuzz factor
annoyances, most of them sma ll, but
some of them can assume gigantic
proportions, such as a hard-to-pro-
nounce, hard-to-understand ca ll sign.
Call signs produce their share of
incidents, sometimes amusing and
sometimes downright hazardous. The
amusing ones we can live with; they
make good bar-talk fodder. The
hazardous ones are something else.
Many of you may believe that ca ll
signs are produced by a group of
madmen confined to a padded cell
and given their freedom only when
they are able to come up with a four
or five letter word that defies even the
most gifted vocal gymnast . In reality,
however, nothing is further from the
truth, to which the program managers
will certain ly agree. Nevertheless, the
thought does conjure up some
interesting questions such as : Where
do aircraft call signs originate? What
are static ca ll signs and how and when
are they used? How can I get a ca ll
sign changed if it is hard to
pronounce, hard to understand,
conf licts with others, or in some other
way either creates or may create a

CALL SIGNS ... such as Moose and Noose. Also, any
words which would be associated with
an aircraft in distress, such as Fire,
on the DD-175, the spoken ca ll sign is Due to the confidential nature of this Eject, Help, etc., are removed.
Air Force 45678. document, very few specifics on its Additionally, any words which
The entire ca ll sign program is use can be listed in this article. indicate an aircraft component, such
administered by HO USAF {PRCOC) as Flap or Gear are removed.
which establishes doctrine and policy At the present time, only static
for the USAF through AFR 100-26. STATIC CALL SIGNS call signs are soundexed; however,
They, in turn, have tasked the Air plans are afoot to use the procedure
Force Cryptological Depot {AFCD) Static call signs, as the name infers, for all call signs, both static and
with the responsibility of assigning are assigned call signs which are rarely changing . Undoubtedly this will help,
and maintaining control of USAF changed. They are also found in the but it's highly unlikely that all poor
voice call signs. VCSL and are assigned to specific words w ill be eliminated, and this is
All words used as voice cal l signs units to be used only in the local area. where you can help.
by the Air Force are derived from and The current list of words used in TAC
authorized by the Joint {Services) was implemented by message in
Voice Call Sign Book , JANAP 119. December 1971 and wi ll be included GETTING THE CALL SIGN
From this publication the words are
ext racted and fed into a computer
in the 1 June 1972 edition of the
AFKAI-1. Originally, TAC was
maintained and operated by AFCD. assigned 1750 words. The list was Prior to the expiration of the
Each major command submits its whittled down to only 940 words by current month's AFKAI-1, the edition
requirements, in number of words, to manually removing the worst of the which is to be used for the next
AFCD which, in turn, assigns to each lot . These remaining words were then month is distributed. Units should
command a series of block and line given to the intermediate commands review the call signs that are to be
numbers. The computer then for unit assignments. Needless to say, used to identify any hard to
randomly selects and assigns words to many units sti ll found some of the pronounce, derogatory, or potentially
the block and line numbers. As the words unpalatable, to which the hazardous-use call signs. Should any
saying goes, "untouched by human number of letters and hazard reports of the cal l signs fall into these
hands." After the computer se lections received at Hq T AC attest. categories, steps should be taken to
are made, the call signs are printed in Perhaps a small exp lanation is notify T AC/DCON F (procedures in
a confidentia l document that is necessary here. Every unit would like TAC Sup 1 to AFR 100-26) in order
published monthly and carries the to have TIGER or SHARK or some to have the words replaced. This will
moniker of AFKAI-1 {USAF Voice equally descriptive static call sign as reduce the number of tongue twisters
Call Sign List - VCSL) . Units then their very own; unfortunately, in and hazard producers. However, it is
extract the appropriate ca ll sign from most cases, it's not possib le to assign sti I I possible for a potentially
this document for missions both in such words, simply because T AC hazardous call sign to slip by and to
and out of the local area. doesn't own them. Problems sti ll exist be put into use. If this occurs, at
with ca ll signs that are hard to home base or otherwise and either
pronounce, hard to understand, or creates or appears to create a hazard,
CHANGING CALL SIGNS confli ct in some way w ith other users the individual who uncovers the
of voice radio. In order to reso lve hazard shou ld contact his unit and
Changing ca ll signs are necessary some of the problems with static ca ll exp lain the prob lem . The unit can
for security reasons. The movement signs, the entire list of call signs is put then telephone T AC/DCON F,
of combat aircraft outside the local t h r o u g h a p r o c e d u r e c a II ed Autovon 432-2021, to have the
area of any given base is the kind of "soundexing." problem immediately resolved.
information that foreign agents While all of the prob lems with call
obviously relish. It is necessary to signs may never be completely solved,
change the ca ll signs periodically to SOUNDEXING progress is being made. With your
prevent the free release of help, the fuzz factor caused by call
information. Each unit refers to the Soundexing is a computer program signs can be reduced. If that happens,
AFKAI-1 for the appropriate ca ll sign which compares the call signs aga inst the men in the padded cells will have
to be used at the appropriate time. each other to remove sound alikes, to look for work elsewhere. __::>

6 JUNE 1972
the tree

by Mariella W. Andrews
Managing Editor, TAC ATTACK







• Lord Byron, The Giaour

could it happen to you? by Maj CJ Bertrand HQ TAC/DOV

you. let's exam in e a recent incident, for the oi I quantity gauge which
It has been proven in numerous take a f ew pot shot s, and hopefully indi ca ted high oil consumption . The
aircraft mishaps that "Joe Pilot" come away with a lesson. left oi l tank was reserviced from the
didn't have his mind on his business Recently, a T-29 on a navigator reserve t ank after the quantity had
or became confused when events trammg mission was cruisi ng at dropped to 12 gal lons and as a
didn't happen like the good book 16,000 feet MSL with power set at 34 precautiona ry measure the pilot
says. Too often drivers of "many inches MAP. 2200 rpm, high blower decided to divert to the nearest
motored" aircraft become comp lacent and mixture auto lean. Several sma ll mi I itary base. Radar vectors were
with the old cliches "It could never puffs of smoke were observed com ing obtained and an en route descent was
happen to me" or "I've got beau coup from the left eng ine augmentors (for in itiat ed. As descent power was
engi nes out there and lots of time." fighter types, thi s means exhaust estab lished and flaps set at 15 deg rees,
Granted, this may be true in most pipe s whi c h provide additiona l sma ll puffs of light blue or gray
cases; however, some of our many thrust!) . At about the same time th e smo ke were still preva lent. The
motored "air machines" are becom ing left engine backf ired once. The appropriate port ion of the descent
vintage museum pieces and it is mi xtures were placed in auto rich but checklist was accomplished at this
probable that within this next year, small puffs of smoke cont inu ed. A point. At about 15 miles on final
the average "Joe Pilot" will encounter fire watch was established by one of app roach the navigator . who was
an emergency of some type. So on the the crew members. The eng ine ma inta ining fire watch, reported that
premise that it COULD happen to instruments indicated normal except the smoke had increased. No action

8 JUNE 1972
propeller feathered and the pilot Fortunately there were no injuri es.
ca ll ed for max imum power on the Maintenance dug into the airplane
right engine. As the copilot started and found internal damage to the left
advancing the power , he noticed the engine . The right engine and prop
right engine rpm decreasing . A visual were given the same treatment;
check of th e right engine confirmed however, nothing was found out of
that the propeller was slowly coming whack. So what happened?
to a stop in the feather position (Oh At first it was felt that perhaps the
No!). The navigato r estimated that pilot had feathered the wrong prop
t h e right p r ope ll er feathered but this was ruled out. The left prop
approximate ly 45 seco nds after the was observed in full feather by all
left propell er. Th e Convair glider was crew members while the right engine
now w ithin the 3 mile poi nt. The was still running . So most probably
pi lot was sure of making the runway the copilot, in trying to talk on the
from that position, so he called for radio and seei ng the fire light, was
extension of the landing gear and caught up in the excitement of the
more flaps. The gear extended to situation and feathered the wrong
down and locked , but the flaps failed prop.
to move from the last selected There's littl e doubt that a lack of
position of 15 degrees. The pilot crew coordination set up the enti re
attempted to advise the student sequence of events, but most li ke ly it
• naviga tors that they would make the goes a littl e deeper than that . Many
runway, but the interphone was dead. questions concerning this inci dent
He tr ied t o ring the alarm bell to co me to mind in this game of
indicate impending touchdown but it "Monday morning quarterback ing."
was a l so inoperative. Assuming Put yourself in the shoes of the AC
electr ical failure, the pilot made no and provide your own answers.
furth er attem pts at co mmunication When the pilot gave the crew
and d irected full attention to aircraft briefing ca lled for in the descent
control. The aircraft crossed the c h eck li st , did he in clude his
runway th reshold at 160 KIAS and anticipated actions in the event the
touched down at the 2000 feet point IPft engine situat ion deteriorated? Did
at 130 K I AS. Directional control was he brief the copilot properly?
maintained with rudd er until the When he ca lled for the left prop to
was taken at this time. At aircraft began a slight turn after be feathered and got no respon se due
app ro x ima tely f iv e mi les, the rolling app ro ximate ly 2500 feet. to the cop ilot's preoccupation with
navigator reported heavy, steady Hydrau li c brakes were app lied but the the radios, should he have used the
smoke and flames com ing from the system pressu re was zero. The "call" button on the interphone or
aug mentor tubes and nace ll e area. A t airbrakes were applied lightly and the reached across and jabbed the copilot
this time, the left fire wa rning light slight left turn continued . After to bring him back into the picture?
illuminated. The pilot ca ll ed for the app r ox im at ely 4000 f eet from Did the cop ilot confuse his
left prop to be feathered; however, his t ouch down, it became obvious priorities, thinking that talking on the
or d er was drowned out by that the ai rcraft would go off the radio took precedence over the
simultaneous ca ll s from app roach runway , so full airbrakes were applied. emergency situation?
control transmitti ng on UHF and Th e airbrakes locked both left wheels Why didn't the alarm bell work? Is
guard channel. The copi lot was and the right inboa rd wheel but the it possible that it wasn't checked on
unable to understand the order and right outboard continu ed to rotate. preflight?
cont inued to talk on the radio w ith Th e aircraft stopped appro ximately Should the gear have been lowered
approach contro l. At this po int it 150 feet off the lef t edge of the ea rlier to red uce speed over the
beca me imperative that the left prop runway, 5000 feet from the point of threshold?
be feathered and the pilot touchdown. Both left tires and right Did it get quiet in the cockp it
accomp li shed that act ion himsel f . The inboard tire blew out during the last when both props were feathered ?
fire warning light went out as th e 7 50 feet of aircraft travel. Could it happen to you? _.:::>

chock talk ..incidents and incidentals


The F-1 01 roared down the runway with both burners The pilot of the F-1 00 leaned across the canopy rail to
lit for a planned normal takeoff. At 140 knots the pilot adjust the seat belt before climbing in. He adjusted the
applied back stick pressure to take the weight off the nose left half of the belt then reached across the seat to adjust
gear. As the aircraft accelerated to 155 knots, the pilot the right half. The arm rests were down and the free end
applied more back pressure and was surprised that the of the belt was lodged between the console and seat. He
machine was not responding. He increased the pressure pulled on the belt to free it and the canopy remover
even more and discovered the stick would not move aft. A initiator suddenly fired sending the projectile through the
couple of quick jerks on the stick confirmed that it was canopy.
frozen; abort procedures were initiated and the airplane It seems that the seat belt webbing had lodged in such
was slowed to taxi speed with 2000 feet of runway a manner that when the pilot gave it a tug, it, in turn,
remaining. While taxiing in, the jock noted the stick to be tugged the cable which normally fires the initiator by
free. He applied I ight finger pressure and the stick means of a pilot actuated "T" handle.
responded per standard in all axis. (Wouldn't you know Many F-100s have a panel which covers the cable and
it!) The pilot checked all switches and found them in the housing and prevents entry of the seat belt webbing (or
correct positions. anything else) into this tender area. By the same token, a
Once the airplane was back in the chocks, maintenance few Huns aren't so equipped.
snatched it up and gave it a thorough going over. Stick However, these panels (P/N 223-53231) can be locally
movement indicated a rough spot near the mid-point of manufactured ... a canopy cannot .
travel. Further inspection turned up the most probable
cause as interference to the left bellcrank in the aft
cockpit area caused by a wire bundle to the R LS system.
As a fix, the wire bundle was wrapped, reclamped, and
moved forward out of the way of the stabilator bellcrank.
While in a ba rrel roll attack during practice air-to-air
tactics, the aircraft commander of an F-4 discovered that
THEY DO NOW the stick would not move laterally. The aircraft whipped
through two fu ll rolls before the pilot brought the
This F-100 experienced a uti lity hydraulic failure machine back to straight and level flight by using full right
shortly after takeoff. After an uneventful emergency rudder. The right aileron was noted to be down about
landing, it was discovered that a nose gear up line had four inches and full right rudder plus full right stick were
failed. A closer look revealed that the line had been requ ired to hold wings level. The crew went through the
homemade out of non-standard soft aluminum material. It necessary checklists to no avail, then performed a
had been installed at a sister service installation six sorties controllability check to determine if the airplane could be
before the failure occurred. Obviously, it worked well landed.
enough to get the bird back home but equally obvious is They found that with half flaps, right engine idle, full
the fact that it wasn't good enough to last very long. right rudder, and fu ll right stick pressure, they could keep
Many units double-check all maintenance done by other the wings level down to 190 knots. A straight-in approach
bases as a routine matter. I'll bet this one does now! Does was flown in this configuration with the AC using both
yours? hands on the stick while d irecting the WSO to make

10 JUNE 1972
After having read an account of an incident in TAC
ATTACK concerning F-4 flight controls, a former F-4
pilot called in to report an incident that occurred six years
He stated that upon climbing through 15 thousand, it
took 15 to 20 pounds of back pressure plus full nose up
with a maintenance slant
trim to hold level flight. He aborted the mission and began
his RTB. As he descended, the need for nose up trim and
excessive back pressure diminished as the altitude
lessened. Upon landing maintenance gave the machine a
going over but couldn't find the culprit.
This same sequence of events occurred three more
power adjustments with the left throttle. Touchdown was times until the crew chief discovered the problem. A
slightly left wing low at 190 knots and ro llout was grasshopper had wedged itself in the ram air bellows,
uneventful. lousing up the air flow into the artificial "feel"system.
Cause? This is a "known" problem to most F-4 drivers and
An intercom dust cap cover of the type found in the stringent maintenance inspection procedures have reduced
left wheel well was found to be binding the left lateral the problem potentia l, but not entirely.
control bell crank assembly. Recently an F-4 crew noted a stiff stick in the pitch
How did it get there? axis at approach speeds.
Somewhere, somehow, sometime, somebody got Investigation turned up pieces of a phenolic plug
careless. blocking the bellows venturi. The plug, into which the
bellows probe is inserted, had been replaced prior to fl ight
to correct an air leak problem. When the tubing was
CROSSED WIRES inserted into the plug, small pieces of the phenolic
material were inadvertently cut free from the plug and
While climbing through 1200 feet the turbine overheat remained in the tubing.
lights for both number three and number four engines on Plugs and bugs have a common name known to us all
the Herky came on. The pilot retarded the power on both ... FOD! !
engines and the lights went out. He then declared an
emergency and landed safely at the field from whence he
had departed a few minutes earlier. HOURS AND HOURS OF BOREDOM
The maintenance troops dug into the machine and FOllOWED BY ...
came up with some pretty interesting findi ngs (you might
say alarming). The F-111 pulled up onto downwind following a
The cause of the turbine overheat on number four was successful range mission. One can surmise that the crew
a leak in the turbine casing. The cause of the turbine probably relaxed a little- but not for long! The aircraft
overheat on number three was number four. rolled violently to the left and the caution panel lit up like
Whadda' he say? a Christmas tree. Yaw damper light, primary heading,
It seems that some wires had been crossed. Some of CADC, auxiliary attitude, right and left spike, beta probe,
the wires that should have been connected to number fuel distribution, and cowl warning all lit up and it took
four turbine overheat keyer were connected to number fu ll r ight stick to maintain wings level. Maintaining
three and vice versa. Th is mismat ch could not be detected aircraft control, the crew performed a controllabi lity
during normal preflight since the circuit continuity was check, then landed successfully.
complete. However, when the actual overheat occurred on The culprit was suspected to be materiel failure of a
number four, it lit up number three also. (Good Grief, connection in the hot air ducting of the rain removal
Gertie.) system. This hot air caused slight damage to the throttle
The unit made a quick one-time inspection and found cable reta ining brackets and caused 72 circuit breakers to
a similar problem on another aircraft. pop.
How about your outfit? Investigation into this problem area is continuing.

ATTACK topic in morning
Editor, /SEPP one 66-1
TAC VA as a suggested
to mind to AFM
HQ AFB is forwarded which
Langley articlesome thoughts recent conversion
attached our
1. The It contains early in assigned
continuously primarily
ATTACK. Job Control procedures. have been I have beenbeen a
as I visited Management years I
rated,test. It has out
Maintenance although satisfaction
the past
field and, and flight personaland presenting
2. During career maintenanceI got more testing book said they
in the
materiel aircraftfor me and repairing, the good
concerned experience in maintaining, do everything
to fly
them. random to
rewardinginvolved that would how attached
of being with birdsout of
practicing in my
operations I did message
require into a reactionary chief
than important do a crew
would, is an overboard When a brake,
that there weapons systems we go changethe ridiculous.
3. I feel Complexbut sometimes management." on elimi-
thoughts. healthy or "improved an instrument, borders "66-1
keep themat "change" to range-mark reactionwho declare often damaging
backlash specialist indicator, of pilotsludicrous and
for a velocitystatementsequally
calls a vertical are Air Command
or zero the erroneous maintenance" morale. Tactical
Likewise, chief and to do and eliminating
crew on attitudes positionthe positive issue for
effect excellent management
in their is in an by "accentuatingmaintenance
one in I believe crew
ATTACK service buy
4. TAC a great about centralized it, I would because and the flight
and USAF ideas I could afford management maintenance supporting.
and maintenance
the negative" pages aircraft mutually
If you sold of boosting as good end, they are
the purposeas important In
is nothing it generates.
Lt Col,
JAMES Control Officer
Quality Ark 72076
314 TAWRock
is the crew chief dead?

As so often occurs during unit conversions from tasked to support him. No one has a greater responsibility
decentralized to centralized maintenance management for the condition of an aircraft or a more direct influ ence
systems, some individual s in both opera tions and on its operational readiness. He is the keystone, the singl e
maintenance functions make an erroneous assumption most important person involved and the man on the spot.
that is highly detrimental to efficient maintenance Unfortunately, the critics of centralized maintenance
accomp li shment and un it mora le. Their high ly vocal cries seem to have more influence than they shou ld and the
of anguish boil down to "The crew ch ief is dead and our result is degradation of the crew chief role. This is
airp lanes will certainly go to hell from lack of loving inevitably followed by a reaction which produces a
care." Nothing could be farther from the truth and these negative attitude among even basically good maintenance
uninformed spokesmen of doomsday are guilty of technicians that all maintenance and repair must be
seriously hindering the effective accomplishment of the accomplished by specialists. The attitude is sometime
unit mission. carried to absurd extremes and even develops into firm
Crew chief responsibilities, as we ll as th ose of his beliefs that flight line mechanics are prohibited from
supervisors, listed in AFM 66-1, Chapter 11 , TAC accomplishing even simple tasks associated with various
Supplement 1, leave no doubt that the foun dation for aircraft systems. Lost time, wasted resources, pointless
on-aircraft maintenance is a crew ch ief system. The arguments, and non-accomplishment often follow .
aircraft is his and its maintenance is his responsi bi lity. The When all else fails, read the directions; AFM 66-1,
entire maintenance managemen t system and al l of the paragraph 1-4d ,seems to be generally ignored even though it
assigned materi al resou rces are geared, organ ized, and contains t he most important and basic principle of the

Is the Crew Chief docks or Fi eld Maintenance."
Chapter 14 on Field Ma intenance clear ly establ ishes the
ro le of this function as basica ll y a shop repair activ ity
with additiona l capabi lity to ass ist other act ivities as a
DEAD? reserve of resources. Since the majority of the specia list
technicians are ass igned to Field and Av ion ics
ent ire maintenance management system. It says in part, Maintenance Squadrons, the following quote from
"Th e intent of the system is that specia li sts w ill (be) paragraph 14-2 is especial ly en lightening.
provided for those maintenance actions which are "Specialist support wil l be provided other maintenance
beyond the limits of skill, manpower, tools, act ivit ies when maintenance requ ired lies beyond the
equipment, or time available to the crew chief, dock technical capabilities of assigned personnel or
chief, work center supervisor or his counterpart for available equipment, or which will exceed their
aerospace vehicles, aerospace ground equ ipment , available time. "
tra ining eq uip ment, PME, mun it ions and ground There may be some question as to why I have chosen to
commu nicat ions electronic equipment." make an issue of t hi s matter of responsibility and why I
Since that statement is so genera lly misu nd erstood or presented it in th is way. Perhaps it is basic and obvious to
ignored, perhaps a li ne from Chapter 11, titled Flight Line the experienced materiel superv isor but the consequences
Maintenance, is in order . In pa ragraph 11-2 we find: of not getting everyone proper ly oriented initially,
"Spec ialist assistance wi II be requested through inc lud ing operations personne l , are not on ly ser ious but
work load cont rol when maintenance is required which extreme ly difficu lt to overcome . I strong ly recommend
exceeds the time available or which is beyond the training, publicity, meetings, and command support be
technical capabilities of assigned personnel and their utilized to firm ly establish in the minds of all personnel
equipment." the role of the crew chief and his responsibility for his
In the next paragraph, the manua l fu rther states: aircraft under AFM 66-1 . By emphasizing his importance
"Ma intenan ce which is w ith in the flight line capab ili ty and elim inating all impressions that he is limited to
w ill not be deferred f or later accomp lishment in the routine serv icing and inspection duties, we can obtain
more t imely maintenance actions, better spec ialist
utilization and mo re eff icient operation of the ent ire
maintenance complex. A possib le related advantage might
be less of the ground less but damag ing criticism wh ich
often is di rected toward AFM 66- 1 management.
No matter how you personally fee l about AFM 66-1, it
clearly establishes the crew chief at the center of the
entire ma intenance comp lex . It provides a centra l control
for the so le purpose of supporting him and his aircraft by
eff icient schedu ling of every materi el resource and
support act ivity which he requires to assist him. He has
only to eva lu ate his requ irements and request assistance
for actions beyond his own capab ilities. He is respon sible,
however , for completing every maintenance act ion within
his capabi li t ies without ass istance . Most important, he and
he alone is charged w ith the responsibility of supervising
every ind iv idual who works on his aircraft, regardless of
the worker 's specialty.
The crew ch ief is dead? Not if you read the directions,
follow the diagrams, and ab ide by the rules. Not if the
crew ch iefs we se lect are qualified, ambitious, and take
pr id e in accompl ish ing every action of which they are
capab le. Not if we, operations and maintenance
superv isors ali ke, acknowledge and support his position as
the most important individua l in the maintenance
management system. No sir, the crew ch ief is NOT dead .

14 JUNE 1972

Maintenance Man Safe~ Award

Master Sergeant David H. Wilson, 415 Special
Operations Training Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Florida,
has been selected to receive the TAC Maintenance Man
Safety Award for April 1972. Sergeant Wilson will receive
a letter of appreciation from the Commander of Tactical
Air Command and a Certificate.


Crew Chief Safe~ Award

Sergeant Steve M. Aoyagi, 48 Tactical Airlift
Squadron, Forbes Air Force Base, Kansas, has been
selected to receive the T AC Crew Chief Safety Award for
April 1972. Sergeant Aoyagi will receive a letter of
appreciation from the Commander of Tactical Air
Command and a Certificate.


Ground Safe~ Man of the Month

Master Sergeant Paul A. Usrey, 311 Munitions
Maintenance Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Florida, has been
selected to receive the T AC Ground Safety Man of the
Month Award for Apri l 1972. Sergeant Usrey will receive
a letter of appreciation from the Commander of Tactical
Air Command and a Certificate.
delay en route

by Capt William H. Wingo leave them in the radar scope face again. Unfortunately,
he did not miss them until already strapped in with the
Noon over the great American Southwest. Flight level right engine running, by which time it was too late to get
370. Clear and visibility unlimited. One-hour-fifteen out his other (winter) pair from the baggage pod. Oh well, he
of A r izona Air Patch, en route to Fun City on the third reasons, it's only a two-hour fl ight; he'll get them out at
day of a long weekend. The aircraft percolates as usual. Fun City and then get some more Nomex gloves at the
The Initia l Approach Fix is only about twenty minutes home base. No big deal.
away. One TACAN, maybe a couple of GCAs, and a full Time drags. Th is is primarily a proficiency mission,
stop. Concentrate and you can almost taste the prime rib. motoring all around the Southwest; but now the last
The AC is an o ld head, due to retire in a few months. checkpoint has passed below and they are headed for the
The G I B is a navigator with about 550 hours (in the F-4) . barn . Did somebody say (ever so softly) the word,
He has no gloves. He had some, but they were sto len from "Complacency"?
the aircraft at Arizona Air Patch, and he swears he will never Suddenly the AC is very excited, "Hey!" he says, "the

16 JUNE 1972
particular emp hasis; but fortunately the check I ist says
where the breakers are.
"Metropolis Center," the AC is saying, "Anonymous
21 , request emergency descent and vector to nearest
available airport for landing; have fuel problems."
"Roger, Anonymous," replies the Center, "nearest
airport Fri end ly Local Municipal. Say nature of fuel
problem and are you declaring an emergency?"
"Roger, declaring emerg ency. About five minutes
indicated fuel remaining. Request clearance direct. and
vector." Then, to the GIB: "How long is the runwa y at
Friendly Local?"
What? Well, let's see ... the letdown book ... no, it
doesn' t have a letdown . . . maybe the
supplement ... Friendly ... Friendly ... where the . .. ?
How long is the runway/ Well, they gave a course in
flight pubs, two years ago at Mather; where do you find
runway lengths?
By this time the AC has gotten his chart out and
determined that Friendly Loca l Municipal has 5000 feet;
long enough . "Did you pull those circu it breakers?" he
"Yes sir. How does it look?"
"It's not going down as fast, but it 's going to be close.
Put Friendly Local in the TACAN."
"Anonymous 21 ," says the Center, "you are cleared
present position direct to Friendly Local; bearing
approximately two-eight-four, thirty-seven miles. Contact
Metropolis Center two-eight-four-point-eight."
"Anonymous 21, Roger."
"Metropolis Center, Anonymous 21."
No answer.
For the first time, the GIB starts thinking about
ejecting. If the fuel runs out the engines will stop,
hydraulic pressure will be lost, and the aircraft will
become uncontrollable. Let's see ... tighten mask; lap
belt; chin strap; visor down; check leg restraints and
surviva l kit ... the metal buckles feel co lder than usual
and he realizes he has no gloves. Oh, my God. Well, there's
fuel! We're runnin g out of fuel!" no f ire (yet) and it's warm down there; it probably won't
"What?" says the GIB, reaching for the check list, be too bad, he thinks. Then he remembers that General
which is convenient ly located under the en route charts, (Spruance??) who burned his hands so badly with his
IFR supplement, and Form 70 . "What do you think it gloves ON in aT-Bird crash or something. It was in some
is?" safety magazine somewhere ... remember? The G I B
"Looks like reverse transfer to the externa ls," says the remembers vividly, pictures and al l.
AC. "I've got seven hundred pounds on the totali zer, and "Metropo li s Center ca lling on Guard; if you read,
it's stil l going down." answer on Guard."
Practically ripping pages from the checklist, the Guard. "Roger, Metropolis, Anonymous 21 on
GIB at last locates the procedure: Pull boost pump circuit Guard."
breakers, Monitor fue l quantity. Land ASAP . Bending "Roger, Anonymous. Contact Friendly Local radio on
almost double, the G I B hunts for the circuit breakers. Guard."
Since this is a non-boldface item, it has not been given any "Friendly Local, Anonymous 21."

get us some chocks- big ones?"
"We'll see wha t we can do."

delay en route The after-landing checks are completed as the aircraft

comes into the parking area. Two Cessnas and a Cherokee
six are parked nea rby.
"I never saw so many rocks in ·one place in my life,"
says t he AC. "This ramp has a definite slope to it; let's
"Roger, Anonymous, Friendly Local on Guard . Say make sure we're chocked good before shutting down ."
position." The aircraft stops about a hundred feet from the flight
"Twenty miles southeast." service station build ing. Out of the building comes t he
"Roger, we'll clear the pattern for you. Advise when Coun t y Deputy Sheriff, who just happened to be passing
the field is in sight." by and stayed to see the fun. He has two pieces of 4x4
"How's the fuel?" asks the G lB. lumber, and walks up to the plane as if he has been
"About three hundred and fifty, and still dropping," working on them all his life. He disappears under one wing
rep I ies the AC. and reappears on the other side, giving a thumbs-up signal.
Fortunately the weather is clear. Friendly Local is on a The AC shuts down.
river; there's the river, a town ... where's the airport? "Afternoon," says the sheriff, as the noise of the
Check the TACAN ... ten o'clock ... There! engine subsides and the crewmembers start unstrapping.
"Over there, sir! Ten-thirty low!" "Nice of you to drop in."
"Right. Friendly Local, we have the field in sight, "Long as we were in the neighborhood." says the G I B.
entering the pattern." "Hot out today, isn't it?"
"Roger, Anonymous, no known traffic." "Boy that's fo r sure. Hottest February I remember."
An angling entry almost directly into the pitch. "Wonder if I could use your telephone," says the AC.
Downwind. Gear. Flaps. Pressure. On final. "Sure, right in the buil d ing there. Sam (The FSS duty
"Two hundred pounds." says the AC. Less than the operat or) is all alone in there and couldn't leave his post.
indicator tolerance. Touchdown. Chute, brakes, slower, but he said you'd probably ask that."
slower ... stopped, with six hundred feet to spare. "Right. Well, I'll go get on the horn, but will you stay
Elapsed time from the onset of the emergency: about ten out here and pin up the seats?"
minutes. "Yes sir," says the GIB, and starts on his own . The AC
"Didn't even cycle the anti-skid," says the AC . Then goes into the building to make the first of many phone
suddenly he starts to swear. It is evident that he has calls.
twenty years in the Air Force. Now that the GIB thinks about it, it wasn't a very
"What's the matter?" asks the G I B. good idea to let that guy under the airplane, especially
"The fuel. It just went back up to 4800 pounds." with the engines running. He (the G I B) should have gotten
"You mean it's a gauge malfunction?" out over the wing and gotten the chocks himself.
"Looks like it. doesn't it? Rats!" That single word He finishes pinning the front seat just as the AC
conveys more disgust than the previous profanity. returns from his first call. "Will they hang us or shoot
The G IB can't think of anything to say. Many thoughts us?" he asks, in a probably inappropriate attempt at
run through his mind, as they must also be running humor. (He isn't really worried- not much anyway .
through the AC's. Finally the silence becomes unbearable. Certainly not as much as twenty minutes ago.)
"I guess we're stuck here," he says. "Neither, I hope," replies the AC. "They say we did
"You could say that," replies the AC. good, considering the indications we had. We're supposed
"Anonymous 21, Friendly Local Radio, is your to check the bird for FOD and tire damage, and sit tight.
emergency terminated?" They'll try to get some fuel and parts and ground troops
"That's affirmative, Friendly- hey, we're stil l on down by truck from Fun City Air Patch tomorrow. Hey,
Guard! -Say another frequency, please." thanks for your he lp, Sheriff."
"Roger, two-five-five-point-four." "That's all right," says the sher iff, "It was a dull day
"Friendly Local, say taxi instructions, please." (To anyway. Say, what kind of airplane is this?"
GIB) "Lord, look at all the gravel! This must be where "It's an F-4," says the AC.
they MAKE it." "Hey, I though so. Just like that Marine feller landed
"Roger, Anonymous. Turn left on the cross-taxiway, here a couple of years back."
then left again to the parking area." "Rats!" says the AC again . "After all that, to be
"Roger, clearing the active, and can you see if you can scooped by the Marines!"

18 JUNE 1972
the basic emergency (reverse transfer) nor the intricacies
of the flight pubs had received any specia l emphasis in the
squadron training program. Perhaps the safety and
stan/eval people were too busy corre cti ng the punctuation
in bold-face-emergency-procedures quizzes.
• Both crewmembers later confessed to momentary
thoughts of turning right around and taking off again.
Fortunately, reason prevailed and this possibil ity was
rejected, for severa l very good reasons:
•Th ey were not CERTAIN that the problem was
actua ll y the fuel quantity gauge, rather than reverse
transfer as originally suspected. (Later checks
accompl ished by the ground troops from Fun City proved
the gauge to be faulty and a new one was installed. Sti ll ,
this was unknown at the time.)
• The remaining indicated fuel, even if correct, was
insufficient for a takeoff, climb, cruise to destination, and
•Th e drag chute had been deployed. (A new one was
installed the next day before departing.)
• The possibility of FOD to the engines/tires/f laps/flight
contro ls was very rea l. (A thorough FOD check was
accomplished the next day and the cut ti re changed
before leaving. Th e Friendly Local Major was glad to send
the Municipal Euclid street-sweeper out to de-FOD the
"SCOOPED BY THE MARINES !" taxi route. Surprisingly, the runway was not too bad. This
was attributed to the light aircraft traffic which may have
kept it blown clear.)
EPILOG • Horribl e thoughts about the consequences of any
subsequent mishap, whether or not related to the original
In due course, the av iators returned with the airp lane problem. ("You say you were safe on the GROUND, and
to their home base. Damage was limited to a cut tire. The you TOOK OFF AGAIN?"- "Sorry about that, Chief.")
squadron had the usual complement of Monday morning MORAL: In such a situation, SIT TIGHT. The
quarterbacks, and the incident was replayed severa l times. temptation w i II not last long.
Although as far as the author is aware, no official
investigation fol lowed, several interesting points might • The G I B did a lot of thinking about gloves. This was
have been brought up at the board, if there had been one: the first (and LAST) time that he flew w ithout them; and,
• The AC later stated that he had "0 over 700" and that as stated, it was unintentional, although that hardl y made
at no time did he see the fuel low level light. This should any difference. Sometimes on subsequent flights at the
have indicated the likelihood of a gauge malfunction. home base, with different ACs, he wou ld look up over the
Even in retrospect, however, it is a poor argument for instrument pane l and see the AC's bare hand on the
pressing on . The AC looked at the gauge for the first time throttles. This has to be one of the most concrete
in several minutes, and thus could not be sure that the man ifestations of complacency in the book. Maybe a
fuel had not been going steadily down for some time . word to the self-sufficient wou ld be w ise.
Much better to land now and argue later. • Undoubtedly there are other lessons to be learned
• The G IB did not know how to read airport data blocks from this episode; hence the autho r's decision to subm it
on the en route chart. (He subsequently learned.) [Ed this story for publication. For a long time it seemed that
Note: A irport data blocks no longer appear on HI this might not be a good idea, since the aircrew's
charts.] This was his own fau lt, of course. He had not performance might have left someth ing to be desired. It is
expected to have to land at any field but a mi I itary base, safe to predict, however, that somewhere, sooner or later
with a T ACAN approach, 12,000 feet and a something quite sim ilar w ill happen to another aircrew;
barrier- wasn't all that required by Chapter 8? However, perhaps they will have read about this incident and will be
training might share at least some of the blame. Neither ab le to do a littl e better . __.:;::>

• • • interest items,

tac tips

ZAPPED Dash One and quite possibly prevented the loss of an

At 4000 feet and 350 knots on an instrument
departure in the soup, the F-4 was struck by lightning.
Complete electrical failure followed, resulting in the loss REDUCTION IN WEATHER SERVICES!
of all instruments except EGT, RPM, the standby attitude
indicator, and the angle of attack (AOA) indicator. The As a part of the overall redu ction in support functions,
ADI tumbled, the HSI froze, and both front and rear the CSAF has di rected a reduction in forecasting and
airspeed indicators read zero. The pilot selected the observing serv ices which will affect most USAF bases. Th e
STANDBY attitude source on the ADI (not to be initial manpower reduct ions wi ll take place during
confused with the standby attitude indicator which is April -June 1972 with the remainder scheduled for FY 73.
independent of the ADI) but it proved futile. What is the impact on aircrews?
A climb to visual conditions was accomplished using The concept of a continuous weather watch by a
the standby attitude indicator. Once in visual conditions, weather observer from a Representative Observation Site
the pilot cycled the generators and attempted to dump (ROS) iocated on the runway comp lex must of necessity
fuel with negative results on both counts. Add itionally, be abandoned. The observer and the indicato rs for the
communication was impossible because of radio and meteorological sensors will be moved out of the ROS into
IFF/SIF failures. the Base Weather Station (BWS) . Observations will be
By this time visual conditions prevailed at the made from that location and the observer will also
departure point so the pilot flew a NORDO (no radio) perform other tasks normally required in the BWS. In
pattern and used the AOA indicator for speed short, one observer will be attempting to do what two
approximations in order to lower the gear. The gear was observers are now doing; accordingly, weather
lowered using emergency gear lowering procedures and all observations may not be as timely or as accurate as they
gear position indicators functioned normally. A no-flap have been in the past.
approach was flown using a 15 unit AOA to a successfu l At many bases, forecaster service will be curtailed
touchdown. The drag chute was then deployed and a during the minimum traffic periods at night and on
departure end BAK-12 engagement was accomplished weekends. For aircrews requiring service during these
since no reliable speed reference was available. periods, provisions wi II be made to provide forecaster
Probably the single most important item of poop from support via telephone from specific stations that will
this incident was the fact that the standby attitude remain open 24 hours daily. These stations will be known
indicator continued to provide usable information for as Regional Briefing Stations (RBS) and will be selected to
several minutes (5 to 10) after power failure even though cover the CONUS geographically. Details concerning the
the"off" flag was visible . This was just as advertised in the RBSs, telephone numbers, etc., will be available in each

20 JUNE 1972
mishaps with morals, for the TAC atrcrewman

weather station. In addition, Air Weather Service (AWS) station a crew member or other responsible person in a
will establish self-b riefing displays in weather stations position to prevent thoughtless and irresponsible acts such
where forecaster service is reduced. as this.
In summary, some degradation of weather serv ice is
expected as a result of the reduced capability of AWS.
Observations may not always be current because a
weather observer will be unable to maintain a continuous
meteorological watch. Local forecaster service at many An add-on installation in some C-130As operated by
stations will no longer be ava il able on a 24-hour basis. the Guard and Reserves is ca using headaches, externally
Information for DO Forms 175-1 will be provided induced headaches that is.
remotely by telephone at these locations. This may At some point in the A model's past, a galley was
require a wait for forecaster service . The understanding installed on the cargo compartment side of station 245
and cooperation of aircrews and operat ions personnel wil l (the bulkhead that separates the flight deck from the
lessen the impact of this new reduced support concept. cargo compartment). This galley unit, with its sharp
corners protruding, invites head-splitting encounters with
troops performing normal crew or maintenance duties.
IT ALMOST HAPPENED This unit is not a base line item on the C-130A, so if its
function is no longer required action can be taken through
The paratroopers were on board the C-130 and number LG channels to remove it from the airplane.
three and four engines had been started. As the pilot Should your unit decide to retain the galley, be sure
pressed the starter button on number two, a trooper that all concerned are warned of its hazard potential and
dashed out of the crew entrance door and ran back to the make it plainly visible to crew members and passengers
left paratroop door passing through the arc of number alike by markings, paint, or other identifiers.
two prop. When the loadmaster, acting as fire guard, saw
the trooper start his dash he yelled over the interphone OH HELL !
Th e pilot pul led out the starter button and returned During the cockpit preflight, the F-100 pilot, while
the cond iti on lever to ground stop in time to keep the attempting to check the fire and overheat warning lights,
prop from rotating. Two seconds more and there would inadvertently pushed the external load emergency jettison
have been a head rolling around on the ramp. button .
It becomes our responsibility to guard against stup idity As the left and right 355 gallon external fuel tanks
by briefing passengers or paratroopers to remain seated smacked the concrete and split open, you could almost
until clea red to exit the aircraft, and, when possib le, to hear the pilot murmur a soul rendering "Oh Hell!"

SPO's Corner

ATT/lA THE HUN resulti ng in an early rotation, a brief immensely. For instance, what
TRAMPLES THE TULIPS period of very low altitude gyrations, runway markings are available?
followed by a reaffirmation of the Answer this question and your line
A recent F-100 takeoff accident Hun's love for the ground, t hen a high speed and takeoff distance wi II be
.points out a situation which many of speed trip off the edge of the runway. more useful than just a couple of
us take for granted : Strange Field Pilots do an outstanding job of numbers on your kneeboard.
TAKEOFFS. All the publicity to date determining the 1500 or 2500 foot
has been directed at strange field point at the home drome and even the Capt AI Mosher
Ian dings, and for some reason takeoff distance is found with some
everyone considers the takeoff "no accuracy. But, put a pilot on a strange UNNECESSARY FOD
sweat". field and some real WAGS come into
The problem the Hun driver the picture. Th is should not be! A few Not too long ago, an F-4 took off
got into was not relating ground extra minutes looking over an airfield for a low level and range mission.
distance to airspeed indications, diagram in base ops would help Unable to get into the range due to a
fire danger, he RTB'd and landed.
During post-flight inspection, FOD
was discovered in the left engine.
Markings on the damaged engine
matched a unique bolt found on a
Dart tow target. Additionally, a small
piece of aluminum foil was found in
the burner section. Cause? No - the
same aircraft hadn't been used by an
aggressive Dart killer the day before -
20 minutes before the aircraft had

22 JUNE 1972
taken off on the above mentioned f -I 00 DRY OUT flight. Further inflight adjustment
mission, an F-4 Dart tow aircraft had may be necessary, but do not turn the
inadvertently dragged a Dart on F-1 00 Dry Out- Th is problem has defrost all the way off. This should
takeoff. The RSO had observed the been around since day one in the Hun help those of us who tend to
Dart dragging but hadn't advised and we sti II don't have an adequate FORGIT! During your pre-descent
anyone or requested a runway check. fix or special guidance in the Dash check, open the defroster up again
We all know this target is a relatively One. Namely, it 's the problem of and then as you penetrate, partially
flimsy gadget and when it comes in moisture co ll ecting, f reezing, and close the defroster as necessary to
contact with concrete or asphalt, lousing up the airspeed indicator. keep your maps and approach plate
pieces will probably come off of it. How many times have you seen the from blowing all over the cockpit.
Runway Supervisory Officers must f ix fo r inoperable or fau lty airspeed (Also it gets awfully hot if you don't.)
insure that any deviation from indicators turn out to be, "water Although this "technique" is not
standard procedures or any unusual drained from system, ground checks addressed in any of our publications, I
occurrence that they observe is OK"? think it is a good one and if "passed
brought to the proper agency's The follow ing hint, which was on" may just PREVENT that loss of
attention. In this case an immediate passed on to me when I first checked the airspeed indicator which may
runway inspection would have been out, may serve you well. As you are eventua ll y bite some unsuspecting
appropriate. Engine damage from going through your pre-start checks jock.
foreign objects continues to account and setting up the cockpit Also, how about some feedback
for many lost manhours and dollars. pressurization and temperature, run from the field as I'm trapped here
Everyone must take advantage of any the defroster lever ful l forward and with no hardware and what's worse -
opportunity to alleviate or reduce this leave it there until ready for takeoff. no windows! (A weatherman's
problem . At that time close the defroster, but dream!)
NOT all the way . Just leave it cracked
Maj Burt Miller to a point where it is comfortable in Capt AI Mosher
by Major Bob Lawler

PMOS is a new term to you pilots accomplished and results have been approximately 22 miles. During
who are still doing it the hard way. highly successfu l . Evaluation norma l mode, aircraft track is shown
(Eat your heart out.) However, to confirmed that: under the lubber line, which is read
A-70 pilots PMOS is a reality and an 1. PMOS increases the pilot's against the rotating azimuth ring. The
easy so lution to the navigation confidence in his navigation system . display can be oriented either track
problem. What the devil is PMOS? 2. Posit i on up-dating and upward or north upward. In either
The letters stand for, PROJECTED destination revisions are simple, mode, bearing to a se lected point is
MAP DISPLAY SYSTEM. It is a quick, and accurate. obtained by reading the destination
dynamic, pictorial display of the 3. There is a signif icant reduction bearing point er against the az imuth
aircraft's position and progress, in cockpit navigation workload. ring.
directly related to the terrain over 4. 0 p e r a t i o n s m i s s i o n When the 'hold' button is pressed,
which the machine is moving. Most effectiveness is increased. the pilot moves the map by using the
pilots are not aware that they need 5. Using PMOS vastly improves "bull-pupper" or "slew switch" to
PMOS; however, once you've used it safety of flight. slew the map to any position . This
you're hooked. It sure takes the bind It's a great system . .. to control is used both for up-dating and
out of wondering where you are over determine the position at any time fo r destination revisions, and provides
the ground when asked that during flight, requires only a glance at a closed loop to the computer for
embarrassing question by a ground the display. Thus, the pilot can correcting the navigation system.
controller . remain terrain-oriented regard less of Operation of a scale selector switch
For maximum confidence in the weather, visibility, altitude, speed, or automatically slews the film to
aircraft's navigation system , a pilot enemy electronic countermeasures. present the aircraft position relative
has to relate the aircraft position to a The display provides the pilot with a to the new map sca le.
point on a map. Before PMOS, th is fu 11 -co lor projection of standard Any standard aeronautical chart
was done by translating the aeronautical charts at selectab le can be used to produce films for the
information provided on the sca les. For examp le, two sca les of PMOS. The selected map area is
navigation instruments to a hand held 1:500,000 and 1:2,000,000 are being divided into east-west rows. From
m a p; an i neff i c i en t a n d used in A-70 aircraft. Commerc ial each row, frames are photographed on
time-consuming task at best. Keeping aircraft use 40, 20, 10, and 2 nautical a continuous roll of 35mm color, or
up-to-date and making continuous miles per inch depending upon the ir black and white film. The processed
updates is laboriou s, and, if made requirements. film is inserted into a film cassette for
during high activity period, prone to How does the pilot use the use in the PMOS. The 35mm film is
errors. High-speed aircraft, complex display? T he aircraft is normally commercial ly available and is NOT
flight plans, and an ever-increasing represented by t he sma ll circle encoded in any way. It has exce ll ent
demand on the pilot's time and engraved in the center of the 5 in ch color characteristics and resolution.
attention have combined to place a diameter screen. At 1:500,000 scale Another featurel In addition to
heavy workload on the pilot. Maybe the area visible on the screen is the map areas covered, there is film
you're already getting the idea that approximately 25 miles in diameter. allowance for static data frames to
PMOS is the solution! However, to increase the ability to store information such as checklists,
But, let 's look at it further. It was "look ahead," the pilot may select the emergency procedures, approach
developed for use in a variety of decenter mode. The aircraft is then plates, target photos, and test
aircraft from tactical fighters and represented by the origin of the radar patterns.
helicopters to superson ic transports. graticule near the bottom of the If you're not convinced that PMOS
Comprehensive testing and screen, providing t he pilot with a is here to stay, and the way to go,
installation in all A-70s has been forward viewing distance of then you haven't tried it!

24 JUNE 1972

1- GO/NO-GO self test indication by 9- HOLD button enables SLEW for

test-pattern display. normal position/destination up-dating
2- DATA mode calls up index chart - of digital navigation system.
specific chart selected by SLEW (or 10- Range counter displays nautical miles
BULL-PUPPER). to destination.
3- NORM mode results in track-oriented 11- MAN SLEW is omni-directional,
dynamic map display. rate-proportional joy-stick used in
4- N UP mode changes map orientation NORM or MAN mode map slewing
to North . and DATA mode chart selection.
5- MAN mode provides manual slew 12- LOG button calls up approach chart
backup for central computer failure. and range and bearing to nearest
6- Destination bearing pointer. airfield.
7- Scale switch selects 1 :2,000,000 JN 13- DIM controls projection lamp
or 1:500,000 PC maps. brightness.
8- LAMP switch selects spare if 14- DE CT R button offsets position
projection lamp fails. display to apex of radar graticule. ___.::::...

,. ,.. I'll ,. . . J,

111 I

weapons words
Have Yau Heard?
by Lt Col J. E. Falconer
Chief, Nuclear Safety Branch
HQ TAC/SEW, Langley AFB, Va.

The latest version of AFM 35-99, the Human examples of unauthorized acts which could contribute to
Reliability Program , provides specific guidance in areas the possibility of nuclear det onation. The Human
that have previously been considered vague, confusing, or Reliability Program is directed toward the prevention of
difficult to administer. For instance : such unauthorized acts; it provides commanders at all
....,_ Clarification has been provided concerning who echelons with the means to insure that "suspected
should be under the program. The emphasis is placed on unreliables" are denied access to nuclear weapons.
whether an individual's duties require "regular and The 10 June 1971 revision of AFM 35-99, Human
frequent" access rather than the assignment of a specific Rel iability Program, provides clear guidance for the
AFSC. In TAC, any unit exercising contingency plans identification of personnel requiring access to nuclear
involving nuclear weapons on a regular basis (at least weapons. Because of the uncertainty regarding the human
annually or more often) must maintain certification on factor in nuclear safety, there is always a possibility that
applicable personnel. Units supporting other commands' some individuals identified under the H RP are not
nuclear role on a rotational basis must also maintain HRP reliable, or may become unre liable. The difficulty of
certification on those personnel qualifying. assuring "reliability" requires that all elements of the Air
~Additionally, the administrative procedures involved in Force Nuclear Safety Program be applied to personnel
processing AF Form 286, "Human/Personnel Reliability identified under the Human Reliability Program . Among
Certificate," have been streamlined. This form is initiated these is the requi rement for both members of a two-man
by the Consolidated Base Personnel Office (CBPO) in four team as defined in AFR 122-4 to be identified under the
copies. After all qualification and screening actions have HRP . Also the fact that an individual is identified does
been taken, each participating function receives a copy for not lessen the requirement that he observe all nuclear
the ir files. safety ru les, security requirements, and special safety
~Also, the red triangle method of identification of precautions. In addition, every individual identified under
medical records of personnel under HRP will no longer be the Human Reliability Program must be evaluated
used. Instead, an AF Form 745, "Air Force Reliability constantly by his fel low workers and supervisors.
Program," identification insert will be filed in the medical Evidence of attitudes or behavior which may reflect
records of the individual and his dependents. adversely upon any individ ual's reliability should
The importance of the Human Reliability Program promptly be brought to the attention of that individual's
cannot be overstated. Although nuclear weapons are commander.
designed so they are safe to store, handle, maintain, A T AC supplement to the regulation has been
transport, and deploy, their destructive power and formalized and is nearing publication. (The key elements
contribution to our deterrent capability require that of this supplement were implemented earlier by interim
extraordinary measures be employed to insure that they message supplement.) Although this program is relatively
are not subject to unauthorized acts. Of specific concern simp le, its numerous, but necessary, administrative details
is any act which would contribute to the possibility of have been targets in many recent Inspector General
unauthorized detonation . The loss of an intact weapon reports. In order to better accomplish your part of this
into unfriendly hands, the unauthorized arming, important program and perhaps save yourself from
launching, firing, or releasing of a weapon, or tampering unnecessary write-ups, get a copy of this revised
with a critical component of a nuclear weapon system, are regulation and read up. _.::;:-

26 JUNE 1972



(aptain Gary G. Van De Putte, 424th Tactical Air at a civil field 25 miles away. During descent through a
Support Training Squadron, Eglin Air Force Auxiliary broken cloud deck several more engine explosions
Field 3 (Duke Field). Florida, has been selected as the occurred .
Tactical Aircrewman of Distinction for April 1972. High key was established at 4000 feet MSL with gear
Captain Van De Putte and his student were climbing and flaps down. The power setting remained unchanged
through 13,500 feet on a high altitude training mission in during the engine out pattern, however, on final approach
a OU·22B when a muffled engine explosion occurred . The at 400 feet and approximately one-quarter mile from the
cockpit filled with smoke and the engine began to vibrate runway, the engine quit. Landing was accomplished
moderately. without further incident.
Captain Van De Putte took control of the aircraft, An after-landing inspection revealed two holes in the
turned toward home base, and directed both engine block and pieces of a connecting rod lying on top
crewmembers to go on 100 percent oxygen and to open of the engine.
the side vent windows. Engine vibrations became severe Captain Van De Putte's superb airmanship, combined
and oil pressure dropped to zero PSI as oil spewed over with his calm, logical handling of a serious inflight
the engine cowling and windscreen. emergency eminently qualify him as a Tactical
Captain Van De Putte reduced power to minimize Aircrewman of Distinction.
engine vibration and elected to attempt a forced landing _;::;:-

he was a good worker

the supervisor's attitude:

Hwhat do you expect me to do? i can't watch

basis for improving our accident prevention program.

The young airmen en li st ing in the USAF today are
drawing nearly $4,000 net pay per annum. This is a
by TSgt Charles P. McManis substant ial inc rease in buying powe r as compared with a
Safety Technician mere five years ago. This sum is a fortune to many young
354 TFWg, Myrtle Beach AFB, S.C. men, who, a few short month s before had been limited to
a parental all owance. In the majority of cases, these
airmen are not ma rried. Hence, what do they do with
their money/ Here's what two were able to do :
(1) Initially pay out an all eged $ 1,000 for car insurance.
(2) Rent a motel room downtown for a week, li ve
The following facts came to light during a recent there , and
accident investigation of a private motor vehicle acc ident (3) Commute to work in a LATE model car wh ich they
in which one airman received fata l injuries and another themselves were too young to contract for. (As a result,
was seriou sly maimed . Thi s commentary may have a they persuaded an unsuspecting parent to co-sign the
definite bearing on why there are so many accidents contract.)
involving our younger airmen and may help provide a This was not enough, for they were stil l "rollin' in the

28 JUNE 1972
the individual who makes the statement doesn't take
enough interest t o watch him even one hour a day. Why?
Because he cannot and will not permit himself to look
beyond his own interests. To put it even more simply and
realistically, as long as he (the supervisor) is okay and
nothing annoys him, he's happy. Even more than this, he
has no love for his fellowman or the USAF as long as he
gets his supposed due; money, stability, security, and
prestige .
Strange isn't it ... the supervisor's pattern fits the
young man's. The airman's pattern coincides exactly with
that of the supervisor who can't believe it really
happened. Why can't he believe it? As a product of human
nature, the willingness of younger airmen to follow an
example is a trait we exploit to achieve personal
discipline. Why then can't we accept the fact that our
examples have both positive and negative aspects?
Accepting that, what can you do?
In essence, you are the leader and the supervisor. It is
him 24 hours a day." your responsibility to make every effort to recognize your
shortcomings, and at the same time convey a clear picture
of the responsible adult citizen to your subordinates. You
must be able to identify with the new breed of airmen,
their lighter controls and increased financial freedom. It is
up to all commanders and supervisors to attain and
demonstrate an active interest in these personnel and
supply firm, precise, and mature guidance. At the same
time, when the "bad egg" shows up, don't ignore him;
dough." They decided to jaunt across the countryside to that certainly won't make him disappear. Take
their hometown and flash their money over the bar in an appropriate means to control him, and, if the situation
effort to impress their friends with their new found doesn't improve, let's throw the rotten one out before it
freedom and wealth. Being independent, they didn't have decays the others.
to go home and get "un-needed" rest. Instead, the clock
was as endless as their money, their ability to consume
alcohol and their desire to drive cars fast and
furious ........ CRASH!! It happened !
Next, the investigation- and here's how it usually goes. A SUPERVISOR IS A LEADER ...
Someone has the gall to say, "Why did this accident
happen? This airman was an outstanding worker," or, "He
was one of my best drivers'" In almost every case, he was ISN'T HE ?
allegedly a very responsible individual. The Commander or
First Sergeant will say, "He wasn't au t horized to subsist
off base. I don't understand it!" Invariably, the
supervisor's next question is, "What do you expect me to
do, I can't watch him 24 hours a day!" Chances are that

letters to the editor

In the January 72 issue TAC ATTACK
featured a story entitled "Ride 'Em Cowboy" by
George A. Reynolds which first appeared in the
spring 1970 issue of the AEROSPACE
HISTORIAN magazine. We erroneously referred

lo to this excellent periodical as the AIR FORCE

HISTORIAN for which we offer our deepest
apologies. . .. . Ed.

The March 1972 issue of T AC ATTACK
contains the usual factual and authoritative
articles of interest to all readers. Captain William
Green Apples-Red Faces B. James' article on page 28, " New Look in
Aircraft Maintenance Management," was of
In reference to the article entitled "Green particular interest to our unit since we are among
Apples," that appeared in TAC ATTACK April those converting to the AFM 66-1 maintenance
1972 issue, I would like to correct the system. I would like to mention, however, that
information concerning activation of the this paragraph 5 reference to office symbols for
emergency oxygen cylinder ("bailout bottle") . the Deputy Commanders for Logistics and
The last paragraph stated: "Pulling it (green Operations would not be " DCL" and "DCO" as
apple) will not only give you oxygen, but it will printed, but rather "LG" and "DO", respectively.
force you to slow your breathing." This The intent of AFM 10-6 is to standardize office
statement is not entirely correct. Activation of symbols at all levels of echelon as evidenced by
the emergency cylinder by pulling the green apple Captain James' own symbol T AC/LGMMP. While
will give you 100 percent oxygen under a positive titles change at various headquarters office
pressure, but it DOES NOT force you to slow symbols do not, hence the Deputy Chief of Staff,
your breathing. In fact, an individual will tend to Logistics, at Hq TAC, has the symbol "LG," to
breathe faster to try to compensate for the confirm the AFM 10-6 application.
oxygen pressure being delivered to the mask. The We thoroughly enjoy your fine magazine and
increased rate and depth of breathing will only wish you many continued years of equal success.
accentuate the hyperventilation problem. Hopefully the aforementioned comments will not
The proper method of treating be considered as "nit-picking," but the article
hyperventilation is to personally monitor your references have caused slight concern on our wing
breathing cycle. Pause, momentarily, between staff during this time of conversion.
inhalation and exhalation. If necessary mentally
count to four before starting another cycle. Captain Ronald W. French
Chief of Administration,
Nathaniel E. Villaire, Capt., USAF 516th TAW, Dyess AFB, TX
Physiological Training Officer
USAF Regional Hospital, Langley AFB, VA. I can see where some confusion might arise. However,
the article did not intend to imply that "DCL" and
You're quite right. I've directed the editor to remove the "DCO" were office symbols. Rather they were
egg from his face and to take a refresher course in abbreviations (jargon) to identify the office holder rather
physiological training. Ed. than the administrative office symbol. Ed.

30 JUNE 1972

* U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINT ING OFFICE : 1972· 483.317/10

UNITS *Estimated
Thru Apr

RATE COMPARISON 1972 1971 1972 1971


TAC ANG AFRes 9AF 1 1.2 2 2.3 12AF 4 3.0 2 1.5

1972 1971 1972 1971 1972Jl971

23TFW 0 0 0 0
1 TFW 0 0 0 0
27 TFW 1 1 2 .4 0 0
JAN 0 1.6 0 16. 7 0 0
4 TFW 0 0 0 0
35TFW 0 0 0 0
FEB 0 .8 1.6 0 11.6 0 0
31 TFW 1 49TFW 1 9 .5 0 0
0 0 12.7

58 TFTW 1 5.1 1 5.6

MAR 1.6 3.1 6.3 7.0 0 0
33TFW 0 0 0 0
67TRW 0 0 0 0
APR 3. 0 2.7 8 .0 4.9 0 0 71 TASG 0 0
6 8 TAS G 0 0 0 0 0 0

313 TAW 0 0 0 0
MAY 2.5 5 .7 0 3 16 TAW 0 0 0 0
314 TAW 0 0 0 0
3 17 TAW 0 0 0 0
JUN 2.6 6 .9 0 355 TFW 0 0 0 0

354 TFW 1 2 .0 347 TFW 0 0 0 0

1 0 0
JUL 2.9 7.1 0
474 TFW 1 8 .2 0 0
363 TRW 0 0 0 0
AUG 2.7 7.8 2.7 516 TAW 0 0 0 0
4403 T FW 0 0 0 0
SEP 3 .2 7 .4 2.4

OCT 3.2 6.9 2.1

!SOW 0 0 2 9.3 4410 SOTG 3 3 2 .0 0 0
NOV 3.3 6 .9 2.0
2ADG 0 0 0 0 4485 TS 0 0 0 0
57 FWW 0 0 0 0 4500 ABW 0 0 0 0
DEC 3.2 6.4 1.8

APR 72



6 13 12 TOTAL ACCIDENTS 3 8 4
5 9 7 MAJOR 3 7 4

67% 56% l 00% PERCENT SUCCESSFUL 100% 100% 67%

'" , I,, II
\wl,, , \I,. ·~ I \1/J
1 II ~,,
V/1 I I

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