Medical Terminology Chapter 3

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Medical Terminology Chapter 3

Blood is held back from an area - correct answer ischemia

neutrophil - correct answer polymorphonuclear leukocyte

pertaining to the groin - correct answer inguinal

-ptosis - correct answer falling, drooping, prolapse

-stomy - correct answer new opening

my/o - correct answer muscle

-malacia - correct answer softening

-phobia - correct answer fear

-plasia - correct answer formation

-pathy - correct answer disease condition

-plasty - correct answer surgical repair

-emia - correct answer blood condition

-penia - correct answer deficiency

-trophy - correct answer nourishment or development

-megaly - correct answer enlargement

surgical puncture to remove fluid from the sac around the embryo - correct answer amniocentesis

inflammation of lymph tissue in the throat - correct answer tonsillitis

enlargement of extremities after puberty due to pituitary gland problem - correct answer acromegaly

pain in the ear - correct answer otaglia

chronic - correct answer continuing over a long period of time

arteriole - correct answer small artery

cystocele - correct answer hernia of the urinary bladder

tumor of bone marrow (cancerous) - correct answer multiple myeloma

myelogram - correct answer x-ray record of the spinal cord

berry-shaped (spheroidal) bacteria - correct answer -cocci

-graph - correct answer instrument to record

resembling - correct answer -oid

an eosinophil is a - correct answer leukocyte

removal of a voice box - correct answer laryngectomy

angioplasty means - correct answer surgical repair of a blood vessel

a blood cell that produces antibodies - correct answer lymphocyte

the opposite of -malacia is - correct answer -sclerosis

excessive development - correct answer hypertrophy

-therapy - correct answer treatment

surgical creation of a permanent opening to the outside of the body - correct answer -stomy

beyond control (spread of a cancerous tumor) - correct answer metastasis

condition (disease) of the lung - correct answer pneumonia

leukopenia - correct answer deficiency in white blood cells

platelet - correct answer clotting cell

incision of a cell - correct answer phlebotomy

necr/o - correct answer death

pertaining to between the ribs - correct answer intercostal

pertaining to the opposite side - correct answer contralateral

protrusion of an eyeball - correct answer exophthalmos

a congenial anomaly - correct answer syndactyly

symbiosis - correct answer parasitism is an example

signs and symptoms precede an illness - correct answer prodrome

ante cibum - correct answer before meals

protein substances made by leukocytes - correct answer antibodies

symphysis - correct answer bones grow together, as in the pelvis

ultrasonography - correct answer sounds waves and echoes are used to create an image

change in shape or form - correct answer metamorphosis

increase in cell size; increased development - correct answer hypertrophy

retroperitoneal - correct answer behind the abdomen

antigens - correct answer streptococci

relapse - correct answer return of disease symptoms

dia- - correct answer complete, through

abductor muscle - correct answer carries a limb away from the body

dyspnea - correct answer difficult breathing

brady- - correct answer slow

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