Stedman's Medical Terminology Chapter 3

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Stedman's Medical Terminology Chapter

aden/o - correct answer gland

blast/o - correct answer immature cell

cyt/o - correct answer cell

epitheli/o - correct answer epithelium (type of tissue)

fibr/o - correct answer fiber

gluc/o, glyc/o - correct answer glucose, sugar

hem/o, hemat/o - correct answer blood

hist/o - correct answer tissue

hydr/o - correct answer water, fluid

lei/o - correct answer smooth

lip/o - correct answer fat

morph/o - correct answer form, shape

my/o, myos/o - correct answer muscle

necr/o - correct answer death

neur/o - correct answer nerve

nucle/o - correct answer nucleus

oste/o - correct answer bone

path/o - correct answer disease (prefix)

sarc/o - correct answer flesh

troph/o - correct answer nourishment

viscer/o - correct answer internal organs

-cyte - correct answer cell

-oma - correct answer tumor

-osis - correct answer abnormal condition

-pathy - correct answer disease (suffix)

-plasia - correct answer formation, growth

-sis - correct answer condition, process

-stasis - correct answer stopped, standing still

body system - correct answer group of organs with related structure or function

cell - correct answer smallest independent unit of living structure

chromosome - correct answer structure in cell nucleus bearing genes

cytoplasm - correct answer substance of a cell excluding the nucleus

gene - correct answer functional unit of heredity occupying a specific place on a chromosome

nucleus - correct answer central structure in cells containing chromosomes

cytology - correct answer study of cells

histology - correct answer study of cells and tissues

homeostasis - correct answer state of equilibrium

metabolism - correct answer sum of the normal chemical and physical changes occurring in tissue

organ - correct answer a differentiated structure of similar tissues or cells with a specific function

somatic - correct answer pertaining to the body

systemic - correct answer pertaining to the body as a whole

tissue - correct answer aggregation of similar cells performing a specific function

visceral - correct answer pertaining to the internal organs

acute - correct answer referring to a disease of sudden onset and brief course

chronic - correct answer referring to a persistent disease or illness

etiology - correct answer study of cause or disease

exacerbation - correct answer an increase in the severity of a disease or symptoms

hyperplasia - correct answer excessive growth of tissue

idiopathic - correct answer related to a disease of unknown cause

inflammation - correct answer cytologic and chemical changes in tissue in response to an injury or

lesion - correct answer a pathologic change in tissue resulting from disease or injury

necrosis - correct answer pathologic death of cells or tissue

pathogen - correct answer any virus, microorganism, or other substance that causes disease

remission - correct answer lessening in severity of disease symptoms

abdomin/o - correct answer abdomen

acr/o - correct answer extremity, tip

brachi/o - correct answer arm

cervic/o - correct answer neck

lumb/o - correct answer lumbar region, lower back

ped/o, pod/o - correct answer foot

pelv/i - correct answer pelvis

thorac/o - correct answer thorax, chest

abdomen - correct answer the section of the trunk between the pelvis and chest

cranium - correct answer skull

diaphragm - correct answer muscle between the abdominal and thoracic cavities

extremity - correct answer limb

pelvic region - correct answer area of the pelvis below the abdomen

thorax - correct answer chest; upper part of the trunk

cranial cavity - correct answer hollow area within the skull occupied by the brain

thoracic cavity - correct answer hollow area within the chest occupied by the lungs, heart, and other
abdominal cavity - correct answer hollow area within the abdomen occupied by the digestive and other

spinal cavity - correct answer hollow area within the spine occupied by the spinal cord

pelvic cavity - correct answer hollow area within the pelvis occupied by certain reproductive, urinary, and
digestive organs

abdominopelvic regions - correct answer nine specific anatomic regions of the abdominopelvic cavity

umbilical region - correct answer central abdominal region

epigastric region - correct answer abdominal region above the umbilical region

hypogastric region - correct answer abdominal region below the umbilical region; also called suprapubic

lumbar region (left and right) - correct answer abdominal regions to left and right of umbilical region

iliac region (left and right) - correct answer abdominal region to left and right of hypogastric region

abdominopelvic quadrants - correct answer left lower quadrant (LLQ)

left upper quadrant (LUQ)

right lower quadrant (RLQ)

right upper quadrant (RUQ)

anter/o - correct answer front

caud/o - correct answer tail

cephal/o - correct answer head

dors/o - correct answer back

infer/o - correct answer below

later/o - correct answer side

medi/o - correct answer middle

poster/o - correct answer back

proxim/o - correct answer near point of origin

super/o - correct answer above

ventr/o - correct answer belly

circum- - correct answer around

epi- - correct answer on, following

inter- - correct answer between

intra- - correct answer within

peri- - correct answer around, surrounding

retro- - correct answer backward, behind

sub-, infra- - correct answer below, beneath

supra-, super- - correct answer above

cephalad - correct answer toward the head

caudad - correct answer towards the tail

superior - correct answer above or upward

inferior - correct answer below or downward

anterior - correct answer toward the front of the body

posterior - correct answer toward the back of the body

ventral - correct answer pertaining to the belly, front

dorsal - correct answer pertaining to the back

lateral - correct answer pertaining to the side

medial - correct answer pertaining to the middle

unilateral - correct answer pertaining to one side only

bilateral - correct answer pertaining to both sides

proximal - correct answer nearer the trunk or point of origin

distal - correct answer away from the trunk or point of origin

superficial - correct answer near the surface

deep - correct answer far from the surface

anteroposterior (AP) - correct answer from front to back

anatomic position - correct answer body in standard reference position: standing erect, arms at the
sides, palms facing forward

decubitus - correct answer lying down

dorsal recumbent - correct answer lying on back with legs bent and feet flat

Fowler position, semirecumbent - correct answer lying on back with head of bed raised 45 degrees

lateral recumbent - correct answer lying on the side

prone - correct answer lying face down

supine - correct answer lying face up

plane - correct answer an imaginary surface that extends through two definite points
coronal plane, frontal plane - correct answer vertical plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior

sagittal plane - correct answer vertical plane dividing the body into left and right halves

transverse plane - correct answer horizontal plane dividing the body into upper and lower halves

chlor/o - correct answer green

chrom/o - correct answer color

cyan/o - correct answer blue

erythr/o - correct answer red

leuk/o - correct answer white

melan/o - correct answer black, dark

xanth/o - correct answer yellow

chloroma - correct answer abnormal mass of green cells

chromaturia - correct answer abnormal coloration of urine

cyanosis - correct answer blue discoloration of the skin and othertissues

erythrocyte - correct answer red blood cell

leukocyte - correct answer white blood cell

melanoma - correct answer tumor characterized by dark appearance

xanthoderma - correct answer yellow coloration of the skin

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