Inquisitor Issue 17

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PO Box 14485 • Santa Rosa, CA• 95402-6485 • Tim Dup
9 Voice/Fax E-Mail: Web s·etrtuis •
:=5 e e
(707) 576 - 161 I e: http/
NEW Issue Numbe

WARHAMMERS40.000 RELEASE Inquisitor is

P.O. Box 144!


Our new superdetailed Warh~er 40,00? are considen
Baneblade model kit is now available. T~s all and copyrig
. .th a much higher level of detail than rial. Nothin1
new kit, w1 . l d" ten pennissi
urrent kits has 100 parts me u mg sion is granl
any of our c ' dd .
guns that elevate, separate road wheels an nve etc. for pers
sproc ke ts, detai led tracks ' separate. metal hatches Inquisitor i
al lowing the posing of figures, rad10 antennas_ Games Wo
and more. We are also offering a metal track hnk and Epic® ;
set to replace the tank's resin tracks for model~rs shop Ltd. '
Titan and ,
who would like to have all metal tracks on theu Worksh op
tank. of tradem,
ings, imag1
property o
intended I
optional, '
Yes folks , some of the rumors are true, Games Workshop is encourag
terminating our license to produce resin Warhamrner 40,000 rules cha
models as of October 1, 1998. players t
credit in
be typed
Warhammer 40,000 Model Availability 'Warhammer®40 1 000 \ disk. Pie
Annorcast has a 120 day period AFTER the October 1 termina- them ret
tion date in which to sell off remaining models, so we will be
M odels Currently Available:
'.,ao s Cannon of Khome $30
able to sell models until January 31 , 1999. All model s will be ·. ·irne Cauldron of Blood $40 copies,
available in unlimited quantities until October 1, 1998. After . ,~rial Warhound Scout Titan $90 and$7.(
October 1st we will be selling only the models we have in stock. ··-1.: rial Reaver Titan $140 Internal
We anticipate having plenty of stock up through at least early ':-',le Baneblade Tank $60 Order (
December. Once we run out of in-stock models, there will be no ;«gle Shadowsword Tank $60 money
more available from Armorcast...ever. This applies to additional :;.:m eblade/Shadowsword Modular Kit $80 above.
N ew! Superdetailed Baneblade $130
weapons for Titans and replacement parts as well.
New! Metal Tracks for new Baneblade !;~ ADVl!

Whither Armorcast? Ork Battlewagon $ Editor

Obviously we will be busy producing lots of Warhammer 40,000 Ork Great Gargant $38 Contri
Eldar Tempest Heavy G~av Tank $90 Addit
models until October 1st. Our Terraform Battlefield Scenery
currently accounts for the majority of our sales and we will Eldar Revenant Scout Titan $180
continue to add to the existing line. We will also be adding a new Eldar Phantom Titan $28
line of our own resin gaming vehicles. Tyranid Exocrine $33 Subs
Tyranid Malefactor $35 mail
Armorcast is working with Manticore Productions making Tyranid Haruspex Tor•
vehicles and scenery for their upcoming Waste World: The models not for sale or Lett
Apokalypse miniatures game. We are also talking with other Warhammer 40,000 th America. S.A
companies about making vehicles for other game systems , so resale outside Nor d
ddresse • E-N
expect to see some interesting vehicles in the future . se send a self-a ca~alo9· Wel
Plea for a free
Tim DuPertuis, David Garton st amp ed envelope r\<ShoP ud.
frotn catnes Wo warhou11d,
. . es Workshop Ltd. Under lice:es Workshop ~::~on of inood
The exclusive copynght on these model designs and components is the property of Garn . d trademarks of G J(horne, Ca
Copyright ©1995 Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Warhammer® and Eldar® are registe~ Revenant, Eldar, Tita!l,
Reaver, Baneblade, Shadowsword, Ork, Gargant, Tyranid, Exocrine, Malefactor'. 1-1:aruspex, Tempes '
and Phantom are trademarks owned by Games Workshop Ltd. Used with :eernuss1on.
11/20/97 .
Issue Number 17
Printed July 1998
Inquisitor is published four times a year by Tun DuPertuis, •••••o■uN
P.O. Box 14485, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-6485 CONTENTS
Dangerous Ride!
COPYRIGHT: All articles, scenarios and letters to the editor
Braving the Carnivorous Jungle ............... ........... Cover
are considered to be unconditionally assigned for publication
and copyright purposes. We retain the right to edit all mate-
rial. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or part without writ- Open Forum
ten permission from the publisher. Having said that, permis-
sion is granted to readers to make copies of articles, scenarios Editorial ............................................... .. ........................... 4
etc. for personal use. Copyright 1998

Inquisitor is not a publication of GAMES WORKSHOP LTD. Combat Engineers

Games Workshop®, Warhammer®, White Dwarf®, Eldar® Elite Bunker Busters .......... ........ ........ ............................. 5
and Epic® are registered Trademarks owned by Games Work-
shop Ltd. Warharnmer 40,000--Rogue Trader, Space Marine,
Titan and Warhammer F~tasy Battle are copyright © Games Fortifications
Workshop Ltd. Use of the name of a product without mention Mines and Wire ... ............................................................. 8
of trademark or copyright status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status. This magazine contains figures, draw-
ings, images, sculptures and characters all rights of which are the Hot Lead
property of Games Workshop Ltd. All material in Inquisitor is
intended to supplement Warhammer 40K rules and is strictly Figure Reviews .......................... ................................... 10
optional, to be used at the discretion of the players.

SUBMISSIONS: As a forum for Warhammer 40K players we Painting Chaos Marines

encourage you to send comments, questions, articles, scenarios, Quick Painting Ideas For Khorne And Nurgle Marines12
rules changes, artwork and anything else of interest to 40K
players to the address above. Writers and artists will receive
credit in print for published submissions. Submissions should Tyranid Dactylis Datafax
be typed or printed or on Mac or DOS readable 3.5" floppy Big Bugs Tossing Nasty Stuff All Over The Place! ... 16
disk. Please send SASE for return of your materials if you want
them returned.
Hydra Datafax
US SUBSCRIPTIONS are $13.00 for one year (4 issues). Single
copies and back issues are $5.00 postpaid, $ 5.50 to Canada Chimera Antiaircraft Variant .... .................................... 18
and $7.00 international. Canadian subscriptions are $16.00 U.S.
International subscriptions are $20.00 U.S. (First Class Air Mail)
payable by Mastercard/Visa or International Postal Money Vindcator Datafax
Order (available at your Post Office). Please make check or A Rhino With A Big Gun .. .. .......................................... 20
money order payable to Inquisitor and mail to the address
Ork 2-Armed Dreadnought Datafax
ADVERTISING RATES available on request.
The Little Guy Is Back .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. ... ... .. ... . 21
Editor: Tun DuPertuis
Contributing Editors: Alan Carey, Mike Biasi, Lee Erickson.
Additional playtesters: Keith Garton, David Garton.
Old Style Guard and Marine Speeder Datafaxes
Photos and Photoshop fun and games: Tun DuPertuis Datafaxes For Classic Models .................................... 22

Subscription Ending Issue: The number on your Khorne Blood Slaughterer Datafax
mailing label is the final issue of your subscription. The Tricycle Of Death Is Back! ..................... .. ............. 24
To reach INQUISITOR (Tim DuPertuis):
Letter: Use the address above. Please include an Q&A and Errata
S.A.S.E. if you would like a reply. Titan Q&A And Squat Errata ....................................... 25
Web Site: index.html
Convention News, Want Ads, Subscriptons
Info! .......... .. ............................................ .......... 26

e corn
b at engineers and fortification article from
d" . 40K "th
superheavy tank/T·t
S I an Q&A
a liot Lead
lnqul.sitor 8 are finally updated to 2nd e ition w1 quat army list in lnq . . and some iew, a sh
rules for adding elite comb~t engineers an d the1r· ui s itor 15 . corr ections
. fortOrt
specialized demolition eqmpment to your_ games. Also THE NEW EDITION OF W he
covered are rules for mines and barbed wue. It looks like we will h ARHAMME.R
th1s. f l . ave a whole 40 ,Ooo
a l with mai· or chan new vers·1
Painting Chaos Marines: What's ~s, you _sa~, a pai~ting th . ges to th . 0n of Combat e
article in a black and white magazine? This 1s our first mg about the new edition I h e existing game 4OX out
continue ;
attempt at combining the magazine and the web site. The but there look to be plastic D :ve heard so fa .. Every.
and redu ,
land speeder in the new b adr Eldar and a prl is rurnor, vanced tr
black and white photos shown in this article will be up on oxe set. asnc Marine
the Inquisitor web site in full color shortly after this issue is ment and
I have been trying to get more stuff bunker, t
New Datafaxes especially older stuff from out of r : ?n the Web site
The folk
We've got a bunch more datafaxes in this issue including now a few articles in the arch·1ve Pb _issues, so there'
b ecause of ot~er pressing concerns s, ut 1t goe are to your !
new datafaxes for the Tyranid Dactylis, Imperial Guard (like s slowly specials
Hydra antiaircraft tank and the Space Marine Vindicator. ~ut!). Check it out at: http:// armorca get~g this issue useful iI
index.html Sl.corn I inquisitor / even ca1
For all of you with older models, there are datafaxes for the
Ork 2-armed dreadnought, both Marine and Imperial
The con
Guard old style land speeders and last but not least, the manw·
Show and Tell: Your editor's modified, pre-prOduction .
Blood Slaughterer of Khome. version of the new Armorcast superdetailed Ba b bi ' painted up first an,
t d . neadek,twh·
en ere mto the U.S. Golden Demon contest and th IP h
ic was can anc
e MS Nationals. and di,
used a
of the

for tl




Senoblo Aguilera, Tim DuPertuls, WIii Scarvie

Combat engineers are the troops that enable other troops to (de)constructive way. These Aspect Warriors don't have
continue attacking by bridging rivers, clearing obstacles access to the same types of vehicles that Imperial or Squat
and reducing fortified positions. These engineers have ad- forces do, but do have access to jet bikes and Falcons in the
vanced training in the use of specialized types of equip- Eldar tradition of fast, mobile troops.
ment and vehicles. When a regular unit comes up against
an obstacle it can't deal with, whether river, roadblock or Other Races
bunker, they will call for engineers. Orks, Tyranids and other races don't generally have spe-
cialized troops for combat engineering in the field; howev-
The following rules are used for adding assault engineers er, the occasional Mekboy with delusions of grandeur may
to your games and are primarily intended to be used in gather a group of like-minded Mekboyz and their assis-
special scenarios involving fortifications. Engineers are also tants into an ad hoe unit that serves some of the same pur-
useful in close urban combat and campaign games and are poses as regular combat engineers, especially when
even capable of taking down Titans with a little luck. blowing things up!

The combat engineers described below are based on Ger- COMBAT ENGINEER EQUIPMENT
man WWII Pioneers, who were trained as assault troops Engineers are usually the only troops that have access to
first and then given additional engineering training. Ameri- the following new 40K weapons, as well as the training to
can and British engineers were trained as engineers first use them.
and didn't have the additional training as assault squads.
The German Pioneers fought with distinction, often being LASCUTTER
used as shock troops against tough objectives, and often This is a weapon from the original Rogue Trader 40K rule-
taking high casualties. A shortage of trained engineers to- book that didn't make it into the second edition. It is used
wards the end of WWII was one of the causes of the failure like a cutting torch and is primarily used for cutting man-
of the German Battle of the Bulge offensive. German tank sized holes in just about anything that doesn't move. It is a
columns were halted and delayed by obstacles that the ear- shooting weapon and may not be used in I-ITH combat. A
ly war Pioneer battalions would have easily surmounted. user must move up and touch the target and then auto-
matically hit in the following turn. A successful penetra-
Marines tion roll allows the user to cut a man-sized hole in the
'Each Space Marine chapter has a number of Engineer target, allowing models to enter.
squads (1-2 platoons) attached to the Chapter command.
These squads provide specialized engineering capabilities Weapon Range Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Sp
for the other companies. These troops are assault squads Lascutter 0" 10 2010 -6 06+2D1 O+10 Move or Fire
with extra training for their engineering duties. A squad
consists of a Space Marine sergeant and nine Marines, two DEMOLITION CHARGES
of whom are special weapons Marines. The squad can be Demolition charges are specialized shaped-charge weap-
broken down into five man sections if desired. ons capable of blowing holes in the toughest armor, up to
and including Titan armor and bunker doors. They are
Imperial Guard available with two charge levels: standard and heavy.
An Imperial Guard army, being a much larger, less mobile Demo charges must be placed; they may never be thrown.
force than a Marine chapter, will have access to consider- Placement occurs in the shooting phase and counts as
ably more engineering troops and heavier equipment, espe- shooting. The charge will explode in the player's follow-
cially vehicles. An Imperial Guard division might have ing shooting phase with a standard time fuse. This gives
attached to it a complete engineer battalion consisting of the placing model a chance to get away before the charge
three companies of engineers plus supporting vehicles. explodes. Longer delays can be used by writing down how
many turns later the charge will explode. Charges may be
Squat Engineers placed on any external feature or target that the model is
Squat Demolition Squads are Guild Engineer squads with touching. Roll any damage or crits on the specific hit loca-
extra training and equipment. They may use other vehicles tion: tracks, legs, weapon, etc. A demo charge can be d e-
as well as their normal bikes. fused by other engineers. Roll a D6. The charge is success-
fully defused on 3-6 and explodes on 1-2. A demo charge
Eldar Destroyer Squads can also be defused by regular troops. Roll a D6. The
The Eldar Path provides a way for Eldar who get their jol- charge is successfully defused on 5-6 and explodes on 1-4.
lies blowing things up to express themselves in a

••ca•1s11oa s
Standard Demo Charge that the marker is placed 16"
A standard demo charge has a strength of 9, does 3D6 path is 4" x 12" frorn the f
points of damage, has no blast area and has a -6 save modi- . trer <11\d th
e cleilr
fier. A model may carry enough to last a whole battle. ENGINEER VEHICLES ec1
Weapon Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special Eldar engineers rarely
Demo Charge 9 3D6 -6 4D6+9 Sp Falcons when carryingulset specialized Vehi I
o s of eq .
5 quat engineers have access c es b
to lllprnent. Itnp~rt do Use SPACE MJ
Heavy Demo Charge most of them based on th Rhi rnany special" al at\d
A h eavy demo charge has a strength of 10, does 4D6 points b e no APc I.Zed Vehi COMBAT I
":'a~ uy a standard Rhino at 50 . • An enginee cles, Your Marine an
of d amage, has no blast area and has a -6 save modifier. cialized engineering Rhin O th pomts or may b r squac1 2000 points (fra
These charges are so large and heavy that a model may car- h at carrie uy <1 s
_eavy w~apons types available to th s any one of th Pe-
ry only one at a time. tional pomts cost of the wea e squad for th e
Weapon Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special weapon may be added for l::d~-~econd engine:r~ddi-
Heavy Demo Charge 10 4D6 -6 5D6+10 Sp weapon. These weapons are moun\eo~al points cost o~<1vy
mal bolter(s) on top of the hat h d m place of the th e SQUAD
Placement On Moving Targets c es. A hat h . nor.
weapon mounted on it is no lo c With a he<1 WEAPONS
It is obviously much harder to attach and set a charge on a nger operable. vy
rapidly moving target than a stationary one. Roll on the A heavy mine/ wire clearance morta WARGEAR
table below to see if the charge is placed successfully on a for 25 points. The mortar may either r::ay a~so ~e added
moving target. A model riding on a target vehicle does not transport compartment and fire thr h~t mside the
have to test for placement. If placement is not successful, doors or be towed as a trailer A ~ g .the open top
the engineer retains the charge and may use it next turn. · • · owi amort
mounte d m s1de may only carry 6 passe _ar
. . ngers. A rrune
p 1ough (automatic mme clearance driving t 1
Movement Success This table may also be through a minefield) may be added for 25 ; 0 ~~: speed
0-4" Automatic used as an agility test
4+-10" 3-6 for a model attempting to SPECIAL
Bridging Equipment
10+-15" 4-6 jump onto a moving Light bridging equiprne_nt (6" span/ passengers deploy)
15+-20" 5-6 vehicle. may be added _for 10 pomts; heavy bridging equipment (l 2"
span/ au~o~atic deJ:loy) may be added for 25 points. The
heavy bndgmg equipment sits atop the Rhino, with its de- Yourlmperi,
MINE/WIRE CLEARANCE CHARGES ploy ment equipment taking up the whole front of the vehi- squad per 20
Clearance charges are used like an LAW rocket (light clear- cle. This precludes mounting a bulldozer blade, mine
ance charge) or mortar (heavy clearance charge) to fire a plough or an y weapons. Llilll:L!Jj
line explosive charge across a mine field or wire counter. IGCham
The charge is then detonated causing a shock wave that These bridges are used to cross anti-tank ditches, gullies or
will set off any mines under the blast template and/ or streams that would normally be impassable to vehicles.
blow a path in a section of wire. Should models happen to The light bridge sections are placed across the obstacle by
be caught in the blast, clearance charges have a strength of the vehicle's passengers, taking one whole movement
3 and do 1 point of damage with a -1 save modifier . phase during which they are exposed to fire. The heavy WARGEAI
brid ge is hy draulically deployed by the vehicle driv~r after
Light Clearance Charge the vehicle has stopped at the chosen bridging location_-
A single light clearance charge may be carried by a model. Both brid ges, once deployed, are a small target (-1 to hit). A
It has a 10" range and uses a 1" x 8" blast template (the first light bridge h as a Toughness of 8 and take~ 15 damage
points before b eing destroyed. A heavy bridge has a . SPECIAL
2" do not explode so as to protect the firer) . Place a marker
(aiming point) 10" away from the firer . Then roll a standard Toughness of 8 and takes 25 damage points before being
"to hit" roll including scatter if the shot is a miss. On a scat- destroyed .
tered shot move the marker to its final location and then
measure 8" back from the final landing point straight to-
wards the firer to determine where the 1" x 8" template is
placed. The final location of the template is where a safe
path is cleared through mines or wire.
One ,
Heavy Clearance Charge
The mortar firing a h eavy clearance charge is normally St
mounted on a vehicle or pulled as a trailer. When pulled as H
a trailer, it cannot fire in a turn in which it moves because H
the crew m u st exit the tow vehicle to fire it. It has a 16"
range and clears a 4" wid e x 12" long blast template (the
firs t 4" d o n o t explod e so as to p rotect the firer) . It uses the
sam e firing m ethod as the light clearance charge except
COMBAT ENGINEER SQUADS .................... 350 Points SQUAT DEMOLITION SQUAD ...... 23 Points Per Model
Your Guild army may include up to one Demolition squad per 2000
Your Marine army may include up to one combat engineer squad per
2000 points (fractions round up). points (fractions round up).

Marine 4 4 1 4 1 8
Marine Champion 4 4 1 5 1 9
SQUAD A squad consists of between 4 and 7 models.

SQUAD A squad consists of I0 models.

WEAPONS Laspistol, Frag Grenades.

WEAPONS Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades. ARMOR Sealed Carapace armor (4+ save).
WARGEAR Any models may have lasguns at a cost of2 points or
ARMOR Power armor (3+ save).
bolters at a cost of 3 points per model. Any model
WARGEAR Any model may be given additional equipment chosen may be given additional equipment chosen from the
from the Assault Weapons and Special Weapons Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and
sections of the appropriate Marine Codex W argear list. Grenades sections of the Engineers Guild Wargear li st
The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades (in INQUISITOR 15). Any model may be given
at a cost of 15 points. The entire squad may be equip- additional equipment chosen from the Demolition
ped with jump packs at a cost of 50 points. Any model Weapons section of the Combat Engineer Wargear list.
may be given additional equipment chosen from the
SUPPORT The entire squad may be mounted on Squat Warbikes
Demolition Weapons section of the Combat Engineer
for 15 points per model, unless wearing Exo-armor.
W argear list.
SPECIAL The entire squad may be upgraded to champions for 50
ELDAR DESTROYER SQUADS .... 17 Points Per Model
Your Eldar army may include one Destroyer squad per 2000 points
(fractions round up). The Destroyers are heavily armored and are the
IMPERIAL GUARD Eldar equivalent of combat engineers.
COMBAT ENGINEER SQUAD ........................ 150Points
Your Imperial Guard army may include up to one combat engineer
squad per 2000 points (fractions round up).

SQUAD A squad consists of between 3 and 7 models.

WEAPONS Laspistol.
ARMOR Destroyer Aspect armor (3+ save).
SQUAD A squad consists of 10 models. WARGEAR Any models be given additional weapons chosen from
WEAPONS Lasgun and Frag Grenades. the Assault Weapons, Special Weapons and Grenades
ARMOR Flak armor (6+ save). All members of the squad may sections of the Eldar Wargear list. Any model may be
upgrade to carapace armor (4+ save) for 60 points. given additional equipment chosen from the Demoli-
WARGEAR Any model may be given additional equipment chosen tion Weapons section of the Combat Engineer Wargear
from the Assault and Special Weapons sections of the list.
Imperial Guard Wargear list. Any model may be given
additional equipment chosen from the Demolition
SUPPORT The entire Destroyer squad may be equipped with
Weapons section of the Combat Engineer Wargear list. jump packs for 5 point per model. The entire
Destroyer squad may be mounted on jet bikes or
SPECIAL An Imperial Guard combat engineer squad must be
mounted in a Falcon from the Support section of the
raised to veteran status by choosing I veteran ability at
Eldar codex.
the points cost listed. The squad may be mobilised by
including a Chimera armored carrier for 140 points.
Squat Combat Engineers On Bikes


One per model except for Standard Demo Charges.
Lascutter ........................................................ 20 points
Standard Demo Charge ................................... 7 points
Heavy Demo Charge (I) ................. ................. 8 points
Heavy Flamer ................................................ 25 points

Obstacles are used to increase the .combat.strength of a th~t d~termine how easily a model is hi
't Mountains forests, rivers, cliffs and swamps mmefield. t when ent .
cornbat um. ' dd' tifi 'al b AD' enng h
tural obstacles to movement. By a mg ar c1 o - • ispersed minefield costs 50'.Yc te
:;:c~:s (mines, wire, roadblocks, and bunkers), natural ob-
me more effective obstacles to movement and
the minefield type (AP or AT)
• A normal minefield will hit
.;t ~e n_onna! cost
Will hit on a 5 for
stac1eS beco .. . b on a 3-6 or 6
can slow or disrupt enemy forces. Fortifications can e · ·
used to strengthen defensive positions, allowing them to be Unmarked Minefields
held with less troops. The following rules introduce these Most minefields are marked with .
artificial obstacles (fortifications) to the 40K battlefield. For- single strand wire fence but occ ~igns and outlined w·th
. h k d U , as1onally the I a
tifications should generally be used only m games w ere mar e . nmarked minefields cost d b Yare left un-
the scenario specifies that one p~ay~r is the ~efender and
one player is the attacker. Fortifications don t usually come unmarked minefields must be carefull
equivalent d~nsi~ marked one (AP 0; : the cost o~ the
· The location of
into play in a normal 40K meeting engagement where two marked accurately on a map of the gay mtebasured and
forces are moving to contact. . p layer w1·1I know exactly when
owning me a le so that the
enters the minefield. an enemy model
Minefields are not intended to stop an attacker, but to slow Dummy Minefields
him down and allow more fire to be brought to bear. To Another minefield tactic is to mark an area a . .
simplify mines for use in 40K there are only two available ·
but 1ay no mmes b · s a minefield
or ury pieces of metal to set off d ,
types of mines: anti-personnel and anti-tank (vehicle). tors. These d ummy mme. fi eIds appear just as no alectec-
marked minefields and cost 25% of the normal cm: On!
Anti-Personnel Mines (AP) 25% of each type (AP or AT) of minefields can~~- y
AP mines are set off by vehicles and Dreadnoughts etc. as minefields. In other words a player must buy 3 non~y
well as by infantry. dummy minefields to be able to purchase 1 dummy
Weapon Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special minefield.
AP Mine 4 1 -1 D6+4 2" Blast
Getting through Minefields
Anti-Tank Mines (An Vehicles successfully moving through an AT or AP
Anti-tank mines attack vehicles in the track/ wheel location minefield leave two tracks that are much safer to walk or
in the GW datafax vehicle system. AT mines are also set off drive on than the rest of the minefield. Infantry may follow
by anything larger than human-sized figures, including all a vehicle track, reducing their chance of setting off mines to
models on 40mm bases (Dreadnoughts, Ogryns, a roll of 6 on a D6. Vehicles may follow tracks at slow
Monsterous Tyranids, etc.). speed only, reducing their chance of setting off mines to a 6
Weapon Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special on a D6.
AT Mine 8 2D6 -4 3D6+8
Hand Clearance
Minefield Attacks Clearing mines by hand with knife or bayonet is a slow,
Whenever a model enters a minefield, the minefield owner nerve-wracking and tedious job and it is far too slow a pro-
rolls to hit the model based on the density of the minefield. cess to be used in a typical 40K game. If you play long
If a model starts its tum in, or even partially in, a minefield games or are running a campaign, use the following rules
and makes any movement, the minefield owner immedi- for hand clearing mines.
ately rolls to hit the model, the results being worked out
before the model leaves the minefield. A model may crawl 1,, per tum while cIeann·g mines (and
. • f the move-
may not shoot). Roll a D6 at the be~g 0 of a 1 sets off
Minefields ment phase to see if he sets off~ mine. A r?l1fi Id since AT
Mines are normally laid in standardized patterns in an AP mine. This applies even 10 _an AT ~:s ;0 prevent
marked fields so that they may be removed to allow pas- mines are often booby trapped wi th AP h e to roll to
sa?e o_f friendly troops or reused when needs change. . d ls do not av
clearance. Combat engmeer mo e t t the job.
Minefields may not be laid in paved areas. For 40K, basic see if they set off mines since the are exper s a
anti-personnel minefields are 4"x12" /10cm x 30cm and . eh wide through an
cost 60 points. Basic anti-Tank Minefields are 1"x6" / 2.5cm x A single model will clear a path o_ne ~ e b side are re-
15cm and cost 20 points. AP minefield. Four models crawling sid yhicle to pass
quired to clear a pa th W 1'de enough for a ve
Density safely through an AT minefield.
Minefields in 40K are laid in normal or dispersed densities

Type AP (4"x12") AT (1"x6")
Dispersed 30 10
60 Here are some modeling tips to get you started with
Normal 20
Unmarked engineers and fortifications.
Dispersed 60 20
Normal 120 40 Engineer Rhino
Marked Dummy The engineer Rhino in the photo is a modified Rhino
Normal 20 that carries light bridging equipment, a heavy flamer
and lots of extra stowage. The heavy flamer is from
BARBED OR RAZOR WIRE the Mission Dreadnoughtexpansion set for Space Cru-
The objective of placing wire is to slow the attacker down
sadeand the stowage boxes are from various 1 / 35
scale accessory kits and Armorcast's crates sets. The
to allow more fire by the defender. Troops will generally
bridging equipment is from a ROCO 1 / 87 scale M60
t1')'. to breach or go around wire rather than go through it.
Bridging Tank and has been separated, shortened and
Wire counters represent a tangled pile of multi-strand con-
slightly modified to fit the new brackets on the Rhino.
certina wire of m~n-height or higher and at least as deep (I
was recently reading abou t a wire obstacle in WWII that
Marine Engineers, Squat Demolition Squad
was 8 f~et _h igh and 14 feet deep) and can only be jumped
Since combat engineer squads are simply assault
over with Jump packs or by Harlequins. Wire has no effect
squads with extra gear, modeling them is as easy as
on line of sight. Wire costs 10 points per 6" section.
loading up an assault squad with lots of extra goodies
representing demo charges, mine clearance charges,
Infru:1try m~dels, anything on a 40mm base and light walk-
etc. A Squat Demolition squad can carry their extra
ers (including all Dreadnoughts) end their movement
equipment on their bikes, so just load up the bikes
whenever they touch a wire counter. At the beginning of its
with lots of cool looking stuff. The 1 / 35 scale weapons
following movement phase roll a 06 for each model. The
and accessories kits from Tamiya, ltalieri and others
model may spend the whole tum moving to the other side
are very good for finding the right bits for this project.
of the wire on a 4+ and m ay move normally in its next
movement phase. Rolls of 1-3 on the D6 mean that the
Barbed Wire
model is hung up in the wire. Roll again at the beginning of
Barbed wire is made by wrapping 28-30 gauge craft or
the player's next movement phase.
tinned copper electrical wire around a long cylindrical
mandrel such as a felt pen. It is very helpful if the
mandrel has a slight taper to it, making it easier to
Fully tracked vehicles of Rhino size or larger driving over
slide the wire coil off of one end. Wrap the wire
wire remove a section of wire equal to the vehicle's width.
around the mandrel, working your way from one end
Wheeled or semi-tracked vehicles remove wire as fully
to the other a number of times so the wire strands
tracked vehicles except that they must roll for entangle-
overlap themselves and make the coil stiff enough for
ment. Roll a D6; on a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the vehicle becomes
handling. Slide the coil off of the mandrel and stretch
hopelessly entangled in the w ire and is immobilized for the
it out by pulling on the ends. Spray it with black
rest of the game, although it may still fire. Grav or hover
primer and drybrush with a dark silver color followed
vehicles have no effect on w ire as they generally fly over it.
by another drybrush of a rust (dark red orange) color.
Walkers can easily get tangled, so are not allowed to try to
Then cut to length and mount on bases.
remove wire.
Wire Removal r-.:1inefields are easily represented by appropriately
Area Effect Weapons sized rectangles of brown felt, indoor / outdoor carpet,
Any blast radius marker (except Frag) that ends on a wire
or sheet plastic flocked with earth colored flocking.
marker removes the section of wire under the template.
Marine Combat Engineers
Clearance Charges
Clearance charges clear paths in w ire in exactly the same
way that they clear paths through minefields.


Hallooooo, Chaos possums! We have some very interesting review, it is this humble Se
things to look at today! First off, there is .the handy line of rvant of th
duty to point out that Irregul M' . e Master of M .
15mm science fiction figures from the wild chaos followers sizeable line of 6mm scale sc·ar 1fi~ia~res also proadnkind's
at Irregular Miniatures (3 Apollo Street, Helsington Road, . . 1ence ction inf uce a
m1ruatures (Epic 40K players tak antry and An. .
York, U.K. YOl SAP). Sent for review was a nice sampling .1s a growmg. 1·me of space ships fe note)· In add'ition th•.rv
of their growing line of campy 15mm science fiction . or you cam . , ere
p layers, mcludi~g their newly released line pa1g_n rnindect
infantry figures. The samples included a good number of
their Star Marines (powered armor marine dudes), space
space craft. While I do not yet hav
B. h .
. of B1onaugh1s
e review sa 1
new 1onaug ts lme, drawings of the shi s mp es of the •
pirates (flamboyant dudes looking like they escaped from that they are very much biological in tup cle~r!y show
the set of the Lost In Space original television series!), and them bearmg . na re with
a resemblance to prehist . ' many of
several of their space aliens (again, Lost in Space campy lopod s (Tyrarud. . one seagoin
hive fleets, anyone?) A . g cepha-
looking; Danger! Danger, Commissar Robinson! Danger!). . •
Miruatures k th · gain, lrregu1a
ma es ese lines also available in 6 r
packs and fleet packs for the starships so th mm army
' ey are a gOOd
deal of bang for your
buck (pound?). Da
Chief sez Check 'em

Just when we all

thought we were
safe, Geo-Hex went
out and produced
another simply
elegant model kit for
their sizeable resin
Irregular Miniatures' 15mm power armored troops. vehicle kit line. A 25mm scale copy of one of the most
popular 1 / 300 scale models from the Dirtside II series of
The impressive tome of arcane knowledge that is the models, the new Deimos tank is available in both anti-grav
current Irregular Miniatures catalogue also lists humanoid and hovercraft versions, just like the 1/ 300 scale minia-
militia, support weapons, vehicles, and reptilian aliens in tures! This tank is simply exquisite, being a very military,
this series of 15mm figures. What makes this line so nice for low profile, sleek, and ballistically realistic AFV. Both
us gaming mutants, is that each of the figures listed can versions come with an air defense missile system, a cast
have up to six (6!) different variants, and 100 piece army metal main gun barrel, and a cast metal turret hatch: Priced
packs are listed as £12.00 (that's English Pounds Sterling to
us Colonial Marine types!). Now I will grant you that these
at around $35.00, this model is a simply elegan.t
screams to be added to any serious 40K collection. Da
figures are not state-of-the-art in figure sculpting detail, sez "Oi, dat's me kustom war waggin!"
however, they paint up quickly, look nice, have big guns,
and quite a lot of whimsical character. And best of all, the
advantages of 15mm scale gaming for 40K is that if players , Space Pirates.
use the ranges and movement values as is, you get a more Irregular Miniatures 15mm
realistic feel for the actual combat
ranges! 15mm figures also have the r.
considerable advantages of being
inexpensive compared to 25mm
figures, and players will experience a
stronger tactical feel for infantry
combat, as there is proportionally
more room to maneuver on a 15mm
battlefield! Highly recommended.
Still being highly Irregular with this

Geo-Hex never rests on their laurels when it comes to reassemble the layout as they delve deeper into the cav-
terrain systems innovations, and their newest release is no erns, battling whatever they happen to be trying to dig out!
exception: CavemScape! This boxed terrain set is a modu- Geo-Hex fully supports this new system, having already
lar subterranean terrain layout with a cleverly camouflaged released a series of resin doorways that fit into the actual
hexagon grid. While CavernScape is understandably aimed terrain tunnels! Airlocks and Hive Door sets are available,
at fantasy role-playing gamers, there is no reason that those and each blister box includes a sealed, unsealed, and blown
of us who enjoy a good science fiction miniatures brawl open door, all just perfect for your gaming needs! Priced at
cannot use this terrain to full advantage (anyone care to go $145.00, the CavernScape is a very good investment for the
spelunking in the local underground Tyranid hive?). What serious 40K gamer or club, and the doors are priced at a
is especially handy with this terrain set up, is that the box reasonable $6.50 for three assorted. Da Chief sez "Oi! Dis
includes a set of pre-generated maps allowing players to cave is iz big enuff for me whole partz supply!"

A list of figures or models that readers would like to see Games Workshop produce.
If you have an idea or request for a figure send it in and we will publish it here.

• Horus and the Emperor - Final Battle • Thousand Sons
• Emperor on Throne (after battle) • Noise Marine Terminators
• Marine Primarchs • Berserker Terminators
• Plague Marine Terminators
ELDAR • Thousand Sons Terminators
• Eldar Pirates (based on Battlefleet • A Chaos Lord not in Terminator armor
Gothic drawings) • Chaos Magi, Demagogues, Cultists
• Pirate Captains • Noise Marine standard bearer
• Shining Spear Aspect Warriors • Thousand Sons standard bearer
• Shining Spear Exarchs
• Exarchs and Farseer/Warlocks with MISCELLANEOUS
different Ancient Weapons • Heavy Webber, Grav Gun, Multi-Laser
• Exodite Dragon Knights and Knight • Driver figures for all races
Champions • New Genestealer Patriarch
• Vibro Cannon • Genestealer Cult figures
• Harlequin Jetbikes

Editor's Note: What's this, you say, a painting article in a black and white
magazine? This is our first attempt at combining the magazine and the
I Once the black undercoat h h
. as ad a eh
web site. The black and white photos shown in this article will be up on the can o f the C Itadel spray color BI d ance to set
Inquisitor web site in full color shortly after this issue is released. works well and matches the c ·t odo I Angels Red. Th'. grab a
. . I a e col is Stu ff
It IS best to do about five figures at . or range. I find th
. a time a .· at
I tend to lean towards the Nurgle in just about all matters speed th mgs up, it doesn't get too unru] s II tends to
Chaos. This one-sided devotion worked just fine for me The best way to spray the miniatu . Yand saves paint
. Ie 1·me with about two in res
a neat I1tt h is to pla ce Ihern al] •.
under the old Rogue Trader rules and even did all right in c es separati In
the Jean years of the Black Codex era. Unfortunately, in the d I
mo e . Try using blue tack to arrange th ng each
Chaos codex the Plague Marines have lost all close assault cardboard - it works pretty well Th em on a piece of
. . · e next step ·
capabilities, their Plague Knives and have also lost the th e m1ruatures, once again follow the i t . is to spray
ns ructions th
capacity to carry heavy weapons. can an.d make,sure that . you shake it up we11 everyon .;_ e
th e pamt wont set nght. Here's the trick· u.u,e or
, you Want to get a
This means they have been relegated to the role of tactical
squads; kick ass tactical squads, which I love dearly, but
tactical squads none the less. These tactical boys can help
win battles, but they can't do it alone, at least not consis-
tently. Blight grenades don't do well against Leman Russ
tanks. So to make up for the new deficiencies in my army
and replace the twen ty or so p ainted models that I had
armed with assault weap ons, jump p acks, heavy weapons,
and all that other stuff I can no longer get, I've decided to
suck it up and paint some Kl10me Berserkers, and, being
the nice guy that I am, I'm going to tell you how I did it.

First off, since I've always painted Nurgle, I've got painting
green armor down to a science and, since I never like to
spend more than an hour painting rank and file, hell, I hate
to spend more than an hour painting characters. I want to
play, and also because I really despise the five coats of paint
necessary to paint red, I had to devise a quick, yet good
looking, way to paint about thirty Khome Berserkers, and
this is how it goes ...

1 The first thing that I do when I get a new model is clean

the mold lines off of it. A combination of needle files and X-
acto blade works best for this. This may seem trivial and
basic, but its unbelievable how many otherw ise good paint
jobs I've seen tarnished by someone not taking the time to
clean their models properly.

2 The next thing that I do is prime my models, in this case

black. I almost always use a spray primer, Armory to be
specific. I find that if you follow the instructions on the
spray can you can get a uniformly good coat and save
yourself lots of time compared to painting the primer on
with a brush . (The reason that I'm u sing black primer is
that I try to give my Chaos Marines a darker, more gritty
feel and the black undercoat helps achieve this.) My
demons on the other hand are undercoated white and inted using the
This is the first Khorne Berse~er tha.t pa stopped at
given a very bright finish. I find that this breaks the color I
above technique On this particular figure, bO e once I had
scheme of the army up a bit and accentuates the fact that . d ribed a v: · tI
about stage six of the process e~c e batches, my to 8
the Marines are supposed to be mortal troops and the
demons are supposed to be made up of what is essentially
primed the fig, whi~h / _usually do m
painting time on this piece was abou
magical material.

good basic coverage of paint on the model. Please, multiple have a pretty good presentable piece to play with. If you're
coats are the best, but you don't want to completely ob- happy at this point, flock the sucker, give it coat of sealer
scure aU of the black primer. and off to the game table you go. If you look at the model
and think that it is just not quite there yet, you can do the
By virtue of the way the models are made (not many flat following. Grab your red ink, add just a touch of black
surfaces) the spray paint should cover aU of the outer areas, paint to it and make a thin, dark red wash. Take a fine point
(shoulder pads, legs, back packs, chest plates) with a nice brush and work this wash out from the recesses of the
bright, even coat. At the same time the spray paint will not model. As you work your way out, start using less black in
cover as well in the recessed areas (next to the trim around the mix and add a little Blood Red paint instead.
the shoulder pads, in the leg joints, the recesses of the back
pack). This is exactly the effect you want. The spray paint Once you've got a good gradual effect going start using
has already started the job of shading the miniatures for straight Blood Red paint and begin blending this up into
you. Blood Angels Orange (the stuff from the jar this time) using
the Blood Angels Orange as the final highlight. With all
• When the paint is set it is time to give the model a blending you've got to be careful that your final highlights
couple of good washes with red ink. If you've followed my don't change the overall complexion of the model and give
instructions well, you'll have noticed that the Blood Angels it a kind of washed out feel. If you find that this is happen-
Red has turned your model a lovely dayglow orange. Have ing to you, grab a jar of the Citadel Red Glaze (this is
no fear, the washes will take care of that. Make sure to give different from the wash) and apply an even coat to the red
the model at least two washes, probably three, and don't be areas of the model. This will brighten up the washed out
stingy, lather that sucker down. For this process I do areas without changing the overall color of the model the
heartily recommend the Citadel washes. They are probably way the wash does.
the best product in the Citadel color line. After your washes
have dried, your model should be leaning more towards Another thing that you can do is go over the brass areas
red than orange. At this point you can stop your shading with a light coat of rust colored wash and then highlight
altogether and have a decent looking model, or you can them with a bright gold color. This will add more depth to
grab a little Blood Red paint and blend it from the recesses the metallic areas. All this should give you a show quality
out. This will add a bit more depth to the model and make piece if done properly. Any further nitpicking from this
the final results a deeper, richer red. point borders on the bizarre and thoroughly obsessive and
involves head-scratchingly weird painting techniques that
S The next step is to grab some black paint and go back just don't belong in the public realms of knowledge.
over the areas of the model that you want to be brass, or
black for that matter. This usually includes all of the trim Lastly I'd like to say that though this process seems to be
around the shoulder pads, any weapons the model is rather long, owing more to my long windedness than to the
carrying, the trim around the legs, any exposed power actual complexity of the task, it is in fact rather a quick and
cables, and that funny head thing that the Khome types effective way to paint Khome Berserkers. In fact, I timed it
wear. How much brass you use is really a personal prefer- and I found that I could have painted a complete model
ence. That said, I find that too much brass tends to clutter and started on another in the time that it took me to write
the model. Take a look at some of the stuff Games Work- this article. I hope I've helped a few people out there and
shop painters do; they tend to have a good balance of haven't just wasted everyone's time.

8 The rest is all details folks. It looks best if you can dry-
brush all of that brass on. If it is too much of a hassle,
simply painting it on looks fine as long as care is taken.
Either way you do it, try to leave a little bit of the black
showing around the edges; it does a good job of breaking
up the various parts of the model. Paint the skulls bleached
bone, hit them with a mix of brown and yellow ink, heavier
on the brown than on the yellow, and then a light dry-
brush of the bleached bone. I tend to paint the bolters black
and then give them a gray dry-brush around the edges.
Keep the dry-brush sh arp though, or the whole bolter will
turn gray. I tend to hit some of the details with some
Scorpion green for a good contrast, not nearly as much as
what Games Workshop uses though. Restraint with the
green is the key.

f This is the totally optional overly anal retentive, nitpicky

detail part. If you've followed me to this point you should
1'lACU1: MAftlffl:S
The other day I received a message from someone te
asking me to tell him how I painted my Plague m
Marines, since the editors at White Dwarf seem to In
neglect the boys in green. Well, I agree the Nurgle II
army, of all the Chaos armies, tends to get the shaft nc
(has anyone else noticed that both the Fantasy and re
40K army books failed to include a single Nurgle lo
special character?). And so, once again I've de- N
cided to show what a swell (headed) guy I am and
tell everyone how I do it. s
Before I get into the Nurgle painting thing I'd like
to recommend that you read the earlier section on

Khome Berserkers that precedes this one. A lot of
the techniques and general suggestions carry over
from one project to the other. pE
1I said it in the last painting article and I'll say it se
again: The first thing you should ALWAYS do is Ci
clean the mold lines and flash off of your models. fo
2 This is another paint job where I always start th
with a black coat of primer (Nurgle tends to be the ar
darkest of the Chaos powers and all of the paints Cl
that I use cover very well over a dark undercoat). I th
use Armory spray primer because its always given
me good results. Another point that I' m going to
make again is to make sure you shake the can very well
before spraying. This is the only way to get a good even StE
coat. of
3 Once the undercoat has dried, paint the entire model WI

with the Polly S color Black Green. Yes, it is really called Ne

Black Green. As you may guess from the name of the paint th1
its is a very dark green, almost black as a matter-of-fact pa
(sorry-couldn' t help it). Polly S tends to cover well and will
probably only require one light coat of paint. The only CaJ
thing to really watch out for is air bubbles forming in the ale
crevices of the miniature. yo
4 This is the most important step to get when painting hii
with this technique. Gradually build the armor's marn fin
color and highlights with a lighter green color. I us~ he:
Armory's Olive Drab. The key is to start with a basic dthry se1
b 'Id up e tin
brush of the whole miniature and gradually Ut .
. hni ue Deltcacy
aint. A large brush works best for t 1s tee q · ff et
doesn' t come into play at this stage, an as a _m
d atter-o - a ,
k for
. . . h , t .m will wor ffi)
slopping a bit of paint on t e armor s rt b h an,
, . 1 ) K ep the rus
You later (don' t worry I 11 explain ater · e th first
. . II y, 'II find e
dry and build up the paint gradua t. ou with the Olive fla
dry brush only begins to dust the ml!lla~re . to stick mi
Drab. As you build up highlights, the paint begins until
these layers up eye
to the previous layers. Keep worki n_g nd Ii hter until thE
the complexion of the armor turns ltghter a g s gradu- thE
· the recesse
eventually you have the Black G reen tn . d as This
. D b the raise are .
ally changing into the Ohve ra on
technique will not give you the smooth finish seen on vivid . The last thing that I would like to mention is that the
models like my Eldar Farseer or even my Khorne Berserker. Citadel Red Wash and Purple Wash can be used on the ol~
Instead it builds an almost patchy set of highlights. I know, Nurgle marines to make those lumpy bruised areas of their
I know, patchy and highlights are two words you don' t armor look really nasty. Just thin it down a little with s~me
normally want in the same description, but I find the end water and spread it around the raised areas. The effect 1s
result to be very suitable for Nurgle troops. The armor not pretty.
looks a bit mottled and beat up. What could be more
Nurgle? That's it folks . I've given it my best shot. This technique is
even more unorthodox then my last one and may take a
S The next step is to add the final armor highlights. This is read through, or two, to get it. Take a look at the photos.
done by adding a little Citadel Bubonic Brown to the Olive They aren' t the best but they give you a general idea of
Drab and eventually building this up to a straight Bubonic where I'm corning from .
Brown. Keep these highlights sharp or you'll start to wash
out the overall color of the miniature .

• This is a stage that may have a few

people scratching their heads as they
read it. Stick with me, it all makes
sense in the end. Grab a bottle of
Citadel Chestnut wash. I use this color
for all of the trim on my armor. All I
do is dip my brush in the bottle and
then run it around the trim on the
armor (shoulder pads, knee caps, feet,
Chaos symbols, etc...). You'll find that
the wash changes the color of the trim
to, of all things, a chestnut brown. And
even better, it works with the paint
you applied earlier (this is what I
meant when I said it delicacy doesn't
really come into play) to make natural
looking highlights on the trim. This
step looks good and saves you oodles
of time. If you find you want to add
some highlights to the trim just hit it
with a dry brush of Bubonic Brown.

Note: If you take a look at the scan of

the Plague Marine, (the one that was
painstakingly converted into an
assault marine with a jump pack that
can no longer be used in my army,
along with the other ten like him)
you'll see that I also used the Chestnut
wash on his stomach plate and then
highlighted it with the Bubonic Brown.
find that varying areas of arrnor like this This is the picture of the assault Marine I mentioned earlier
helps break up the miniature and makes the in the article. Take a look at the way the armor is splotchy,
separate parts of the miniature more dis- but still works well from the dark green in the recesses to the
brighter green of the olive drab and bubonic brown at the
edges. I never use a bright co/or and yet the final effect
'I The rest is all details, folks. I tend to hit almost glows. Also take a look at the armor plate covering
my weapons with a combination of black the stomach of the marine. It is a good example of how the
and metallic colors. I add a few bursts of chestnut wash changes the co/or of the underlying paint and
color where appropriate (like the hand creates its own highlights.
flamer), but tend to try to keep this to a
minimum. The last thing I do is paint the
eyes, or visors, or whatever you want to call
them, with a dark blue and then highlight
them with a bright blue to make them more
The Dactylis is another specialized Tyranid bio-war machine, Nest
bred for the purpose of striking at the foe from long range while If the link to the Hive Mind is severed as a Bod D
more conventional Tyranid constructs close in to attack with result, the Dactylis will Nest. When Nesting 1/ Damage Table
• . ' e actyhs will
tooth and claw. remam stat10nary and fire at the nearest enemy (. d. .
h . 1) • . h . In 1v1dua) squ d
or ve 1c e m its s ootmg phase. It can defend itself in cl ' a
The Dactylis uses its long forelimbs to lob hard shelled, parasitic combat as normal. ose
creatures full of higly corrosive bile. The pods shatter on impact,
spraying chitinous shrapnel and corrosive bile over a wide area. Psychology
The Dactylis is immune to psychology and causes Fear.
Short range destruction is supplied by outgrowths of virulent
spores on the creature's carapace. An autonomic nerve function
fires in the presence of non-Tyranid bioforms with the speed and
BiomorphsNehicle Cards
Biomorphs and Vehicle Cards may not be used on the Dactylis.
hitting power of bolters.
Dactylis are driven by instinct and are liable to become confused The Dactylis is targeted as a vehicle, not as a Monstrous Creature.
and uncoordinated unless they are controlled by the Hive Mind.
The Dactylis 's natural instincts have been genetically altered to Psychic Attacks
make it Nest, remaining stationary and hurling its bile pods at the Bolt Of Change, Force Dome, Hammer of Fury, Eldrich Stonn,
nearest enemy in the firing phase. and Assail affect Tyranid vehicles (Exocrine, Malefactor, Haru-
spex, Dactylis, Trygon) as vehicles. Vortex, Aura Of Decay,
Bile Pods Aquiescence, Pink Fire Of Tzeench, Executioner, Kop Dis and Da
Any models within l" of a bile pod blast marker will be splashed Crunch work as normal . The Leadership test-based Powers
with corrosive bile on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6. Resolve splash hits (Domination, Smite, Scourging, Beam of Slaanesh, Pavane of
with the normal stats of the weapon. Slaanesh and Storm Of Wrath) will apply to any Tyranid vehicle
that is outside the range of a Hive Node (Hive Tyrant, Tyranid
Spore Cysts Warrior) .
Spore cysts are the Dactylis's automatic response to the presence
of non-Tyranid bioforms. Each enemy model that moves within
8" of the Dactylis is fired at immediately using the Dactylis's BS,
the spore cyst weapon stats and normal shooting modifiers
including the -1 hit modifier for Overwatch targets corning out of
cover if applicable. During the Tyranid shooting phase (not HowTo Build A Dactylis
movement phase}, the Dactylis automatically fires its spore cysts The Dactylis in the photo on the datafax is a
once at each enemy model within 8" that is not in close combat simple conversion from the Armorcast Haru-
with the Dactylis. Dreadnoughts and closed vehicles are always spex. The mouth claws have been drastically
cut down and then puttied in place. Swap the
Close Combat arms from side to side and point them to the
The Dactylis uses its Ram Value for any damage inflicted by it in rear of the vehicle. Cut the acid jet off, cut it
close combat. Because the Dactylis is so large, the extra dice and down the middle (split lengthwise) and re-
+ l WS bonuses for additional attackers do not apply in any close mount at the back of the arm to use as the rear
combat with the Dactylis.
fingers holding the bile pods. Cut the can
Ramming opener claw off and remount it as the front
Most vehicles are not designed for ramming, hence the ramming finger holding the bile pods.
rules where both vehicles in a ram/collision can be damaged.
Tyranid vehicles, on the other hand are semi-sentient creatures Pods from the Terraform Spike Cactus w~re
genetically designed for close combat. When a Tyranid vehicle · . JUSt
cut down and used for bile pods, but it is
rams or charges another vehicle, work out damage to the other
vehicle as normal. For the Tyranid vehicle the location that a easy to find seed pods from a syca . or
actually touches the other vehicles is hit on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 liquid amber tree and paint them in smtably
and other locations are hit on a D6 roll of 6. Work out damage for icky colors to use as bile pods
any hit locations as normal.

iijiM~iirl rLI-i~~~j
Slow Combat Fast 1 Foot
6" 10" 15" 2-4 Body
•Hite tho orm cloaoet to tho firer.
8 Strength D6 Foot Damage Table
I The foot IH d11111t1t,1cd hut keeps sllrnlng. The Duc1yliH mny only move Slow speed for the
D12 Damage
rcHI ol' the g11rne.
-5 Save 2-5 The 1'1101 I~ destroyed. T he D11ctylls corncH10 11 pcrrn1111c111 hull for the: rest of the bo1tlc.
6 T he 1'001 Is Hpl1111erctl 11cm sH the lun<IHcupc nnd II rnuHsi vc mu Ne le c,,111ructlo11 cuuHCJj the
D11c1ylis to fl ip Into the 11ir. The: Hmokin1,1 re11111l nHcome 10 rcHt 06" awuy in u rumlom
M WS BS S I A LO direction. Any rnodel ~ under the rcrnuins 111kc I)<, S7 hilH with u -2 saving throw modi-
- 4 4 8 4 2 10
06 Body Damage Table

I The hit disrupt.~ the DnctyliH' ce111rul nervous system. severing the link with the lllvc
If the Dt1clyliAR link with the H ive M ind IAseve red, it w ill NcRt. While Nc11ll ng M ind for the 11ex1Tyrnnid turn. (Sec Spci:iul rules)
ii' w ill rcm nln stotiomiry ond fire Its bile pods .it the ncorcst e nemy till'get, 2·:I The hit d1111rngcs lhc l)uclyli,~' ccn1rul nervous system, Heverin)( Ilic link with Ilic Hi ve:
w hcthcr vchlclcorlnfn ntry.11, c Doctylis Is immune to psychology, ond cnuscA M ind pcrn1u110111ly. (Sec Speci11I ruleH)
Fcn r. 4•!i Oooohhh, 111111 l{EALl, Y hurt. The L>11c1yl i~ loose, all c11111m l ,ind run~ amok in i1s ne.111
111ovomcn1 phnsc, rnmrning the nearest rnm.Jcl, unit or vehiclc (friend or foe), or turning
11111! shooting ill lho 11cures1 unit If there urc none within movement range. A t the end of
l hu followl1111 close co111b111 phuso the L>uctylis then collupses und dies.
1'wo a rms, coch firing bile pods, w ith o 90" fie ld of fi re to the front. 6 The Duclyli,' bile pod u111111unltion ruptures, destroying the Dactylis und spruying corro-
Spore cysts wit h o 360" fi l,td o f fire (sec rules). sive bi le over 1111y models within 3" of the DuctyllH, causing D6 Strength !! hits with a -3
s11vinp. throw 111odincr.

06 Arm Damage Table

The nerve bundles lining the urm urc dumugcd. The arm may only be lircd or used in
WEAPON DATA hund•to•hunu cumbnl if you firsl roll 11 4 or more on I l>6.
2-5 'l11e urm is destroyed unu the wcupon rnuy not tire or be used in hand-to-hand combat
Rongr To Hit Snvo Armor
fur the rest ol' the gumc. Reduce the Dactylis' s Attuck characteristic by I.
Wl'11po11 Sh. Long Sh. Long Sit. Omn. Motl. Pon. Spoctnt 6 The 11rn1 is destroyed us above. but is torn from the body of the Ductylis leaving a gap-
0-20 20-72 • 8 206 -4 206+8 2" BI. Mkr., Sp ing wnunu. Roll on the l:lotly l)umugc Tublc to find out what effect this has.
o-a 4 1 ·1 08+4 S,,.Olel Rulft

Datafax Produced bY ln•ulsltor Naatazlne

, - --

The Imperial Guard Hydra is a specia_lized anti~ircraft Overwatch

variant of the Chimera APC. Fitted with quad-lmked The Hydra follows slightly different rules for fi . .
autocaimons, it is designed to sweep the sky clear of turret mounted weapons on overwatch N nng Its
. · ormal
pesky Eldar jet bikes, Tyranid Gargoyles and Marine turreted veh 1cles may only overwatch fire · th
jump squads. 90 degree fire arc of the turret. The specia)~~d tront
speed turret motors allow the Hydra to fir . ' gh
. e rn a full
Special Rules 360 degree fire arc on overwatch much like th ..,.
The Hydra may not transport troops. All available tula. e iaran- '
space is taken up by prodigious amounts of ammuni-
tion. Since the Hydra is a support vehicle, one regular Remember that any models flying high may b fir
Chimera is required for the purchase of each Hydra. at when they fly high, not just when they corn: d ed
. h'1gh .
from fl ymg own
Two loaders are used to keep the ammo bins filled Special Ammo and Ammo Feeds
with fresh ammo. If there are less than two loaders The Hydra has specialized, upgraded long range
the Hydra's rate of fire drops off. autocannon ammo for use against aerial targets, so
2 Loaders All four weapons may fire ignore the additional 12" range for flying targets. The
1 Loader Only two weapons may fire autocannons mounted on the Hydra have improved
No Loaders Only one weapon may fire ammo feeds compared to the infantry weapon, so you
may ignore the first two Jam dice rolled for each shot.
Ground Targets
The Hydra may be used against ground targets, but Hydra Vehicle Cards
its targeters are not designed for these kinds of targets Two new vehicle cards designed to improve the
so suffers a -2 hit modifier against all non-flying, Hydra's capabilities are included below.
skimming, jumping targets.

The autocannon targeter may be The Hydra autocannons have
upgraded to a radar targeter that been equipped with tracer
reduces a flying or skimming ammo. making it easier to put
target's speed modifier by one to the fire on the target. All shots
a minimum of 0. with the autocannons are +I to



~ LIT.!J iJ •J: i"4 •J i ~ . 4 3: It~•~
Slow Combat Fast
6" 12" 20"
Type: Tracked
06 Track Damage Tabla
RAM VALUE: 1 The trucks llr<' dumugecl hut the Hydru keeps o n running. Th<-' I l ytlru m a y onl y move nt S low
Strength 8 speed for 1hc rest of the game.
Damage D12 2· 5 The trucks urc destroyed . The H ydru moves out or c,m1rol nl',t turn und 1hc n n 1111<·s 111 " p,.,r-
rnnnent h alt for the rest uf lh(' hnlllc.
Save -5 6 A tru<·k is hlown off nnd lht• re ,nltlnf! dnmngc ,mushes till' dri ve ,hull c nu, ing llw H ydrn hi
flip over. The wreck c,11nc, 10 rc,1 Dll" uwny in II rnndo m dlrcc 1ion. Any m,1,ll'I ii lnnd, ' "'
CREW= take., D<1 S7 hits w ith 11 -2 ., nvlnu lhmw 111udilkr. lfoll II Dll lor cnrh mode l , 111 hnunl. They nn'
1 lmperlal Guard Driver killed In lht• c rush un a l)t, ru ll of 4 . 5 or r, with"'' nn nm , uh' nllowcd Survivl nll llHkl,•ls m ny
dis muu nt using the nonnnl rule.,
3 lmperlal Guard Gunners
2 Imperial Guard Loaders SPECIAL RULES:
S ince the Hydra is a s upport w hicl(•, one regu lar 06 Hull Damage Table
C1,imc rn 111 required for the pu rch ase of each Hydro. 1 The driver is ki lled, U n k ss his pos hiu n i, 111~en 11 v,·r 1iw ll ydru w lll m11v,· 11111 ol , ·11n1r11 I h11·

TRANSPORT1 Two load""' are UH<'d to keep the ammo binR fllil'd 1he rest uf rhc gam e .
None with fr<"sh a mmo . If there ar<" less than tw o lo adcrR th" 2·3 A tlcry cxplu:..lon teur~ throug h the crc w/ pu, :, cng&.·r r rnupurt rrn.•nl. 1{1111 o I >t, fur L'u,: h 111,Klel nn
Hydra's rat" of fi r<" drops o ff: 2 Loadt•rs : Four weapons honrd. 011 a roll of .J.1 o r /1 lhey nrc h il nnd ~1lk,l 1v 11h 111111111111r " " '' nllnw<'d .
m ay fin,, I LoadN: Two wrapons may fir<", no Loncll'rs : 4 The Hydru"s eng ine c ., plodcs , ki ll ing cvl'ry h,kly , 111 hunnl wilh n11 arn111r , uw nll11 w,•d T h,•
WEAPONS1 O ne weapon m ay fir<". vehicle is spun aro und 10 fm..'c in a n11uh1rn "lirt·1..· 111111 hy tht.· hu\.' l' o f llw l ,plo!rilu11 ,1mJ 1h"' "

In the turret: fou r quad -linked Th<! Hydro m.1y be u s t•d agai n• ! gr\lund tarKCIH, bu l comes tu II permnncnl huh.
autocannons nn d a s torm boiler with •uffor• a -2 h it modifie r a ga inst ,,II nnn-0 y lng, 5 A spurk iw1i1e, tht· llydrn ' , f11 l' I 11111~ 1111<1 ii hur,i- 1n1<1 fl no,,·,, ~1 11111" ,•V<•ryh11, ly 1111 hoard
360" fll'ld s of fire. O n e heavy boiler skimming, jumpln11 tnrgl'tH. T h e s pedall1,ed, high spt,cd with 1h• nnnor ~aVl! nlluwl!d . T hl· tluntln~ wn._•1.: J.. ltH IV l' ' ,u11111' 1..·,u111nl 111..· ,11\1111 und th,•111." , -
mount ed In the hull wit h o 90' fie ld of turret motor• allow lh" 1lydra to fire In a fu ll 360
plod c,. Thl' nny mud,•h "'llhin .I" nl lhc vd 1idt• , ulkr II hil es11,·1ly '" tf h il hy II lwnvy IIH11t,•r
fire to the fro nt. All weapon • arc fi tted dc11rec fire o re on overwn1ch muc h like th(• Tnrantuia.
6 The l·lydra' s a11u111111ltiu11 c~ ploJcs . The ll ydru I., d ,•,1 royc•tl nnd 1111y othnkh wl1h in I" "' 1h,·
with targeteni, Thu H ydro may a lRo be Th e au toconnons m o untl-d un 1he Hydra hove
lank ,uffor nr, Sin·ng th Ill hit , w 11h a -3 , nvl1111 1hrn w 1111nlll il'1.
fitt ed w ith n set o f nuto-launc her" carry- lmprovl-d ammo feeds compared to the lnfnntry
In g frog or blind grenades ( 1-5 points ), wenpun, 80 you may Ignore the firs t two Jom dice rolled
o r frog defender rounds (+ 10 points). for each • h ot. lmpnwcd ommo a lluwH a I lydra to Ig nore 06 Turret Damage Tobie
th<' additiona l 12" rang" for flying targ<'IS. 1 Tht: auhk.' UIHHrn!\ llll' dnmngi·,I 1111d m ny unl y he lin•d tl yuu tlr,t 11 11( n ,, , 1r ""'"-' rnt n l)h
WEAPON DATA T he 1urrc 1 bjum111ct.l und muy 110 lw1a&c r ru tnh.•. I'll..: nuhtt·u11m111, mn y u11ly l i11.• 11\ u ,11111 ijhl
line 111 t11r11cL, thn1 nrc Jln:c tl y In fron t o f 1hc111.
Rongo To Hit Snve Armor 3 The u1111icu1111<ms nrl' dcs truyc,I 11nJ mny 1101 h,: u s,·d f111 the r,•,11111lw hnll k ,
Wonpon Sh. Long Sh. Long Sir. Dam. Mod. Pon. Spcc lnl 4 T he 11ttllll'11t1111111, lltl' dl'str11ye,I ns nhov.·, htll tit-- c~ plt1, 11111 .-uu-.•s II fl 1hhl111t'k to lh,• hull ,·nu ,
Autocannon- 0-20 20-72 • 8 D6 ~ 206+8 Suit. Fire 10 eoch in g 11 ,cc,rn,lury c xpln s hm . koll 1111 lhc ll nl l 1>11111111!<' Tuhlc tn rind u ul wh111 l'I k.:1 1hh h11,.
5·6 The 111111111111ltiu11 , 101<·.t 1111h,· 1111-i.•1 c xph kiL'• 1111d lltt• I lydru h , k,1 n ,y,·d All 111,1tk h ,111 t,0 111<1
HNvy Bon.r 0-20 20-40 • 5 04 ·2 D4+oe-+., 8111t. Fire 20
:Ill' ~illcd and !Ill' IUfll' l is hlo wn u tl . llyl ng ! l )h" in 11 11111d1111t , h ll'" lhlll lw lm,• 11 ,·11" ""' In lk

Storm Bon• 0-12 12·24 +1

POINTS COST: 200 Points

D6+4 Suat l'lrA 1 n
t,(fuuml. A ny1hin1,t 11rnkr 1111..•
1h1 ow 1thk.htic 1
!\p111 \\h1.! 1c 1111..· lll f h ..' t lund"' on tu"-.1..·, l )h S'J hit, " it h II h 1'111\•I II J,t

D■t■f■ x •roduced bY ln•ulsltor N•••zln•


The Vindicator is a h e avily uparmored Rhino with a large bunker-buster gun. It is the Space Marine answer
to the Imperial Guard Demolis her and provide s mobile heavy support to Marine fighting in built up areas.


Slow Combat Fast Tracks

6" 12" 18" HuJL _
Type: Tracked Thunderer Cannon
T rack Damage Table
RAM VALUE: The tracks are damaged but keep running. The Vindicator may only move at Slow speed for
Strength 8 the rest of the game.
Damage D12 2-5 The tracks are destroyed. The Vindicator moves out of contrnl next turn and then comes 10 a
permanent halt for the rest of the battle.
Save -5
6 A track is blown off and the resulting damage smashes the drive shaft causing it 10 flip over.
The wreck comes lo rest D6" away in a random direction. Any model it lands on takes D6 S7
CREW: hits with a -2 saving throw modifier. Roll a D6 for each model on board. They are killed in the
1 Marine Driver, 1 Marine Gunner crash on a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 with no armor save allowed. Surviving models may dismount
using the normal rules.

TRANSPORT: D6 Hull Damage Table

One Thunderer Cannon with urgeter mounted in the hulJ. The Thunderer Cannon may only
1 The driver is killed. Unless his position is taken over the Vindicator will move out of control
for the rest of the game.
2-3 A firey explosion tears through the crew compartrnenL Roll a D6 for each model on board. On
a roll of 4, 5 or 6 they are hit and killed with no armor save allowed.
fire straight ahead . Twin-linked bolters a 360" field of fire. The Vindicator may also be fitted with
a set of auto-launchers carrying frag or blind grenades (+5 points), or frag d efender roun d s (+10
points). The Vindicator has a very l.imjted s torage capacity for its huge shells, so may only fire six
4 The Vindicator's engine explodes, killing everybody on board with no armor save allowed.
The vehicle is spun round to face in a random direction by the force of the explosion and !hen
comes to a permanent halL
shots during a game. 5 A spark ignites !he Vindicator's fuel tank and it bursts into names, killing everybody on board
with no armor save allowed. The naming wreck moves out of contrnl next turn and then
explodes.Any models within 3" of the vehicle suffer a hit exactly as if hit by a heavy namer.
6 The Vindicator's ammunition explodes. The Vindicator is destrnyed and any models within
3" of the center of the tank suffer D6 Strength 10 hits with a-3 saving throw modifier.

D6 Thunderer Damage Table

WEAPON DATA 1 The Thunderer is damaged and may only be fired if you first roll a 4 or more on a I D6.
Range To Hit Save Armor 2-4 The Thunderer is destrnyed and may not be used for the rest of the baule.
Weapon Sh. Long Sh. Long Str. Da m.Mod. Pen. Specia l 5 The Thunderer is destrnyed as above, but the explosion causes a flashback 10 the hull causing
a secondary explosion. Roll on the Hull Damage Table to find out what effect !his has.
Thunderer Cannon 0-18 18-36 10 208 -3 208+06+10 - 2" Blast Marker
6 The ammunition explodes and the Vindicator is destrnyed. All models on board are ldlled .
Boller 0-12 12-24 4 1 - -1 06+4 Any model within 3" takes D6 S9 hits with a -6 saving throw modifier.

POINTS COST: 14 5 Points

Datafax •rocluc•cl bY lnClulsltor Nallazln•


S378VJ.3~Vwva ~OJ.VOICNIJ\

·seaie dn lHnq U! Su9l{S9 au!iew Ol lloddns AAea4 anqow sap!AOJd pue Ja4snowaa pien9 1epadw1 ar.p 01
iaMsue aupew a:rnds al{l S! H ·un~ Jalsnq-ia)[Unq a~ie1 e l{.J!M OU!tru paiowJedn Af!Al:?alf e S! ioJe:J~pu~A al{J..

• (

Ork 2-Armed Dreadnought Damage Tables

- -- -- - - - - - - - - - D6 Location Front Side/Rear
M WS BS S I A LO 1 Legs IA 1A
a 5 4 6 3 2 6 2 Left Arm
Walker 3 Right Arm
4-6 Bod}'_
CREW, DB Leg Damage Table
One Gretchln The thick armour plates on the Dreadnou"ht\ leg hold. hul lh~ force of 1he hlo w ,low< 11
down. T he Dreudno ught muy not move 111 it:-. next turn.
RAM VALUE: Th e Dreadn ought is J... nockcd ~prow ling. It !'ltugge rs D.l'' in a rum.Jorn dire~llnn, t:oll1J1ng
Strength 6 w ith a ny thing moved into.
Damage D10 The leg is seriuu• ly damaged, The Drc11d11ough1 muy now only hmp DJ" per rum .
Save -4 The leg is blown off nnd the Orcudnought crn.,.he\ ro lhl" ground . Jr may 1101 move ur
a 11.ack for the rc,t of the game und 1, eftcc.· uvcly dcsrroyeJ.
WEAPONS: DE Arm Damage Table
Arm 1: Power Claw The ar m is hit and purtwlly parnly,cd. Any ranged wc:1pon, may ,111/ ~ usc-<l. hur 1he
Arm 2: Heavy Bolter with a 90• field o f fire to the fro nt. ar m can not be u,cd to fight in hund lo hand comba t Kc<lul·c rhc: Dn.· uJnou~hr ", 11UJ1l k,

A ny arm can be upg rad ed to carry a heavy flamer for 10 points or a las c haracrcrislic by one.
cannon o r missile launche r w ith frag a nd k ra k missiles at an additional A ny wcupon, u n rhe urm arc Jammed or parlially duim1geJ und l'all o nl y be fi n: <l it y ou
cost of 25 points each. first roll u 4+ on u 06.
The urm is torn from the Drcudnouxht's hudy . Any weupo1h nuJuutet.J o n the unu are arc:
destroyed and the D rc:aJnou,Khl':, uu acks ~har:u: rcr1,uc •" reJw.:e<l by o uc
The arm is Je"troye<l und any weuponi m o unrcJ o n II e xplode! llle c xplo, um n u.i ht',
back lo the Dn~mJnouglll\ btxJy. hy pa., ,ing a ll :irmor. unJ c uu , ing u sccondury
explosion. Roll on lhc AoJy Dumagc Table 10 find lhc: c fft"~'l of rhi , explo,iun.

De Body Damage Table

WEAPON DATA The G rc h: hin co111roll 111w 1hr Dn:udnoughl ,uffc ri-. u ma,M ve ,hock, '"-"ndm~ him un rhc
Range To Hit Savo Armor nunpugc! Thi: Dreudnough1 movc'i uuI or control for Ihc: re, I or rhc: ~tune h will :iuai:k
uny1h111g Ill it, pa1h 111 do~c l'mnbur or lire it1 wcupon, a l the du'l,('"--.t 1urg c-1. fricnJ , ,r t oc 1
W eapon Sh l o n q Sh , Long Sir. 0 nm .M od Pen Spccinl
~m e Dreudnough1", engine bur,t:, intu flume, anJ rhc 1mu:h111c i.. 11mu,,b1li1.cJ. The
HeevyBoller G-20 20-40 5 04 ·2 06+04+5 Sult. Fire 2D
Grelchin rnay u,e emct KCni.:y cu111ruJ:, lo Im: o ne wcupun Roll a D6 ut lhc bt:,Kmning uf
Heavy .......
~20 2(MI()
-- 9
each p luycr'A turn.~, he 111:u:hine will cxpltxJc o n a rolJ of I or 2 . Any moJe h wnhin 3 "
~uffcr 06 ,urena1h 10 h1r.. w11h u .J .i.uvrng thruw moc.hficr
f'ragMIMlle G-20 20-72
KrakMlulle ~20 20-72
- 4
2' BIMIMlltlcer The Orc 1c h111 '-:unlrollmy Ihc L>re1u.Jnoughl 1:-i •darn. The OrcuJn11uglu "ilU¥tit:r , L>J .. in u

,._.~ CloM ComlMII Only • a 1 .IJ D6+020+t

rnn,10111 d u'ecllon , col liding wilh uny1hi n• moved i111u, ~fore ii collupM", 10 1he grounJ
The Urcudnuu¥ h1 ", amm unilion c ApluJc.,_ The Dn: :.iJnuui h1 "<l<.·i..truycJ unJ any
model.!t whh111 :l" :,ulfa I )() Mn:nMlh 10 h1h wilh u -.l , uvrn~ throw rnoJ1llcr

You might wanl to try the regular Ork 4-armed Dreadnought al 110 points, since the currenl point cost is a bit high.

D■t■f■x • r oduced bY 1n-.ul11tor N■tl■zln•
The Imperial Guard Land Speeder datafax that is supplied int the Dark Milleniumbox set has the same weapons fire arcs as thenew Marine Land
Speeder. We have nor seen a new style Guard speeder from Games Workshop yet although it is legal vehicle in the Genestealer Cult Army List. The
o ld Speeder weapons fire arcs and weapons choices were different so here we present datafaxes for both Guard and Marine old style Land Speeder s

Slow Combat Fast
Lan d Speeder 10
10· 20" 30" *Hit the one nearest the attacker.
Type: Skimmer

RAMVAUJE: D6 Land Speeder Damage Table

Strength 6 1 The land speeder's heavy bolter is destroyed and may no longer be used.
Damage D6 2 The land speeder's dorsal weapon is destroyed and may no longer be used.
Save -3 3 The land speeder's controls are damaged making it diffucult to control.Roll a D6 at the
stan of each of the land speeder's movement phases. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the driver is
CREW: able to control the land speeder and it moves normally. On a roll of I, 2 or 3 the land
1 Imperial Guard Driver
speeder moves out of control for that turn.
The land speeder's engine cuts out and it crashes to the ground 2D6" away in a random •2
1 Imperial Guard Gunner direction. Any model under the land speeder when it lands takes D3 S6 hits with a -2

saving throw modifier. The crew are able to leap to the ground before it crashes, but will
suffer damage if the land speeder was moving at more than I O" in its previous move.
WEAPONS: 5 The land speeder's engine blows up, killing the crew. The flaming wreck crashes to the
One dorsal mounted heavy plasma gun with targeter and a 360° field of
fire. One heavy bolter with targeter and a 45° field of fire to the front. The
ground 2D6" away in a rando m direction. Any model under the land speeder when it
lands takes D3 S6 hits with a -2 saving throw modifier.
The land speeder's fuel explodes, killing the crew. The flaming wreck crashes to the
heavy plasma gun may be upgraded to a lascannon or a missile launcher
ground 2D6" away in a random direction. When the wreck hits the ground its ammuni-
with frag and krak missiles for an additional cost of +5 points.
tion explodes, causing D3 strength 8 hits with a -3 saving throw modifier on all models
within 3".

D6 Crew Damage Table

Roll to see if the crewman is killed using the normal shooting rules. He has a toughness of 3
WEAPON DATA and is wearing flak arrnor that confers a 6+ saving roll, and has one wound. lf the driver is
killed the land speeder will move out of control for the rest of the game or until it hits terrain
Range To Hit Save Armor
it cannot cross, collides with another vehicle or building, or until it leaves the game table, or
Wea on Sh. Lon Sh. Lon Str. Dam. Mod. Pen. Special until the gunner takes over. If the gunner is killed then the dorsal weapon may no longer be
HeavyP~ Gun •One tum to recharge after firing ~ max power used, although the driver may still fire the heavy bolter.
~ Energy 0-20 20-40 - 7 04_ _-2 04+06+7 1~" Blast
MaxPower" 0-20 20-72 10 010 -6 010+06+10 1.5" Blast
0-20 20-40 - 5 04 -2 04+06+5 Sust.Flre2D

D■t■f■x •roduc•d bY ln•ulsltor N•••zln• ...

Marine Land Speeder Mk1 Dam
Slow Combat Fast
Land Speeder
10" 20" 30" ,ttackor.
• Hit tho ono n oor
Type: Skimmer
--~ --~... •,, 06 Land Speeder Damage Table
Strength 6 ·"'- ,

The land speeder'~ lower woupon I~ dc~tr11ycd nnJ mn y nu l111111cr nc u"'d

Damage D6 \ 1
2 The lnnd speeder·~ dor~ul weupon is dcNt111ycd und muy no lon11cr he u"-"<.J
Save -3
' 3 The land speeder•~ controls 11rc dum111i1cJ 111uk111~ ii J1lfo1:11lt lo ~nn1111I Holl 11 f )11 .,1 the
sturt of cuch of the lunc.J ~pccdcr•~ mo vc111cn1 pha., c,. ( )11 a 11111111' .J. 'ur <• thl" dri ~i-, "
CREW: uble lo control the Jund ~pccJ c r und ll move~ 1111rmully On n roll ol I . 2 ur I the Janel
1 Marine Driver ~pcedcr move~ out of control for thut turn.
1 Marine Gunner 4 The land ~pccdcr's engine l'UIS out uml ii cru.~h,·• 111 th~· ~rounJ l l )h" aw.1y 111 ,1 1,111d11n1
direction. Any model under the luml .~pcedcr when i1 fund• 111!..l'' I> I So fut • wuh ,, .!

-I Mtvi ng throw modifier. The crew nrc uhlc to to 1hr 11rnund hd111c It n.i, hr,. hut will
~uffer dumo11c ii' lhe lu11d , pccdcr wu, 111ovi 111,t 111 111111 c 1ha11 If)" 111 11, p11: v11111, 11111vr

5 The land ,pccdcr·, cni,;ine blows up. kilfln1,1 1lw n,·w Th,· 1111111111,11 w1rd, c.:ru•ht", 1111hr

ground 2D6" uwuy in II rn nd11111 direction. A11y 11111dcl under the lu11d , prrilcr when 11
WEAPONS: lands mkes DJ S6 hits with u -2 saving th row 1111 »hl k r
One dorsal mounted multi-melta with targeter and a 360° field of fire. One 6 The land speeder's fuel CltpludcH, killing 1hr crew The 11111111 111,1 wrcrk ,·rn, hc, '" th,·
i melta gun with targeter and a 45• field of fire to the front. The melta gun
may be upgraded to a heavy bolter for a cost of 7 points.
ground 21>6" uwuy In II rund11m d1rec111111. Whc11 1fw w1 cd 1111, th,· 11ru1111J 11 , 1111111111111
lion Cltplodes. cau,i1111 I)) ~lrc11gth K hit~ w11 f1 11 -.I •av11111 1h111w 111111!111,·1 1111 all 111, Kl,·f,
within :I".

06 Crew Damage Table

Rolf to ,cc if lhc n,·w1111u1 "J.ilkd u,1111, the 1111n11ul , h1 K1t111g nrlr, I k ha• a 111u11lrnc.. 111 •I
unJ i¥ wcurintt puwrr urutor thut n 111lcr, a .I+ ,11\lll(I rull , um.I hJ• ,nrc "'"umf If ,11.- d11,cr "
Range ToHrt Save Armor killed thr lu11d , p,·cdc-r will 11111\ c- out ur , 111111111 l11r 11,.- ' "'' 111 1hr .:u111.- 111 1111111 ,1 t111, 1.-1111111
l.7m:m Sh Sh Sir. Dam.Mod
..... _ _Pen
~ ii ,·unnut c.:r11,s, c111f1dc, whh 1111111hcr 1•c-hidr 11r ltu1IJ1111,1 . "' u1111I 11 k.ivn tl,c 11011,r t11hl.-, '"
until lhr 11unnrr 1111..c, ovc, If 1hr 11111111c-1 1, f..ilkd thn 1 1t,,· J 111,jl 111.,y 1111 l,u111r r l•r u...·J . 111
.... a.a !hough the 1.h lv.: mu y ,1111 l)rc tht' l11wcr wcupun
...,,,Bc6,r ~20 20.-o -
-2 ~
8ust Fire 2D

I:2'.•l 1: i ~fi•t-"i di rti :tfflft t,

Datafax •roclucecl bY ln,ul•ltor Nallazln•

r:: hterer Dama a-=
B1ooa -·--;;
D6 Location Front Side/Rear
Wheels 16
Body -
tl Weapon*
-~- ·1a
*closest to attacker.
06 Wheel Damage Table
1 The wheels are damaged but keep rolling. The Blood Slaughterer's Movement
characteristic is reduced to 4 for the rest of the game.
2-5 The wheels are destroyed. The Blood Slaughterer moves out of control next
turn and then comes to a permanent halt for the rest of the battle.
6 A wheel is blown off and the resulting damage causes the Blood Slaughterer to
flip over_ The wreck comes to rest D6" away in a random direction. Any model
it lands on takes D6 S5 hits with a -2 saving throw modifier.

06 Body Damage Table

1-3 No effect.
4 The Blood Slaughterer's heavy bolters are destroyed.
5 The Blood Slaughterer's engine explodes and the vehicle is spun round to face
in a random direction by the force of the explosion and then comes to a perma-
nent halt. It may still shoot.
6 A spark ignites the Blood Slaughterer's fuel tank and it bursts into flames. The
Blood Slaughterer is destroyed and any models within 3" of the vehicle suffer
D6 Strength 7 hits with a -3 saving throw modifier.

06 Weapon Damage Table

1 The weapon is damaged and may only be used if you first roll a 4 or more on a
D6. If the Power Scourge is damaged, reduce the Attacks characteristic by 2. If
Save Armor
the Power Axe is damaged, reduce the Attacks characteristic by 1.
Str. Dam. Mod. Pen. Special
04 -r-04+D6+5Sust. Fire 2D each
2-5 The weapon is destroyed and may be used for the rest of the game. If the Power

- .. -,..,,..-_

•• ; _I

• ,,; '-''...
· ;
' ·t •, ~
Scourge is destroyed, reduce the Attacks characteristic by 2. If the Power Axe
6 • : , ... :,~ -· .; A

; user 1 206+5 See Chaos Codex is destroyed, reduce the Attacks characteristic by 1.
6 The weapon is destroyed as above, but the explosion causes a flashback to the
body causing a secondary explosion there. Roll on the Body Damage Table to
find out what effect this has.
-- --
- ri:MPEST
Grav Tank can be fitted with non-army

Q: Can the Tyranid biomorph "Voltage Field" short out a

Q: If the fa]~oln wargear cards such as superd1arged Titan's powerfield, void shield, or holofield, thus rendering
::.orifi vehic e bi ·
sp<- c ·nforced armor, a ahve it useless?
engines, re1 hy can't the Tempest?
aflllor, etc., w
A: The Voltage Field has no effect on Titan fields and
th Tempest datafax was published the Falcon shields, its just not powerful enough to affect them.
A: When adenot yet been published . We had seen parts of it,
datafax h f •t and the rumor was that the Falcon would
I Q: Will a holofield on an Eldar Titan offer any protection
but not a~i° / use Eldar Vehicle Cards, so this is the way from a Tyranid Spore Mine?
only be a : do(and pointed) the vehicle. It worked well 1. When fired at the Titan?
w~ playnltes ~ e Eldar Vehicle Cards, so that's the way it was
us1ngo Y 1 2. When drifting into the Titan?
A: Yes, the Eldar TI tan gets the holofield save. The holofield
th Falcon datafax came out and we discovered that save is essentially a dodge save, so applies to just about
Wh dedecided for some reason not to li nut ve cIe
· the "hi
G dsaavailable to the Falcon. I su spect that they decided ,
th the other cards were necessary because of the Falcon s Q: What about Necron Scarabs? Can they attach to the hulls
Ii ~t armor. The Tempest has armor that is considerably of the Titans?
g her than the Falcon's and does not need the other cards
toug as much, so we are stan d mg
nearly " on 1·1m1ting
· · the "vehi cIe
A: Yes. Powerfields, void shields and holofields have no
Cards to the Eldar ones. effect on Scarabs.

BANEBLADE/SHADOWSWORD Q: When their powerfields are down will the scarabs still
Q: How many preliminary barrage sh ots does a Guard inflict the -3 to your armor rating?
player recieve for the superheavy tanks?
A: Yes, silly though it may sound.
A: One for each battlecannon and/ or heavy mortar: two
shots for the Baneblade and none for the Shadowsword. Q : Can Titans move normally, making stomp attacks
during their movement and then still shoot in the shooting


IDClUlsltor IS SClU8f Army List lrrata

The demo charge stats got kind of mangled and the grenade launcher Wargear
Card suffered from a cut-and-paste error, so here are the corrected versions.

Standard Demo Charge

Astandard demo charge has a strength of 9, does 306
points of damage, has no blast area and has a -6 save modi- Upgrade the exo-armor bolt pistol to a gre-
fier. A model may carry enough to last a whole battle. nade launcher loaded with frag and krak
~eapon Str. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special grenades only. When mounted on exo-am1or
mo Charge 9 306 -6 406+9 Sp the grenade launcher becomes a move and
fire weapon and causes no encumbrance in
Heavy Demo Charge HTH combat.
.. A heavy d
of d
h .
erno c arge has a strength of 10, does 406pomts SQUAT EXO-ARMOR ONLY
Th amage, has no blast area and has a -6 save modifier. AVAILABILITY: RARE
ryes~ charges are so large and heavy that a model may car- (Only one allowed In any Squat
on Y one at a time.
weapon St
army, lncludlng a combined
Brotherhood and Gulld army)
Heavy De r. Dam. Sv. Mod Arm. Pen. Special
mo Charge 10 406 -6 5D6+10 Sp

List your gaming convention here at no cost. The ad- Due to the less than timely Inquisitor publicatio h
dresses shown below are contact addresses. Armorcast and this will be the last time the Want Ads appear. 1: :~tdule,
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. . n as
G 1ve 1t a try at: ·
Aug. 6-91998 GenCon 1998*
Milwaukee Convenntion Center http:/ / ~darkwolf /tradi'ng.html

WANTED: Citadel Journal 1-13, 19, 20. White Dwarf 136

Sept. 4-71998 ConQuest* 147
Christopher Allen, PO Box 540352, Dallas, TX 75354. ' .
Clarion Hotel,
Millbrae, CA WANTED: Late model Eldar figs, bikes, Walkers, Dreds etc. Also
Info: (408) 271-5992 Space Marines, dreads, robots . Wanted most of all: Mike Biasi
e-mail: Studios or Armorcast Eldar Towering Destroyer Knight Titans i
Web: http:/ / any condition. Mike at 319 538-8761 or 3151 Hillcrest Rd.#2, n
Dubuque, IA 52001

WANTED: Multi-part plastic Orks (box set) plus other Ork (40K
or Fantasy), Undead, Skaven figures (GW or other mfgrs.) Contact
Tom at 612 667-9581

WANTED: Old Eldar Dreadnoughts, Spirit Walkers, Eldar Musi-

cians, old Ork heavy armor, Marine bikes and jet bikes. Please
contact Neil Northime, 37 Hickory St., Butler, PA 16001 (412) 283-

WANTED: Old style Imperial Guard (plastic or metal), Land

Raiders. Mat Clayson 48073 Chann Ct., Fremont CA 94539

WANTED: Copies of 40K rules from Citadel Journals 1-7. Send

price list to Ron Bogard 618 West 4th St. Webb City, MO 64870

WANTED: Uruk-Hai Ores by Jes Goodwin-see page 7 of WD 100.

Robert Clark (714) 373-5155

WANTED: Spaceships from the following lines: Superior, Valiant,

Grenadier, Citadel/CW. H eritage Galacta figures. Send list with
prices to Lee Erickson, 2131 Camino De Los Robles, Menlo Park,
CA 94025

I SU■ SCIHPTIONS are for one year (4 issues): Please make checks or money orders
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__ ..
blication schedule
,pear. I would s ug~
e, a non-profit s ite
; and want ads.

If/ trading.html

• Dwarf 136, 147.


~rs, Dreds etc. Also

f all: Mike Biasi
er Knight Titans in
Wcrest Rd.#2,

us other Ork (40K

ther mfgrs.) Contact

•Jkers, Eldar Musi-

et bikes. Please
'A 16001 (412) 283-

- metal), Land

umals 1-7. Send

:ity, MO 64870

page 7 of WO 100.

: Superior, Valiant,
!S. Send list with
iles, Menlo Park,

and mail to: I
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, _____ ., I

PO Box 14485 • Santa Rosa, CA• 95402-6485 •Tim DuPertuis • David Garton
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Cf.l.l) Concrete ■unker

(Ill) Cathedral Walls, Straliht

(1ft) ■one Walls .l (S.ll) Double Check Valve

XTF 125 Ruined Cathedral End Pieces (2)
XTF 126 Cathed ral Rubble 1 ( I piece)
XTF 127 Cathedral Rubble 2 ( I piece)
XTF 880 Cathed ral Straight Wall (2 pieces.)
XTF 881 Cathed ral Corner Wall (2 pieces.)
XTF 443 La rge Sandstone 2 (2 pieces)
XTF 493 River Spring a nd "Y" Intersection
XTF 520 Double Check Valve ( I piece)
XTF 530 Transformers (2 pieces) ~
XTF 612 Small Pod Plants 2 ( I piece)
XTF 625 Large Mantrap ( I piece)
XTF 714 Trench Straights (2 pieces)
XTF 718 Small Weapons Pits (2 pieces)
XTF 722 Concrete Bunker (2 pieces)
(ltS) Tech ■rldie XTF 81 5 Tech Bridge (10" long, 5" wide)
XTF 870 Bone Walls 1 (2 pieces, 5" long)
XTF 871 Bone Walls 2 (2 pieces, 6" long)


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