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LEGO® Charity box donation

Thank you for taking the time to filling in this form! We highly appreciate all your feedback and by receiving your
comments and reflections, we can continue develop our programme and support. This would help us reach more
children with quality play experiences.

This form is intended to be filled in by the receiving organization of the Charity box and one per donation/organiza-
tion. If there is a question that is not relevant to answer for your project, please write NA in the box.

Throughout the form a few different terminology is used and they are explained here below.
 Project – refers to the donation of Charity boxes
 Practitioner – an adult working with children, e.g. teachers, educator, caregiver,
 Trained – an adult working with children who in this case have received training or information on how to
use the bricks for educational or other activities.

Please fill in the form and email it to Lisa Ewertson at If you have pictures to share,
please attach those in your email. The form needs to be completed 12 month after the start of the project if nothing
else has been agreed. Please be aware that some of the information you need to collect throughout the project. If
you have any questions while filling in the form please send an email to Lisa Ewertson at

Date of report: Click here to enter a date.

Organisation name: Fundación Avanzar
Contact person: Melanie Ulloa
Address of organisation: Bolívar yTarqui (Edificio Casajoana)
Organisations’ website:

Date of project start and end.
October – Open end

Brief summary of the project.

Please briefly (max 400 words) explain how the boxes have been used and how it responded to the need and issue
outlined before project start.

Since the training took place, the boxes had been used regularly in the play room of the Fundacion Avanzar (located
in regional Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso) as well as in the rooms of the hospital.
Most important experience has been that the bricks are great help for the children who have attention deficit, as it
helps them to stay focused on one activity.

How many boxes did you receive?

Koldingvej 2
DK-7190 Billund
LEGO System: 27 cases of 6 LEGO bricks each one.
10 cases of Cars.
2 cases of Airplanes
2 cases of helicopters
4 cases of Animals
12 cases of LEGO´s people 2 in each one
2 cases of house´s wall

Please briefly describe how the data for this form was collected and by whom.

The data was collected by Melanie Ulloa (Play room´s coordinator) among the different practitioners, such as relat-
ives, volunteers and therapists.

Please fill in the information below. If you are missing any information, please write NA (not available) in the box.
How many children have been playing with the bricks?

Please specify how many of the children are:

Girls: 16
Boys: 113
Unknown: 21

Please specify how many of the children are in the following age groups.
0-2: 18
2-6: 35
7-12: 79
Unknown: 26

How many practitioners have been working with the targeted children?
Specify how many of the practitioners who attended a training on how to use the bricks, and how many have been us-
ing the bricks without receiving a training.
Trained: 3
Untrained: 30 Aprox.

How many facilities of each category has received boxes?

Pre-school / Kindergarten:
Early Childhood Centre:
Refugee camp:
Community Centre:
Hospital: 1

For what purpose have the bricks been used? (You can tick more than one box)

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DK-7190 Billund
☒ Free play
Activities when children themselves choose the activity without guidance from an adult or teacher.
☒ Guided play
Activities with a learning purpose, which are instructed by an adult but carried out by children.
☒ Psychosocial support
Activities with a focus on lowering the social/environmental stress among the children.
☐ Other

In this section, we are interested to receive feedback and reflections on the hands-on experience playing with the

What have been the main reflections and comments from the practitioners?
Reflection and comments from the practitioners on their experience using the bricks in their daily work, e.g. what has
worked, what has been difficult, what have been their favourite activity, what changes have they experienced.
Each of the activities has been very useful for working with children, since it has been able to work areas such as
memory, attention and concentration.
For us it has been a pleasure to learn these ludic techniques that allow us to get closer to children of different ages
who seek distraction within the hospital.
One of the disadvantages has been that it is difficult to work with several children at the same time because of the lo-
cation of the beds, or because they are connected to receive serum and their hand hurts, etc.
However, the different techniques used have been very well received by all children since it is a new activity for them
and for us.

What have the practitioners observed from the children?

Here you can write what reflections the practitioners have observed from the children, e.g. what activities they liked
and not liked.
Most children love to play with LEGO bricks and spend in average longer time than with other toys. However due to
their condition from time they need a practitioner to help them to put the part apart or to build them up.

Have any other stakeholders been involved in the project (parents, local government etc)? If so, what have
been their main reflections?
If relevant, please include the main reflection and comments from other stakeholders on how they have seen or ex-
perienced introducing the bricks and playful activities in the targeted facility.

Parents become naturally involved once they observe their children playing. They are very thankful since during the
time the children are bussy and motivated, they can forget about the pain and stress they are going through and for a
while they have the experience a ”normal” time at hospital.

In this section, the questions are focusing on the overall projects, its set-up and outcomes. “Project” refers to the
donation of Charity boxes.
What have been the main benefits of the project?

This project´s main benefit is the ability to approach ill children. Playing with LEGO bricks is a perfect tool to build a
good relationship with them. Moreover, it creates a space to work and train muscles or specific gross and fine motor
skills that have been limited due to their illnesses. A faster and more satisfactory recovery is promoted.

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DK-7190 Billund
Where there any unexpected results/outcomes of the project?

Girls are less attracted by LEGO bricks than the boys.

What were the main challenges in the project?

There really were no challenges I consider that the project itself is very well designed and especially directed, is easy
to learn, attracts attention and entertains children.

What would you do differently if you did the project again?

Would try to create more LEGO bricks for the female sex, so that they also have elements that attract their attention
and become more involved in this project.

Only to be filled in when training was provided in connection to the donation of the Charity boxes.

Please briefly outline how you conducted training for the practitioners.
Training can take many different forms, therefore please briefly outline how the trainings where done e.g. who did you
train, what was the main components of the training, did you do follow-up visits, and was there only one level of train-
ings or a cascading training model.

Few practitioners where trained by the students who brought the LEGO boxes from Switzerland. Parents of ill children
are giving some instructions while they play with the children, in order to not disturb the game and interaction.
To train new volunteers, we used the books we received and teach them the multiple uses and games that are pos-
sible with the bricks.

If relevant, what was the main comments and reflections from the practitioners attending the training after -
If you gathered the feedback from the training participants after the training, you can here enter the main comments
and reflections.

For many is a new activity. They find it fun, dynamic and very good to gain the attention of the children and keep them
distrated and motivated.

What was the main challenges during the training and what are you recommendations?
Here you can include both challenges on the both training set-up and the execution of the training.

The work team understood the instructions immediately and began transmitting this knowledge to the children so that
they could use their time in activities that would serve their development.

How did you experience the support from the LEGO Foundation?

A great contribution for us as they are new ways to relate to children and improve their stay in the hospital, besides
being a playful activity, it helps a lot to be able to work the children's cognitive areas that generally, because of their

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stay in the hospital are missing.
Also serves a lot because children are distracted and their parents can have minutes of rest.

If relevant, in what way was the support material helpful and how could it be improved?
Support material could for example be a booklet with activities or activity cards. Please also include if you felt that you
had enough activities to get started.

I think that the support material is good, it contains good graphics accompanied by explanations that are easy to un-
derstand, as well as when the training is already received before putting the program with the children into action.

Other notes, comments or reflections.

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DK-7190 Billund

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