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DAY 1 maintenance of personal

 This course is intended to
Course: UNDERSTANDING facilitate the exploration of
THE SELF the issue and concerns
Instructor: Rebecca C. regarding self and identity to
Domiguez, LPT arrive at a better
understanding of oneself.
1. SUBJECT ORIENTATION  It strives to meet this goal by
stressing the integration of
VISION: KCCF graduates the personal with the
armed with biblical principles and academic – contextualizing
God's wisdom will lead in good matters discussed in the
governance. classroom and in the
everyday experiences of
MISSION: To glorify and honor students-making for better
God through God-centered learning, generating a new
education. appreciation for the learning
process, and developing a
CORE VALUES more critical and reflective
1. Virtue (moral excellence) attitude while enabling them
2. Knowledge to manage their selves to
3. Honor attain a better quality of life.
4. Service
This course is divided into three
INTENDED FOR KURIOSIANS  The first part seeks to
(GAIN) understand the construct of
1. Diligent and Reflective the self from various
Leader disciplinal perspective like
2. ICT Literate and Competent sociology, anthropology and
Communicator psychology- as well as the
3. Socially and Community- more traditional division
engaged Citizen Imbued between the East and West
with the Spirit of Patriotism – each seeking to provide
4. Innovative, Resourceful, and answers to difficult but
Critical Thinker essential question of “What
5. Interculturally Competent is the self?” and raising,
Collaborator among others, the question:
6. Life- and career-skilled “Is there even such a
Individual construct of the self?”

COURSE DESCRIPTION  The second part explores

some of the various aspects
 The course deals with the that make up the self, such
nature of identity, as well as as the biological, material
the factors and forces that and digital self.
affect the development and
 The third part identifies three and fully express ideas.
areas of concern for young Depth of thinking critical
students: learning, goal evaluation, independent
setting, and managing judgment, and insights into
stress. It also provides a issues, practical knowledge,
more practical application of and organization will be
the concepts discussed in assessed. Each position
the course and enables paper should be no longer
them the hands-on than 6 pages.
experience of developing
self-help plans for self- 3. JOURNAL CRITIQUE - The
regulated learning, goal student will prepare a five-
setting, and self-care page journal critique. The
goal is to critique a journal
COURSE REQUIREMENTS using critical thinking,
personal reflection, and
1. WEEKLY JOURNAL conceptualization of
WRITING - Students will be principles and issues based
expected to keep a weekly on an assigned reading.
journal. This will be a part of Students will be graded
student’s class participation based on his/her ability to
points. A few ideas for clearly and fully express
journal writing are: 1) What I ideas, the content, structure,
learned about others and organization, and grammar.
myself in a particular class
meeting; 2) Topics I want to 4. FILM REVIEW
talk about or have avoided
talking about; 3) Some of the 5. RESEARCH PAPER AND
things I am learning about PRESENTATION Students
myself in this course; and 4) will choose a “Current Issue
Some concrete changes in in Psychology or Mental
my attitudes, values, or Health” and prepare a six
behaviors that I want to to eight -page research
make. The instructor will paper following the APA
check journals periodically. Style. All topics must be
approved by the instructor.
REFLECTION PAPER- The paper will integrate the
Through critical thinking, following three areas of research:
personal reflection, and a. An interview with a practicing
conceptualization of psychologist.
principles and issues in b. Related material from the text
assigned readings, the and class lectures and
student will create 1 position discussions.
paper, which will be c. Related information from the
typewritten, double-spaced, professional literature (i.e. library
and carefully proofread. and Internet research).
The student will be graded
on his/her ability to clearly
Students will make a explore how you see
presentation to the class on their yourself through the
research, and abstracts of lenses of personal
students’ papers will be shared. identity, your skills and
talents, roles, values,
2. INTRODUCTION TO THE personal core, and how
COURSE you meet your
psychological needs. You
The meaning of will also examine how you
understanding the self is having respond to the pressures
insight into one's own behavior, of changes and
attitudes, strengths, and transitions in your life.
weakness. It is the individual's
-You will have an
ability to say and know what he
opportunity to examine
or she is good at or needs
how your personal
improvement. Self-
identity has been shaped
understanding is one of the by a variety of people and
highest goals in psychology. experiences. You will also
have opportunities to
think about and discuss
your values, interests,
hopes for the future, as
well as, your strengths
and challenges. You will
learn about how your
psychological needs are
the primary source that
motivates and drives your
behavior. You will also
learn critical knowledge
 Understanding the Self about change and how
important it is in today’s
-Knowing oneself is workplace to be adaptive
critical to being an and to embrace change
effective team member as as a personal and
well as being successful professional growth
in life, work, and experience.
relationships. Your
personal identity -You will be invited and
influences everything you encouraged to take risks,
do, and it changes and to step outside your
evolves over time. comfort zone, and to
challenge your thinking
-The purpose of this and the thinking of others.
module is to help you You will be engaged in
deepen your reflection, partner
understanding and activities, storytelling,
appreciation for who you discussion groups, self-
are as a person. You will
assessment, and giving passion. These three basically
and receiving feedback. allow man to live in accordance to
his nature, then he is giving justice
in his existence therefore
ACTIVITY 1 – UNDERSTANDING everyone in this world has a
SELF purpose for each one of us should
do our part. Always remember that
(BOOKLET) good is above God. A task is a
task. No matter what happens,
DAY 1-2 you should meet the deadlines
that are given to you. Practice
yourself in doing what you can do
Course: UNDERSTANDING now for time runs so fast wherein
THE SELF you won’t notice it and this will
Instructor: Rebecca C. definitely help you in your future
Domiguez, LPT work.


He defined man as a rational
A. PHILOSOPHICAL animal for we have free will and
PERSPECTIVES intellect. Only man in God’s
creation has the ability to think.
SOCRATES: AN UNEXAMINED Only man in God’s creation has
LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING the ability to think. So therefore,
Each one of us should be we should use our decisions
conscious of what is good to be wisely and this will definitely lead
able to have a good life. Don’t let us to self-actualization. For
ignorance overcome you. If you example, your parents are working
don’t know such thing, never hard just to send you to school, so
hesitate to ask for the help of you better do your part as a child
others for you to learn something and as a students and think wisely
new. Our soul strives for wisdom that it’s for your own good when
and perfection to achieve this the right time comes. It’s your
exalted state. For example, if you choice whether you’ll do what is
didn’t totally understand the right from evil for you have the
discussion of your professor don’t intellect that allows you to make
be afraid to go to his/her your own decisions.
consultation hours. A very good
friend of mine always reminds me ST. AUGUSTINE: THE SELF
that if you will not try, then you’re a HAS AN IMMORTAL SOUL
failure. There’s nothing wrong in A soul can’t live in this world
asking somebody’s help if you’ll be without a body for it is considered
the one who will benefit from it. as a unity of body and self. It is an
important element of man which
PLATO: THE SELF IS AN governs and defines himself. We
IMMORTAL SOUL all know that we are created in the
There are three parts soul image and likeness of God for we
which are the following: Reason, are geared towards the good. For
physical appetite, and spirit or example, as we are living in this
world, we should take good care other country is quiet for he
of our body not just physically as doesn’t speak to us. Well, we
well as mentally for it is the house cannot totally define who is he if
of our soul and when the right time he will not talk or engage with us
comes, we won’t regret anything for our imagination is moving that
for it has been useful. defines the personal identity of a
certain person.
Man is a thinking man that CONSTRUCT THE SELF
has an entity to doubt, understand, It is the self that is
analyze, question, and the most constructing and organizing
important thing is to reason out principles of experiences which
that can exist independently in the creates a world that is familiar,
physical body. This Latin predictable and significantly be
phrase Corgito ergo sum is the called as mine. For example, I
concept of self by Descartes. For myself is the one who’s
example, I can complain what I discovering the world for I am the
have read in the social media driver of my life. Nobody will do it
posts of my friends if they are for me for it transcends the
spreading fake news for I myself experience in my mind as well as
know what is right from bad. I have the senses of mine.
the free will to reason out what I
JOHN LOCKE: THE SELF IS Self consists of three layers
CONSCIOUSNESS which are conscious, unconscious,
For him our human mind is a and preconscious which are
Tabula Rasa or also known as a considered as far reaching impact
mind self at birth is a blank state. for we have so many questions in
Conscious awareness and life that leads us to curiosity and to
memory of previous experiences find for an answer. For example,
are the keys in understanding the we are just human that commit
self. For example, while we are mistakes. Therefore, we are
communicating with other people conscious that we did something
in different environment, we can wrong and we should not do it
carefully observe our experiences again for we should not repeat our
with them that lead us to learnings own mistakes twice because we’re
or being knowledgeable. grown-ups already.


Man is a bundle of all Self is best understood as a
sensation and perception. When collection of behavior that leads to
people will examine their content a person to behave in accordance
of experience what they can see with different circumstances. For
are just impressions and ideas that example, you can easily tell
results to imagination. For whether that certain person is
example, our first impression talkative, intelligent, and so on for
towards our new classmate from what their behavior speaks
towards other people. If he/she Instructor: Rebecca C.
keeps on smiling, then that person Domiguez, LPT
is a positive one.
He advocates the eliminative Self in Sociology
materialism or physiology of the
body and brain which explains that From a classical
all of us have a brain but if it is sociological perspective, the self
gone, there is no self at all. Our
is a relatively stable set of
brain is not inseparable from our
perceptions of who we are in
body. For example, how you dress
doesn’t define who you are but
relation to ourselves, others,
rather what’s the content of your and to social systems. The self
mind defines who you are. is socially constructed in the
sense that it is shaped through
MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY: interaction with other people. As
THE SELF IS EMBODIED with socialization in general, the
SUBJECTIVITY individual is not a passive
According to him, all the participant in this process and
knowledge of every individual have a powerful influence over
comes from the inner world of how this process and its
subjective phenomena of
consequences develop.
experience that people are aware
in everything within its
Why is sociological
consciousness. For example, our
perspective important in
body won’t function or mover
understanding the self?
unless being said or commanded
The sociological
by our brain for the two of them
imagination allows us to stand
were not separated.
apart mentally from our limited
experience and see the link
between private concerns and
social issues. It permits us to trace
the connection between the
patterns and events of our own
and the patterns and events of our

George Herbert Mead and

the Social Self

 George Herbert Mead

(1863–1931) was an
American philosopher,
sociologist and
psychologist, primarily
Course: UNDERSTANDING affiliated with the
THE SELF University of Chicago,
where he was one of according to Mead occurs in
several distinguished three distinct stages:
 He is regarded as one of 1. Imitation: In this stage,
the founders of social children copy behaviour of
psychology and the adults without understanding
American sociological it. A little boy might ‘help’ his
tradition in general. parents vacuum clean the
 His major contributions floor by pushing a toy
are Pragmatism and vacuum cleaner or even a
Symbolic Interaction, stick around the room.
Social Philosophy 2. Play stage: A child
(Behaviorism), plays, sometimes at being a
Philosophy of Science, mother or a teacher, at times
Play and Game and the a Post man, a police man
Generalized Others. etc. In this stage, responses
are not organised. A child
The “Theory of Self”: A thus internalizes the
Glimpse attitudes of others who are
significant to him through
1. Mead is best known for encating the roles of others.
his theory of Self. According 3. Game Stage: As a
to Mead, the self represents child matures, he also learns
the sum total of people’s to respond to ‘Generalised
conscious perception of their Others’. The individual just
identity as distinct from does not identifies the roles
others. of his significant
2. His theory of Self was others(family) but also
shaped by his overall view of determines other. He gains a
socialization as a life-long Social Identity.
3. For him self is the Facets of Self: Mead
social product rising from made significant contribution
relations with other people. to the development of the
At first, as babies, we are concept of social self in
unable to interpret the differentiating that the
meaning of people’s portion of the self that
behaviour. When children, develops through the
learn to attach meanings to internalization of the
their behaviour , they step attitudes of others from that
out of themselves. portion which never
4. Finally, when they can becomes completely
think about themselves , the predictable. ‘Me’ and ‘I’
same way they might think ‘Me’ 1. Me is the part of
about someone else, they the Self that is an
begin to gain a sense of self. organisation of the
Three stages of internalized attitude of
Development of Self The others. 2. Me represents the
process of forming the self,
conventional part of self. 3. DAY 3
Its an Objective part of self.

I’ 1. I is the acting part of Course: UNDERSTANDING

Self. 2. I represents the self THE SELF
in sofar as it is free, has Instructor: Rebecca C.
initiative, novelty and Domiguez, LPT
uniqueness . 3. I is the
Subjective part of self. C. The Anthropological
Interaction Conceptualization of the
Self: The Self as
Between Two Facets of Embedded in Culture
• Anthropology holds a
1. Mead says that two holistic view of human
parts of the self are in nature. It is concerned with
constant interaction. The ‘I’ how cultural and biological
holds attitudes about “me”. processes interact to
and the me reflects the shape the self.
judgments of others towards
2. This dialogue is the
• Anthropology
considers human
basic part of the conscious experience as an interplay
and unconscious mental life of “nature” referring to
of every individual. genetic inheritance which
3. The self has sets the individual’s
characteristics that it can be potentials and “nurture”
the object and subject to which refers to
itself. sociocultural environment.
4. Self is introspective.
5. Self is reflective.
6. The self arises in the
• Both biological and
cultural factors have
process internal
significant influence in the
conversation between I and
development of self.

Thus, the approach

• In the Anthopological
focuses on the peculiar perspective, there are two
individuality every self. Each ways in which the concept
person participates in the of self is viewed in different
social process and develops societies: egocentric and
a self by taking others into sociocentric.
account. The ultimate
product each individual 1. The egocentric concept
experience is the Unique of the self suggests that
Human being. each person is defined
as a replica of all
humanity but capable of
acting independently
from others
2. In the sociocentric • Self-identification may
concept of the self, the be attained by: kinship,
self is viewed as family membership,
dependent on the gender, age, language,
situation or social religion, ethnicity, personal
setting. appearance, and
socioeconomic status.
For example, the
Japanese possess
sociocentric view of the
a • Some characteristics
such as kinship, gender,
self, wherein the and age are almost
membership of a person in universally used to
a particular social group differentiate people.
defines the boundaries of
the self. • Other characteristics,
such as ethnicity, personal
The Chinese prioritize kin
appearance, and
ties and cooperation. They
socioeconomic status are
put importance to
not always used in every
compliance and
subordination of one’s will
to the authority figures in
the family
• Family membership
could be the most
In egocentric view, the self significant feature to
is viewed as autonomous determine the person’s
and distinct individual with social identity.
inherent characteristics.
• Another important
The Americans are identity determinant that is
egocentric. They believe often viewed as essential
that they should be for the maintenance of a
assertive and independent group identity is language.

• From the similarities • In other societies,

and differences in religious affiliation is an
characteristics among important marker of group
individuals, people identity.

construct their social
identities. In Mindanao, being a
Christian or a Muslim is
possibly the most
The identity toolbox refers important defining feature
to the “features of a of social identity.
person’s identity that he or
she chooses to emphasize
in constructing a social
• Personal naming, a
universal practice with
self.” numerous cross-cultural
variations establishes a status is officially
child’s birthright and social incorporated.
identity. A name is an example, the wedding
important device to reception and parties that
individualize a person and celebrate the wedding
to have an identity. serve as the markers that

officially recognize the
One’s identity is not bride and groom’s change
inborn. It is something towards being husband
people continuously and wife.
develop in life.
• Changes in one’s
identity usually involve
rites of passage that
prepares individuals for
Instructor: Rebecca C.
new roles from one stage
Domiguez, LPT
of life to another.

• Changes in one’s
status and identity are
marked by a three-phased What is the self according to
rite of passage: William James?
separation, liminality
(transition), and The psychology of the self
incorporation. is the study of the cognitive or
affective representation of one's
-In the separation identity. In modern psychology,
phase, people detach from the earliest formulation of the self
their former identity to derived from the distinction
another. between the self as “I,” the
For example, in a subjective knower, and the self as
wedding, the bride walking “me,” the object that is known.
down the aisle to be “given
away” by the parents to It is how we perceive our
the groom implies the behaviors, abilities, and unique
separation from one’s characteristics.
family to become part of a
new one. 1 For example, beliefs such as
-In the liminality phase, "I am a good friend" or "I am
a person transitions from a kind person" are part of an
one identity to another. overall self-concept.
For example, the 2 Other examples of self-
wedding ceremony itself is concept include: How you
the process of transition of view your personality traits,
the bride and groom from such as whether you are an
singlehood to married life. extrovert or introvert
-In the incorporation
phase, the change in one’s
Philosopher and (3) the spiritual self
psychologist William (e.g., internal dispositions).
James (1842–1910) was one of
the first to postulate a theory of the
self in The Principles of
Psychology. James described two What Is Self-Concept?
aspects of the self that he termed
Self-concept is the image we
the “I Self” and “Me Self.”
have of ourselves. It is influenced

• The I Self reflects what

by many forces, including our
interaction with important people in
people see or perceive our lives. It is how we perceive our
themselves doing in the behaviors, abilities, and unique
physical world (e.g., characteristics.1 For example,
recognizing that one is beliefs such as "I am a good
walking, eating, writing), friend" or "I am a kind person" are
whereas part of an overall self-concept.

• The Me Self is a more Other examples of self-concept

subjective and include:
psychological  How you view your
phenomenon, referring to personality traits, such as
individuals’ reflections whether you are an extrovert
or introvert
about themselves (e.g.
 How you see your roles in
characterizing oneself as
life, such as whether you
athletic, smart,
feel that being a parent,
sibling, friend, and partner
are important parts of your
Other terms such
as self-view, self-image, s
 The hobbies or passions that
elf-schema, and self-
are important to your sense
concept are also used to
of identity, such as being a
describe the self-referent
sports enthusiast or
thoughts characteristic of
belonging to a certain
the Me Self.
political party
James further
 How you feel about your
distinguished three
interactions with the world,
components of the Me
such as whether you feel
Self. These include:
that you are contributing to
(1) the material self
(e.g., tangible objects or
possessions we collect for
Our self-perception is important
because it affects
(2) the social self (e.g.,
our motivations, attitudes, and
how we interact and
behaviors. It also affects how we
portray ourselves within
feel about the person we think we
different groups, situations,
are, including whether we are
or persons); and
competent or have self-worth.2
Self-concept tends to be more others see you, how you
malleable when we're younger and think you compare to others,
still going through self-discovery and your role in society.3
and identity formation. As we age Global vs. Differentiated Models
and learn who we are and what's
important to us, these self- Global, or general, self-
perceptions become much more concept sits at the top of the
detailed and organized. hierarchal tree, which then breaks
At its most basic, self-concept into a number of smaller
is a collection of beliefs one holds components, such as academic,
about oneself and the responses social, emotional and physical self-
of others. It embodies the answer concepts. The number and type of
to the question: "Who am I?" If you these components varies from one
want to find your self-concept, list theory to another.
things that describe you as an
individual. What are your traits? What is an example of a
What do you like? How do you feel global model of self?
about yourself? Global self-esteem can be high
(some prefer the term “healthy”)
Rogers' Three Parts of Self- but rather low in a specific
Concept situation or in relation to a specific
activity. For example, Jane may
Humanist psychologist Carl have high overall self-esteem and
Rogers believed that self-concept have a positive view of herself as
is made up of three different parts: a dancer, and yet have low self-
esteem about communicating in a
 Ideal self: The ideal self is second language.
the person you want to be.
This person has the What is the meaning of
attributes or qualities you are differentiated self?
either working toward or Differentiation of self is defined
want to possess. It's who as the ability to distinguish
you envision yourself to be if between thoughts and feelings in
you were exactly as you an emotional relationship system.
 Self-image: Self-image What is an example of a
refers to how you see differentiated self?
yourself at this moment in A person with a well-differentiated
time. Attributes like physical “self” recognizes his realistic
characteristics, personality dependence on others, but he can
traits, and social roles all stay calm and clear headed
play a role in your self- enough in the face of conflict,
image. criticism, and rejection to
 Self-esteem: How much you distinguish thinking rooted in a
like, accept, and value careful assessment of the facts
yourself all contribute to your from thinking clouded by
self-concept. Self-esteem emotionality.
can be affected by a number
of factors—including how
What is differentiated and In counselling terms, the
undifferentiated self? concept of the 'Real Self' and the
'Ideal Self' is something that can
1) Differentiation of self is the come up fairly often. It is an
ability to separate feelings exploration of a person's identity
and thoughts. and how far removed their life is
2) Undifferentiated people from where they would like it to be
cannot separate feelings and in terms of their happiness and
thoughts; when asked to overall feeling of fulfilment.
think, they are flooded with
feelings, and have difficulty Real Self
thinking logically and basing
their responses on that. This is the person that
people will see from day to day.
Real and Ideal Self Concepts It's the real you that you are to fit
into how your life is now. You will
What is ideal self and real self have responsibilities and
by Carl Rogers? commitments and part of your life
will be geared towards satisfying
Rogers divided the self into two those. You have certain people in
categories; ideal and real self. your life that impact on how you
are and this will influence your

behaviour. You have certain
The ideal self is the attitudes and approaches to the
person you would like to people and situations in your life
be. that, hopefully, make things as
smooth and happy as possible.
• The real self is what The ''Real You' needs to be fluid
and can change from week to
you really are.
week, month to month, year to
In the real world, a person's ideal year. Think about it, the 'Real Self'
self is not consistent with what from when you were 16 will
happens in life with a person. probably not be the same 'Real
Self' at age 60.
What is the 'Real Self' and 'Ideal
Self'? Ideal Self

Thinking about 'who you are' can This is the person that you
be a challenge. may aspire or dream to be. One
way to look at it is to ask yourself
this question: "If there were
On the surface it may start out as guaranteed to be no judgement,
a straight forward exercise. I'm a no fallout, no repercussions and
parent. I'm a husband/wife. I'm a no impact on those around you,
son/daughter. I have a job. how would you be living your life
Then a little deeper you may think right now?" Maybe you would
about being trustworthy, a good going back to University for that
friend, reliable, punctual etc. degree you always wanted to do?
Maybe you would be handing in
your notice at work and applying affected. It's as if that lifestyle
for something you feel would be represents the essence of 'You'
more rewarding? Maybe you'd be and who you actually are. The
off climbing mountains or travelling deep meaningful things that give
the world? Maybe you would be you true contentment and deep
spending more time with family or satisfaction.
friends. This 'Ideal Self' will also be
fluid and change over time With this in mind, imagine a
situation where the two paths
Think about these two versions of head off in completely opposite
your 'Self' as two different life directions and get further and
paths. When you were young and further apart. The longer you go
carefree, if you were lucky, you on your 'Real Self' path, the more
were just living life on your terms, distance you are putting between
doing, within reason, whatever you you and your 'Ideal Self'. If you go
wanted to do, whenever you too far you could completely lose
wanted to do it. You were very sight of the other path. It could feel
much on the 'Ideal Self' path. like it's nowhere to be seen. This
may be what is happening when
But then, as you get older, things people describe they are going
change. You have new people in through some sort of 'Identity
your life and along with them come Crisis'.
different responsibilities and
expectations. As a good, moral They have essentially lost touch
person, you accept that their with the person they are. If they
needs are also important and become dissatisfied with the 'Real
should be taken into account. Self' path and can no longer even
Perhaps you then have financial see the 'Ideal Self' path, this can
responsibilities that take your life lead to feeling quite lost and
in a particular direction in terms of hopeless.
your job. Family and friendships
change and develop over time In order to avoid this happening, it
which means you may find helps if a person can almost keep
yourself adapting along with it. one foot on the 'Ideal Self' path. To
live life according to the needs of
the 'Real Self' but to, at the very
Whereas before you were walking least, keep in touch with that 'Ideal
the 'Ideal Self' path, you now find Self' side of them. Maybe
yourself walking on the path of occasionally do those very things
your 'Real Self'. they would be doing as the 'Ideal
Self' or at least a version of them.
As these paths diverge, there is It's a means of not losing touch
the possibility that things can go with the person you are, which
wrong, psychologically. reduces the chance you may
become lost or disillusioned on
Remember, the 'Ideal Self' your path.
represents the life that you feel
you would be living if all that If a person does go through some
mattered was to tend to your own sort of identity crisis, counselling
happiness and nobody else were
could help in the process of
bringing their two paths closer

It may be unreasonable to expect

that you could bring the two paths
so close that they combine but it's
far healthier if you can at least see
where the other path is.
Essentially to reconnect with the
person you are.

Whether you have experienced

any form of identity crisis or not,
your goal should be to get those
two paths to overlap as much as
possible. To achieve it would
mean that the way you are living Multiple vs, Unified Self
your life as your 'Real Self' is just
how you would like it to be as your What is the unified self?
'Ideal Self'.
Unified self is a means of
You could describe it as feeling referring to the "composite"
completely 'Whole'. persona, or to the "self" that
contains all of the other personas
that exist within a person's
For most people, the idea of interactional style.
having the 'Real Self' and 'Ideal A "unified self" refers to the
Self' merge is unrealistic. idea that all aspects of a person's
However, if you can spend as identity and experiences are
much time as possible hopping integrated and cohesive. It can
across to the 'Ideal Self' path also refer to the idea of integrating
before heading back to the 'Real different aspects of oneself, such
Self' route, life is likely to be just as one's thoughts, emotions, and
great. behaviors, to achieve a sense of
inner harmony and balance.

An example of a unified self

might be someone who is able to
balance their work and personal
life, and who is able to effectively
manage their emotions and
behaviors in a way that aligns with
their values and goals.

Multiple selves (or multiple

personas) refers to the different
ways that individuals interact with
the different situations and
circumstances in their lives.
Multiple self refers to the future outcomes. example
concept of having multiple you noticed that is is
identities or aspects of oneself that raining, now you anticipate
may be in conflict with one that the class might be
another. This can be seen in suspended or not.

cases of dissociative identity
disorder (formerly known as Self-reactiveness inv
multiple personality disorder), olves making choices and
where a person has distinct and choosing appropriate
identities or personalities that courses of action as well
control their behavior at different as motivating and
times. However, the concept of regulating. One good
multiple self can also be applied example is during
more generally to refer to the examination you don’t
different roles, beliefs, and know the answer it is your
experiences that make up an decision if you want to
individual's identity. copy from your classmate
or not.
For example, a person takes
on these different styles of
interactions as a parent, as an
• Self-reflectiveness gi
ves us the ability to reflect
employee, as a friend, as a son or on our lack of thoughts
daughter, or as a spouse. and actions. we are also
self-examiners. we give
The self as proactive time to our self to think
and agentic. about our experiences and
decisions that we made
Albert Bandura said that
humans, through their agency are DAY 5
perceived as proactive agents of
experiences. Agency means the
endowments, Belief, and self- Course: UNDERSTANDING
limitations. The main features of THE SELF
human agency are Intentionally, Instructor: Rebecca C.
forethoughts, self-reactiveness, Domiguez, LPT
and self-reflectiveness.

• Intentionally refers to
acts that we do
intentionally and you know Eastern and Western way to
already the possible understanding self
outcome. for example you
decided to not sleep early, What is the self in Western
then you intentionally want culture?
to wake up late. Western, or more

• Forethoughts enables
individualist cultures, view the self
as separate and focus on self,
the person to anticipate of independence, autonomy and self-
expression are reinforced through
social and cultural norms. This is The self as conceptualized
the independent self-concept. by Confucius is a deeply relational
self that responds to inner
The Western concept of self reflection with outer virtue.
refers to the idea of an individual's Similarly, the self that Confucius
unique identity, personality, and wishes to cultivate in his own
consciousness. It is often person and in his disciples is one
associated with the idea of a that looks within and compares
person as a self-contained, itself with the aesthetic, moral, and
autonomous being, separate from social canons of tradition.
others and the external world. The
concept of self is a central topic in What are the four 4
philosophy, psychology, and other beginnings for pre self or potential
fields of study, and has been self according to Confucianism?
debated and theorized by many
thinkers throughout history. Some That the four beginnings
philosophers, such as René (siduan)—the feeling of
Descartes, argue that the self is commiseration, the feeling of
an essential aspect of human shame, the feeling of courtesy,
existence, while others, such as and the feeling of right and wrong
Jean-Paul Sartre, argue that the —are all inborn in man was a self-
self is a product of our perceptions evident truth to Mencius; and the
and experiences. “four beginnings,” when
properly cultivated, will develop
What is the self in into the four cardinal virtues
Eastern/Oriental culture? of ren, righteousness
Eastern ideologies, or (yi), decorum (li), and wisdom
Oriental thought, posit that "the (zhi).
self" is an illusion, and that we
are all interconnected. In Individualistic vs, Collective Self
Hinduism, "the self" is described
by the relationship between  Collectivism stresses the
Brahman and Atman. Brahman importance of the
is the soul of god, or universal community, while
power, while Atman is the  Individualism is focused on
human soul, or "the self" that is the rights and concerns of
part of the Brahman. each person.
Where unity and selflessness
What is the concept of self in or altruism are valued traits in
Confucian thought? collectivist cultures,
independence and personal
Confucius better known in identity are promoted
China as “Master Kong” in individualistic cultures.
(Chinese: Kongzi), Confucius was
a fifth-century BCE Chinese These cultural differences are
thinker whose influence upon East pervasive and can influence many
Asian intellectual and social aspects of how society functions.
history is immeasurable. How people shop, dress, learn,
and conduct business can all be family and geographical area,
influenced by whether they are rather than personal choice.
from a collectivist or individualist In a collectivist culture, it's harder
culture. to build relationships with new
people, partly because it's
For example, workers who live generally more difficult to meet
in a collectivist culture might strive them. Strangers are more likely to
to sacrifice their own happiness for remain strangers in a collectivistic
the greater good of the group. culture than they would be in
Those from individualistic cultures, individualistic cultures.
on the other hand, may feel that Paradoxically, this means
their own well- that people in individualistic
being and goals carry greater cultures devote more effort and
weight. energy toward actively maintaining
close relationships, often through
Impact of Collectivism increased self-disclosure and
greater intimacy.
Collective cultures affect the Unlike collectivist cultures
people within them a few different where stable relationships are
ways. more expected, relationships in
individualistic cultures tend to be
Self-Perception more fraught and fragile. People
Culture influences must make a greater effort to
people's self-concept. While those maintain these relationships.
in individualistic cultures might Maintaining harmony within
describe themselves in terms interpersonal relationships is of
of personality traits and utmost importance in a
characteristics (e.g., "I am smart, collectivistic culture. This is likely
funny, athletic, and kind"), those because these relationships are
from collectivist cultures would extremely difficult to change.
more likely describe themselves in Failing to keep the peace can
terms of their social relationships mean long-term unhappiness for
and roles (e.g., "I am a good everyone involved.
parent, sibling, and friend").
Potential Pitfalls of Collectivism
Strong Relationships There are some potential
Research shows that drawbacks of collective cultures.
collectivist cultures are associated
with low relational mobility, a term Social Anxiety
to describe how many Research shows that
opportunities individuals in a collectivistic cultures may foster
society have to form relationships socially reticent and withdrawn
with people of their choosing.5 behaviors. In one study, students
Low relational mobility means that from Asian cultures (collectivist)
the relationships people have are displayed higher levels of social
stable, strong, and long-lasting. anxiety than students from
These relationships are usually European cultures (individualist).8
formed due to factors such as However, it may not be
collectivist values alone that
contributed to this. After analyzing intelligence, personality traits, and
the data, the researchers values.
suggested that some of the
increase in anxiety could be Definitions of Individual
attributed to Asian American Differences:
students having greater difficulty in
being able to recognize and read 1. Drever James:
emotion. “Variations or deviations
‘gs from the average of the group,
Less Social Support with respect to the mental or
People in collectivist cultures physical characters, occurring in
tend to be more cautious about the individual member of the group
sharing their personal problems are individual differences.”
with their friends. Research shows
that they are also cautious when 2. Good, C.V.:
sharing their knowledge within the “The variation or deviations
workplace (even when working in among individual is regard to a
teams), often only doing so if single characteristic or a number
incentivized or if they are highly of characteristics, those
altruistic.9 differences which in their totality
Instead, people often seek distinguish one individual from
out what is known as implicit social another.”
support. This involves spending
time with supportive people 3. Skinner, C.E.:
without actually opening up about “Today we think of individual
or addressing the source of the differences as including any
stress. measurable aspect of the total
4. Woodworth, R.S. and Marquis,
Course: UNDERSTANDING “Individual differences are
THE SELF found in all psychological
Instructor: Rebecca C. characteristics physical mental
Domiguez, LPT abilities, knowledge, habit,
personality and character traits.”
HUMAN BEHAVIOR Types of Individual Differences:

Individual Differences 1. Physical differences:

Shortness or tallness of
Individual differences are the stature, darkness or fairness of
more-or-less enduring complexion, fatness, thinness, or
psychological characteristics that weakness are various physical
distinguish one person from individual differences.
another and thus help to define
each person's individuality. Among 2. Differences in intelligence:
the most important kinds of There are differences in
individual differences are intelligence level among different
individuals. We can classify the (i) Women have greater skill
individuals from super-normal in memory while men have greater
(above 120 I.Q.) to idiots (from 0 motor ability.
to 50 I.Q.) on the basis of their (ii) Handwriting of women is
intelligence level. superior while men excel in
mathematics and logic.
(iii) Women show greater
skill in making sensory distinctions
of taste, touch and smell etc.,
while men show greater reaction
and conscious of size- weight
3. Differences in attitudes: illusion.
Individuals differ in their (iv) Women are superior to
attitudes towards different people, men in languages, while men are
objects, institutions and authority. superior in physics and chemistry.
4. Differences in achievement: (v) Women are better than
It has been found through men in mirror drawing. Faults of
achievement tests that individuals speech etc. in men were found to
differ in their achievement abilities. be three times of such faults in
These differences are very much women.
visible in reading, writing and in (vi) Women are more
learning mathematics. susceptible to suggestion while
These differences in there are three times as many
achievement are even visible colour blind men as there are
among the children who are at the women.
same level of intelligence. These (vii) Young girls take interest
differences are on account of the in stories of love, fairy tales,
differences in the various factors stories of the school and home
of intelligence and the differences and day-dreaming and show
in the various experiences, various levels in their play. On the
interests and educational other hand boys take interest in
background. stories of bravery, science, war,
scouting, stories of games and
5. Differences in motor ability: sports, stories and games of
There are differences in occupation and skill.
motor ability. These differences
are visible at different ages. Some 7. Racial differences:
people can perform mechanical There are different kinds of
tasks easily, while others, even racial differences. Differences of
though they are at the same level, environment is a normal factor in
feel much difficulty in performing causing these differences. Karl
these tasks. Brigham has composed a list on
the basis of differences in levels of
6. Differences on account of sex: intelligence among people who
McNemar and Terman have migrated to United States
discovered the following from other countries.
differences between men and On the basis of these
women, on the basis of some average differences between the
studies: races, the mental age of a
particular individual cannot be individuals have been classified
calculated since this difference is into many groups.
based on environment.
8. Differences due to nationality: Spranger has classified
Individuals of different personalities into six types:
nations differ in respect of physical (a) Theoretical,
and mental differences, interests (b) Economic
and personality etc. ‘Russians are (c) Aesthetic,
tall and stout’; ‘Ceylonese are (d) Social,
short and slim’; ‘Germans have no (e) Political, and
sense of humour’; ‘Yellow races (f) Religious.
are cruel and revengeful’;
‘Americans are hearty and frank’; Jung classified people into three
Indians are timid and peace-loving’ groups:
and the like observations enter (a) Introverts,
into our common talk. (b) Extroverts, and
(c) Ambiverts.
9. Differences due to economic
status: Trottor divided individuals into:
Differences in children’s (a) Stable minded, and
interests, tendencies and (b) Unstable minded.
character are caused by economic
differences. Jordon thinks of personalities into:
(a) Active, and
10. Differences in interests: (b) Reflective type.
Factors such as sex, family
background level of development, Thorndike has classified people
differences of race and nationality into four categories on the basis of
etc., cause differences in interests. thinking:
(a) Abstract thinkers,
11. Emotional differences: (b) Ideational thinkers,
Individuals differ in their (c) Object thinkers, and
emotional reactions to a particular (d) Thinkers in whom
situation. Some are irritable and sensory experience is
aggressive and they get angry predominant.
very soon. There are others who
are of peaceful nature and do not Terman has classified people into
get angry easily. At a particular nine classes according to their
thing an individual may be so level of intelligence:
much enraged that he may be (a) Genius,
prepared for the worst crime like (b) Near genius
murder, while another person may (c) Very superior,
only laugh at it. (d) Superior,
(e) Average,
12. Personality differences: (f) Backward,
There are differences in (g) Feebleminded,
respect of personality. On the (h) Dull, and
basis of differences in personality, (i) Idiot.
Causes of Individual 3. Influence of caste, race and
Differences: nation:
Some of the main causes of Individuals of different
individual differences are as castes and races exhibit very
under: marked differences. It is generally
seen that son of a Kshatriya has a
1. Heredity: more of courage in him while the
One of the most significant son of a trader has the traits of
and chief causes of individual business.
differences is heredity. Individuals Similarly individuals of
inherit various physical traits like different nations show differences
face with its features, colour of in respect of their personality,
eyes and hair, type of skin, shape character and mental abilities.
of skull and size of hands, colour These are the outcome of their
blindness, baldness, stub-finger geographical, social and cultural
and tendency to certain diseases environment. Many studies have
like cancer and tuberculosis, shown the existence of differences
mental traits like intelligence, between Americans and Negroes,
abstract thinking, aptitudes and and Japanese, English and Indian
prejudices. Now it is an admitted individuals.
fact that heredity differences result
in the quantity and rate of physical 4. Sex differences:
as well as mental development Development of boys and
being different and different girls exhibits differences due to
individuals. difference in sex. The physical
development of the girl takes
2. Environment: place a year or two earlier than the
Environment significantly boys. Between the age of 11 and
influences individual differences. 14, girls are taller and heavier than
Changes in child’s environment the boys. After 15, boys start
are reflected in the changes in his winning the race.
personality. Psychologically Girls are kind, affectionate,
speaking, a person’s environment sympathetic and tender while the
consists of sum total of stimulation boys are brave, hard, choleric,
which he receives from conception efficient and competent.
until his death.
Environment consists of 5. Age and intelligence:
physical, intellectual, social, moral, Physical, intellectual and
political, economic and cultural emotional development is caused
forces. All these forces cause by the growth in age. Many
individual differences. Modern individuals differ because of the
psychologists believe that differences in intelligence.
individual differences are caused Individuals who are below the
by both heredity and environment. average in intelligence and mental
Personality is the outcome of age find much difficulty in learning
mutual interaction between and the average intelligent
heredity and environment. persons can learn quickly.
6. Temperament and emotional
Some people are by
temperament active and quick,
while others are passive and slow,
some humorous and others short
tempered. Emotional stability of
the individual is differently affected
by physical, mental and
environmental factors. Differences
in emotional stability cause
individual differences.

7. Other Causes:
Interests, aptitudes,
achievements, sentiments,
character, educational and home
background lead to individual

8. Economic condition and

Individual differences are
caused by economic condition of
the parents and the education of
the children. It is not possible for
the children of two economic
classes to have a similarity and


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