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Automated control unit ‫׀׀‬

Different mathematical models:

Commonly used mathematical models are:

–Differential equation model (Time Domain).

–Transfer function model (S-Domain).

–State space model (TimeDomain).

Use of models depends on the application.

Laplace transform

Method for solving differential equations, converts differential equations in time t

into algebraic equations in complex variable s. All to easier the solving.
Transfer function
Are commonly used to characterize the input-output relationships of components or
systems that ca be described by linear, time-invariant, differential equations.
The transfer function of a linear, time-invariant, differential equation system is
defined as “the ratio of the Laplace transforms of the output to the Laplace
transform of the input under the assumption that all initial are zero”.
The general form of the differential equation for LTI-System is given by:

Where y is the system output, and x is the input of the System.

The transfer function of this system is obtained by taking the Laplace transforms of
both sides of equation.

Also, the transfer function is:

 Poles
Are roots of the dominator (Values of s such that transfer function becomes
 Zeros
Are roots of the numerator (Values of s such that transfer function becomes
Next picture is an example applying the differential equations and the transfer
function of the Spring Mass Damping System.
Block Diagram Models
A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed
by each component and the flow of signals. Such diagram depicts the
interrelationships that exist among the various components. Differing from a purely
abstract mathematical representation, a block diagram has the advantage of
indicating more realistically the signal flows of the actual system.
Transfer function can be represented as a block diagram:

Components of a block diagram for LTI system

Block diagram reduction
Rules for reduction of the block diagram:
1. Any number of cascaded blocks can be reduced by a single block
representing transfer function being a product of transfer functions of all
cascaded blocks.
2. Moving a summing point.
3. Moving a pickoff point.
4. Equivalent transfer function for parallel subsystems is the sum of their
transfer function.
5. Feedback control system.

Signal Flow Graph Models

 Node: a point representing a signal or variable.
 Branch: unidirectional line segment joining two nodes.
 Path: a branch or a continuous sequence of branches that can be traversed
from one node to another node.
 Loop: a closed path that originates and terminates on the same node and
along the path no node is met twice.
 Nontouching loops: two loops are said to be nontouching if they don´t have
a common node.
Mason´s signal flow graph gain formula
The transfer function T(s) of a closed loop control system is:

Δ = 1 –Σ (All different loop gains)
+ Σ (Gain products of all combinations of two non-touching loops).
-Σ (Gain products of all combinations of three non-touching loops).
Pk: The paths connecting the input R(s) and the output Y(s).
Δk: is Δ with the loops touching the kth path removed.

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