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Lesson 5 Study Guide: Work and Energy

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Fill in the blanks as you watch the video.

1. In physics, WORK happens when a __force_____ causes and object to _move______.

2. The relationship (formula) is _Force______ x ___Displacement_____ = _Work______.

3. W = Fd

W = (__15___ N) (_____4__ m)

W = ___60____ J

4. If just hold a box in the air, there is zero work going on because even though I apply a force, there is no


5. A dancer being lifted up by another dancer: ___work____.

6. A weightlifter picking up a weight- that’s __work____ too.

7. When the football players push on the sled…

W = ________

W = (_300.0______ kg) (____0.25____ m/s2 ) (___15.0____ m)

W = _____1125___ J

8. Work transfers ______energy____ from one object to another.

9. Energy is the ability to do work_______.


A. Work is _______when a force causes an object to move_____________________________

B. Energy is __the ability to do work. __________________________________

C. The formula for Work is W = ___fd______________________

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