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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
Poblacion, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

In partial fulfillment
of the Requirements in
Grade 12 GAS Magnolia


Chapter I:



First Paragraph – OVERVIEW (Nature, Meaning, Survey or Historical


Second Paragraph – Research Problem

Third Paragraph – Research Goal

Hence, the researcher sought an investigation to the ________ and __________

(Insert Title). This program will serve as the main output of the study which will help the

____________________ to ___________________________.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to ___________________________________________.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 ________________________

1.2 ________________________

2. What is the ____________________________ in terms of:

2.1 ________________________

2.2 ________________________

3. What is the ______________________ terms of:

3.1 __________________________

3.2 __________________________
4. Is there a significant relationship between the __________ and the

__________________________ by the __________________?

Statement of the Hypothesis

1. There is no significant relationship between the _______________ and

___________________ by the __________________ .

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Study

This study determined the _________ (IV) and the _____________ (DV) by the

______________ (respondents) in the ___________________ (research locale) which.

This study determined the ____________________ (IV) in terms

___________________, ___________________, and ___________________

therefore excluding other __________________ of the respondents like

___________________, ___________________, and ___________________. The

study was delimited to _________________________ whose __________________. It

was also the study’s objective to determine the ___________________ (DV) by the

respondents such as their ___________________, ___________________, and

___________________ therefore excluding other ___________________ like

l___________________ , ___________________ and ___________________.

The respondents of the study were the ______________ (number of respondents)

____________ (respondents) from __________________ (section or level) in the

____________________ (locale) during the _______________ (duration). The

participants of this research were ____________________ (respondents), who

(qualifications) ____________________ , ____________________, and

____________________,. Therefore, excluding other qualification like

____________________, __________________ and _____________________..

The researcher also aimed to _______________________ (expected output)

therefore excluding other _________________ and _______________.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that the findings of the study would be beneficial to the


Future Researchers.


School Heads/Administrators.


Definition of Terms

For clearer and better understanding of the study, the following are defined

operationally and conceptually.





Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

This study determined the profile and the challenges encountered by the guidance

designates in the selected public secondary schools of Oriental Mindoro which served

as a basis for the proposed development program. This study determined the profile of

the respondents in terms of their educational attainment, years in the guidance practice,

trainings attended, training/seminar attended and membership in professional

organization therefore excluding other profile of the respondents like age, gender,

ethnicity, religious affiliation, marital status, income personality, skills and interests. The

study was delimited to guidance designates whose service have not reached a year yet.

It was also the study’s objective to identify the extent of the challenges encountered by

the respondents such as their time management, handling of multiple tasks, facilities

and administrative support therefore excluding other challenges like low salary income,

stress, mental health and behavioral issues of the students and counseling techniques.

The respondents of the study were the twenty-six (26) guidance designates from the

selected public secondary schools in the Second District of Oriental Mindoro from

Bansud to Bulalacao who were designated during the SY 2019-2020. The participants

of this research were Guidance designates, who are item-teachers and the ones who

were designated to occupy the role of registered guidance counselors due to the lack of
them. Therefore, excluding other designations like career advocates, guidance

coordinators, qualified guidance counselors and other guidance personnel.

The researcher also aimed to propose a development program based only on the

results of the profile and challenges encountered by the respondents therefore

excluding other programs like intervention plan and training program.

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