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Spelling list

126.superintendent: n having executive oversight and charge of something : of, relating to,
or being a superintendent

the office of the superintendent of parks issues camping permits

127.heavily:adv to a great degree : SEVERELY

He sat down heavily on the couch.

128.ordinary:adj of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events : ROUTINE, USUAL

The meal was ordinary and uninspired.

129.merrily: adj marked by festivity or gaiety

They sang a merry little song.

130.frequently:adv at frequent or short intervals

Ngram viewer shows that until recently, the phrase widely popular was used much more
frequently than wildly popular.

131.supervisor:n especially : an administrative officer in charge of a business, government,

or school unit or operation

If you have a problem, go to your supervisor.

132.manage:v to handle or direct with a degree of skill: such as

He is skillful in managing horses.

133.possible:adj being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization

The highest possible score is 100.

134.rubbish:n useless waste or rejected matter

The food at that restaurant is complete rubbish.

135.suspicious: adj tending to arouse suspicion

The suspicious vehicle was reported to police.

136.stunned:v to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow

The angry criticism stunned them.

137.gradual:adj moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees

We noticed a gradual change in temperature.

138.vigorously:adv in a vigorous manner : with force and energy

He vigorously denied the accusations.

139.neglect:v to give little attention or respect to : DISREGARD

The prison guard neglected his duty.

140.tongue:n a fleshy movable muscular process of the floor of the mouths of most
vertebrates that bears sensory end organs and small glands and functions especially in
taking and swallowing food and in humans as a speech organ

English is my native tongue.

141.dreadful:adj inspiring dread (see DREAD entry 2 sense 1a) : causing great and
oppressive fear

Those children have such dreadful manners.

142.imitative:adj marked by imitation

your writing style tends to be imitative of whichever author you've recently read

143.glamorous:adj full of glamour : excitingly attractive

She wore a glamorous black gown.

144.tragedy:n a disastrous event : CALAMITY

The students are studying Greek tragedy.

145.impressive:adj making or tending to make a marked impression : having the power to

excite attention, awe, or admiration

He has an impressive manner

146.thorough:adj carried through to completion : EXHAUSTIVE

The investigator will have to be thorough.

147.transferred:v to convey from one person, place, or situation to another

The patient was transferred to a different hospital.
148.political:adj of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government

We need a political solution rather than a military solution.

149.pledge:n a bailment of a chattel as security for a debt or other obligation without

involving transfer of title

To make a pledge or donation, please call the charity's office

150.multiple:adj consisting of, including, or involving more than one

He suffered multiple injuries in the accident.

151.legibly: adj capable of being read or deciphered

an anxious mood that was clearly legible upon her face

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