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BarChip Technical Note

Durability and Long Term Performance

of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Revision No. 1: April 2018

Durability of concrete structures is

a major consideration for engineers
and asset owners who have to justify
public spending and therefore the
viability and longevity of assets. It
would follow that a more durable
asset with a longer design life and
less maintenance would be more
cost effective and more desirable.
Existing construction and research
shows that there are significant
issues with the use of steel reinforced
concrete, which can lead to a
significant performance loss over
time, resulting in situations where
the designed concrete structure
could no longer achieve its targeted
design life. These performance issues
relate to:
• Corrosion of steel rebars or
fibres caused by the aggressive
media entering cracks in the
concrete; Corrosion of Steel
• A phenomenon known as
embrittlement, which decreases One of the main factors affecting the Consider for example that in the USA,
the performance of steel fibre durability of concrete structures is a study conducted by the Federal
reinforced concrete with time as corrosion of steel reinforcement. Highway Agencies (FHWA) showed
concrete ages. that the direct cost of corrosion
It is accepted that the high alkalinity was estimated at USD 276 billion
Remedial works of the concrete of cement paste, combined with
structure well before the specified (Virmani et al. 2002). About USD
concrete cover to reinforcement 120 billion was spent annually
design life will yield additional provides a natural passivation
cost to the owner due to loss of on the maintenance of aging and
against corrosion, however this deteriorating infrastructure which
revenue and the cost of the works to assertion relies on the assumption
rehabilitate the structure. includes 583,000 bridges in need of
that concrete will be unaffected by corrosion remediation works.
The benefit of the long term carbonation or cracking. Further,
durability of BarChip macro synthetic there could be of a higher risk than In 2016, the National Association of
fibre reinforced concrete in contrast normal, such as for water and Corrosion Engineers (NACE) released
to the high rate of corrosion of steel utility tunnels, subsea tunnels or a comprehensive report estimating
bar and/or fibre in cracked concrete construction in areas like the Middle the annual global cost of corrosion
and being immune to embrittlement East where the ground environment at 2.5 trillion dollars, with the cost in
is a key performance indicator for the is generally more aggressive. the USA increasing to USD 451 billion
construction market. (Koch et al. 2016), outlining the

2 Durability of FRC BarChip Inc. 2018

significant extent to which corrosion In cracked concrete, the corrosion
impacts on concrete infrastructure. of reinforcement as a result of
these factors can lead to a loss
Regardless of preventative efforts of performance over as little as
(which are substantial) steel seven months (Bernard 2004). This
reinforcement in concrete is still is primarily due to a loss of steel
likely to suffer from corrosion. The section caused from corrosion which Image 1: Cracking in concrete
prominent reasons for this are; leads to “corrosion induced brittle leads to ingress of corrosive
failure” (Kosa and Naaman, 1990). materials, resulting in rapid
• Cracking of concrete;
corrosion of steel reinforcement.
• Carbonation and neutralization Corrosion is less likely to occur
of the protective concrete cover; in uncracked concrete, however
embrittlement, also known as late
• Ingress of chlorides or other age post-crack strength loss, has
chemicals into concrete over been seen to reduce the post crack
time, reducing alkalinity and performance of SFRC by as much as
promoting steel corrosion; 50% (Bernard, 2015b).
• Combinations of the above.

BarChip Inc. 2018 Durability of FRC 3

Durability of Fibre Reinforced
Concrete: Corrosion

1 With the introduction of steel fibres At the same time, research published
1970’s: Researchers identify that
in the 1970’s a considerable amount in the early 1970’s showed that the
cracking in concrete leads to rapid of research was conducted on its performance of steel fibre reinforced
corrosion of steel reinforcement. durability and resistance to corrosion. concrete (SFRC) was significantly
Like conventional steel reinforcement, affected by corrosion (Aufmuth et al.
it was shown that in uncracked concrete 1974, Morse and Williamson 1977).
steel fibre reinforcement showed little Further to these reports, Halvorsen et
deterioration. Fibres embedded within al. (1976) reported that crack widths
the first few millimetres of the surface as small as 0.05mm in steel fibre
paste were corroded, leaving extensive reinforced concrete are susceptible to
surface rust marks, however volume corrosion, and concluded that there was
expansion was not sufficient to cause no maximum allowable crack width at
cracking and the structural integrity which corrosion of steel fibre reinforced
would be maintained. concrete does not occur.

2 Kosa and Naaman (1990) conducted permeability, as it is demonstrated that

exposure tests on over 1,200 fibre the specimens with high permeability
1990’s: Kosa and Naaman show that;
reinforced concrete specimens suffered larger diameter reductions
1. Corrosion leads to a reduction in
subjected to cyclic exposure than those with low permeability.
fibre diameter, resulting in a large
performance loss.
conditions. Results showed that;
Kosa et al. (1991) continued their
2. Synthetic fibres do not suffer from • Steel fibre corrosion resulted in work by comparing the durability of
corrosion. a reduction in fibre diameter, four representative fibre reinforced
which was primarily responsible cement composites subjected to
for losses in toughness. increasing levels of exposure in
sodium chloride solution, one of
• Standard specimens exposed for which was a polypropylene (PP)
6 months showed a reduction synthetic fibre. This was one of
in the average minimum fibre the earliest comparative studies of
diameter of 5-11%, which increased steel and PP fibres. Confirming the
to 12-29% after 10 months. previous study, results showed that;
• It was observed that a reduction • After 6 months’ exposure, standard
of about 30% in minimum fibre specimens showed a reduction of
diameter led to a reduction 5-20% in modified peak stress and
in toughness of 40-50%. toughness, increasing to 8-27%
reduction after 10 months.
Researchers also noted that the
effect of corrosion on the minimum • Although all specimens saturated
fibre diameter gradually changes the over 6 months suffered severe
type of failure of the composite from corrosion ranging from 5-70%
Figure 1: Relationship between the average typical ductile fibre pull out to fibre of fibre diameter, no corrosion
reduction of minimum fibre diameter and rupture or “corrosion induced brittle
saturation period for the flexural specimens induced cracking was seen on the
failure” (Kosa and Naaman, 1990). specimen surface prior to loading.
(Kosa and Naaman, 1990).
This research is of particular significance This suggests that surface appearance
to FRC for tunnel linings, as it is no indication of the performance
highlights the effects of carbonation, of the specimen. By comparison,
which is a substantial concern for “Polypropylene fibre reinforced
tunnels that will be subjected to large specimens exposed to similar
amounts of vehicle emissions. corrosion conditions as steel fibre
reinforced samples did not exhibit any
Also highlighted in this research
significant reduction in peak stress
is the significance of achieving
and toughness” (Kosa et al. 1991).
adequate compaction, and in turn low

4 Durability of FRC BarChip Inc. 2018

“ is not realistic to expect a service life of 100 aggressive environments with steel fibre”

A long term study over 18 years weathered specimens showed the 3

by Hannant (1999) confirmed that same value as water stored specimens
polypropylene fibre reinforced due to autogenous healing; 1999: Long term durability studies by
composites retain their ductility Hannant confirm that PP fibre retains
and strength over long time without • Bond strength between PP and matrix
performance in alkali environment.
significant changes. Specimens made of was relatively unaffected by exposure
thin mortar with layers of fibrillated PP condition or time up to 18 years, i.e.
films were exposed to different storage the failure mode of the composite
conditions: under water, laboratory air does not change with time.
and naturally weathered. The results of Concluding, the working mode (or failure
this study showed that; mode) does not change with age as
• Strength and toughness of the there is no significant change in bond
composite was maintained regardless between PP and cementitious matrix.
of exposure condition; Thus, the composite retains strength and
toughness with time. This is in contrast
• Young’s tensile modulus of uncracked to steel fibre reinforced concrete, where
naturally weathered and water stored embrittlement effects change the
specimens are similar after 18 years, mode of failure and lead to significant
i.e. there was no frost-thaw damage performance loss with age (see page 8,
to the PP reinforcement. Pre-cracked below).

In the 2000’s research was undertaken This localized corrosion at cracks was 4
to test the durability of FRC in real noticed to greatly reduce the post crack
world service environments. Nordström performance of the fibre reinforced 2000’s: Nordström confirms previous
(2000, 2001) conducted exposure tests shotcrete. laboratory research in a real world
of steel fibre reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) setting and shows that loss of fibre
specimens in actual road tunnels subject The same author recently published section is directly related to crack
to splashing water from traffic. an evaluation of cracked steel fibre width.
reinforced shotcrete after 17 years with 2016: Concludes that SFRC cannot
Nordström confirmed previous research field exposures (Nordström 2016). The retain load bearing capacity in
that corrosion of steel fibres resulted in report concludes that it is not realistic aggressive environments.
a decrease in fibre diameter at the crack to expect a service life of 100 years
opening and that corrosion increased as with a retained load-bearing capacity
crack width increased. particularly in aggressive environments
with steel fibres.

Image 2: Loss of fibre diameter as a result of corrosion at the cracks (Nordström, 2001)

BarChip Inc. 2018 Durability of FRC 5

5 The effect of crack width on the in steel fibre reinforced shotcrete
2000’s: Bernard confirms; durability of fibre reinforced specimens led to substantial
1. Crack widths greater than 0.1 mm shotcrete was also examined by rates of deterioration;
leads to significant corrosion Bernard (2004). Exposure testing
was conducted on macro synthetic • Like Kosa and Naaman (1990),
2. Corrosion of steel fibres results in a Bernard also noted that corrosion
brittle, snapping failure fibre reinforced shotcrete and steel
fibre reinforced shotcrete at coastal induced brittle failure was evident.
3. Macro synthetic fibre do not suffer Over the time of exposure, the
from corrosion and inland sites over a two-year
period. Testing demonstrated that; failure mechanism of steel fibre
reinforced shotcrete changed from
• Steel fibre reinforced shotcrete a ductile pull out to a brittle failure
at both the inland and coastal mode at the site of corrosion; and
locations suffered from corrosion,
suggesting that the supply of oxygen • By contrast, macro synthetic fibre
can have a significant effect due reinforced shotcrete specimens
to the presence of chloride ions; showed no signs of performance loss
over two years at either exposure site.
• Crack widths greater than 0.1 mm

Figure 2: Post crack performance of BarChip

macro synthetic fibre reinforced shotcrete is
not affected by exposure or corrosion, however
steel fibre reinforced shotcrete suffers a
substantial loss in performance after just 7
months (Bernard, 2004).

6 Recent studies also confirm this to withstand aggressive

previous research work. Kaufmann environments and in most cases
2010’s: Research by Kaufmann;
(2014) conducted tests on pre-cracked no significant drop in load bearing
1. Confirms that macro synthetic steel fibre and macro synthetic fibre capacity was observed; and
fibres do not suffer from corrosion.
reinforced shotcrete specimens, which
2. Identifies that synthetic fibres of were subject to cyclic exposure, with • Corrosion of steel fibres resulted
low material quality can suffer in a “corrosion induced brittle
the aim of simulating various tunnel
from brittle failure. failure” of the specimens.
environments. Kaufmann found that;

• After one-year exposure, corrosion Kaufmann further recorded, for

caused both the maximum load perhaps the first time in literature, the
and rupture energy of steel fibre differences in mechanical performance
specimens to be reduced compared of different macro synthetic fibre
with the non-exposed (uncracked) types. Kaufmann showed that;
specimens (EFNARC panels); • Polymer fibres of low material quality
• The average decrease in peak load may suffer damage such as splitting
for steel fibre sets exposed to a during the application process.
sodium chloride solution was 47%, • Shotcrete reinforced with polymer
while the average decrease at 25mm fibres of poor mechanical
energy absorption was 52%; properties and quality could suffer
• Polymer fibres were shown from embrittlement effects.

Image 3: Poor quality synthetic fibres can suffer from mechanical

failure and damage such as fissuration (top) and splitting
(bottom) during shotcreting operations (Kaufmann 2014).

6 Durability of FRC BarChip Inc. 2018

Corrosion of Steel Fibres Crack Formation in Fibre Reinforced In-Situ Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement

Presented here is just a sample Evidence from Kaufmann (2014)

of the numerous research papers suggests that macro synthetic fibres of
demonstrating the effects of poor material quality may also suffer
corrosion on the durability of FRC. from embrittlement and from impact
Evidence supports the conclusion damage during application, but that
that while corrosion of steel fibre high performance, quality macro
reinforcement is expected in cracked synthetic fibres will not. This confirms
concrete, quality macro synthetic that only high quality macro synthetic
fibres do not suffer performance fibre specifically designed for concrete
loss resulting from corrosion. reinforcement should be used.

The British Tunnelling Society’s

Guideline on Tunnelling states that
macro synthetic fibre should have a
minimum tensile strength of 500 MPa
“...corrosion of steel fibres and a Modulus of Elasticity greater than
resulted in a corrosion induced 10 GPa (British Tunnelling Society, 2010).

brittle failure...”
BarChip Inc. 2018 Durability of FRC 7

Figure 3: Post-crack failure mechanisms for fibre reinforced

concrete reinforced with hooked-end steel fibres (Bernard, 2008).

The term ‘Embrittlement’ of fibre

reinforced concrete stands for the It is widely assumed that steam and Rieder (2004), all concluded that
loss of ductile performance due to curing of tunnel segments precludes as concrete strength increased over
a significant change in its failure post hardening of the concrete time, the failure mechanism of steel
mode as the concrete naturally matrix. However, little data on this fibre reinforced shotcrete changed
gains strength with age. is available as testing at later ages from ductile pull out to brittle failure.
is uncommon. In contrast, King and
Research into the long term Hebert (2008) report a 28% increase in Figure 4 shows a significant change
performance of steel fibre reinforced compressive strength from 28 to only to brittle behaviour with age for the
concrete has revealed that, as concrete 56 days of age of the self-compacting steel fibre reinforced specimens,
ages and its strength increases, concrete for the steam cured San where in contrast the macro synthetic
embrittlement can occur (Bernard, Vicente Pipeline tunnel segments. fibres yield an increase in post-crack
2008). This phenomenon occurs as performance and energy absorption
the increasing concrete strength Numerous research papers have been capacity (toughness). Further study by
and paste hardness causes the written about the effects of late age Bernard (2008) confirms these findings
failure mechanism of the steel fibre strength gain on the performance of with panel tests carried out to three
reinforced concrete to change from steel fibre reinforced shotcrete. Banthia years of age. This research indicates that
a ductile pull out failure to a brittle and Trottier (1995), Farstad (1999), the effect of embrittlement on ductility
failure mode caused by fracturing Bernard and Hanke (2002) and DiNoia was more significant than corrosion
of fibres, as depicted in Figure 3.

This failure mechanism changes

because the bond strength between
the concrete and the fibre exceeds the
capacity of the fibre’s tensile strength,
whereas the bond strength should
always allow the fibre to pull out of
the concrete in a ductile manner.

A typical shotcrete mix incorporates

pozzolanic binders, which increases
the late age strength gain of shotcrete,
and consequently, the performance of
steel fibre reinforced shotcrete reduces
with age. Most shotcrete used for tunnel
linings requires silica fume and/or fly Figure 4: DiNoia and Rieder (2004) – “As age increases from 7 to 180 days, the drop-off in
ash for workability, cohesiveness and load bearing capacity as a function of deflection occurs more rapidly with increasing age…
durability reasons, meaning that late At 180 days, the drop-off in load bearing capacity is very dramatic (for steel fibre reinforced
age strength gain is thus inherent.

The effect of embrittlement is not only

related to shotcrete. It is encountered
in any concrete where the mix design
incorporates pozzolanic binders and
late age strength gain occurs. Many
segmental tunnels are designed for
high durability against chemical attack
using up to 70% ground granulated
blast furnace slag as binder, for
instance in Singapore’s MRT. Post-
Figure 5: Energy uptake
hardening or late age strength
up to 5mm and 25mm
gain, and hence embrittlement, displacement vs. time
is the logical consequence. (Bjontegaard et al., 2014)

8 Durability of FRC BarChip Inc. 2018

“If you have high strength
concrete and regular fibres, the
fibres snap.”

and that standard 28 days testing for

quality control could not guarantee
satisfactory performance at later ages.

These findings are corroborated by more

recent research by Bjøntegaard et al.
(2014), who showed that the average
ductility (energy absorption capacity) of
SFRS panels decreased from 621 Joules
at 30 days to 530 Joules at 91 days
(-15%) and to 417 Joules after one year
(-33%). On the contrary, MSFRS panels
yield an increase from 863 J at 30 days
to 912 J after one year. The shotcrete
had a cube strength of 50MPa at seven
days and post hardening developed Figure 6: Testing by Bernard (2015a) showing an increase in steel fibre performance at low
a cube strength of 90 MPa after one deflections with age but a dramatic decrease at larger deflections (left), compared with macro
year, producing 80% strength gain. synthetic fibres which increase in performance across all deflections with age (right).

Recently it has been proposed that

higher strength steel fibres are able to
overcome the effects of embrittlement.
The steel fibre industry stated in an
interview with Tunnelling Journal
“It’s a high Carbon wire, very, very
strong and expensive but it’s what
you need with high strength concrete.
If you have high strength concrete
and regular fibres, the fibres snap.”
(Smith 2013). Conversely, this raises
the question why the client should
pay even more for steel fibres when
they wouldn’t face this problem using
high quality macro synthetic fibres.

Research recently published by Figure 7: Residual strength results at different ages up to three years for ASTM C 1609 beams
Bernard (2014 and 2015a) shows that reinforced with 40kg/m3 Dramix RC-65/60-BN (left) and 8kg/m3 BarChip 54 (right) (Bernard,
embrittlement will occur in nominal 2015b)
concrete strengths as low as 40 MPa and
indicates that high carbon steel fibre is
not immune to it. It has been confirmed a minimum of 90 days of age, to better the combined effect of embrittlement
that the behaviour of hooked-end steel understand the long-term performance and corrosion. In contrast, the results
fibres commonly used in FRC intended of the fibre reinforced concrete. indicate that cracks of up to 0.30 mm
for tunnel structures can change with maximum width can exist in macro
Further research by Bernard (2015b) synthetic FRC members without any
time from a high-energy pull-out
examined how embrittlement and detrimental effect on post-crack
mode to a low-energy rupture mode
corrosion may combine to degrade structural performance (Figure 7).
(Bernard 2014). The change to a rupture-
the performance of steel FRC over
based post-crack mode of behaviour
time. The tests revealed that crack Neither corrosion nor embrittlement
is associated with a substantial fall in
widths as small as 0.10 mm resulted occur in high quality macro synthetic
residual strength at maximum crack
in corrosion of the steel fibres, which fibre reinforced concrete, so the long-
widths exceeding about 2.0 mm in
again raises the question of acceptable term performance remains close to
an ASTM C 1609 beam test, yielding
crack width limits for SFRC. or better than the 28 day measured
residual performance loss of up to 50%.
performance, even for crack widths up
Crack widths of just 0.30 mm resulted to 0.30 mm in aggressive environments.
It is thus advisable that designers
in a performance loss of 60% over a
also request testing at later age, e.g.
period of three years of exposure due to

BarChip Inc. 2018 Durability of FRC 9

These research studies, along with others, provide a
number of key insights into the durability and long-term
performance of fibre reinforced concrete, which are:
1. High quality polypropylene macro synthetic fibres,
such as BarChip, do not suffer from the effects of
corrosion and maintain performance regardless
of known exposure conditions, even in large crack
2. Uncracked steel fibre reinforced concrete specimens
are largely unaffected by corrosion, however once
cracks are formed, performance deterioration as a
result of corrosion is rapid;
3. Steel fibre corrosion results in a loss of fibre diameter
at the crack opening. The rate and amount of
corrosion increases as the crack width increases;
4. Crack widths greater than 0.10 mm lead to significant
rates of deterioration of steel fibre as a result of
corrosion, because the crack width affects the time of
corrosion initiation;
Nearly all concrete cracks,
5. Corrosion of steel fibre reinforcement results in a regardless of design or
significant change of the failure mode, changing from preventative measures
a ductile pull out failure to a brittle snapping failure,
causing rapid loss of toughness. This is referred to as
corrosion induced brittle failure;
6. Embrittlement of steel fibre reinforced concrete
occurs due to late-age strength gain, causing the
bond between the concrete matrix and the fibre
to exceed the fibres tensile strength, changing the
failure mechanism from a ductile pull out to a brittle
failure caused by rupturing of the fibres. This is
referred to as embrittlement induced failure;
7. Embrittlement has been shown to occur as early as 30
days of age and in concrete with nominal strength as
low as 40 MPa, and has been shown to reduce post-
crack performance by as much as 50%;
8. High quality macro synthetic fibres, such as BarChip,
are not affected by late age concrete strength gain. BarChip macro synthetic
In contrast they show improved performance with fibres will never suffer from
age. However, one study indicates that low quality the effects of corrosion
synthetic fibres may be affected by embrittlement
9. BarChip fibres can be used as an alternative to steel
reinforcements with significant associated benefits The effects of embrittlement
such as improved durability, reduced costs and on long term performance
increased sustainability; can be even more severe
than corrosion
10. BarChip fibre is a much more environmentally
friendly and sustainable reinforcement option, as
the carbon footprint for BarChip fibre is significantly
lower than that of steel reinforcement.

10 Durability of FRC BarChip Inc. 2018

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BarChip Inc. 2018 Durability of FRC 11

BarChip Inc.


BarChip has a simple vision We believe that long term When you work with BarChip
- revolutionise the world of business relationships can only you know that your concrete
concrete reinforcement. For be sustained by a commitment asset has been reinforced
over 100 years the technology to provide the highest quality to the latest engineering
of concrete reinforcement has products and services. We standards. It will never suffer
barely changed. We set out to make sure to understand from corrosion. It will be
create a new reinforcement your concrete, know the cheaper and quicker to build.
for the 21st century. We performance requirements It will be safer and it will keep
created BarChip synthetic fibre and work with you to get the performing throughout its
reinforcement. right design and the right entire design life.
performance outcomes.

BarChip Inc. EMEA: +353 (0) 1 469 3197 Asia: +65 6835 7716
Australia: +61 1300 131 158 S. America: +56 2 2703 1563
N. America: +1 704 843 8401 Brazil: +55 19 3722 2199
Distributors are located in other regions. For contact details visit
Disclaimer: This information has been provided as a guide to performance only, for specific and supervised conditions. The user is advised to
undertake their own evaluation and use the services of professionals to determine the product suitability for any particular project or application
prior to commercial use. ISO 9001:2008. TNDUR_2018_1. © BarChip Inc. 2018.

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