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Directions: Read each question carefully and 4. Which of the following best exemplifies the
choose the letter of the best answer. In your flow of energy in the biosphere?
answer sheet, blacken the letter that
corresponds your answer. A. Food chain
B. Water cycle
1. One of the characteristics that makes
C. Photosynthesis
Earth a unique planet is its location in the
solar system. What is the significant D. Cellular Respiration
contribution of Jupiter as Earth’s neighbor
in the solar system? 5. Some minerals, such as Mica, have surfaces
with planes of weak bonds in the crystals.
Jupiter’s strong gravity ________. Which property of minerals is described
when its crystals can be peeled like layers of
A. energizes the Earth onion?
B. attracts Kuiper belts
C. balances the earth in its orbit A. Cleavage
D. attracts space debris away from B. Fracture
the Earth C. Hardness
D. Tenacity
2. Earth's magnetic field shields us from
harmful surge of solar winds and other 6. Pyrite is a yellowish mineral that looks like
space weather. To what region of the gold and is commonly called Fool’s gold.
planet do we owe this invisible protector? What is the property of mineral exhibited
by Pyrite when it reflects light and with a
A. Earth’s mantle metallic look?
B. Plate tectonics
A. Color
C. The Aurora borealis B. Hardness
D. Earth's liquid metal core C. Luster
D. Streak
3. What can you infer from the illustration
below about the four spheres of the 7. Which of the following does NOT describe
Earth? sedimentary rocks?

A. may contain fossils

B. economically important
C. holds important clues to Earth's
D. formed because of heat and pressure at

8. Which of the following leads to the

formation of an igneous rock?
A. The processes in the Earth’s sphere are
unidirectional. A. crystallization of molten rock
B. The atmosphere regulates all the B. changes in mineral composition
processes on the other spheres. C. weathering of pre-existing rocks
C. The four spheres of Earth are D. being buried at great depth within the
interconnected and interrelated. Earth
D. The biosphere is the part where all life
forms exist and interact with each


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9. The following human activities result in the 13. Mantle rocks remain solid when exposed to
movement of sediments from one place to high pressure. During convection, these
another, EXCEPT: rocks tend to go upward (shallower level)
and the pressure is reduced. What process
A. quarrying is being described?
B. building a highway
C. developing new athletic field A. flux melting
D. growing of plants along riverbanks B. heat transfer
C. partial melting
10. Weathered rocks in the mountains are D. decompression melting
carried away by heavy rains and strong
winds and deposited in lower areas. Which 14. Magma is formed when water or carbon
of the following explains the downward dioxide is added to hot rocks through the
movement of weathered rocks? process of flux melting. Where does this
process take place?
Weathered rocks ___________.
A. upper mantle
A. move downward due to steep slope
B. mid-ocean ridge
B. move downward due to the water
C. subduction zone
that seeps through the rock
D. convergent boundary
C. are transported by wind and move
downward due to its small size
15. What is the effect of heat and pressure in
D. are eroded by wind and water and
rocks if there is an increase in depth?
move downward with the action of
A. foliation surfaces shine
B. grain size becomes coarse
11. Where does the Earth’s internal heat come
C. low-grade metamorphism
D. increase in mineral alignment
A. Convection
16. Jane is walking down the river when she
B. Conduction
sees an unknown metamorphic rock.
C. Radioactive decay
Which of the following characteristic can
D. Sun’s radiant energy
best help her to identify the type of rock
using a magnifying glass?
12. How does convection affect the
distribution of Earth’s internal heat?
A. foliation
B. grain size
A. Heat is transmitted directly to the
C. name of the rock
surface upon contact of molecules.
D. kind of mineral present in the rock
B. Heat is transferred through waves of
heat across a distance.
17. What is the evident characteristic of an
C. Radiation from the sun transfers
extrusive igneous rock?
thermal energy to the surface of the
A. finer grain and smaller crystals
D. Warmer parts of a fluid rise, while
because it cools quickly
cooler parts sink which causes heat
B. finer grain and smaller crystals
transfer of fluid in the earth’s
because it cools slowly
C. courser grains and larger crystals
because it cools slowly
D. courser grains and larger crystals
because it cools quickly


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18. The following statements describe the 23. Which method of dating describes the
characteristics of extrusive and intrusive principle of superposition?
rocks, EXCEPT:
A. Absolute
A. Extrusive rocks are formed from B. Fossil
cooled lava, while intrusive rocks are C. Radiometric
formed from cooled magma. D. Relative
B. Extrusive rocks are coarse-grained,
while intrusive rocks are fine- 24. Which of the following BEST describes
grained. absolute dating?
C. Intrusive rocks cooled slowly, while
extrusive rocks cooled quickly. A. does not show the actual age of
D. Intrusive rocks have large crystals rocks
while extrusive rocks have small B. states that rock layers are extended
crystals. sideways
C. states that rocks are laid down
19. Anticline is the type of fold resulting from one on top of the other
the compression of rocks. What type of D. uses biological analysis and
fold is formed in this type? geological patterns to identify rock
A. overturned fold
B. upward fold on the rock 25. Which shows the correct order, from
C. downward fold on the rock youngest to oldest, of the relative ages of
D. one-sided slope connecting two the rock layers shown below?
horizontal or gently inclined strata

20. Which process occurs in a transform or

strike-slip fault?
A. Plates move away from each other. CC
B. Plate subducts beneath the other.
C. Plates are moving toward each other.
D. Plates slide past each other in an
opposite direction.
A. A, B, C, D
21. Which of the following forms an igneous B. A, C, B, D
rock? C. D, B, C, A
D. D, C, B, A
A. hardening of lava
B. melting of rocks deep down 26. Which scientific evidence of
C. deposition and melting of lava investigation helps scientists explain the
D. deposition, cementation of materials best estimate of the age of the Earth?

22. Which of the following describes the A. dating fossil

formation of sedimentary rocks? B. carbon dating
C. radiometric dating
A. lava from volcano hardened D. archaeological dating
B. bed rocks undergo weathering
C. buried materials are subjected to
high pressure and melting
D. sediments are deposited, compacted,
and cemented


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For item numbers 27 and 28, refer to the For item numbers 31 and 32, refer to the map
illustration below: below:

Pacific Ring
of Fire

27. Based on the illustration, which period 31. The Philippines lies within the “Ring of
has occurred MOST recently? Fire”, a region of subduction zone
surrounding the Pacific Ocean which
A. Quarternary shows the distribution of _______.
B. Cretacious
C. Permian A. earthquakes
D. Cambrian B. floods
C. landslides
28. Dinosaurs are big reptiles that lived on D. volcanoes
earth and became extinct. During which
era did the dinosaurs live? 32. Based on the map, in which areas do
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
A. Cenozoic Era mostly occur?
B. Mesozoic Era
C. Paleozoic Era A. in the oceans
D. Proterozoic Era B. in the continents
C. at plate boundaries
29. Which of the following can trigger the D. near the hills and mountains
occurrence of an earthquake?
33. Which of the following human activities
A. typhoon speeds up landslide?
B. landslide
C. tidal wave A. planting trees
D. volcanic eruption B. building terraces
C. constructing roads
30. The following are volcanic hazards, D. practicing good agricultural methods
34. Which of the following human activities
A. lava flow helps prevent landslides in sloping areas?
B. lava intrusion
C. volcanic gases A. kaingin
D. pyroclastic flow B. reforestation
C. road construction
D. conversion of land area to dumpsite


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35. Based on the illustration below, where do 37. Which of the following describes hydraulic
typhoons usually form? action?

A. scraping or wearing away of rock

B. movement of salt water into fresh
water region
C. action of water against rock surfaces
causing weathering
D. movement of sediments from
visible area to the submerged
near the shore
A. in the sea 38. Which of the following activities is
B. over the ocean responsible for creating most of the
C. in the continent waves in the ocean?
D. at plate boundaries
A. container ships
36. Based on the illustration below, which B. wind blowing in the ocean
regions are hit by the typhoon. C. gravitational pull of the moon
D. movements of large sea creatures
deep down

39. Which of the following involves building

structures to help protect the coastal

A. submersion C. soft engineering

B. cliff regrading D. hard engineering

40. How does beach nourishment control the

effects of soil erosion on coastal

A. makes the shore deeper

B. serves as recreational venue
C. destroys organisms on the shore
D. stabilizes the shoreline and protects the
A. Central Luzon, NCR, and Western area from flooding
B. Eastern Visayas, Bicol Region, and 41. Paleontologists have found microfossils
Northern Luzon which had existed 3.5 billion years ago.
C. Northern Mindanao, MIMAROPA, Which of the following techniques is used
and NCR in acquiring the age of the microfossils?
D. Northern Mindanao, Eastern
Visayas, and Central Visayas A. stromatolites
B. paleomagnetism
C. radioisotope dating
D. electron spin resonance


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42. Which of the following evidences is used in 46. Which of the following describes
determining the age of cyanobacteria that parthenogenesis?
existed 1.5 billion years ago?
A. The egg can develop into embryo of an
A. fossils of the organisms on rocks with organism without fertilization.
the indicated date and correct B. A parent cell divides itself into two
structures equal parts and creates an offspring
B. drawings of the organisms on rocks C. An organism breaks a part of itself into
with their structures a fragment, and the fragment develops
C. remains of the organisms with into a new organism
differences of structure and D. A parent organism grows a bud
characteristics attached to its body
D. primitive characteristics of the
organisms 47. What happens to an organism when it
undergoes genetic modification?
43. What life characteristic is shown when a
Triathlon eats plenty of fruits and A. desired physiological traits are
vegetables as a preparation for his maintained
upcoming competition? B. genomes have been genetically
A. nutrition C. undesired biological products
B. excretion reproduced
C. respiration D. genes have been studied
D. growth and development
48. Which of the following is NOT a reason for
44. The diagram below shows that everything scientists to genetically modify crops
is connected and interrelated with one through genetic engineering?
another. Which is needed by birds and
other animals to sustain their energy? A. ease of production
B. for higher costs
C. for higher returns
D. reduce pesticide use

49. The following statements describe the

potential consequences of genetically-
modified organisms, EXCEPT:

A. Carbon dioxide C. Oxygen A. unintended selection

B. Food D. Water B. production of toxic substance
C. wanted change in gene expression
45. Which of the following processes describes D. survival and persistence beyond
asexual reproduction through budding? intended zone

A. A parent organism grows a bud

attached to its body.
B. The egg can develop into embryo of an
organism without fertilization.
C. The parent cell divides itself into two
equal parts and creates an offspring.
D. An organism breaks a part of itself into
a fragment, and the fragment
develops into a new organism.


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50. Which are the benefits of using genetically 53. Which of the following describes how the
modified organisms (GMOs)? muscular system and digestive system
work together?
I. ease of production
II. toxicity A. Our muscles need our digestive system
III. for higher return to work correctly.
IV. reduced pesticide use B. These systems don’t work together.
IV. development of allergens C. The muscles in the esophagus push the
food down and the stomach muscles
A. I, II, and V churn up the food.
B. I, III, and IV D. The muscles in the stomach send food
C. II, III, and IV to our muscles.
D. II, IV, and V
54. Why is it important for the different organ
51. Which of the following descriptions systems to perform functional
shows the unique characteristic of the relationships among each other?
digestive system?
I. To keep the body at a stable
A. transports nutrients, gases, condition
hormones, and wastes throughout II. To maintain homeostasis
the body III. To ensure organism’s survival
B. destroys and removes invading
microbes and viruses; removes fat
and excess fluids from the blood A. I only
C. converts food and water into building B. II and III
materials for living tissues; breaks C. I and II
down food, absorbs nutrients, and D. I, II and III
eliminates wastes
D. provides oxygen and gas exchange 55. Which of following statement describes the
between the blood and the illustration below?

52. Which of the following is a unique

characteristic of the lymphatic system?

A. destroys and removes invading

microbes and viruses, removes fat and
excess fluids from the blood
B. provides oxygen and gas exchange A. Chickens are less scary than
between the blood and the dinosaurs.
environment B. Dinosaurs became smaller as time
C. transports nutrients, gases, passed by.
hormones, and wastes throughout C. Dinosaurs are the parents of
the body chickens.
D. converts food and water into building D. Chickens evolved from dinosaurs.
materials for living tissues, breaks
down food, absorbs nutrients, and
eliminates wastes


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56. Which of the following examples shows 59. Which of the following statements
natural selection? describes environmental resistance?

I. A green wild frog blends well in I. Numerous predators may compete

the swamp to avoid predator. with the same prey.
II. A gray wild frog seeks food in II. Climate change such as change in
the marsh to have proper seasons can affect behavior of
nutrition. organism.
III. Wolves tend to kill humans III. Drought limits the growth of
because of their strength in producers as there is no available
fighting. water.
IV. Wolves have genes that give IV. Desert ecosystems have limited
then better send of smell used organisms due to extreme arid
for survival. conditions.

A. I and II only
A. I and III B. I and III only
B. II and III C. II and III only
C. II and IV D. II and IV only
D. I and IV
60. Which of the following environmental
57. Which is considered the MOST resistance factors is biotic?
important classification when using the
Cladistic approach in Systematics? A. drought
B. fire
A. molecular data C. mutualism
B. shared features D. predation
C. common ancestry
D. primitive characteristics *** End of Science ***

58. Which statement about Phylogeny is NOT


A. describes the relationships of an

B. provides information on shared
C. study of evolutionary history and
relationship of an organism
D. study of human evolution and its


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