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"Ahhhhhnnnahh...haahhhh...yes..! So good... Mistresses cock is so good!!

" Setsuna
screamed as she rocked back and forth on all fours. Her breasts swinging like
water balloons as sweat glistened on her tan skinned back. Behind her, Princess
Usagi moaned as well, savoring the feel and sight of her cock slamming in and out
of the older womans tight cunt. She smiled and brought her hand down on the dark
pink haired womans wobbling ass, watching it ripple from every impact of her

"Mmmmmmh, Puu-slut... you're so tight today, it like your cunt is trying to milk my
dick!" the princess said, moving to rung her fingers up and down Setsuna's sweat
slicked back.

"Uhhhhnnn... That's ahhhh.... because.... Oooohhaaaaa... Mistress is... Making...

Puu-slut dumber and sexierrrrr...." Setsuna said between moans.

It was true, Princess Usagi had upped Setsuna's saturation to almost 50%, her
breasts barely fit into her special new fuku top now, not that she wore it much
anyway. Princess Usagi couldn't help but smile though as she grabbed the womans
hips and began slamming into her harder. She loved how Setsuna looked now, and how
she couldn't get enough of her throbbing hard dick!

Rolling Setsuna onto her side, the princess grabbed the moaning womans left leg and
held it against her own sweaty body as she began slamming into her again. Her cock
made the most delicious wet squishing noises as it plunged in and out of the womans
puffy pink pussy.

"Ahhhh... yes!!! Mistresses cock feels so goood!!!" Setsuna moaned, her tongue
hanging out from her lips as she drooled onto the fresh white satin bedsheets.
Princess Usagi had had a couple of the maid servants come in earlier this morning
to change out the soaked sheets from the other night. Both of them were fiercely
loyal to her, so much that she didn't even try to hide her growing harem of pink
haired bimboes. When she finished taking over the kingdom, she might just have to
reward them with higher positions.

"Nnnnnmmmmhhh.. Mistress... stop playing with Puu-slut so much, Minakunt needs

cocky too!" whined Minako as she lay on the other side of the bed, completely naked
and masturbating furiously. She spread her pussy lips wide, letting the princess
see deep inside her drooling cunt. "See, see? Minakunt's puss puss is all wheeet
and stiiicky inside! Please, stuff her full of your big hard cock and make her cum
again and again!"

Princess Usagi chuckled, "Don't worry Minakunt, Mistress has plenty of cum left for
you too." she told her before slamming her cock all the way into Setsuna as she
came again.

"Ahhhh... mistresses is cumming inside meeee... ahhh Puu-slut is full of yummy

yummy cuuuum....!" Setsuna howled. The princess held her dick inside the dark pink
haired woman until she went completely slack, releasing her leg and pulling out of
her with a loud, wet, sucking 'pop'. Thick white cum slowly oozed out from
Setsuna's pussy as she rolled onto her back and lay there panting, her heavy tits
heaving up and down. With a single gesture, Princess Usagi set Minako onto the
exhausted woman, her face buried between her legs and lapping up her semen as it
flowed out slowly.

The pink haired princess then stepped off the bed and walked over to the desk
across her room, her bare feet making soft patting noises as they stepped across
the cool crystaline floor. Bimbo Mercury, as she enjoyed being called now, sat at
the desk, looking at figures and numbers on a computer display. Princess Usagi
discovered they were data bits for Setsuna and Minako as Mercury scrolled down to
the primary figure charts:

Subject: Minako Aino, A.K.A. Sailor Venus

Saturation: 47%
I.Q.: 89 (Well Below Average)
Sex Drive: 72% above Normal
Hormone Levels: 58% Above Normal
Ovulation Cycles: Halted

"Puu-slut is about the same, just at an 85 I.Q., and the device has made it to the
point her ovulation can be controlled at the touch of a button." the pink and blue
haired woman told her.

Princess Serenity smiled, "And what about you?"

Bimbo Mercury's fingers moved across the keyboard, though quite a bit slower than
Princess Usagi remembered. The display on the screen changed, showing a picture of
Ami and a read out next to her;

Subject: Ami Mizuno, A.K.A. Sailor Mercury

Saturation: 25%
I.Q.: 210 (Well Above Average)
Sex Drive: 150% above Normal
Hormone Levels: 40% above Normal
Ovulation Cycles: Halted

"My levels need to go above thirty before my ovulation cycles can be fully
controlled." she told the princess.

Smiling, the princess leaned down and pressed her breasts against Bimbo Mercury's
back and shoulders as she wrapped her arms around her. She could almost feel the
tension go out of the older woman as she kissed then licked her cheek.

"It won't be much longer Ami-cunt, soon you'll be as dumb as a cow, with big slutty
tits and only good for being my cock sleeve and baby factory. I'll breed you like
a pig, and you can raise all our babies to be slutty whore just like their
mother..." she promised. She could feel Ami shivering with desire at the very
description of it and reached her hand down between her legs. Bimbo Mercury's
panties were already completely soaked! "Mmmmmh, you want to be a pig, don't you?
A slutty breeding sow for my big cock!"

"Bwee!!!" Bimbo Mercury squealed, her legs clenching around the Princesses hand as
she humped herself against her fingers. Such a delicious sound, Princess Usagi
couldn't wait to hear it coming from her own mother!

"Come, get out of those clothes and join your fellow bimboes, I still have so much
cum backed up in my balls.


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