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* WARNING!! WARNING!! This fic is supposedly for adults only! If you're *

* under 18 or 21 or whatever the age limit is where you are, you really *
* shouldn't be reading this. Also, this fic contains highly graphic *
* depictions of lesbians, hermaphrodites, massive volumes of cum, and *
* even a little bit of fisting. If you don't like any of that stuff, *
* then GET OUT NOW!! Don't come crying to me if you can't read follow *
* the warning! *
Pt. 2 -- First Change
By The Screaming Flame

Ami advanced on Lita, a lust-filled grin on her face. Lita continued to

struggle futilely against the chains holding her. She lost her balance
completely when the chains pulled out from the ceiling a short ways,
causing her to bounce when the chains caught her again.

Her naked breasts bounced alluringly on her chest. Ami could see the
nipples were slightly hard, and licked her lips in anticipation. Lita
didn't notice and instead looked hopefully upwards. She cursed when she
saw the chains were on a roll.

Lita gave a start when she felt a cool hand on her thigh. She looked
down to see the blue-skinned Ami sliding up between her legs. A confused
look crossed her face, "Ami!? What're you doing? Why are you blue?"

Ami didn't reply, her eyes fixated on Lita's spread pussy. She slid her
hands down the inside of Lita's thighs until she could run her thumbs
over the fleshy, pouty lips, and the pink folds inside.

Lita was shocked, "Ami! What do you think you're doing? Help me out
of...unh!" Her head snapped back when the jolts of pleasure shot through
her. Ami rubbed one thumb and then the other over Lita's now-hardened
clit. It seemed to grow even larger with every brush.

Lita became frantic. "Ami! Stop that!" She struggled fiercely against the
chains, but only succeeded in making her tits flop around again. Still,
Ami was mesmerized by the dancing flesh and pulled herself onto Lita's
hanging body.

"Oof! Ami! Stop it, I said! Get a hold of yourself! Oh no!" A look of
chagrin crossed her face now as Ami straddled her hips and grabbed her
breasts in her hands. Ami leaned down and sucked one nipple into her
mouth while her fingers sought out the other one.

Lita squeezed her eyes shut as a groan was forced from her. Ami smiled
with carnal desire and bit down lightly, drawing an even louder moan from
Lita. Only a few seconds later, Lita started shaking and bucking from the
pleasure, nearly knocking Ami from her perch.

Ami had a look of pure rapture on her face as her clit ground into Lita's
stomach. The bucking was causing huge jolts that went from her clit to
her nipples. She could no longer suck and still hold on, which allowed
Lita a chance to catch her breath.

When Lita finally stopped shaking, Ami pushed her hips back, dragging her
aching clit across Lita's smooth, taut belly and down onto her hairless
pussy. Both girls gasped simultaneously when their clits touched
together. Ami began grinding hard, lifting her hips and pushing them

Lita, in spite of herself, was hunching her hips against Ami's when she
felt a stirring in her clit. Her eyes opened wide and she almost
screamed, "Ami stop! You don't know what they did to me!"

Ami ignored her and crushed their clits together again. Lita shut her
eyes again and gritted her teeth as tears leaked out. It wasn't pain, but
intense pleasure that caused them.

Ami's chest was heaving and her face showed only joy as she ground her
little nub against Lita's continually growing one. She rubbed her clit up
and down its length, taking longer and longer passes as Lita's clit grew

Through it all, Lita's passionate cries grew louder and louder. She
already knew what her clit had changed into. It was now a fully-formed
penis about a foot long and three inches across. The head was deep red,
verging on purple, and larger around than the shaft. The shaft had a
thick line where her cum would erupt from and was covered in thick veins.
The whole thing grew out the top of her pussy lips.

Ami suddenly cried out loudly, cumming in gushes all over Lita's cock and
pussy. Lita's cock was at its full length and aching to cum, but Ami had
stopped rubbing. Lita became desparate to cum, but she couldn't get her
hands down to jack herself off.

Ami felt something twitching underneath her stomach and sat up. Her
hungry look increased and she quickly hopped off Lita's body. She grabbed
the cock in both hands to keep it from jumping around and began licking
the shaft. She started at the top, right at the triangle of flesh
underneath the head, and noisily and wetly licked her way down the shaft
to Lita's pussy.

Lita couldn't stop moaning and bucking in her chains. Ami's tongue was
keeping her at the edge without going over. Lita's back arched
involuntarily when Ami shoved her tongue deep into her pussy, making her
gurgle in frustration when Ami left before she could come. Ami made a
path eagerly up the shaft with her tongue rubbing against Lita's

Finally, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and put her mouth
against the cockhead. Unfortunately, it was just slightly too large for
her, so she was forced to simply lick the head, pressing her tongue hard
against the thick flesh. By now, Lita was going crazy and yelling, "Ami
don't stop! Please! Suck my cock! Please suck it! I need to cum RIGHT
NOW! Ungh!"

Ami put her hands on Lita's ass, grabbing a cheek in each hand and
squeezing. Lita's cock twitched, almost escaping her mouth, but she
pulled up hard on Lita's ass, just as Lita arched her back to force
her cock in. It was an extremely tight fit and Ami's teeth rubbed
against the cockhead. Lita shuddered at the feeling, and felt
something shooting up the length of her cock.

Lita came screaming at the top of her lungs as cum began shooting out of
her cock and into Ami's mouth. Her orgasm increased and she started
spraying thick wads of cum down Ami's throat as Ami pushed the cock
farther into her mouth, sucking it off at the same time.

Lita couldn't stop coming inside Ami's sucking mouth. By this time, she
was bouncing around in her chains, helping Ami move her mouth up and down
the thick shaft. On one particularly hard bounce, her cock was forced
into Ami's throat.

Ami felt the cock in her throat and instinctively gagged around it. The
gagging made Lita cum even harder. There was so much cum now, that it was
being forced out of Ami's mouth to run in streams down her chin and over
her hands. The cum dripped quickly to her chest where it ran all over her
tits, the warmth of it making her nipples as hard as they could get,
before continuing down her stomach and between her legs. Some of the cum
dripped off her clit and pussy, but most of it ran the full length of her
blue legs, leaving a growing puddle on the floor.

Lita screamed as much as she came, but her voice was becoming hoarser as
her throat dried out. Ami's throat clenching on her cock sent huge
thunderbolts of electric shocks through her brain. She was on the verge
of blacking out, but she could feel a tremendous rumbling at the base of
her cock.

Ami couldn't breathe around the huge shaft in her mouth and throat, but
she was enjoying every second of the cum draining into her stomach and
coursing down her body. She began deep-throating Lita's cock, repeatedly
taking it into her throat and pulling it out again. In this way, she
managed to get a breath in through her nose when she pulled the cock out.

Wanting to put her hands to better use, she began rubbing between Lita's
legs again. Lita's pussy was pouring out cum, allowing Ami to immediately
shove three long fingers deep inside. After a few thrust of her fingers,
Lita bucked hard again, and Ami's entire hand was engulfed.

Lita felt Ami's hand fill her pussy, and it was what she had finally been
waiting for. She screamed anew in an earth-shattering orgasm as her cock
bulged under the load of cum bursting through it and her pussy almost
crushed the hand inside it.

Her cum exploded out of her, the force of it throwing Ami off of her. Ami
laid on the ground, her mouth wide open and her tongue lolling out,
getting a shower of delicious cum as Lita's cock and pussy sprayed
unstoppered. Cum erupted from her bucking body, making a huge puddle on
the floor.

Lita had already fainted from the pleasure, but her body continued
without her. Ami swallowed any cum that fell into her gaping mouth. It
had been stretched so wide that she couldn't close it. Finally, she fell
asleep, with the cum soaking her and keeping her warm as well.


She awoke to groans of pain nearby. Looking around, Ami saw two naked
guards curled up on the ground, clutching at their crotches, one already
unconscious. Lita's arms were still chained, but her legs were free,
allowing her to stand on her own. Although she still had a sheen of dried
cum and sweat, Lita's cock had disappeared.

Ami, on the other hand, found that her clit had grown into a sizable
penis. She grasped the eight inch phallus in both hands, squeezing it,
moaning at the strange sensations. Lita yelled at her, "Not now, Ami! Get
me free first! We have to rescue the others!"

Ami looked up, blankly. Then she looked at the guards. One of them was
wearing a belt with a single key hooked to it. She smiled and padded over
to the downed guard. He looked up her, freeing a hand to try and grab
her, ineffectually. "You'll never escape! Even if you rescue your
friends!" Then he fainted.

Ami took the key and moved to Lita. She smiled up at her as she slid the
key lightly up Lita's inner thigh. When she pressed the cool metal
against Lita's clit, Lita let a small groan and hissed, "Later, Ami! I

Ami pouted, but quickly unlocked the chains. Lita rubbed her sore wrists
and whispered loudly, "C'mon! Let's get out of here while we still can!"

Lita went up to the door and pressed a button. The door slid open,
revealing a metal corridor. The naked girls quickly looked left and
right, and, seeing no guards, stepped out into the corridor. The door
closed with a swish behind them.

"Now which way?" Lita muttered. Ami sniffed at the air and listened
intently. Her mouth opened in a wide grin and she started off to the
right. Lita grabbed her arm quickly and asked, "Where are you going!?"

Ami smiled at her and stroked her new dick a couple of times. Lita
groaned, but resignedly said, "Well, I guess it's as good a way as any."

Ami fairly skipped along, her cock making loud slapping sounds as it
bounced off of her taut stomach. They hadn't gone ten steps before Lita
began to hear the loud moans and cries. Abruptly, she stopped when she
realized she was hearing Mina! Without waiting for Ami, Lita dashed past
to arrive at another metal door a short ways down the hall. She quickly
pressed the button, but, as the door swished opened, she gasped loudly
at the sight inside.

END Pt. 2
Well, this is the end of this part. I'll see about writing up the next
part faster, though I doubt it'll happen. I already know what's going to
happen for pretty much the rest of the series, so I'll begin each part as
I finish the last.

As is standard, questions, comments, and criticisms go to and unconstructive flames go to Hell in a hand-
basket. You had your chance to get out earlier. Don't blame me just
because you wouldn't listen to the warning.


The Screaming Flame

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