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Leaning back on the couch inside the small house that sat next to her barn, Ami

Mizuno groaned softly in pleasure as she looked down at the mass of raven black
hair that slowly bobbed up and down on her long horse dick. "Mooo!" Rei Hino
moaned in pleasure as she looked up at her mistress with dull purple eyes. Ami
groaned again and leaned her head back, lightly stroking the womans hair as she
watched her run her tongue along her long and thick shaft.

"Mmmm, you've become a fine cow Rei." Ami said to her.

"Mooo! Thank you mistress!" replied Rei "I will continue to be a good cow and let
you milk me every day with my fellow cow sisters!"

Ami smiled again and pulled Rei up to her knees, sandwiching her dick between the
sluts massive 'udders' and moaning at the feel of her hard cock against her ultra
soft cow tits. "Mmmm, use those dirty udders of yours to get me off!" she

"Mooooo! Yes!!! Please!!!" replied Rei in a very horny and excited voice,
"Please!!! Fuck my udders!" She then mashed her giant mounds around Ami's long
prick, mooing like the cow she was as she stroked them up and down Amis strong
smelling cock. "Moooooooo!" Rei moaned again, loving the feel of Mistress Amis
cock rubbing between her udders.

"Ohh, yeah, that's it you dirty cow slut, fuck my cock with those filthy cow tits!"
Ami told her as she began thrusting up between Rei's cleavage.

Rei couldn't begin to imagine how hard her mistress is fucking her. She really
enjoyed her mistress more than she used to, "You are such a slutty mistress!" said
Rei in a sexy moo, "I love it!"

Ami groaned again as she felt her cock throbbing between Reis udders already. Oh
how wonderful it was to see the once proud woman degraded down to a human sexy toy
for her own pleasures. "Mmmm, yessss... keep moving those big udders like that,
and suck the head of my cock like the whore you are!" Ami told her, "Do a good job
and I'll brand your ass just like I did Minako!"

"Mooo! Yes Mistress!" Rei continued to move her udders harder so her mistress can
fuck her massive tits. Rei gave a loud moan and Ami smiled and groaned at what Rei
is doing to her cock. "MOOOOOOO!" shouted Rei.

Thrusting up between Reis udders and between her lips, Ami groaned in pleasure,
loving the sight of her massive udders jiggling every time her hips slapped wetly
against their bottom. "Unnnn... so good, tell me how much you love being a dirty
cow whore Rei, I want to hear it from your lips!"

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm..." Rei tried to say 'moo' but she was unable to due to Ami's horse-
like cock in her mouth. Sucking hard on her length, Rei started to moan louder when
she felt her udders beginning to leak their milk from being pounded by her
mistresses cock. Ami then reached down and grabbed a fistful of her raven black
hair, pulling her mouth off her cock, ropes of drool ran from the womans lips as
she looked up at Ami with blank lust maddened eyes.

"Mmmm, you look like such a whore now Rei, sucking my horse dick like there's no
tomorrow. Does it feel good? Does it feel good to be a slutty piece of human
cattle?" Ami asked as she continued rubbing her long cock between the womans

"MOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" replied Rei still sucking Ami's horse like cock. "Muews! Muews
mit mis! mmistress!"

"Mmmm, such a dirty whore!!!" Ami groaned as she came, her cum splashing hard up
into Reis mouth, forcing her to swallow one thick load after another. Ami kept the
womans mouth firmly latched to her cock, listening as she tried to guzzle down
every drop. But Ami's load quickly proved too much for the dark haired woman as
two streams of her cum began spraying out through her nostrils. The blue haired
woman then pulled Rei off her cock and tossed her aside like so much used trash.

"Get on all fours and stick that fat cow ass into the air!" Ami commanded.

"MOOOOO!!!" Rei shouted in pleasure, "YES MISTRESS!!" She then got on all fours,
sticking her ass out in the air as she had been told.

Reaching over to the nearby table in the room, Ami retrieved a long iron rod with
the symbol of Mercury at one end. A branding iron. She thumbed a button on the
handle and the other end slowly began to glow a deep orange. "Mmm, so Rei, do you
want to be my cow forever? Do you want me to milk your udders and use your pussy
like a fuck toy, knocking you up at my every convenience?" she asked as she placed
her booted foot against Reis wide ass while she admired the womans dripping pussy
and the way her udders spilled out against the floor. "Let me hear you say you
want all of that, and don't just moo like the cow you are, I want you to say it!"

Panting and moaning, Rei laid her head down against her udders, drool running from
her lips as she felt her pussy aching to have that big cock in her again. Mistress
Ami wanted her to say so many awful things about herself, so many dirty things.
And they were all true. "Haahhhh, yes, I want that! I want to be milked like a
cow, I want you to use my body like a sex doll, I don't care how many times I get
pregnant! I'll give birth to new cow sluts for you Mistress, use my dirty cow body
however you want!!!" she screamed and reached behind her to pull the lips of her
pussy open like the sex crazed nymphomaniac she had become, "Now please, fuck my
cow pussy, PLEASE!!! MOOOOO!!!!!!"

Ami smiled and got down on her knees, slamming her cock into Reis pussy hard,
burying the entire horse length in her with a single thrust. She then slammed the
branding iron down on the womans left asscheek, loving the sound of it sizzling as
it forever scarred her creamy flesh with her mark. She felt Reis already tight
pussy clenching around her even tighter as she pushed herself up on her hands and
screamed in both pain and pleasure. Her long tongue hung from her lips like an
animals as she let out a long loud, "MOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"

After holding down the branding iron for several second, Ami pulled it back to see
a neatly branded sigil for Mercury on Reis still quivering ass. Setting the iron
aside. Ami began slowly fucking Rei's tight little pussy, savoring her whimpers
and moans as she rolled her wide hips back against her cock. The blue haired woman
groaned in obscene pleasure as she leaned forward and grabbed hold of Reis arms,
pushing them forward and toppling the cow down on her giant udders. She then
pinned Rei down like that as she began slamming her entire length up into the
womans womb!

"Haahh.. Mooo!!!! MOOOO!!!!" Rei screamed as she felt her belly stretching from
her Mistresses long cock, "Ahhh, so biiiig!!!! Mooo!!!"

Panting in pleasure, Ami humped Rei from behind, fucking her like an animal as she
savored her cries of pain and pleasure. Oh how she loved the way the former Senshi
of Fire squirmed beneath her as she mashed her own big tits against her naked back.

"AAhhh, Mi... Mistress, you're too big, you're stretching me so baaad!!!" Rei
moaned as she bucked her hips back against Amis endless thrusts.
"Mmmm, I'm just getting you nice and ready to be a proper breeding cow!" Ami told
her, then leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "Mmmm, doesn't that sound
nice, don't you want to be bred like an animal?"

Rei howled in pleasure, her pussy clenching around Amis shaft as she mooed in
ecstasy, "Yes!! Yes I want that, breed me, breed me like an animal over and over!!!
Mooooo!!!!" She then began clenching her pussy around Amis cock again and again,
as if trying to milk it of its potent cum! Twin streams of milk then erupted from
her nipples as she began cumming even harder. Not wanting to see her cows milk go
to waste, Ami pulled one udder to Reis mouth and forced her to suckle her own

"Mmmm, that's a good cow, nurse from your own udders, just like that!" Ami groaned
as she savored the perverted image beneath her. The dark haired woman moaned and
grunted like an animal as Ami felt her pussy clenching around her repeatedly as she
came again and again. The blue haired dickgirl groaned and buried every inch of
her horse dick inside Reis cunt as she began cumming inside her fertile womb.

"Mmmm, that's a lovely sight..." said a voice from behind the pair. Ami turned to
look at Haruka with a smile, the blonde then continued, "Hate to interrupt your
fun, but Mako-chan's gone into labor."

"What!?" Ami yelled as she pushed herself up onto her knees then shoved Rei off her
cock like a used sex toy. The black haired woman rolled once, coming to rest on
her back, her giant cow udder tits resting to either side of her as her nipples and
pussy oozed with fluids. Ami paid her no mind as she stood up and walked over to
the coat rack by the door. Grabbing a white doctors coat, she pulled the garment
over her otherwise naked body and nodded to Haruka, "Let's go welcome our newest
cow into the world."

End Chapter 10

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