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~Special thanks to AnzuBlossom and Reika for giving me the base RP that made this


Leaning back in her reclining chair, Meryl looked over to the TV, the sound was
muted, but the images showed the late night News. She read a few of the scrolling
headlines with detatched intrest as she leaned back and reached a hand down to
stroke her pierced nipples, cooing softly as she felt them stiffen slowly. Licking
her lips, Meryl let her mind wander, drifting back in her memories.


April looked up at Meryl with a feigned innocent expression. The girl was only
fourteen, with small budding breasts and a slender body that turned the dickgirl on
to no end.

"Oh don't gimme that look, I invented that look!" Meryl said with a smile as she
sat down on the living room loveseat. She smiled at her daughter and pulled her
into her lap before kissing her lips gently. April giggled and straddled Meryl's
waist, wrapping her arms around the blonde haired womans shoulders. Meryl smiled
back at her and encircled her arms around the girls waist.

"I've been a very naughty little girl." April said mischiveously.

"Mmmm, I know you have." Meryl replied before kissing her daughter deeply while
April sighed happily as she kissed back. Meryl cooed and smiled against the girls
lips as she reached down to stroke her bottom gently. April moaned softly at her
touch and the older dickgirl grinned, pulling up her daughters skirt to rub her
bare bottom. Yet again, April had gone to school without panties, hence why she
was home early. Both women moaned against each others lips as their mouths opened
and tongue began dancing together. April's mouth tasted sweet and warm, her skin
felt soft to the touch as Meryl felt her cock hardening inside the skirt she wore.

Feeling something stiff under her mothers skirt, April began grinding her crotch
against the growing bulge and giggled, "What's that mommy?" she asked, having spied
her mother naked before when she looked in on her in the shower.

"Mmmmmm, a special present for you sweetie." Meryl replied as she licked her lips.
Oh how she had longed for this moment since the day she brought April home.

"Ooohh I like presents, can I have it now?" April asked sweetly.

Meryl giggled and rubbed her cock against Aprils crotch as it grew, pushing a tent
up in her gray plaid skirt. "Mmmm, help yourself." She then watched as April
reached down under her skirt and pulled her big cock free. She sighed softly at
the feel of April's slender fingers around her thick shaft as the child slowly
stroked her length, captivated by the sight of it fully erect.

April gave Meryl a puzzled look, "What's it do, mommy?" she asked, though Meryl
knew April already knew good and well how it worked, but she decided to play along,
afterall, this was the first time she would fuck her daughter, no reason to spoil
the mood.

She smiled and rubbed her length against April's hairless pussy, "Mmmm, you put it
inside you and it makes us both feel reeeallly good."

April blinked, "Inside me? You mean here?" she asked as she leaned back and spread
the lips of her pussy open.

Meryl nodded and kissed her daughter again, "Yep." she said while rubbing her
cockhead against the moist folds of her daughter cunt. She then watched as April
positioned her cock at the entrance of her pussy and pushed her weight down on it.
"Mmmmmmmm..." Meryl moaned as she felt Aprils tight walls slipping around her dick

April gasped, "Oohhhh Mommy.. it's so big..!"

"Ooooo, you're so tight sweetheart...." Meryl groaned as she pulled her daughter
close and kissed her again. She then watched as April bit her lower lip as her
thick cock stretched her pussy open. The blonde haired dickgirl then moaned softly
as she pushed in slowly, wanting her daughter to get used to her thickness first.

"Ohhh... it feels so good..." April moaned as she held onto her tight as Meryls
cock pushed deep inside, pressing against her cervix.

"Mmmm, you're so warm...." Meryl told her as she squeezed Aprils slender body
between her big tits.

April giggled, "They're so soft, mommy."

Meryl laughed, "You always did like them." she said as she pushed in deeper,
spearing her daughter on her cock.

"OHHHH!! I.. Mommy you're so deep..." April moaned as she shuddered against
Meryl's body as the dickgirl pulled her all the way onto her, savoring the feeling
of her tight pussy around her thick cock. April began panting softly as Meryl
began thrusting up slowly.

"Mmmmm, my little girl is so tight!" Meryl groaned as she mashed her heavy tits
against Aprils smaller ones.

"It feels so good..." April panted quietly.

Meryl moaned and began thrusting into her faster, making April moan louder as her
eyes rolled into the back of her head. The older woman kissed her daughters neck
as she began thrusting into her faster, listening as her cock squishes in and out
of Aprils pussy

"OHH MOMMY!!" April panted hard, "Fuck me! Fuck your little girl!"

"Ahhh, yes.... take mommy's cock baby!!!" Meryl groaned as she slammed up into her
harder, leaning her back her my arms for a better angle. April groaned with her
and kept her arms around the dickgirls shoulders tightly.

"MMMMMM Oh, Mommy... OHHH fuck me!" April screamed as she began humping back
against Meryl's thrusts. Meanwhile, Meryl moved to hold her daughter bottom in her
hands as she began pounding into her harder. "I love mommy's cock inside me!"
April screamed as she came close to her first real orgasm.

"Mmmm, mommy loves her little girls pussy!" Meryl moaned as she could feel her cum
building up inside her balls. She then pulled her daughter close again and kissed
her hard as they stood in the living room, their bodies joined in blissful incest.

"MMMMMMM!!!" April moaned as she sucked on her tongue, her pussy clenching around
Meryls cock as the dickgirl slammed into her faster. She panted against her
mothers mouth and grinded her hips down against her thrusting dick. The sound of
their bodies sliding against one another was only drowned out by their joined
"Ooohhhh.... you're gonna make mommy cum baby..!" Meryl panted as she felt her
orgasm mounting fast.

April gasped, "Please cum, mommy! Please fill your little girl with your cum!"

Sitting back down, Meryl pulled April all the way onto her cock as she felt her cum
surging up the shaft, "Babyyyyy!!!!" she screamed as she came hard.

Aprils pussy contracted around her cock as she shuddered in her first ever orgasm,
"Mommy.. I'm cumming!"

Meryl held April tight as she came hard inside her, "Cum for mommy baby, cum for

April shuddered and moaned in Meryl's arms as she screamed in utter ecstasy, her
pussy gushing all over Meryls skirt. The blonde haired dickgirl smiled and
squeezed her daughters ass as she continued cumming inside her hard.

"OHHHH!!! OH MOMMY!!" April screamed.

"Mmmmm, my baby....." Meryl moaned before kissing April again. The young girl
cooed into the kiss and returned it in kind. Meryl then hugged her close as her
orgasm finally subsided. "Mmmm, did you like your present?"

"I loved it, mommy." April cooed.


Panting hard, Meryl opened her eyes and looked down at her cum soaked hand and
cock. She smiled at the memory and looked up at the ceiling to see her cum
dripping back down on her. She laughed and got up to clean the mess. She missed
those days, when the only one who fucked her daughters pussy was herself. Oh well,
she thought, I still have Peach.

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