(W9) Comment On Reading Material

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24 November 2021

Alviani Rachma (01212110015)

Approaches and Methods in Islamic Studied

Reading comment on Sufism the Political Islam: Theory

By Andrew F. March,2015
Political Islam has been favorite among the student because this field is aplace where
they can have free time to giving an opinion about anything happened to the world base on
Islamic value and law. He talked about political Islamism and Islamisits. He focused on the main
three topics which are the modernity of ideology and praxis of political Islam, the recent critical
study of secularism and its implementation and the problem of modern states poses about Islam.
He mix these cases with the political theories, historians, sociologist and anthropologist. He
discussing Political case but always following with the Islamic argument which match in this era
sometimes. There are some points are highlighted about this article.

In the point of the modern about political Islam, he argued that there is a political thing in
Islam. Although politic in Islam was though in the khalifah times, it still good to be discuss all
the time, since the new regulation will exist all the time, always need to regulate with Isamic
theory too. Another information that merely know about Islam is Islam in the West was
recognized as a community, loyalty and a way of life who still recovering from traumatic era.
This word can giving the possibility due to minority of Muslim there.

There are many perception among the scholar about the modernity of Islam. One of them
is questioning why human become free and governed in the one time. I think the word free is
freeadon to argue anything but still governed with the political and syaria law. It is true to
understand Islam inside the politic or vice versa is hard at the same time, because there many
differences between the value and rules in the reality and the rules of Islamic itself . At last, it
cannot be denied that many politicians are loose and become secularism. Indeed this topic will be
a centre topic of debating

In discussing about Islamism, democracy and popular sovereignty, he put the famous
point by questioning the relationship of differences between secular matters and religious
matters, such as the democracy and secular, religious legal and moral and the gap between
24 November 2021

Islamic doctrine and Islamic political. But, at the last, it was true that all the Muslim majority
states has given the standardization between Islam and Islamic law in their constitutional. As it
happened in some majority Muslim states such are Pakistan, Sudan, and Iran where positively
followed strong ideology to Islamisation. Its hard to understand the issues of democracy,
political, and Islamic because it was rare to be politician being pure and secure in the reality.
Therefore, it is hard also when understanding the theory's article.

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