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How to brush your teeth

First of all, you need to prepare your toothbrush and toothpaste. Then you rinse your
mouth, put some toothpaste on your toothpaste and watery the brusher. After that, you
can put your toothbrush in front of your upside teeth and star to move it right-left or up-
down. Do the same thing to your left side, right side, and back teeth. Don’t forget to
brush your downside teeth to with same way. Then rise your mouth till it clean and take
some towel to dry your mouth. You can put a mouthwash to make a good scent of your

2. From Street vendor go to health club

From street vendor you can take straight way on the blue street. Then, you can turn right
on the Orange Street, then turn left and health club is right on your right side

3. From health club go to grocery store

From health club you can take Orange Street then turn left on blue street, go straight until
you find the grocery store on your left.

4. Your can find clothing store on orange street across flower shop and apartment building

5. Restaurant is placed on blue street, beside subway entrance and across flower shop

6. From Grocery store go to get Laundry mat

From grocery store you can go to Yellow Street by turn left and go straight. The turn
right, the laundry mat on your left.

7. I go to subway entrance

8. First, prepare your stethoscope and Sphygmomanometer. Then, check your stethoscope
and Sphygmomanometer are they work well or not. After that, prepare the patient and put
the Sphygmomanometer band on the patient arm. Theb, check the pulse on your arm by
make some pressure to block the pulse and feel the most hard beat of the pulse. After you
find the spot put your stethoscope on the spot. You can start to measure the blood
pressure by lock the Sphygmomanometer and start to pump it till 120 or little more (+/-
30 mmHg). Them release the Sphygmomanometer lilte by little and hear the fist beat and
the last beat to measurement.

9. If you ask about me I think, I’m forgiving person and if I have something I don’t talk big
about it because that’s not mine, that’s what god belongs. I’m never give up on
something I wish, hardworking, I have high goal to become person who’s needed by
somebody else.

10. My friendship always for sharing and support each other, give all the best for them and
help if there’s a thing I can do. All this time, I never have a friend then they become my
enemy, more often they like siblings. For me, more friend is good.

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