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The Input Processing Output Storage Cycle


The diagram above shows the data flow in a simple computer system.
The IPOS Cycle
The IPOS cycle represents the four basic tasks of any computer:
 input: Input is taking data from outside the computer and delivering it to one
or more components inside the computer.
 processing: Processing is the execution of one or more computer programs
on the data. Processes can vary greatly in size, complexity, and function.
 output: Output is taking information stored in the computer and
delivering it to the outside world, usually for humans to view.
 storage: Storage is keeping data for use later. Storage can be applied to both
data and program code. Storage usually refers to secondary storage, that is,
the long-term placement of information on a secondary storage device like a
disk or temporary storage in some form of memory such as main memory
The IPOS cycle

Although a computer does all four of the stages they are not necessarily done in
this sequence. For instance, a program may require some input followed by
processing followed by additional input followed by more processing.
Also, results from a process can either be directly output or stored in a file without
output, thus omitting either storage or output.

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