8TvP6PqN1K7jAbVe - jW8NU2AzWyXlk1lN-Key Words - PT, RO, RU, SI, ES

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Shelf’s key terms translations

Channel Terms Description PT RO RU SI ES

A type of fraud that
occurs when a
customer's Glovo account
is taken over by a third
ATO (account party in order to place ATO (Furto de ATO (preluarea Украденный ATO (ukradeni ATO (robo de
CUSTOMER takeover) fraudulent orders. conta) contului) аккаунт račun) cuenta)
"Box" is how we refer to
the "Glovo box", which is
the cubic backpack that
couriers carry to deliver Torba ( Glovo torba
COURIER Box Glovo orders. Mochila Cutie/ Geantă Сумка ) Mochila

Povezano naročilo
(agents are using
Orders that are delivered
english version
by the same courier
because the delivery also, so we can
COURIER/PAR Bundled points are very close to Pedidos Comandă Объединенный have bundling tag
TNER order each other. Agrupados grupată заказ also) Pedido agrupado

CUSTOMER/C We use the term to refer

to restrictions in the
OURIER/PART application of a given
NER Constraint procedure. Restrições Constrângere Ограничение Omejitev Restricción
A type of fraud
CUSTOMER/C committed by the Fraude do Мошенничеств Prevara
OURIER Courier fraud couriers estafeta Fraudă curier о курьера dostavljavca Fraude de courier
This occur when a courier
picks up the wrong order
CUSTOMER/C from a Partner
store/restaurant by
OURIER/PART Crossed mistake and delivers it to Comandă Перепутанный Zamenjana Pedidos
NER order the wrong customer. Pedidos Trocados încrucișată заказ naročila intercambiados

OURIER/PART Delivery The place where an order
NER point has to be delivered Ponto de entrega Punct de livrare Точка доставки Mesto dostave Punto de entrega
Shelf’s key terms translations
Delivery point - The place
CUSTOMER/C where the order will be DP / Punto de
OURIER DP delivered Ponto de entrega DP Точка доставки DP entrega
A score given to the
couriers according to
Excellence their performance and Pontuação de Scorul de Рейтинг Puntuación de
COURIER score rule compliance Excelência excelență курьера Ocena odličnosti excelencia
A type of fraud that
includes marking an Pedido
order as delivered when it entregue/Não
COURIER Fake delivery hasn't been delivered entregue Livrare falsă Фейк доставка Lažna dostava Entrega falsa

A Fake order is simply an
OURIER/PART order made to a fake
NER Fake order partner. Pedido Fake Comandă falsă Фейк заказ Lažno naročilo Pedido falso

CUSTOMER/C A restaurant/store that

appears on the Glovo app
OURIER/PART but isn't actually a Partner fake /
NER Fake partner partner Parceiro Falso Partener fals Фейк партнер Lažni partner partner falso

An order delivered to the
OURIER/PART Mistaken wrong customer by Неправильный
NER order mistake Pedidos Errado Comandă greșită заказ Napačno naročilo Pedido equivocado
Contact reason - A type of
complaint that we get
when a customer's order
is damaged and it's
translated as per [LOCM]
Mistreated [for Blarlo] Contact Pedidos Comandă Поврежденны Slabo tretirano
CUSTOMER order Reasons Translations Maltratados maltratată й заказ naročilo Pedido maltratado
A penalisation given after
a violation of terms of Penalidade/ Kick
COURIER Penalty service Out Penalizare Штраф Kazen Penalización

OURIER/PART The place where the
NER Pick-up point order is collected Ponto de Recolha Punct de preluare Точка пикапа Prevzemno mesto Punto de recogida

Pick-up point - The place PU/PUP /

CUSTOMER/C where the order was recogida/punto de
OURIER PU/PUP collected Ponto de Recolha PU/PUP Точка пикапа PU recogida
Shelf’s key terms translations
Redirect Send the courier to a new Redirecionar o Redirecționează Перенаправле Preusmeritev Redireccionar al
COURIER courier location estafeta curierul ние курьера dostavljavca courier
A ratio between active
CUSTOMER/C orders and available Saturacija /
OURIER Saturation couriers Saturação Saturație Сатурация Nasičenost Stauración

An automated
(agents are using
compensation algorithm
english version
that allows customers in
some places to get also, so we can
automatic have bundling tag
CUSTOMER Self-refund compensations. Auto-Reembolso Auto-rambursare Селф-рефанд also) Auto-reembolso

A restaurant or shop that
OURIER/PART appears on the Glovo
NER Store catalogue/app Loja Magazin Заведение Trgovina Tienda
Usually used as a
synonym to "purchase
receipt" - also referred to
CUSTOMER/C as "purchase" in some
OURIER Ticket cases Talão/Nota Bon fiscal Чек Račun Recibo
To appoint a courier to
COURIER To assign deliver an order Atribuição Pentru a atribui Назначить Dodeliti Asignar
To change the courier to
whom the order was
COURIER To reassign assigned Reatribuição Pentru a reatribui Переназначить Ponovno dodeliti Reassignar

Dremež (agents
are using english
CUSTOMER/C To put the
chat/conversation in the version so we can
OURIER/PART CRM in stand-by till the have english Snooze / poner en
NER To snooze customer is back To Snooze A amâna Снузить version) espera

To classify a conversation
OURIER/PART according to our list of Типифицирова
NER To typify contact reasons Tipificar A tipifica ть Tipizirati Tipificar

CUSTOMER/C Classification
OURIER/PART according to contact
NER Typification reasons Tipificação Tipificare Типификация Tipizacija Tipificación

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