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Weekly School Reporting for Pilot Schools in

Limited F2F classes

Dear pilot schools for limited F2F classes,

In line with the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of limited face-to-face classes, the Department of
Education (DepEd) would like to understand the implementation experience of all participating
schools in the limited F2F classes. This Weekly School Reporting aims to 1) gather real time weekly
information, 2) gain insights on possible adjustments for the expansion of limited f2f class, and 3)
identify support needed by the pilot schools.

The School Head as the main respondent of this survey shall consult his/her school personnel
(teaching and non-teaching) in responding to each question/item. Rest assured that all information
collected in this survey is solely for the DepEd's use in order to gain insights for decision making
relative to the implementation of limited F2F classes. Accomplishing this survey will take 20-30
minutes only.

For questions and concerns related to this matter, kindly email Planning Service - Policy Research and
Development Division (PS-PRD) at or call at (02) 8635- 3976.

Thank you!
I.School’s Information
A. Respondent’s email address:
B. Grade level implementing limited F2F classes (kindly check)
● K to Grade 3 only
● Grade 11 and Grade 12 only
● Both K to Grade 3 and Grade 11 to Grade 12
● Other grade levels (please specify)___K to Grade 6______
C. School ID: 109369
D. School's email address (kindly indicate the official email address of the
E. Kindly select the week that you will base your responses.
● Week 1 (Feb. 14-18, 2022)
● Week 2 (Feb. 21-25, 2022) 
● Week 3 (Feb. 28 – March 4, 2022)
● Week 4 (Mar. 7-11, 2022)
● Week 5 (Mar. 14-18, 2022)

II. Learners Data (type N/A if the grade level does not apply to your school)
A. Total number of learners participating in the limited face-to-face class. Add
rows in the grade level as necessary.

Grade Level No. of Male No. of Female

Kinder 18 14

Grade 1 17 13

Grade 2 13 14

Grade 3 22 7
Grade 4 14 12

Grade 5 15 5

Grade 6 8 10

I. Learners attendance data (type N/A if the grade level does not apply to your
A. K to 6 learners. Number of learners who completed the limited F2F class
within the week in each grade level and by sex.
Grade Level No. of Male No. of Female

Kinder 18 14

Grade 1 15 13

Grade 2 13 14

Grade 3 22 7
Grade 4 13 12

Grade 5 15 5

Grade 6 8 10

B. Learners absence data. Are there learner/s who incurred absence/s during the
limited f2f class in the week?
● Yes, answer the reasons for absence (C)
● No, proceed to Section IV
C. Reasons for absence. Select the reasons for the absence of the learners
during the f2f classes. Select all that apply.
● 1. Sick (fever, cough, cold, etc) 
● 2. Inaccessibility of home to school
● 3. Family obligations (take care of family errands)
● 4. Natural calamities
● 5. Armed conflicts
● 6. Unreadiness to attend the class
● Others, please specify: _dog bite_and UTI__

III. Learners health related data

A. In the past five days, are there LEARNERS who reported that they have
experienced COVID-19 symptoms (i.e. fever, cough, colds, shortness of
breathing, etc)?
● YES, complete the details in B 
● NO, proceed to Section V.
B. How many LEARNERS reported that they have the following symptoms?

Symptoms No. of learners

1. fever 1

2. cough and colds

3. difficulty of breathing

4. sore throat

5. diarrhea

6. fatigue/ tiredness

7. headache

8. loss of taste or smell

9. body pains
C. In the past 5 days, is/are there confirmed COVID-19 case/s of learners?
● YES, How many?
● NO, proceed to the next Section V. 

IV. Personnel health related data

A. In the past five days, are there SCHOOL PERSONNEL who reported that they have
experienced COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, colds, shortness of breathing,
● YES, complete the details in B
● NO, proceed to Section VI. 

B. How many SCHOOL PERSONNEL reported that they have the following


1. fever

2. cough and colds

3. difficulty of breathing

4. sore throat

5. diarrhea

6. fatigue/ tiredness

7. headache

8. loss of taste or smell

9. body pains

C. In the past 5 days, is/are there confirmed COVID-19 case/s of SCHOOL

● YES, How many?
● NO, proceed to the next Section VI. 

V. School Visitors
A. In the past five days, are there stakeholders (parents/ guardians, community
partners, etc) who visited / entered the school premises?
● YES, answer the question B. 
● NO, proceed to
B. Visitor's Health Status. In the past five days, are there SCHOOL VISITORS who
reported that they have experienced COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, colds,
shortness of breathing, etc)?
● YES, answer the question C.
● NO, proceed to Section VII. 

C. How many SCHOOL PERSONNEL reported that they have the following

1. fever

2. cough and colds

3. difficulty of breathing

4. sore throat

5. diarrhea

6. fatigue/ tiredness

7. headache

8. loss of taste or smell

9. body pains

VI. COVID-19 Testing

A. In the past 5 days, is there any learner who underwent RT-PCR or antigen test?
Testing may be conducted anywhere.
a) How many underwent RT-PCR?
b) How many underwent antigen test?
● NONE 
B. In the past 5 days, is there any school personnel who underwent RT-PCR or antigen
test? Testing may be conducted anywhere.
a) How many underwent RT-PCR?
b) How many underwent antigen test?
● NONE 

VII. Implementation Challenges in Ensuring Safe School


A. Enumerate the challenges that your school has encountered in ensuring safe
operations of the school operations. Be clear and specific as possible.

none-stakeholders and partners are all cooperative to ensure the safety operation of
limited face-to-face classes.
VIII. Implementation of Blended Learning Delivery Modality
A. In the past 5 days, which of the following challenges are encountered by the
LEARNERS in relation to teaching and learning delivery? Select all that apply.
● 1. Limited time to clarify the lessons
● 2. Learners cannot clearly see what is written in the board due to
physical distancing
● 3. Learners cannot clearly hear what the teacher is saying because of the face
mask and barriers
● 4. Learners do not have enough learning materials
● 5. Learners are not yet ready for the face-to-face learning
● Others, please specify

B. In the past 5 days, which of the following challenges were encountered by the
TEACHERS in relation to teaching and learning delivery? Select all that apply.
● 1. Limited time to accommodate all learning concerns of the learners
● 2. Limited teaching and learning resources
● 3. Unreadiness of the learners in the face-to-face learning
● 4. Multiple attention to both learners in the face-to-face and in the
modular learning
● Others, please specify

IX. School and Community Coordination

A. In the past 5 days, is/are there LEARNER/S referred to professional or
concerned authorities (i.e. BHERT, Health Centers)?
● YES, answer the question B.
● NO, proceed to question C. 

B. How many LEARNERS were referred to professionals or concerned authorities

because of health-related reasons? Encode zero (0) if the reason does not apply.

Reasons for referral No. of LEARNERS

1. emergency care (but not COVID- 0


2. COVID-related 0

3. mental health and psychosocial 0


C. In the past 5 days, is/are there SCHOOL PERSONNEL referred to

professional or concerned authorities (i.e. BHERT, Health Centers)?
● YES, answer the question D.
● NO, proceed to Section X 
D. How many LEARNERS were referred to professionals or concerned authorities
because of health-related reasons? Encode zero (0) if the reason does not apply.

Reasons for referral No. of LEARNERS

1. emergency care (but not COVID- 0


2. COVID-related 0

3. mental health and psychosocial 0


E. If answered YES to questions A and C, referring to the response made by the

particular authorities, how long did they respond?
● 1. Less than 1 hour
● 2. 1-2 hours
● 3. 2-3 hours
● 4. 3-5 hours
● 5. 5-12 hours
● 6. 12-18 hours
● 7. 18-24 hours
● 8. More than 1 day

X. School Lockdown. School lockdown may be conducted due to LGU's decision or due
to school-wide disinfection activity.
A. In the past 5 days, did the school implement a lockdown?
● YES, proceed to question B.
● NO, proceed to Section XI 
B. How many days did the school implement lockdown?
● 1. 1 day
● 2. 2 days
● 3. 3 days
● 4. 4 days
● 5. 5 days
● 6. 6 days
● 7. 7 days
● 8. 8 - 14 days
C. What is the main reason for the school lockdown?
● 1. confirmed COVID case in the school
● 2. suspected COVID case in the school
● 3. barangay-level community lockdown
● 4. municipality-level community lockdown
● 5. school-wide disinfection activity
● Others, please specify

XI. School-based health services conducted

A. In the past 5 days, which of the following health related services were
conducted in the school?
● 1. feeding program 
● 2. immunization of children
● 3. distribution of WIFA supplements for female learners
● 4. sessions on psychosocial development of learners
● 5. deworming
● 6. height and weight measurement
● 7. NONE of the above
● Others, please specify: physical examination of nurses to kindergarten

XII. Implementation challenges in coordination

with community, partners, authorities.

A. In the past 5 days, what are the challenges encountered by the school in
terms of coordinating with the community, partners, authorities?

one-stakeholders and partners are all cooperative to ensure the safety operation of
limited face-to-face classes.

Reminder: Double check the data / information provided in this reporting tool before
submission to the encoder in Google Forms.

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