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Houssam Bakhouche

Bejaia, Algeria
Algeria, 06/09/2023
Cleaners/Siivoojia pääkaupunkiseudulle, 3
paikkaa, Coor Service Management Oy, Helsinki

Subject: Application for the position of Maintenance Agent

Dear Mr. or Mrs. [manager of the service agency for school cleaning tasks]

Having recently read your job offer published on the site, I
hasten to submit my application as a Maintenance Agent.

Having sufficient knowledge as a Cleanliness and Hygiene Agent, I worked as a

maintenance agent on several occasions during my school holidays (summer job)
within different companies, particularly in the maritime sector ( cleaning ballast
under a boat). These experiences allowed me to acquire a good mastery of the
technical skills of the profession.

Rigorous, with great team spirit and great respect for the orders of my superiors,
I would like to join your teams to continue to develop my skills in a recognized
company in the sector.

Sincerely hoping that my motivations will attract your attention, I would soon
like to be able to complete this information orally.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my respectful greetings.

houssam, bakhouche

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