Deschamps 2004

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International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647 – 657

The impact of institutional change on forecast accuracy:

A case study of budget forecasting in Washington State
Elaine Deschamps *
Washington State Caseload Forecast Council, P.O. Box 40962, Olympia, WA 98504, USA


This paper explores the relationship between institutional change and forecast accuracy via an analysis of the entitlement
caseload forecasting process in Washington State. This research extends the politics of forecasting literature beyond the current
area of government revenue forecasting to include expenditure forecasting and introduces an in-depth longitudinal study to the
existing set of cross-sectional studies. Employing a fixed-effects model and ordinary least squares regression analysis, this paper
concludes that the establishment of an independent forecasting agency and subsequent formation of technical workgroups
improve forecast accuracy. Additionally, this study finds that more frequent forecast revisions and structured domain knowledge
improve forecast accuracy.
D 2004 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Forecast accuracy; Politics of forecasting; Judgmental forecasting; Government forecasting; Institutional change

1. Introduction services. An entitlement caseload represents the de-

mand for public services such as Medicaid, where
In the state budget process, lawmakers and budget clients who meet the eligibility requirements are
analysts rely heavily on the accuracy of government entitled to receive the service. The process for esti-
revenue and expenditure forecasts. Inaccurate fore- mating expenditures varies from state to state, but
casts may result in a budget shortfall or perceived most often the caseload estimates provide the foun-
wasted opportunity to fund executive or legislative dation for the expenditure forecast.
initiatives. The government revenue forecasting pro- In 1997 the Washington State Caseload Forecast
cess across the states is becoming better understood Council (CFC) was created as an independent agency
through recent research, but less attention has been responsible for the production and oversight of state-
paid to the expenditure side of the forecast process. wide entitlement caseload forecasts. The agency was
Fundamental to the expenditure forecast is the ability created with the goals of (1) ‘‘promoting the free flow
to accurately predict the demand for entitlement of information and promoting legislative and execu-
tive input in the development of assumptions and
preparation of forecasts,’’ and (2) ‘‘making the case-
* Tel.: +1-360-902-0087; fax: +1-360-902-0084. load forecasts as accurate and as understandable as
E-mail address: possible,’’ as stated in the Caseload Forecast Council
(E. Deschamps). Strategic Plan in 1997.

0169-2070/$ - see front matter D 2004 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
648 E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657

This paper addresses the call for more research on Services (DSHS), which administers the human serv-
how forecast accuracy can be influenced by the ices programs statewide. Entitlement services are pre-
specific organizational context in which the forecast sumed to be nonnegotiable in political budget
is being produced and ultimately used. This research negotiations because by law the state must serve these
tests hypotheses from the politics of forecasting liter- groups, whether it is through the public school system,
ature on caseload forecasts produced before and after Medicaid coverage, or foster homes.
the creation of the CFC. The goal is to assess the However, because the executive branch produced
impact of this new institutional arrangement on the the caseload estimates, legislative budget analysts
accuracy of entitlement caseload forecasts in Wash- were at a disadvantage in not being involved in the
ington State. This study employs a quasi-experimental forecast process. The Medicaid program area was an
design, using repeated observations over time. A exception to this rule because it allowed legislative
fixed-effects model and a control group are used to involvement via a workgroup process before the CFC
reduce threats to internal validity. was established. For assessing the impact of institu-
This paper begins with an overview of the CFC tional change on forecast accuracy, the Medicaid
and how it changed the forecasting process in Wash- forecasts serve as a partial control group because there
ington State. Next is a discussion of the hypotheses was a technical workgroup process in place both
and the related literature. Finally, we present the before and after the CFC was created.
findings and a conclusion. The creation of the independent, apolitical CFC and
the subsequent formation of technical workgroups have
1.1. Background on the Caseload Forecast Council significantly altered the budget forecasting process in
Washington State. Though the forecasting methods
The CFC, established in 1997, is charged with have essentially remained the same (primarily univar-
forecasting statewide entitlement caseloads. The CFC iate time series), the environment in which they are
was modeled after the Economic and Revenue Fore- produced and reviewed has changed substantially. The
cast Council, which was established in Washington forecast models and assumptions are open for discus-
State in 1984 to insulate the revenue forecasts from sion and debate by a wider group of participants, and
political influences. Similarly, the CFC was created in the forecasts are now subject to revision up to three
order to insulate entitlement forecasts from the politics times a year. The Governor and the Legislature are
of the budget process, as well as promote a better bound by the official forecasts, and the Council meet-
understanding of the assumptions and methods under- ings are open to the media and general public.
lying these forecasts. The main vehicle for creating a more open forecast
The Washington State budget process runs on a 2- process and better understanding of the forecasts is the
year cycle, with a biennial budget passed in the spring technical workgroup process. Each program area has
of every odd-numbered year. Agencies submit sup- its own workgroup consisting of CFC staff, relevant
plemental budgets that are passed by the legislature program experts, and budget and forecasting analysts
during the even-numbered years to account for unan- from the legislative and executive branches. Led by
ticipated expenditures and/or policy changes. Each CFC staff, these workgroups discuss and review the
year, the Governor submits a budget recommendation data, forecast methods, assumptions, and anticipated
in December, and the legislature passes a final budget effects of policy changes. The technical workgroups
in the spring. serve primarily as advisory groups, and while con-
The primary drivers of the state budget are the sensus is attempted, CFC staff has ultimate decision-
revenue forecasts that determine the supply-side, and making authority on all aspects of the forecast.
the caseload and expenditure forecasts that estimate the This paper focuses on the entitlement caseload fore-
demand-side of the budget equation. Before the CFC casts for social services, which constitute the largest
was created, the caseload and expenditure forecasts portion of the state budget. The CFC also produces the
were produced by the executive branch, either in the corrections public school system forecasts (K-12), so
Governor’s budget office (Office of Financial Manage- together the forecasts produced by the CFC provide the
ment) or in the Department of Social and Health foundation for over 70% of the state operating budget.
E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657 649

2. Hypotheses and related literature and if a state used a formal consensus procedure to
combine these separate forecasts. This is because
The politics of forecasting is a relatively new area political positions and forecast assumptions are ex-
in the forecasting literature. A number of authors have posed for debate. A survey by Klay and Grizzle
called for more research on forecasting in organiza- (1992) revealed that some state revenue forecasters
tions and real-world settings as opposed to controlled, feel political pressure to produce a forecast consistent
experimental settings (Jones, Bretschneider, & Gorr, with their political leaders’ policy agendas.
1997; Makridakis et al., 1982; Schultz, 1992). While The CFC was established, in part, as a means to
much progress has been made in improving forecast- reduce the perceived bias in the caseload forecast
ing methods, more needs to be understood regarding process. This study posits that the creation of the
how forecast accuracy can be influenced by the CFC should improve forecast accuracy by making the
specific organizational context in which the forecast forecast product the responsibility of an independent,
is being produced and ultimately used. Bretschneider apolitical agency. Opening the forecast process to
and Gorr (1989) argue that we should not only be more participants places the forecast assumptions up
looking at improving our forecasting methods, but for scrutiny and debate, while the oversight by an
also considering the organizational environment, cul- independent agency minimizes political manipulation
ture, and the forecast process. Variations in these of the forecasts.
factors may have as great an impact on forecast
accuracy as variations in forecasting methods. 2.2. Establishment of technical workgroups
One area of current research that considers orga-
nizational and political influences on forecast accu- The establishment and development of technical
racy is state and federal revenue forecasting. A workgroups for each program area has been the
number of studies show that political and organiza- primary vehicle in achieving the CFC’s goal of a
tional variables such as the degree of executive and more open forecast process. The workgroup meeting
legislative involvement in the forecast process, par- provides a forum for the discussion of administrative
tisan composition of government, and political pres- and policy changes that may impact the caseload and
sures on forecasters have an impact on forecast an opportunity to understand, debate, and review the
accuracy (Bretschneider & Gorr, 1987; Bretschneider, forecast assumptions and methods.
Gorr, Grizzle, & Klay, 1989; Klay & Grizzle, 1992). The forecasting literature suggests that group-
However, there is a void for research on expenditure based forecasting can improve forecast accuracy and
forecasting. legitimacy. White’s (1986) study of forecasting in the
This research contributes to the literature by ana- private sector emphasizes the importance of greater
lyzing the expenditure forecasting process, or the participation in the forecast process.
demand-side rather than the supply-side of the budget Steen (1992) emphasizes the utility of team-based
equation. Most of the studies on the political and forecasting, since no single person has all the neces-
organizational influences on forecasting have been sary information to prepare forecasts. Kahn and
cross-sectional across states. In contrast, this research Menzer’s (1994) analysis of forecasting in the private
is longitudinal and allows for an assessment of accu- sector found mixed results on the benefits of team-
racy both before and after an institutional change. based forecasting for improving accuracy. However,
the team approach led to greater satisfaction with the
2.1. Independent, apolitical agency forecast process. Jenkins (1982) explains that an ideal
approach to forecasting in organizations includes a
Bretschneider and Gorr (1987) and Bretschneider ‘‘forecast formulation committee,’’ consisting of both
et al. (1989) argue that organizational design of the policy makers and forecasters, which enables current-
forecasting process directly influences the accuracy of ly relevant policy assumptions to be passed on to
the forecasts. Both studies revealed that forecast those who produce the forecast models.
accuracy increased if a state had independent forecasts An important aspect of the technical workgroup
produced by both the legislature and the executive, process is its emphasis on consensus building. Klay
650 E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657

and Zingale (1980) found a positive relationship spring may incorporate revised caseload forecasts
between a consensus-oriented forecast process and based on updated data and program knowledge.
perceived improvements in revenue forecast accuracy. Though it seems intuitive that revising a forecast more
A consensus-oriented process is one in which the often would improve accuracy, such a practice may
legislative and executive branches work cooperatively increase the risk of adjusting a forecast to random error.
to develop the forecast and agree to using it. In their Shkurti and Winefordner’s (1989) study of revenue
nationwide survey, respondents from states using this forecasting in Ohio concludes that a mechanism to
process were more likely to perceive that forecast assure systematic monitoring and revision of previous
accuracy had improved. However, a later study by forecasts assists in assuring more accurate forecasts.
Klay and Grizzle (1986) did not find a significant They find that monitoring and evaluation are important
relationship between consensus-based forecasting and for both accuracy and acceptance of a forecast, and they
forecast accuracy. also call for additional research aimed at determining
Voorhees (2000) stresses the importance of broad the proper frequency of forecast revisions.
participation in the forecast process for two reasons. Voorhees (2000) found that as forecast frequency
First, the broader the consensus and diversity of increases, forecast accuracy decreases. He concludes
people involved in the forecast process, the less likely that while more frequent forecasts may provide an
that political bias will affect the forecast. Second, the early warning of a change in trend, it may be difficult
diversity of the participants and increased competition to decipher whether the change represents a real trend
between perspectives can help to reduce ‘‘assumption or just random error.
drag’’ (Ascher, 1978), which is the tendency to cling Mocan and Azad’s (1995) survey of general fund
to outmoded assumptions. His study concluded that revenue forecasts for 20 states found that forecasts
the degree of consensus in the forecast formulation revised on a monthly or bimonthly basis were less
significantly reduced forecast error. accurate than forecasts revised either on an annual,
As the primary component of institutional change, biannual, or quarterly basis. Adjusting a forecast as
the effect of implementing new technical workgroups frequently as monthly or bimonthly may lead to mis-
on forecast accuracy will be assessed by comparing interpretation of one or two new data points and thus
the results for the Medicaid forecasts to the forecasts increase forecast error. However, a quarterly or bian-
from the other human services program areas (public nual update is based on three to six new data points so is
assistance, children’s services, and long term care). more likely to be based on a real change in the data
The Medicaid forecasts were produced via a technical rather than random variation.
workgroup process both before and after the creation The creation of the CFC forced forecast revisions
of the CFC, so they serve as a partial control group to be considered roughly every 4 months instead of
when assessing the impact of institutional change on annually. This study posits that forecast revisions,
forecast accuracy. based on at least 3 months of new data, will improve
accuracy. The literature on this subject is sparse and
Institutional Change Hypothesis. Forecast accuracy mixed, but this hypothesis reflects the commonly held
improves after an independent forecast agency is belief among both technical staff and policy makers
implemented and Technical Workgroups are estab- involved in the budget process.
Forecast Revision Hypothesis. More frequent revi-
2.3. More frequent revisions to forecasts sions improve forecast accuracy.

Prior to the creation of the CFC, the human services 2.4. Domain knowledge
forecasts were produced by DSHS once a year in
November. The CFC’s enabling legislation requires at An important goal of the technical workgroup
least three Council meetings per year, so that each process is to incorporate more domain knowledge
forecast may be revised as often as every few months. and expertise into the forecasts. There is an extensive
Thus, the final budget passed by the legislature in the literature on whether or not judgment improves fore-
E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657 651

cast accuracy over standard statistical models. There The data consist of actuals and forecasts produced
has been considerable evidence to support the inte- both before and after the creation of the CFC, from
gration of judgmental and statistical techniques to November 1996 to February 2000. The unit of anal-
improve forecast accuracy (Lawrence, Edmundson, ysis is the individual caseload forecast, and the data
& O’Connor, 1986; Lobo & Nair, 1990; Mathews & set contains 180 observations, based on 20 separate
Diamantopoulos, 1989; McNees, 1990; Sanders, caseloads and 9 forecasts for each caseload. We
1992; Wolfe & Flores, 1990) but also some evidence employ a fixed-effects model by using dummy vari-
against it (Carbone, Anderson, Corriveau, & Corson, ables to control for the nuisance variation among the
1983; Lawrence & O’Connor, 1995, Lim & O’Con- caseloads.
nor, 1995; Remus, O’Connor, & Griggs, 1995). The first model addresses whether forecast accura-
Armstrong and Collopy’s (1998) review of recent cy improved after the CFC was established, via a pre-
empirical studies on the integration of judgment and CFC vs. post-CFC analysis. During the pre-CFC time
statistical methods concluded that judgmental revi- frame, the forecasts were produced only once a year
sions to forecasts work best when forecasters have and never subject to revision. Each caseload has a
strong domain knowledge and the revisions are based November 1996 and November 1997 forecast for this
on structured judgment. Lacking these conditions, period. During the post-CFC time frame, the forecasts
judgmental revisions can negatively affect accuracy. were subject to revision three times a year, so each
Goodwin and Wright (1993) conclude that an impor- caseload has a February, June, and November forecast
tant area for future research is field-based rather than for 1998 and 1999, and a February 2000 forecast. The
laboratory studies on the relationship between judg- second part of the analysis examines only the post-
mental and statistical forecasts. CFC time period and tests the revision and domain
This study allows for the testing of how the knowledge hypotheses.
addition of domain knowledge to a statistical forecast The data used to assess forecast accuracy will be
affects accuracy in an organizational setting. The based on a comparison of actual and forecasted
technical workgroup journals maintained by CFC staff values. The actuals are monthly caseload data from
document discussions of programmatic issues and administrative databases generated by DSHS. For the
policy changes that can be used to assess the extent Medicaid caseloads, the actuals are run through a data
to which domain knowledge was applied to any given completion process called lag adjustment, which is
forecast. Access to these journals allows for a unique, necessary because recent historical data are often
in-depth assessment of the use of domain knowledge under-reported. The lag adjustment process is essen-
in additional to statistical forecasts. tially a forecast of the completed data, based on an
Some forecasts contain step adjustments separate analysis of the data as they become more complete
from the baseline trend that specifically quantify the from month to month.
expected impact of a given policy change. Thus the
extent of domain knowledge incorporated into a given 3.1. Dependent variable: Forecast error
forecast ranges from none, to anecdotal, programmatic
information, to quantification of the policy impacts in The measurement for accuracy is mean absolute
addition to the baseline trend forecast. percentage error (MAPE) that indicates the absolute
error regardless of direction. This measurement is
Domain Knowledge Hypothesis. Domain knowledge commonly used in the forecasting literature to mea-
improves forecast accuracy over statistical models sure overall accuracy of the forecast (Bretschneider &
alone. Gorr, 1987; Frank & Wang, 1994; Kamlet, Mowery,
& Su, 1987; Welch, Bretschneider, & Rohrbaugh,
1998). Armstrong and Collopy (1992) evaluated
3. Research design measures for making comparisons of errors across
191 annual and quarterly time series and recommen-
We test these hypotheses using multiple regression ded the use of MAPE for comparing forecast accuracy
models estimated via ordinary least squares (OLS). in all cases except when few series are available.
652 E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657

The MAPE for each forecast is calculated for both a these estimates, the step adjustment introduces an-
6- and 12-month forecast horizon. MAPE6 is calcu- other element of potential forecast error to the model.
lated by taking the mean of the absolute percentage Due to the increased complexity of the process being
errors, defined as 100  (forecast-actual)/actual, for the predicted, it is possible that forecasts with step
first 6 months after the forecast was produced, and adjustments may be less accurate than other fore-
MAPE12 is the mean of the absolute percentage errors casts.
for the first 12 months after the forecast was produced.
3.3. Control variables
3.2. Independent variables and related hypotheses
In order to control for the impact of the technical
The Institutional Change Hypothesis is tested using workgroup, the primary driver of institutional change,
a variable indicating the number of years since the separate models will be run for the Medicaid forecasts
CFC was created. The number ranges from 0 for the vs. the other forecasts, in addition to models run on
‘‘pre-CFC’’ period to 2 since the time frame of this the full sample. The expectation is that the impact of
analysis only covers up to 2 years ‘‘post-CFC’’. This institutional change on forecast accuracy will be
variable, called ‘‘time,’’ is expected to be inversely stronger for the non-Medicaid programs than for the
related to forecast error and thus have a negative Medicaid programs because the latter already had a
coefficient in the regression equation. workgroup process in place prior to the creation of the
The Forecast Revision Hypothesis is tested using a CFC.
dummy variable to indicate whether or not the fore- The model also includes a variable to capture the
cast was revised from the last forecast ( = 1) or if the volatility in the actual data used to produce the
previous forecast was retained ( = 0). This variable is Medicaid forecasts. The Medicaid data change from
also expected to be inversely related to forecast error, month to month due to a substantial lag time in the
and applies only to the post-CFC period because prior billing process and retroactive eligibility for Medic-
to the creation of the CFC the forecasts were produced aid. These data are run through a process that essen-
only once a year. tially forecasts what the final values will be for the
The Domain Knowledge Hypothesis is measured data when they become complete. However, even this
via two dummy variables. The first one measures process is subject to forecast error, so this additional
anecdotal program information: 1 if programmatic error inherent in the actuals is controlled for via a data
information was used in making the decision between volatility variable that captures the amount by which
statistical forecast models, and 0 if the decision was the historical data have changed from the time the
made without the use of program knowledge. A forecast was produced to 12 months later when
second dummy variable will indicate whether a step forecast accuracy is measured. The absolute value of
adjustment or quantifiable estimate of a specific policy this data volatility measurement will be used to make
change was incorporated into the model. it consistent with the dependent variable MAPE.
The step adjustment is distinguished from anecdotal A fixed effects model is used to control for
program knowledge because it represents a concerted caseload specific variation. Dummy variables repre-
attempt to measure or quantify the expected impact of a senting 19 caseloads are used in the model to control
policy change. Thus, it is a much more structured form for the variation specific to each caseload, for which
of domain knowledge than anecdotal information. there are repeated observations.
While we believe that structured domain knowl-
edge should improve forecast accuracy, the existence
of a step adjustment adds another element of com- 4. Results
plexity to the forecast. Many times, the policy change
that the step adjustment is attempting to capture The first set of models test for the impact of
represents a significant divergence from prior policies institutional change on forecast accuracy. Table 1
and historical patterns in the data. Since there typi- presents the results of the regression analysis on
cally is no historical precedence from which to base forecast error (MAPE) for the entire sample of 180
E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657 653

Table 1
Regression Results for ‘‘Pre- vs. Post-CFC’’ Models
Independent variable Full sample Medicaid programs* Non-Medicaid programs
Beta coefficient 3.71*** 6.37*** 3.78*** 5.19*** 3.82*** 6.77***
Standard error 0.96 1.16 1.35 1.55 0.63 0.87
Time—years since CFC 0.70** 0.96** 0.11 0.33 0.84*** 1.48***
was established (0 for pre-CFC)
0.27 0.32 0.45 0.51 0.24 0.34
Data volatility N/A N/A 1.26*** 1.46*** N/A N/A
0.27 0.31
N 180 180 90 90 90 90
Adjusted R-squared 0.39 0.40 0.46 0.46 0.35 0.46
Pr >F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001
Durbin – Watson 1.41 1.57 1.40 1.63 2.08 1.94
* excludes long-term care services.
** p < 0.01.
*** p < 0.001.

observations and for models run on Medicaid pro- responsibility to an independent agency improved
grams and non-Medicaid programs separately. forecast accuracy, the results indicate that the techni-
cal workgroups played an important role in the
4.1. Pre-CFC vs. post-CFC hypothesis reduction of forecast error. The non-Medicaid fore-
casts, subject to a newly established technical work-
The results support the Institutional Change Hy- group process, improved in accuracy over the
pothesis that forecast accuracy improved after the CFC Medicaid forecasts, which already had a workgroup
was created. In the full sample model, forecast error process in place before the CFC was established.
was reduced by almost 1 percentage point over a 12- While these results support the Institutional Change
month forecast horizon for each year since the CFC Hypothesis that forecast accuracy has improved since
was established. The results are significant for both the the CFC was created, there are a multitude of factors
full sample and the non-Medicaid programs for both that could explain why forecast accuracy improved.
the 6-month and 12-month forecast horizons. Results The next series of models confine the sample to only
were not significant for the Medicaid forecasts. those forecasts produced after the CFC was created,
The significant findings for the non-Medicaid pro- allowing for a more detailed analysis of the role of
grams and nonsignificance of the Medicaid program forecast revisions and domain knowledge that are
coefficients support the Institutional Change Hypothe- major components of the technical workgroup process.
sis because the Medicaid forecasts served as a partial Table 2 summarizes OLS regression results for the full
control group. Improvements in forecast accuracy were sample and separate models for Medicaid programs
not apparent in the Medicaid forecast group, which and non-Medicaid programs. Note that of both tables,
already had a technical workgroup process in place only the results for the full sample and Medicaid
prior to the creation of the CFC. However, for the non- program regressions in Table 1 have significant posi-
Medicaid program areas, forecast error over a 12-month tive serial correlation. Thus, the significance of coef-
forecast horizon was reduced by 1.5 percentage points ficients is likely overstated for those two regressions.
per year. Forecast error measured at 6-month rather
than 12-month intervals was reduced by 0.8 percentage 4.2. Post-CFC hypotheses
points for each year since the CFC was created.
The results establish a link between the creation of The results indicate strong support for the Forecast
the CFC and reduced forecast error. While we cannot Revision Hypothesis across all samples. The coeffi-
determine the extent to which the transfer of forecast cients are significant and suggest that when a forecast
654 E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657

Table 2
Regression Results for ‘‘Post-CFC’’ Models
Independent variable Full sample Medicaid programs Non-Medicaid programs
*** *** *** ***
Intercept beta coefficient 4.15*** 5.81 6.21 9.63 3.51 5.32***
standard error 1.04 1.17 1.54 1.76 0.67 0.79
Revision made to forecast 2.00*** 1.97*** 2.06* 1.74 1.10** 1.25*
0.47 0.53 0.84 0.96 0.40 0.48
Step adjustment 1.63* 2.57** 0.02 1.30 2.33*** 2.99***
(domain knowledge)
0.79 0.89 1.47 1.67 0.62 0.73
Program information 0.71 1.09 0.06 0.43 0.73 1.16*
(domain knowledge)
0.54 0.62 0.95 1.09 0.45 0.53
Data volatility N/A N/A 1.03*** 1.13** N/A N/A
0.29 0.32
N 140 140 70 70 70 70
Adjusted R-squared 0.51 0.57 0.52 0.54 0.50 0.60
Pr >F 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Durbin – Watson statistic 2.24 2.13 2.20 2.00 2.23 2.13
* p < 0.05.
** p < 0.01.
*** p < 0.001.

is revised, forecast error is reduced by 1.1– 2.1 per- the step adjustment, which is the more structured form
centage points, depending on the program area and of domain knowledge, yielded more significant results
forecast horizon. This hypothesis is the only one than the less structured, anecdotal form supports
supported by the Medicaid data, indicating that when findings from the literature that structured judgmental
a forecast is revised, error is reduced by as much as inputs are most effective.
2.1 percentage points. For the non-Medicaid data, The lack of significance of both domain knowledge
more frequent forecast revisions improve forecast variables for Medicaid programs may be due to the
accuracy by 1.1 – 1.3 percentage points, depending overriding volatility in the actual data used to generate
on the forecast horizon. the forecasts, as evidenced in the significance of the
The results also support the Domain Knowledge data volatility variable. The data volatility variable
Hypothesis, though not consistently across all models. indicates that a 1-percentage-point increase in the
This hypothesis has two components: the step adjust- error inherent in the administrative data yields an
ment variable indicates a quantifiable measurement of equivalent increase in forecast error over a 6-month
an expected policy change, and the program informa- horizon and a slightly larger (1.1 percentage point)
tion variable that specifies anecdotal information was increase in forecast error over a 12-month horizon.
used in addition to a statistical forecast. Table 3 summarizes the results of both the pre-CFC
The step adjustment variable is significant for the vs. post-CFC and the post-CFC analyses in terms of
full sample and for non-Medicaid programs. Over a the hypotheses addressed in this paper.
12-month forecast horizon, the inclusion of a quanti-
fiable estimate of a policy impact in a forecast reduced
forecast error by 2.6 percentage points for the full Table 3
sample and 3.0 percentage points for the non-Medic- Summary of results
aid programs sample. Hypothesis Full Medicaid Non-Medicaid
The program information variable, capturing anec- sample programs programs
dotal evidence, is significant only for non-Medicaid Institutional Change  
programs, reducing forecast error by 1.2 percentage Forecast Revision   
points for a 12-month forecast horizon. The fact that Domain Knowledge  
E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657 655

5. Conclusion The fact that quantifiable estimates of policy

changes were more significant than anecdotal input
This study addressed a specific gap in the politics of supports findings from the judgmental forecasting
forecasting literature by examining institutional influ- literature that domain knowledge is best utilized when
ences on the demand-side rather than the supply-side it is incorporated into the forecast in a more structured
of government forecasting, and by expanding this manner. Additionally, the quantifiable step adjustment
body of literature to include a longitudinal study in is useful to policy makers because it allows for the
addition to the existing set of cross-sectional studies. possibility of evaluating the impact of a policy once
The results indicate a relationship between institu- the actual data are known.
tional change and forecast accuracy. This study pos- Finally, the strongest finding of this study was that
ited that forecast accuracy would improve as a result revising forecasts significantly improved forecast ac-
of the creation an independent agency and the estab- curacy across all samples, by as much as 2.1 percent-
lishment of technical workgroups that de-politicized age points over a 12-month forecast horizon. These
the forecast process and improved communication results suggest that the frequency of revisions used by
between program experts, forecasters, and budget the CFC might serve as a middle ground between
writers. Results showed that forecast accuracy im- monthly and annual revisions to forecasts, which is
proved after the CFC was created by as much as 1.5 consistent with Mocan and Azad (1995). Given the
percentage points per year. sparseness of the literature in this area, these results
The fact that accuracy improved for non-Medicaid can be used to further test under what circumstances a
programs but not for Medicaid programs served to forecast should be revised. In the CFC process,
isolate the importance of the technical workgroups in forecasts are subject to revision three times per year,
improving forecast accuracy. For Medicaid programs, but are only updated if the technical workgroup
a technical workgroup had already been established agrees that sufficient evidence exists to merit a
prior to the implementation of the CFC workgroups, revision.
and we did not see a reduction in forecast error for this Future research will involve expanding the current
control group. For the non-Medicaid programs, the database and revisiting these hypotheses, as well as
reduction in forecast error was significant for both the adding a qualitative component involving an in-depth
6-and 12-month forecast horizons. analysis of the individual workgroups and the dy-
This study also supported findings in the judg- namics within that may impact both the forecast
mental forecasting literature, but with a unique twist. process and outcome. Subjects to address in the
The use of technical workgroup journal notes to qualitative analysis include the translation of group
obtain in-depth information on the degree to which preferences into outcomes and the consensus forma-
domain knowledge was incorporated into each indi- tion process, the distribution of resources and exper-
vidual forecast allowed for the unparalleled opportu- tise among workgroup members, and how these
nity to examine the relationship between domain differences between workgroups affect the legitimacy
knowledge and forecast accuracy in a real-world, of the forecast process and ultimately the accuracy of
organizational setting. the forecasts.
The results highlight the importance of adding
domain knowledge to statistical models, in the form
of both anecdotal program knowledge and specific Acknowledgements
quantitative adjustments to account for expected pol-
icy changes. However, the evidence favored step Gratitude goes to Stuart Bretschneider for his
adjustments over anecdotal information to improve dedication to analysis of politics and institutions in the
forecast accuracy. For non-Medicaid programs, quan- forecasting literature, and for encouraging me to
tifiable domain knowledge was over twice as effective submit this paper for publication in the first place, and
in reducing forecast error as anecdotal input, improv- thanks go to both Stuart and Wilpen Gorr for their
ing accuracy by as much as 3 percentage points over a very insightful feedback that greatly improved the
12-month forecast horizon. quality of this paper.
656 E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657

Appendix A . Descriptive statistics for variables used in regression analysis

Variable name Variable description N Mean Standard Minimum Maximum

Dependent variables
MAPE6 mean absolute percent error: average of 180 3.2% 3.6% 0.03% 20.8%
first 6 months after forecast was produced
MAPE12 Mean absolute percent error: average of 180 4.2% 4.4% 0.27% 20.5%
first 12 months after forecast was produced

Independent Variables
REV indicates whether a given forecast was 140a 0.51 0.50 0 1
revised or the previous forecast carried forward
STEP indicates whether or not a given forecast contains 140b 0.19 0.39 0 1
a step adjustment, which is a quantifiable
estimate of a specific policy or program change
PROG indicates whether or not anecdotal program 140c 0.27 0.45 0 1
information/domain knowledge was used to inform
the workgroup in deciding on a forecast
TIME the number of years since the CFC was established 180 0.78 0.79 0 2
(0 for pre-CFC)

Control variables
DATAVOL data volatility measure: the absolute value of the 90d 1.8% 1.7% 0.01% 7.7%
change in the historical actuals from when the forecast
was produced to when accuracy was measured
ADATSA alcohol and drug addiction treatment support medical 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
AS adoption support 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
CNAGED Medicaid categorically needy aged 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
CNBD Medicaid categorically needy blind/disabled 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
FC foster care 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
GAU general assistance unemployable medical 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
GAUX general assistance grant 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
HCS home and community long-term care services 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
MNAGED Medicaid medically needy aged 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
MNBD Medicaid medically needy blind/disabled 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
MPCADULT Medicaid personal care for developmentally 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
disabled adults
MPKKIDS Medicaid personal care for developmentally 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
disabled children
NH nursing homes 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
OKIDS Medicaid categorically needy children < 200% FPL 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
PREGW Medicaid categorically needy pregnant women 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
SOLT18 state-funded medical for non-Medicaid children 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
SSIA supplemental security income for aged 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
SSIB supplemental security income for blind 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
SSID supplemental security income for disabled 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
TANF Medicaid TANF/categorically needy family medical 180 0.05 0.22 0 1
This variable is only relevant to the ‘‘post-CFC’’ period because the question of whether or not to revise a forecast more than once a year
was not a factor until the CFC was created.
The ‘‘pre-CFC’’ forecasts are excluded from this sample because the documentation is unavailable to determine whether or not a step
adjustment was included for each forecast.
This variable is only used in the ‘‘post-CFC’’ period because it is based on CFC technical workgroup meeting notes.
This variable is only relevant to the Medicaid caseloads. Actuals do not change from month to month for the non-Medicaid programs.
E. Deschamps / International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2004) 647–657 657

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