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Activity 1
A. Read the text and answer the questions.
A busy day

Peter is a very busy person. He gets up at 4:00 am. Then, he takes a bath, gets dressed and has a
sandwich for breakfast. He doesn’t drive to work. He takes the bus at 5:00 am. He starts work at
6:00. He’s an office worker at NY Lawyers. At noon, he has lunch near work. He doesn`t go home
because he starts work at 1:00 again. He finishes work at 5:00pm and goes to college. He doesn`t
eat anything there because he prefers to make dinner at home. He finishes his classes at 9:00pm.
Peter is very tired because of this schedule and wants to look for a different job
to work on weekdays. Besides, he wants to do more things over the day, like
going to the gym or playing sports.

A. Why is Peter a busy person? He is a busy person because he wors and

B. Where does Peter work? He works in a NY lawyers office.
C. How does he get to work? He takes the bus.
D. Where does he have lunch? He has lunch near work
Why does he want to change his job? He wants to change his job because he is tired of the
schedule and he wants to do more things over the day, like going to the gym or playing sports.

B. Jason is talking about his family. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. Then
compare with a partner.

My family and I _live___ (live/lives) in the suburbs. My wife and I ______(work/works) near here,
so we ________ (walk/walks) to work. Our son Paul _________(work/works) downtown, so he
______(drive/drives) to work. Carolina, our daughter _____(don’t/doesn’t) drive. She

_______(ride/rides) her bike to school. My parents ______(live/lives) in Los Angeles. My mother
_____(don’t/doesn’t) work, she’s retired. My father _______(take/takes) a train to work.
He______(work/works) in a college. He is a teacher. My parents_________ like/likes to go out on

C. Exercise. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. Ex. I plays / play tennis every afternoon.
2. My parents live/ lives in New York.
3. Tom listens / listen to the radio in the morning.
4. We eat / eats eggs for breakfast every morning.
5. My dog barks / bark at night.
6. Mrs. Gold sweep / sweeps the stairs once a week.
7. My brother never watches / watch television.

Activity 2


Go around the class and find this information. Try to write a different name on each line. A: Do you
have breakfast in bed? B: Yes, I do.

Activity Question Name

Has breakfast in bed Do you have breakfast in bed? Saray
Works on weekends Do you work on weekends? Jenny
Lives alone Do you Live alone? Carolina
Likes broccoli Do you Like broccoli? emmanuel
Rides a motorcycle Do you Ride a motorcycle? Felipe Suarez
Does exercise Do you do exercise? Julian
Has two brothers Do you Have two brothers? Diego luna
Likes English songs Do you Like English songs? vanessa
Doesn’t like reggaeton Do you like reggaeton? jack

Gets up at noon on Saturdays Do you Get up at noon on Saturday? Nicolas

B. Now write a paragraph with your answers.

A. Saray Has breakfast in bed. Jenny Work on weekends. Carolina Lives alone. Emmanuel Likes
broccoli. Felipe rides a motorcycle. Julian Does exercise. Diego Luna Has two brothers. Santiago
Likes English songs. Jack Doesn’t like reggaeton. Nicolas Get up at noon on Saturdays.

C. Make the questions.

Ex: Do you speak English? No, I don`t.

1._Does she study French? Yes, she does.

2.Do they work a lot? No, they don’t.

3. Does he sweep the street? Yes, he does.

4. Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.

5. Does the dog eat meat? Yes, it does.

6.Does she study on weekends? No, she doesn´t.

7.Do you like to eat ice cream? Yes, I do.

C. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? Ask and answer the questions with your group. Check (✓ ) the
boxes with their answer A: Do you play video games? B. Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Questions you Classmate
Yes No Yes No
D. Us
1. Do you play video games? x Santiago
2. Do you go shopping? x jenny e
3. Do you read the newspaper? x Miguel abril
4. Do you watch soccer on TV? x deiber
5. Do you do yoga? x maik
6. Do you listen to music? x Diego
7. Do you do dancing? x dario
8. Do you cook? x Diego
9. Do you walk in the night ? x
10. Do you ride a bike every day? x

the same questions using family members. A: Does your father play video games? B: No, he


Activity 3

A. the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in the correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often).

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.

a/. Tom is very friendly. (usually).

Tom is usually very friendly.

b/. Peter gets angry (never).

Peter never gets angry.

c/. David and Frank are hungry (often)

David and Frank often are hungry.

d/. They watch tv in the afternoon (never)

they never watch tv in the afternoon.

e/. Walter helps his mother. (sometimes)

Walter sometimes helps his mother.

f/. He listens to the radio (often)

He often listens to the radio.

g/. They read a book (sometimes)

They sometimes read a book.

h/. Christine smokes (never).

Christine never smokers

i/. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening.

B. Put the sentences in order.

a/. library the studies in usually Pablo.

Pablo usually studies in the library

b/. always football play in we playground the.

We always play football in the playground.

c/. cinema sometimes he Sunday he goes.

He sometimes he Sunday goes to on cinema.

d/ Mary watches tv often night at.

Mary often watches tv at night.

e/. never I to beach the January on.

I never go to the beach in January.

C. Create a PowerPoint Presentation about your ideal self. Describe the frequency in which
your ideal self does the activities you associate with success. You should include at least 12
different activities. Write in 3 rd. person example:
 My ideal self hardly ever drinks alcohol.
 My ideal self always practices English before he/she goes to bed.
Illustrate your presentation with appropriate images.
 My ideal self gets up early every day.
 My ideal self takes english classes.
 My ideal self always does sports.
 My ideal self reads self-improvement books.
 My ideal self often shares with his family.
 My ideal self always seeks God.
 My ideal self would practice his favorite sport.
 My ideal self reads the bible before bed.
 My ideal self usually saves money.
 My ideal self always eats healthy.
 My ideal self does good business.
 My ideal self never drinks alcohol.

Activity 4.

Activity 1: Reading

A. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Financial=financiero Internet electronic=electronico print=imprimir design=diseño


A digital Area

Computers have changed the way we do everyday things, such as working,

shopping and looking for information. We (1) desing houses with help PCs;
we buy books or make flight reservations on the (2) internet; we use
gadgets that spring to life the instant they are switched on, for example the
mobile phone, the music player, or the car ignition, all of which use (3)
microchips. Many people now work at home, and they communicate with
their office by computer or telephone. This is called “teleworking”.
With the appropriate hardware and software, a PC ca do almost anything you ask. It’s a magical
typewriter that allows you to type and (4) print any sort of document. It’s a calculating machine
that makes (5) financial calculations. It’s filing cabinet that manages large collections of data. It’s a
personal communicator that lets you interact with friends. It’s a small lab that helps you edit
photos and movies. And if you like (6) electronic entertainment, you can also use it to relax with

B. Choose 6 unknown words and create one sentence for each unknown word (6 sentences).
 Looking for= buscar…. I look for information in the newspaper.
 Switched on = conectar…. she turns on the fan in the mornings.
 Typewriter= maquina de escribir…. my grandmother used the typewriter at work.
 Lets= permite= My dad allows me to go to the movies on Sundays.
 filing cabinet = I put the documents inside the filing cabinet.
 Gadgets=dispositivo… my sister bought an electronic device for her room.

C. Match the words with the following definitions.

Financial Internet electronic print design microchips

1. Tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits. microchips

2. To make or draw plans for something. design
3. Relating to money or how money is managed. Financial
4. Involving the use of electric current in devices such as TV sets or computers. electronic
5. The large system of connected computers around the world. Internet
6. To produce text and pictures using a printer. print

Activity 2: Listening

1. Listen to the audio and complete the text with the words from the box.

Freezes Hospitals envelope Paperwork find computers

It’s hard to believe that no one had (1) computers a few years ago. I wonder how people lived.
There must have been a lot of (2) paperwork. I can’t imagine writing everything by hand. I also
wonder how everything worked without computers. We need computers today for everything. (3)
Hospitals, airports, the police… nothing can work without computers. I’m sure I’d be ten times
busier than now if I didn’t have a computer. Imagine having to (4) find a piece of paper and an (5)
envelope and then walking down the street to mail a letter! I love my computer. It makes
everything in my life so convenient. Sure, it (6) Freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure, I lose some
data. But that’s not often. Most of the time my computer is like my best friend.

1. Complete the 15 sentences with the words from the box.

 I can send you a message if you let me know your e-mail address .
A. If you click on that link it will take you to a new website.
B. I sent you a message this morning. Did you check your in-box? How many hours a day are
you online?
C. I bring my laptop computer to work.
D. How do you upload and download files?
E. Be careful when you decide to open a file . It may have a
virus!  attachment : archivo adjunto
F. I write about my travel experiences on my own personal  blog :
blog  delete: borrar.
G. You can delete any computer document. or e-mail message  document:
 download: descargar
that you don’t want to keep.
 e-book: Libro electronico
H. Oh no! I just spilled my coffee on my computer keyboard!  e-mail address
My boss will be angry.  file: archivo
 I almost never buy books at a bookstore anymore. I usually  in-box: bandeja de entrada
read e-book.  keyboard: teclado
I. You can sign in: to your e-mail account with your username  laptop: portatil
and password.  link: enlace.
J. Our teacher sent us an e-mail with an attachment called  online: en linea
homework.doc – ‘doc’ means document.  password: contraseña
K. My password is a secret. Only I know it.  sign in: iniciar sesion.
L. I took a photo of our school yesterday and sent it to you as
an attachment.

2. Answer the following questions.

A. What do you use computers for?

I use computers to do my work and watch videos.
B. How often do you use a computer?
I use my computer every day.
C. What is your favorite Internet site? Why?
my favorite site on the internet is you tube. because it is interesting and entertaining
D. What are three really good things about computers?
 the information is processed and stored.
 I easily find the information.
 is an educational and entertainment resource.

E. What are three really bad things about computers?

 produces eyestrain
 attracts physical problems due to poor posture
 inappropriate content

F. Do you like to read books on-line? Why? / Why not?
no, i never have.

G. What is your favorite on-line video game? Describe it.

No, I don't have a favorite video game.

 Carolina: Good morning, nice to meet you (Buenos días, encantado de conocerte)
Welcome to this company.
my name is carolina Gomez.
what is your name?
jenny: my name is jenny Tinoco

 Carolina: tell me about yourself (cuentame de ti)

 Jenny: I am a companion, friendly, punctual and committed to my work.

 Carolina: What is your greatest strength? (¿Cuál es tu mayor fortaleza?)

 Jenny: my strengths are my ability to solve problems creatively and work efficiently
in a team.

 Carolina: ¿where do you live? ( donde vive)

 Jenny: I live in the Gaviotas neighborhood.

 Carolina: ¿who do you live with? ( con quien vive)

 Jenny: I live with my mother and a sister.

 Carolina: ¿why do you wantto work with us? (¿Por qué quieres trabajar con
 Jenny: I would like to work with you because I admire your company's mission and
am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to the team.

 Carolina: Tell me a little bit about your previous working experience. (Cuéntame un
poco sobre tu experiencia profesional previa)

 Jenny: Because I've been following their work and projects for a while and I'm
impressed by how they focus on innovation and creating impactful solutions.

 Carolina: Thank you for getting in touch with us and for coming.

Check your pronunciation


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