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Name Specifications Quantity

1 Power Source 1

2 Battery (If power source is not 9V 20


3 Wires (Red and white) Single wired inside 1 roll each

4 Jumper Wires Female-Male 80 each


5 Breadboard Small 15

6 Resistors 330 ohm 50 each

1k ohm 20 each for 100K
100K ohm

7 LED light 100

8 Transistor BC 547 20

9 Potentiometer 10k 20

10 Motor 5v 15

11 LDR Sensor 20

12 Arduino Uno 10

13 Hot Glue Gun 2

14 Ultrasonic Sensor 10

Things that will be taught:

● General electrical theory
● Use of general electrical components like resistor, led, motor, breadboard, transistors,
jumper wires, glue gun etc.
● Use of microcontrollers
● Use of sensors

TIme - 3 hours

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